Hearing the old man say that there are corpses under the pagoda, we were all taken aback. Wu Mou and Dao Feng looked at each other and continued to ask: "Why are there corpses under the Lama Pagoda? But I heard that in ancient times, the emperor often used the Slave hard labor to do martyrdom, will it be..."

"No, no, it's not that kind of thing. It's a modern corpse with sneakers on its feet." The old man waved his hands and said, gnashing his teeth, "I didn't see it with my own eyes, but the boys who saw it in the village said , those corpses were all from rich people, they all had guns and shovels on their bodies, but they just don’t know what they are doing in this barren mountain.”

"Gun?" The overly sensitive words made Wu Mou's face change several times in an instant.

I don't know what he thought of, but obviously, our group came from other places, also with guns and some special equipment, and our identity is tomb robbers.

"Maybe it's the plainclothes who came to arrest the fugitive." He joked casually, Wu Mou pretended to look at his phone: "It's getting late, we should have a rest, and we will go into the mountain tomorrow to have a look, the old man doesn't mind if we go up first ?”

"Go, let's go, I should go back after I chat with Lao Xu." The old man smiled kindly, without any doubt that Wu Mou deliberately found an excuse to leave.

Dao Feng and I went upstairs first, while Wu Mou and Ji Xuan greeted the old man a few more times before catching up from behind.

I don't know why, but I always feel that Wu Mou is a little jealous of this old man who is over fifty years old and quite easy-going. This may have something to do with the old man's saying that his life is strange.

When we were in the car, Wu Mou taught me a lot of gestures and code words commonly used between them, including the simplest forward and backward, as well as some more complicated things.

Remembering the gesture Dao Feng made before we left, I wandered around the room casually, watched TV for a while, and then decided to lie down and rest, because according to Dao Feng's reminder, we will go into the mountain at five o'clock tomorrow morning, which is not a habit for us. For me who got up at noon, it was a disaster.

I didn't sleep well this time, which caused me to wake up later than expected. It was Dao Feng who came to call me. Although this guy is usually as cold as ice, after getting familiar with him, you will know that he is actually a typical Cold on the outside and hot on the inside, it is very easy to become irritable, and it is the type that you will never talk nonsense if you can't say it, and just hit it up.

"Please be gentle next time." I grinned and followed behind Dao Feng, cursing dissatisfiedly while rubbing my neck.

I don't think anyone will be happy if someone suddenly presses on the bed and strangles his neck in a fighting position in his sleep.

"Hey, how did Yang Yang become like this, won't people abuse him?" Ji Xuan and Wu Mou stood in front of the car at the door, Ji Xuan looked at me sluggishly, and laughed out of embarrassment .

I looked up at her listlessly, and suddenly felt that the brilliance of this beautiful woman had dimmed a lot.

"No matter how aggressive Chopin is, he can't express Lao Tzu's sadness." I said expressionlessly.

The car was heading west all the way. The mountain roads here were not completely repaired. In some places, even half of the wheels were hanging outside, which was very dangerous. But fortunately, Daofeng was very skilled, and he drove into the mountains without incident.

"Park the car here, the rest of the road can only be walked." Wu Mou took out a map and a piece of white paper with black rubbings on it, compared the two and said to Dao Feng.

Dao Feng nodded, parked the Cayenne in a relatively secluded place behind a few trees, and then jumped out of the car to get the equipment from the trunk.

The batch of equipment they brought can be said to be of all kinds and everything. I have never heard of many things. I don't know where they got them.

"This is... a shovel?" I looked at a backpack that Wu Mou handed me, and asked, pointing to the contents.

"That's an engineering shovel, it's wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and high-temperature-resistant. It can be folded twice, and it's very easy to use." The uncle packed other equipment in his hand, glanced at Daofeng with his eyes, and motioned to me: "You can try It beats."

My eyes lit up, I looked at the durable engineer shovel in my hand, and at Daofeng who had already put on his gloves and was teasing the cat. If he can pinch me to death, I'd better wait for the opportunity to strike while he is asleep."

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and for a villain to take revenge, from morning to night, and one day I will let Dao Feng feel what it is like to be harassed from morning to night.

The equipment on the car is divided into three backpacks, which are carried by our three elders. Miss Ji only carries a submachine gun, bullets and a pack of gun parts. It seems to carry the least weight and is relatively mobile. Also the most convenient.

The hiking trail was more bumpy than the previous mountain road, with cliffs and cliffs everywhere, and few gentle hillsides. After only 10 minutes of climbing, I was already panting, looking at the flexible figure of Daofeng in front of me. , couldn't help holding back a bad breath, and continued to climb forward desperately.

Although there are mostly barren mountains and hard rocks around, there are also many trees such as pines and cypresses.

I didn’t know how long I had climbed, but I looked up and vaguely saw a tall pagoda with a white background and a golden roof behind layers of trees and rocks.

"Uncle, is our goal the tower?" I looked back at Wu Mou, and was surprised to find that not only did he crawl fast with his hands and feet, but he didn't even catch his breath. On the other hand, Ji Xuan and I were already sweating profusely. Panting like an ox, even Dao Feng, who has amazing physical strength, has not reached the state of not panting.

Real people don't show their faces... I clicked my tongue, and suddenly felt that this hidden Uncle Wu Mou was the most powerful character among the four of us.

"That's right, didn't the old man say last night that a corpse was buried under this tower, go and see if it's true." The uncle crawled while talking, his voice was as steady as usual, and he passed me within a few strokes.

I sighed, it was time to come here to exercise.

When I was at the bottom of the mountain, I couldn't see it clearly. I didn't realize it until I climbed to the front of the White Pagoda. The top is actually very vast, and the dense forest hides the White Pagoda, like stars surrounding the moon.

The height of the white pagoda is 60 meters. The base of the pagoda is a two-storey square corner Xumizuo. On it is a huge lotus seat with diamond rings supporting the pagoda body with a round plane and a slightly wider upper shoulder. The neck of the pagoda and the top crown of the phase wheel The canopy and the top are made of copper, and the canopy is decorated with tassels and wind chimes. I have seen this kind of pagoda in Beijing, but there are not many such well-proportioned, majestic and majestic ones. For some reason, this pagoda was built in such a barren place.

However, no matter how magnificent the Lama Tower is, after years of wind and rain, it is now in disrepair. The white ash that originally covered the tower body has long since withered and fallen off, exposing the black gray bricks and stones inside, which looks even more desolate and peaceful. desolate.The reliefs on both sides of the doorway were vivid and beautifully depicted, but a few pieces were knocked off for no reason, and there was a trace of weirdness and gloom for no reason.

I looked around, and felt that this place was not only desolate, but also seemed to be mixed with an inexplicable gloom, which made people feel disgusted and wanted to turn around and leave.

The old man said before that there are corpses here, but he doesn’t know if there are any wronged souls. If there are wronged souls, then maybe I can see why they were buried here, which will facilitate our next actions.

"Although I'm not sure if this is the Lama Pagoda that the old man said, but the map on the turtle's back is indeed drawn here." Pulling the backpack on his body, Wu Mou walked forward: "According to what the old man described last night, Those people should be on the same path as us, why don't you look around first, maybe you can find information about the robbery cave or the entrance of the ancient tomb."

As soon as the uncle finished speaking, Dao Feng held the black cat lying on his shoulder on the back of his hand. The black cat understood, and immediately ran to the ground, and disappeared in an instant. He must have been looking for something like a corpse.

I followed behind the uncle, took out the engineering shovel from the backpack, unfolded it and inserted it horizontally on the strap, so that I could reach it with my hand, which was much more convenient for knocking people or shoveling soil.

The bottom of the Lama Tower was covered with layers of fallen leaves. I dug it with an engineering shovel and found that there were no corpses hidden underneath. Instead, many insects and small snakes were dug out. I was so scared that I screamed and ran to Ji Xuan seeks shelter next to her, hoping that Miss Ji's marksmanship is accurate enough to kill a grass snake as thick as a finger with one shot.

"It seems that this is not what the old man said, or the corpse has already been disposed of." Wu Mou came back from the back of the tower, apparently without gaining anything. He looked around and asked, "Where is Daofeng?"

Ji Xuan pointed to the main entrance of the Lama Pagoda, and replied: "Just now, he seems to have entered, should we also go in and have a look?"

I remembered seeing the snake nest under the fallen leaves just now, and felt that it was not safe outside, so I said, "Go in, there are many snakes outside, be careful not to be bitten."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ji Xuan and Wu Mou to react, he entered the tower first.

The space inside the White Pagoda is very large. There are countless patterns of dragons, birds and clouds carved on the surrounding walls, and there are many words that I can't understand. In the center of the hall is a gilded Buddha statue, half of which has been destroyed from head to toe. , only the other half was sitting firmly on the Buddhist altar, and the only remaining eye was half-opened and half-closed, which looked a little weird.

After looking around the hall, I couldn't help frowning. I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

At this time, Wu Mou and Ji Xuan also followed in, Wu Mou saw my expression and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." I shook my head, trying to ignore the incongruity in my mind, and took two steps to the side, wanting to look elsewhere.

But who knows that walking like this, I immediately found that incongruous thing. Before standing in front of the Buddha statue, I couldn’t see it clearly because of the angle. Now I moved to the right and saw behind the gold-plated Buddha statue not far away. Unexpectedly, a pale human hand was slowly protruding from it.

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