I was startled, and stared blankly at the human hand, wondering if I should go and check it out. A human hand appeared out of nowhere in a deserted lama pagoda. No matter how I thought about it, it was terrifying.

Suddenly remembered that Dao Feng should also enter this white pagoda, but now there are no other people around the hall, only one hand is here, could it be that Dao Feng is hiding behind the Buddha statue?

Although the light in the main hall was dim, and there was an ancient and gloomy atmosphere everywhere, it could still be seen that the man's hand was thick and strong, and it was indeed a man's hand. But why did Dao Feng hide behind the Buddha statue for no reason?According to his personality, it is absolutely impossible for him to hide and wait for an opportunity to scare us.

Could it be that Dao Feng discovered that there was some kind of mechanism behind the gilded Buddha statue, and before we waited for us to go in and check it out, he was trapped by the mechanism and couldn't get out, so he reached out for help, right?But it doesn't make sense, if he is just trapped by the mechanism, then he can call for help, what is he doing with his hand?Unless there are other people in the white pagoda, that person dragged Dao Feng behind the Buddha statue and prevented him from making a sound...

In the blink of an eye, several inferences flashed through my mind, and I walked slowly towards the Buddha statue.

If Daofeng is really trapped behind the Buddha statue, then I have to save him no matter what, not only because we are already on the same boat, but also because of my own principles. Anything goes wrong.

But before I ascertain the truth, I don't want to hastily tell Wu Mou and Ji Xuan that there is only one man here.

The sneakers stepped on the hard and heavy stone brick floor, splashing pieces of dust. I stared at the man's hand, feeling very nervous, my breathing seemed to be stagnant, and I didn't want to see what Uncle and Ji Xuan were doing, just vaguely They appeared to be moving around the rest of the hall.

The closer I got to the broken one-eyed gold-plated Buddha statue, the clearer I could see the human hand, and the clothes behind the arm were gradually revealed. I was careful not to act rashly, but slowly realized that this hand was not Dao Feng's. The bluish-purple spots and ragged sleeves proved that it belonged to a dead man.

"what are you doing."

The deep voice suddenly came from the upper right, and my heart that I had just let go suddenly lifted again. I turned my head to look at Dao Feng who was walking down the stone steps, and said angrily: "Where is your uncle's death? Make a sound to scare me to death."

Judging by Dao Feng's appearance, it is obvious that he has gone to the upper floor, and the strange black cat has returned to his shoulder and is lying obediently.

Turning a deaf ear to my cursing, Dao Feng raised his eyes to look at me as he walked down, stopped suddenly after walking a few steps, narrowed his dark eyes, and seemed to see the dead man behind the Buddha statue.

I think he must have gone up the stone steps on the left before, otherwise it is impossible for him to miss the corpse.

"Don't go there." Dao Feng's expression changed several times, and finally he jumped directly from the two-meter-high stone steps. He didn't know what he saw from his angle.

"What's the matter?" Hearing the voice, Wu Mou and Ji Xuan who were standing in the distance looked over one after another, their faces full of doubts.

"It's just a dead person." I waved my hand, not paying any attention to Dao Feng's words, and walked towards the corpse that was almost in front of me.

However, when I was unprepared and looked behind the Buddha statue with a spectator mentality, the human hand moved suddenly, and the pale as lime arm jumped forward stiffly, mixed with the wind and grabbed me instantly. I couldn't react in time, and was almost scratched by it on the spot.

"Ah!" I screamed, and I raised my hand to block it, but Dao Feng was faster than me. He grabbed my arm almost at the same time that the hand reached out to me, and then pulled it hard, my whole body He involuntarily fell at his feet.

And that strange hand, dragging a rotten and disfigured male corpse, crawled past me in a twisted and weird posture, as fast as lightning. Shadow at the door.

"What?" Seeing me sitting on the ground in panic, the uncle hurried over to help me up, and asked, "What did you find?"

"One...a dead person who can move." I paused, calmed down, and replied pretending to be calm.

Obviously, that thing is more than just a corpse. I have never heard of a corpse that can crawl so fast. Even if it is a fake corpse, I am afraid it cannot reach this level.

"It's a ghost." Dao Feng considered for a moment, then turned his steady gaze to me.

I was terrified by his stare, and I realized it after a few seconds, I couldn't help but waved my hand and said: "It's useless to look at me, that thing is not a ghost, I can't deal with it, why don't you ask sister Xuan if you can smash it."

"Stop making trouble." Seeing me change the subject, Ji Xuan put one hand on his hip and said, "I can't aim when I run so fast, and it would be a waste of bullets to shoot casually."

Seeing that Ji Xuan and I, two technicians who are equivalent to technicians, were helpless, the uncle touched his chin, frowned and said: "Forget it, let's ignore it for now, since it won't come back after running for a while, let's go and see that What is behind the Buddha statue?"

After speaking, the uncle took out a black flashlight from his backpack, turned it on, and took the lead towards the one-eyed Buddha statue.

Although we came out early, after going through the bumpy mountain road and trekking across the mountains, more than half of the time has passed. In addition to the search around the Lama Tower, the sun is about to set now, which makes the already very dim hall even darker. It was silent and cold, and some corners of the hall were so dark that it was impossible to see what it was.

I followed behind the uncle and looked back from time to time. I don’t know if it was an illusion. I always felt that the ghost mandrill just now hadn’t gone far. It seemed to be hiding somewhere at the door to observe our movements.This made me have the urge to grab it and study it. I really want to know how such a corpse covered in rotten, maggot and blood can move freely.

Before, all the attention was on the hands of the people. I didn’t realize that this ruined gold-plated one-eyed Buddha statue is so majestic when viewed up close. Even though it is only five or six meters high and has destroyed most of the body, it still makes people feel awe and worship. feel.

The left half of the Buddha statue is almost completely destroyed, and the remaining right arm has lost its palm. It is impossible to see what kind of posture it was originally in. Under the Buddha statue is a lotus seat, and under the seat is a half-person-high stone platform. A lotus leaf is carved on the left and right sides of the stone platform, and the front is densely written with incomprehensible words.

Wu Mou is a military advisor, and Ji Xuan is a woman, so naturally the two of them cannot be allowed to do dangerous things.

I rolled up my sleeves, pulled out the engineering shovel from my backpack, and cooperated with Dao Feng to outflank one left and one right. Dao Feng held the flashlight, raised his hand and made a gesture, and then got into the back of the Buddha statue first. Seeing this scene, I hurriedly followed And up.

Behind the one-eyed Buddha statue is a recessed passage, which has a large space, winding downwards, dark and deep, and there are some disgusting black liquid and pieces of meat left at the entrance of the passage, as well as a few bugs that have never been seen before. , it seems that it was left by the ghost mandrill.

"It's fucking disgusting." Recalling the thrilling scene before, I am now a little scared. I don't know if I will get some infectious disease if I am really caught by that ghost mandrill. At least a layer of skin will inevitably fall off.

"What's inside?" Since the flashlight was given to Dao Feng, the uncle and Ji Xuan stood outside and couldn't see clearly.

I turned my head to look, and replied casually: "It's a hole, I don't know where it leads, it's not dangerous, you two come in."

The uncle nodded when he heard the words, and got in with Ji Xuan.

Originally, there was ample space for two people, but it became very crowded after four people got in. I had no choice but to walk a few steps forward, but found that the part inside the hole was getting narrower and smaller, and I had to lower myself. The head is even slightly bent over.

The surrounding cave walls are all exposed soil, and there are even traces of shoveling in some places, which seem to be man-made caves.

Who the hell is digging holes in places like this?What is their purpose?It's not like you have nothing to do and want to see if there is any treasure under the white tower, right?

"This is a robbery cave." Before I could speak out the question in my heart, the uncle had already answered everything first: "It was left by the group of people who came before, and they are indeed tomb robbers."

"The Ghost Mandrill just now."

"Yes, it should be one of them."

Listening to Dao Feng and Wu Mou's question and answer, I became more and more irritable. You two understand everything, so please explain to us, it's really not kind.

"Since someone has already climbed up first, it's a lot easier for us." The uncle looked into the cave and made a forward gesture: "Daofeng, you lead the way."

As soon as the words fell, Dao Feng had already said nothing, and a short body got into the robber's hole.I followed closely behind him, using my sapper shovel as a crutch to quicken my steps.

The inside of the robbery cave was slightly damp, and it got smaller and smaller. In the end, we could only crawl forward. The hands and pants were stained with the smelly mud. I looked forward and found that Dao Feng didn't care about it at all. As if he had gotten used to it for a long time, the strange black cat walked in front of him, playing the role of leading the way.

There are several forks in the cave. After discussion, we decided to take the leftmost one, so that it is not easy to remember wrongly.

After climbing for about half an hour, my hands and legs were already sore, and I wished I could get a good night's sleep on the ground, but seeing that Dao Feng was still moving quickly, I didn't want to make him too much worse, so I had to endure the pain and continue to climb.

Just when I was dizzy from climbing, Dao Feng stopped suddenly, I looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Dao Feng turned his body slightly, turned around and said, "There is a dragon-breaking stone in front."

Just as I was about to ask what the Broken Dragon Stone was, I saw Dao Feng glance behind me, his eyes widened in surprise.

Could it be that uncle and the others had an accident?I felt strange in my heart, and immediately looked back, only to find that there was no shadow of Wu Mou Jixuan behind me, but only an ugly, rotting face, smiling sinisterly at me.

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