Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts

Chapter 125 "Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts" Extra Volume

"This may be the tomb that Zhang Shoufei mentioned." Holding the wolf-eye flashlight, Chu Yang saw a cave-like place in front of him, so he said, "Go in and have a look, that thing should be here too."

"Yeah." Dao Feng frowned, hesitated and said, "Be careful."

Smiling, Chu Yang knew that Dao Feng was worried about him, so he nodded obediently, and then ordered Xiao Hai to explore the way ahead, followed by him into the cave.

There are some new traces at the entrance of this cave. One can tell that it was caused by someone running here in recent years. When you go inside, you can see that the cave wall is covered with moss. The moss is under the moss. A kind of solidified body, I don't know how many years it took to form.

There are some relief-like murals in the depths of the cave, but they are covered by moss and solidified objects, coupled with water vapor erosion, they have already changed beyond recognition.

Chu Yang held his wolf eyes and watched all the way, but completely forgot about the evil ghost.

What's even more strange is that it's obvious that there's nothing carved on it, but Chu Yang feels familiar. Even if it's just a rotten stone wall in front of him, Chu Yang seems to be able to understand it.

Just walking in such a daze, Chu Yang gradually forgot that Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan were following behind him, and even Xiao Hai beside him. His mind was chaotic and confused at first, and then became blank and clear. Some things he had never seen before Pictures began to appear in my mind one by one.

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Yang's arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. When he looked back, he saw Dao Feng looking at him worriedly.

"What?" Chu Yang's mind hadn't recovered yet, and he didn't know where he was at the moment.

"What happened to you just now, you have been standing here." Dao Feng stared at Chu Yang's eyes, and motioned him to look around.

Chu Yang scanned around with the flashlight, and found that he hadn't walked very far, and was still standing in front of the stone wall at the beginning.

"I..." Rubbing his forehead, Chu Yang sighed and said, "I clearly remembered that I had already walked inside, but I didn't expect... Dao Feng, I probably know who this Shangheng is."

"Shangheng?" Dao Feng was startled, and asked, "Is this really his tomb?"

"That's right." Nodding, Chu Yang waved his hand to signal the two to move on, and then said as he walked, "I just saw the murals that were originally carved here, and the owner of this tomb is Shang Heng, one of Guiguzi's apprentices." It's just that Shangheng is different from Guiguzi's other apprentices. What he focuses on is the most taboo technique of controlling ghosts. He also found out a way to control people, and put aside the techniques of sealing ghosts that his master taught him at the beginning, and concentrated on studying how to separate and imprison people's souls... because he stepped into this evil way , Guiguzi expelled him from the sect, but he didn't let him leave Guigu, he was only imprisoned in this cave."

After listening to Chu Yang's words, although Dao Feng was a little puzzled, he still nodded and said: "In other words, you should be able to find a way to remove the vertical ghost mark on your hand here."

"Maybe..." Chu Yang stopped suddenly, turned around and said to Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan: "I just walked in here, and I felt a strange feeling, just like just now, I obviously entered a hallucination, and I don't know this kind of thing. Whether the situation is good or bad...or you two will wait for me outside, and I will go in by myself, and if there is any danger inside, I am afraid that you will not be able to handle it."

"Together." Dao Feng interrupted Chu Yang's hesitation without thinking, and said lightly: "You were the only one who was hallucinating just now."

Hearing that Dao Feng's implication was that at most he was the only one who was unlucky in this situation, Chu Yang thought for a while, but couldn't say anything, so he took the two of them and continued to walk deep into the cave.

The structure of this tomb is very simple. If this is considered tomb robbery, it is probably the most common tomb that Chu Yang has ever robbed.

There is a large space deep in the cave. On the stone platform in the center, the three of Chu Yang saw a petrified person with loose long hair.

The clothes on his body are very ordinary, but it is impossible to tell what age they are, because both the clothes and the face are blurred and unrecognizable. If you touch it with your hands, you can feel the hardness like a stone. From a distance, it looks like It is a stone sculpture.

But Chu Yang understood that this was definitely a corpse, and it was an unusually old corpse.

But beyond that, there was nothing else unique about the corpse.

Chu Yang searched around for a long time, but he didn't see anything about the technique of sealing ghosts.

"Could it be that it's been too long, and everything has been taken away? Or is there nothing left?" Chu Yang frowned, picked up the flashlight and looked around, inadvertently, he found that there seemed to be something on the surrounding stone walls .

"Be careful." After a few vigilant instructions in a low voice, Chu Yang asked Xiao Hai to lead the way to the thing hanging on the stone wall.

Seeing this, Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan raised their flashlights and followed.

Three beams of light hit the thing at the same time, Chu Yang only glanced at it, and was immediately speechless in shock.

The one hanging on the stone wall is the same petrified corpse as on the stone platform. The difference is that there is still a ray of soul trapped in this corpse, just like the corpse that was killed when I saw Dao Feng for the first time. Like Ba, there is an obvious word "prison" on his forehead.


It's a corpse. As Chu Yang said, he seemed to suddenly think of something, hurriedly took out the flare from his backpack, and raised his hand to shoot at the top of the cave.

Under the glaring white light of the flares, the three of them finally had a clear view of the cave. It turned out that on the four walls of the cave, there was a corpse imprisoned on each side. They were all tightly locked by thick rattan Then, together with those vines, it petrified on the stone wall, looking like a statue.

If it weren't for the obvious souls in the corpses, even Chu Yang might treat them as ordinary stone statues.

"Little Tang, look at this, can you still get over it?" Chu Yang asked Tang Wenyuan, pointing to the corpse in front of him.

Hearing this, Tang Wenyuan inspected the corpse carefully, then shook his head and said: "The soul is not complete at all, it can't be saved long ago, and the resentment is so deep, it must be a ghost if it is released, it is better not to touch them."

"Sure enough." Nodding his head, Chu Yang said, "I also don't think there is a need for transition."

As he said that, Chu Yang looked around, frowned and said: "But I thought of something, this vertical ghost seal cannot be removed by ordinary methods, but if I lock my soul on other objects..."

"It's too dangerous." Shaking his head, Tang Wenyuan thought for a moment, and said, "This kind of heretical method, if you don't do it well, you will be wiped out, although the success of this method is indeed very high. Powerful spells are equally ineffective."

"Anyway, you're dead anyway, why don't you give it a try." Chu Yang raised the corner of his mouth, disregarding Tang Wenyuan's dissuasion, took out his saber and swiped at his finger, just as he was about to cover the corpse in front of him with his hand, he was caught by the side Dao Feng grabbed his arm.

"Think about other ways." Dao Feng looked at Chu Yang disapprovingly, and said in a low voice: "The purpose of lifting the vertical ghost seal is to hope that you will live a long time, not to make you play with your life, otherwise what else is there to find here?" significance."

Lowering his head, Chu Yang watched Dao Feng hold his hand, smiled, and sighed: "I know, but if there is another way, I won't..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yang suddenly saw a black shadow rushing towards Dao Feng. He was startled at first, and then hurriedly pushed the person away, but he collided with the black shadow.

"Chu Yang?!" Dao Feng's panicked voice sounded not far away, Chu Yang was tightly grasped by the black shadow, rolled into a ball, and the saber in his hand was also knocked off by the opponent.

"It's okay." Chu Yang comforted Dao Feng while asking Xiao Hai to help him wrap around the black shadow, and then hurriedly took a flashlight to shine on the black shadow.

"You..." Seeing the guy on top of him covered in rags and rags, but with the word "Prisoner" faintly on his forehead, Chu Yang was astonished and forgot to fight back.

It wasn't until the other party had broken free and fled to the depths that Chu Yang came to his senses, shouted "Don't run", and led Xiao Hai to chase after him.

The cave was pitch black, and the wolf's eyes close to his hand could not see other things clearly, so he had to rely on hearing to identify the direction.

Dao Feng noticed the strangeness in Chu Yang's voice, and said to Tang Wenyuan, "You wait here", and turned to catch up.

Tang Wenyuan was not weak either. He saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly caught up with Dao Feng and said, "I'll go too."

And Chu Yang, who was chasing after the corpse, could not care about Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan at this moment. He only had two questions in his mind. Why does this corpse still have human thinking, and it seems to be a modern product?

Judging from the fact that the opponent knocked off the saber in his hand, he seemed to be deliberately preventing himself from locking his soul on other objects, and he had no intention of harming himself at all.

But why is this?

As he was thinking, Chu Yang suddenly felt that his eyes were dark. The darkness was not the bleakness of the environment, but a state of confusion in mind.

Slowing down, Chu Yang looked around and found that he could see the nearby things clearly without using a flashlight, but it was very dim.

And the four corpses that were supposed to surround Shang Heng's body unexpectedly appeared around him again.

Gathering his mind, Chu Yang looked at the thick black fog ahead, and said in a low voice, "Come out, I've already seen you."

As his words fell, two figures, a man and a woman, slowly walked out of the black mist not far ahead.

The man was dressed in a Chinese tunic suit, with short and neat hair, and a pair of old-fashioned glasses. He looked very gentle.

And the woman behind the man was dressed in a dark red robe, with a slender figure, black hair that dragged to the ground set off her beautiful face, and a pair of jet-black spiritual eyes were looking at Chu Yang without blinking.

His eyes widened in surprise, Chu Yang opened his mouth, and asked incredulously, "...Xiao Hai?"

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