"Since ancient times, there has been a division of yin and yang between heaven and earth. The "Book of Changes" says, 'There is Taiji in Yi, and two forms are born at the beginning. .Taiji yin and yang, one black and one white, are distinct, but there is me in you, and you in me, which is the ultimate of all things." Looking at the huge humanoid monster, the uncle said in a low voice: "This Taiyin eight trigrams formation is Using the derivation of Taiji Yin and Yang to create a situation where the three yin embrace the yang, to put it bluntly, it is to break the coordination of yin and yang, and use yin qi to achieve the purpose of manipulating the corpse, which is somewhat different from the exorcism technique."

According to legend, in the period of the Republic of China, a large family had a son who died, and the owner of the family, Mr. Zhao, was nearly half a hundred years old and only had this son. Naturally, there is no treasure in heaven and earth, and the fourth aunt is too beautiful, and he is more than 20 years younger than him. He took great care of the mother and son and loved them so much that his only youngest son became the darling of the two, and he had to take it with him wherever he went.

Coincidentally, during the melee between domestic warlords, many people were forced into the mountains to become robbers, earning a living by robbing passers-by every day. Master Zhao had to take his wife and children with him because he had to negotiate a deal in person, but on the way back, he was killed by a gangster. A group of robbers who appeared suddenly ransacked, and the young son also lost his life in the fight.

After returning home, the fourth concubine washed her face with tears day and night. Master Zhao felt sorry for his wife and at the same time secretly charged the debt to the bandits. Helped eradicate this gang of robbers, and let out a bad breath.

But this anger is out, but the son's life can't be found.

Although it is said that people cannot be brought back to life after death, Master Zhao is about to step into the coffin with half a foot, so he has such a son, how can he say that he will die when he dies?

So after thinking about it for two days and two nights, Mr. Zhao had no choice but to find a black old man who made a living by picking up gold in the town at that time, and spent a lot of money to ask him for help.

Picking up gold is called fishing wasteland in the local dialect. It means searching for valuable things in rural areas and reselling them in the town. Old Hei is blind and not blind. He is an expert in picking up gold. He can touch anything with just a touch If you find out the authenticity, you will naturally get a lot of good things.

Hei Laoxia has met many people and knows a lot. The pair of linen shoes on his feet were picked up from the dead. The surface of the shoes looks dilapidated and old, but the inside is covered with high-quality fur, and the soles are made of special materials. They were made, and they were worn to protect the body in winter, and to cool off the heat in summer. They have not broken a hole for many years. Many wealthy lords wanted to pay for these shoes, but Hei Laoxia refused to sell them.

This time, Mr. Zhao asked him to help save his son. Hei Laoxia didn't refuse much. He followed his servants to the backyard of Zhao's house, touched the child's body, and said to Mr. Zhao, "I want this kid to live." It's not impossible, but it will take some time, and you must agree to two conditions, otherwise I will never help the old man."

Seeing that Master Zhao really had a chance to save his youngest son, he naturally nodded his head.

Hei Laoxia then said: "This time, you must first give me the purple daffodil in your house, and I will save the person when I get the purple daffodil. Second, after I revive the person, you must feed him every day." Don't let him suffer a little flesh injury, and don't mention death and resurrection in front of him."

The purple narcissus Hei Laoxia mentioned was exactly what Mr. Zhao got from traveling in Yunnan when he was young. The whole body was carved from purple jade, shining brightly and beautifully, and it is really a priceless treasure. Narcissus not only has a very high collection value, but each jade leaf has the effect of prolonging life and promoting blood circulation. It is a real rare treasure. Hei Laoxia Xiao has been thinking about it for a long time. Now that the opportunity is available, it is inevitable to blackmail it.

Although Mr. Zhao felt sorry for the preciousness of the purple narcissus, he wanted his son to return to his side even more. In desperation, he could only agree to Hei Laoxia's request, because if the corpse was left for a while, the corpse spots would grow out.

Hei Lao blindly took the purple narcissus, then locked Master Zhao's youngest son in the room, and secretly fiddled with it for more than ten days. After more than ten days, the youngest son, who had died in the hands of the robbers, actually stood in front of everyone again. , Behavior is still the same as before life, as if the gap between life and death not long ago was just a dream.

The youngest son returned to his knees, Master Zhao was overjoyed, and gave many rich gifts to Hei Laoxia.

In the past few years like this, Mr. Zhao has been cautious, holding his youngest son in his palm, and forbidding other servants to mention death in front of his son.

Unfortunately, one day when the child was playing in the yard, a piece of iron flew in from outside the yard. The piece of iron seemed to be manipulated, and it happened to cut the child's arm. The child didn't cry , Lie on the ground on the spot, as if dead.

The servants in the yard were terrified, and immediately went to call Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao hurried over to see that the child in front of him was still his lovely and lively little son. It was clearly a corpse that had decayed for a long time. No blood flowed from the scratched place, only black-gray carrion turned outside.

Master Zhao was startled and angry, and almost passed out, only then did he realize that he had been deceived, and when he sent his servants to look for that old blind man, the building was already empty.

Mr. Zhao's son was used by Hei Laoxia to control corpses, using the yang energy left on the living person's body when he just died, and the yin energy of his own corpse to create an illusion, so that The soul in the corpse thought that he was not dead, and carried out normal activities through the Yin Qi, but when the corpse was damaged, the Yang Qi leaked, which made the corpse reveal its real body.

And the human figurines that we just encountered in the palace are the same corpses as Master Zhao's son. They have been sealed in the clay figurines for hundreds of years, but their memories still remain in the dead. Conquering and fighting, seeing us is like seeing an enemy, and we must be killed.The Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram on the top wall of the main hall deepened the Yin Qi in the palace, making the figurines move more quickly and strike harder.

"Then what should we do now." I pointed above my head, "Wait for that thing to come down and say hello to it?"

"Bah, do you think it will let you go by saying a bird's language?" The uncle thought that there was not enough light in the hall, so he adjusted the wolf-eye flashlight to the strongest light effect to shine on the top. After observing carefully for a while, his face changed drastically and he said: "No, it's a bug!"

"Bugs? Why do I look like a human?" Ji Xuan raised his submachine gun, frowning and looked up.

I remained neutral and did not express any opinion. When I looked up, I saw that huge black figure was lowering its body in a strange posture bit by bit, as if it would collide with us in the next second. The visual effect was very shocking. The impact made me feel like the ground was shaking.

As the figure descended, a buzzing sound gradually came from my ears. My eyes widened in disbelief, and I realized that it was indeed thousands of weird black bugs in groups. The wings supported the entire swarm, and it looked like a giant moving its body slowly.

More and more bugs flew out from the inside of the cathode, and they gathered together in a black mass, buzzing and hovering in the air, forming a huge human-shaped black shadow. There is no guarantee that they will not be lethal when separated.

"Fuck, what kind of bug is this? Why do they have wings?" Those black bugs were so strangely shaped that it made one's scalp tingle and goosebumps appeared all over his body. I asked while looking around, hoping to find a place to hide immediately. Otherwise, if the four of us were exposed under the dome, we might be devoured by these bugs in an instant.

"This should be a bone worm, a kind of corpse-raising worm recorded in ancient books, which is rarely seen at ordinary times. You can try whether the bird's language works on them." Interested, and then seriously said: "The mechanism of the cathode is still working, and the bugs will come down immediately, Ji Xuan, can you kill them all?"

"Don't be kidding, there are so many, there is not enough time and bullets." Ji Xuan glared at the uncle, and said angrily, "Why don't you let Dao Feng crush them all!"

Not to be outdone, the uncle replied: "Nonsense, compared with the gun, the gun naturally has the upper hand."

I listened to these two people running each other out of nowhere, and aimed at Dao Feng, and saw that he had no expression on his face and completely regarded the two of them as air, as if he was used to this kind of situation, and I couldn't help but sigh in my heart for my failure in life. When I said that, Dao Feng would definitely come and crush me to death.It can be seen that he doesn't bother arguing with women, so the troubles of arguing with women are all done by the uncle.

Although the uncle refused to admit defeat, his body still acted consciously. At the same time, he signaled us to move the pottery figurines beside him. According to him, once the mechanism in the ancient tomb is activated, there is absolutely no reason to take it back. We can only try Find other traps and secret doors to seek a way out.

I looked at the increasing number of black worms, thinking that at this moment, only a dead horse can be used as a living horse doctor, and I will try my luck.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I moved the terracotta figurine in front of me with both hands, I heard a deafening sound from behind me. I kept the posture of putting my hands on the terracotta figurine, and I didn't know whether I should look back.

I slightly turned my head to look at the other three people, and found that they were all looking at me with horrified expressions, and I couldn't help thinking, God Jesus Mary, I can't let all "good things" happen to me, it's so fucking Back to Siberia.

Turning around in embarrassment, I looked at the completely changed palace in front of me in amazement, and my whole body was suddenly struck by lightning.

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