Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts

Chapter 124 "Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts" Extra Volume

"Before you always said that you came here for personal reasons. Could it be related to Xiao Huaigu?" Zhang Shoufei asked while eating with chopsticks.

"I can't tell." Chu Yang shook his head and said, "I'm here to find some clues. I don't even know what I'm looking for. I can only take one step at a time... By the way, are there any clues in your village?" What kind of legend, about the Taoist?"

"A master of Taoism? Just the kind of immortal cultivator?" Zhang Shoufei raised his eyebrows, and seeing Chu Yang nodding, he smiled and said, "No, I grew up here, and I have never heard of any master cultivating immortals. They are amazing." The ones ordered are all Taoist priests or Mr. Yin Yang from outside, the location of this village is a bit off, but it’s not as mysterious as you think.”

Sighing, Chu Yang knew that Zhang Shoufei didn't lie to him, and there was no need to hide this matter, so he took a sip of the wine depressed and said, "Forget it, I thought you were the village chief, so I need to know something What, it seems that the age is too old, how about this, we will go to find that ogre ghost tomorrow, get rid of it before leaving, and save you from spending money to hire someone to come over."

"It's best to have your help. I'll thank you for the people in the village first." Zhang Shoufei was not polite, filled Chu Yang with wine with a smile, and continued: "I can see clearly, those Taoist priests invited from outside It's a scam, if you don't have the real ability, you will talk nonsense, and it's good if you don't mess things up, there are too few people with real ability like you."

Hey, Chu Yang waved his hand, picked up the wine glass and touched Zhang Shoufei, and said, "They are all sensible people, so don't compliment me, and there are still Taoist priests with real skills. This little brother Tang is an authentic Taoist successor." , even without me, he can help you guys."

"You mean him?" Zhang Shoufei turned his head to look at Tang Wenyuan, who had been silent all this time, then nodded and said, "It looks quite calm, but it's a bit boring, and it's too young. I didn’t dare to ask for it before, because I was afraid it would be a scam.”

Nodding in understanding, Chu Yang changed the subject and said, "Speaking of scammers, could it be that none of the people you invited before can get rid of evil spirits? After all, there must be one or two."

"I don't know if it's possible. It's just that the person who went to catch the ghost either ran back and asked us to hire someone else, or he disappeared after taking the money. I don't know if he was eaten by the ghost or really ran away." Zhang Shoufei shook his head with a wry smile. Said: "Maybe that evil spirit is too powerful, that's why they are helpless, brother Chu, don't blame me for speaking harshly, if it really doesn't work, don't hold on, what can be more important than your own life, as long as the evil spirit doesn't It won’t be a big deal if you come into the village, just keep the villagers away from that place.”

Knowing that Zhang Shoufei gave him a step down in advance, Chu Yang smiled and didn't say anything, just followed Zhang Shoufei's words: "I understand, I have been outside for so long, I know what it means to do what I can, and I can get rid of it." Get rid of that ghost, if you can’t get rid of it, I will come back and tell you, don’t worry.”

"Hmm." With Chu Yang's guarantee, Zhang Shoufei thought that he would be able to know the real situation of the evil spirit this time. He just had to wait slowly for Chu Yang and others to catch the ghost and return. You can analyze and analyze, and then think of a way.

Later, Chu Yang brought Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan to the room prepared by Zhang Shoufei. The three of them divided into two rooms, and Chu Yang and Dao Feng shared one.

The three of them went to bed early, and planned to check around Xiaohuai Valley after twelve o'clock, because if it was really an evil spirit, they would definitely not come out during the day, and if they were unlucky enough to encounter something else, the three of them would Take more effort to cope.

However, with the strength of the three of them, even if it really is the Hades of the underworld, they may be able to deal with it.

Chu Yang had already made up his mind that no matter whether he could find the place where Guiguzi lived, he had to help get rid of that ghost, and judging by Zhang Shoufei's reaction, if there were any mysterious places nearby, he couldn't do without it. That little Huai Valley.

In the final analysis, it all depends on luck whether you can unlock the vertical ghost seal. If you really can't find anything, then Chu Yang can only sigh, this is fate.

Chu Yang was woken up by Dao Feng. When he woke up, he found that besides Tang Wenyuan, Zhang Shoufei was also there.

Putting on his clothes in a hurry, Chu Yang looked at Zhang Shoufei in surprise, and asked, "Why are you awake and want to go with us?"

Waving his hand, Zhang Shoufei smiled and said, "I just remembered one thing, and I think it might be related to what you're looking for, so I need to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Chu Yang was taken aback for a moment, thinking that a village that didn't even have any legends could have such a big deal.

"That's right." Zhang Shoufei paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking about his words: "Although there are no legends about a master in the village, there is a tomb in the northwest of Xiaohuai Valley, where an ancient man is buried."

"the ancients?"

"Yes, it is said that the ancient man was called Shangheng. I can't tell when he was buried there, but it must have been earlier than our village was built here. The place is very gloomy. The people in the village can only go to Xiaohuai Valley at most, and then to the west. I won't be going."

"Shangheng..." Chu Yang chanted the name while lifting his shoes, then stood up straight and said to Zhang Shoufei: "Then let's go and see after we get rid of the evil spirits, maybe it's really Shangheng, thank you brother .”

"You're being polite, it's not a big deal." Zhang Shoufei sent the three of them to the door, saying, "Don't force it, if you can't do it, come back first", but his face looked like he put all his hopes on the three of them. .

Chu Yang didn't care, anyway, he would get rid of the evil spirit no matter what, so he waved to Zhang Shoufei casually, telling him not to send him off again, and took Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan all the way to the direction of Xiaohuai Valley.

As Zhang Shoufei said, the closer you get to Xiaohuai Valley, the more sinister you can feel it. No wonder the villagers don't like to come here when they have nothing to do. Presumably, human instinct tells them that there may be danger here.

And the so-called man-eating ghosts are also wandering around here, which adds a bit of terror to the Xiaohuai Valley.

"Let's look for it separately." After searching for a while, Chu Yang thought for a while and said, "I'll leave the knife here. If I don't find it in 10 minutes, I'll come back here and wait. If I find it, I'll fire flares immediately." Just remind the other two, or just lure the evil spirit here, don’t force yourself alone.”

After Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan both nodded, Chu Yang took out the saber he was carrying and stuck it in a more eye-catching tree next to him, and used a little trick to make the handle of the saber glow faintly in lavender.

After Chu Yang finished doing this, Tang Wenyuan also silently took out a few talisman papers and formed a simple talisman array near the big tree to ensure the safety of those who returned to the saber.

After everything was ready, the three of them started to act separately.

Chu Yang took Xiaohai with him, and even in this eerie forest, he still walked as he wanted. For him now, those ghosts were not scary at all, but he wished to find the evil ghost as soon as possible so that he could go there with peace of mind. Look for clues to Ghost Valley.

It's a pity that I walked around in the forest for a long time, but I didn't see any ghosts.

It was already past the agreed meeting time, but Chu Yang was not in a hurry at all. He asked Dao Feng and Tang Wenyuan to go back within 10 minutes because he was afraid that they would meet someone difficult to deal with, but he had no need to worry at all.

Just thinking about whether to go back, Chu Yang suddenly noticed something looking at him from behind, he was stunned for a moment, took back his steps, turned around and looked at that thing quietly.

"Come out, what's the point of hiding." Chu Yang squinted his eyes, looked at the figure hiding behind the tree, and wondered whether this thing was a human or a ghost. If it was the cannibal ghost that the villagers said , how can you be so timid?But if it was a human being, who would stay up in the middle of the night and come here to peep?Moreover, from that thing, Chu Yang could not feel the breath of a living person at all.

Secretly signaling to Xiao Hai, Chu Yang reached into his pocket and secretly took out a piece of white paper, planning to let Xiao Hai catch it while the thing was not paying attention, and then use the ghost sealing technique to destroy it.

Unexpectedly, just when Xiao Hai had advanced less than three meters, that thing seemed to have sensed the intention of this man and a ghost, turned around and ran to a deeper place in the forest west of Xiaohuai Valley.

With his eyes wide open, Chu Yang held the white paper and froze in the air. He stared blankly at the black figure running away, said "Hey", and chased forward a few steps before stopping embarrassingly. Turn around and walk back.

Back at the agreed place, Chu Yang pulled out the saber stuck in the tree, pointed to the west and said, "Let's go there, I just saw something, I don't know what it is, I'm very timid, I saw it I ran away."

"Well." Nodding, Dao Feng said: "Then go and have a look, we haven't found the evil spirit that the villagers are talking about, if there is, it may be the one you saw."

"If it's true, it would be too evil." Chu Yang scratched his head, frowned and said, "How can an evil spirit that can eat people run away when it sees people, and although that thing doesn't have the breath of a living person, it must It's not a ghost, a ghost is formed by gathering yin energy, it doesn't have any on it, it only has a lot of resentment... But it's an evil thing no matter what, it's better to get rid of it, lest it ruin people."

With Chu Yang's discovery, the three of them had a target, and chased in the direction that the thing was escaping, and soon came to a place with low terrain.

Although he could not see the surroundings clearly, Chu Yang knew that if the ditch called Xiaohuai Valley was a river in the past, then this place could be regarded as a treasure land that hides wind and water, and the one called Shangheng If the ancients were really buried here, they should have become immortals long ago.

It's a pity that Chu Yang went to see it just now. Xiaohuai Valley is now a small valley, and it can't be said to gather Qi at all, and it's not bad to destroy Fengshui.

Perhaps because of the change in terrain, the earlier geomantic omen was unknowingly destroyed, and this place turned into the present spooky and gloomy appearance.

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