As if they were frightened by my sudden action, several of them had ugly faces and stared at me in disbelief, but they didn't dare to move rashly.Because as long as they move their bodies a little, a few evil spirits shrouded in black mist will half stand up and approach vigilantly.

Facing such a large number of high-end evil spirits, no matter how powerful their skills are, they will inevitably be a little afraid.

After making sure that the people in front of me couldn't resist for the time being, I nodded to Xiao Hai, who was exuding a strong ghostly aura, and said, "Let's go."

Under my signal, Xiaohai moved lightly with lotus steps, her long black hair coiled around her feet, and she took the lead quietly to walk forward.The other evil spirits followed on both sides like a pilgrimage, following Xiao Hai's pace and slowly moving toward the exit.

I put my hands in my pockets casually, and walked forward surrounded by all the ghosts, finally feeling a little more at ease in my heart.

As long as I leave here, I don't have to worry about whether my life will be in danger. Everything that happened in the Everlasting Stone before is always lingering in my mind like the most terrifying nightmare. I don't want to die here like those people. I want to get out alive , to do what I want to do.

Moreover, I am now immortal, as long as Mi Luotian is not discovered, I can live forever...

Eternal life is indeed a temptation that no one can refuse.

"Chu Yang!" Sister Xuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, she stopped, looked at me in resistance, and said, "Have you forgotten what Wu Mou said, have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here, how can you... How can you turn your back on us in this situation?"

I turned around to look at her, and then glanced at the others. I knew that sister Xuan's words represented the mood of all of them, and their disapproval for me was written on their faces.Unfortunately, for me now, their ideas are worthless.

There is only one person... I still care more about him, but after all this happened, I no longer dare to look at him, I am afraid that I will see disappointment and hostility on his face.

After a moment of silence, I didn't speak, I just raised my hand to signal the ghosts to move on.

However, this time, before my raised foot fell, my wrist was tightly grabbed by the person behind me. The familiar heat shocked me, and I hurriedly waved away the evil spirit who was about to approach.

"Chu Yang." Dao Feng stared at me with his dark eyes, and said lightly: "Let them go first, I have something to say to you alone."

I turned my head and looked at Dao Feng, and after confirming that he was not malicious, I asked Xiao Hai to leave first with the other people and the ghost.

I'm not afraid that Dao Feng will attack me, because he can't let Sister Xuan and others ignore him, his tenderness is also his weakness.

After confirming that there were no other people around, Dao Feng hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I found something wrong with you before entering the desert, but I didn't expect it to change so much suddenly...Chu Yang, can you Tell me, what exactly happened to you at that time, that made you become like this without Wu Mou and I noticing..."

I was stunned, looked into Dao Feng's deep eyes, sighed, and replied: "The Longevity Stone... In the guest house where Chu Wentian and the others lived, I found a piece of longevity stone left by Wen Wen. Stone fragments, I have never told you that I am already the same as those five people, I can live forever... And Wen Wen joined this operation precisely because of the loss of that fragment. don't want to die."

As I said that, I raised my finger and pointed to my seriously injured chest, and continued: "Here, I was stabbed by Wen Wen once. If I didn't have that longevity stone, I would have died a long time ago... Dao Feng, you have never died. The pain and fear is incomprehensible."

I shook my head with a wry smile: "I really don't want to try that feeling again..."

I don't speak anymore, I think Dao Feng can also feel how cold the space hidden under the stele is, the danger of seeing Mi Luotian is definitely not less than the longevity stone, those twisted and rotten corpses are the best warn.

Not only Dao Feng and I, but even the uncle who has disappeared deeply understands this, but he still insists on us going, which makes me feel even more incomprehensible.

Isn't our life precious, why must we die?Why must we end the curse shared by the three families?Sacrifice with the blood of living people clearly means that those who enter can no longer escape.

"You are really so scared that you will die here." Dao Feng stared into my eyes and said softly.

Just when I thought he would further satirize or persecute me, I saw him nod his head as if making up his mind, and said, "I understand."

Looking at his decisive expression, I suddenly felt extremely flustered. I didn't know what he wanted to do, so I could only grab his hand and said in a low and hoarse voice: "Dao Feng, come with me... ...Let's go to a place where they can't find, and just live our own life, okay...I will love you forever, I don't want to die, let alone be separated from you, if I die, I will have nothing, Dao Feng..."

Perhaps moved by my words, Dao Feng held me back with one hand, put me in his arms with the other, kissed me lightly, then stroked my cold cheek and said: "I won't let you die, Chu Yang , no matter what you become, I will..."

The voice of the last three words was very low, but I heard them clearly. I couldn't help staring at Dao Feng blankly, wondering if I was hallucinating.

After all, the person in front of me is Dao Feng, the Dao Feng who is always emotionally shy and passive, how could he... really tell me those...

I stared at Dao Feng for a long time, in his gentle eyes, I saw my face covered with black patterns beyond recognition, without a trace of life, and my eyes that had been completely blackened without leaving a trace of white .

Basically, even the evil spirits are not as good as...

Dao Feng hugged me tightly suddenly, followed by a sharp pain in the back of my neck, my eyes went dark, and my heart completely cooled down...

Dao Feng, what are you going to do...why...

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