"I really didn't expect it to turn out like this..." The uncle's voice sounded from behind, I turned around and saw Sister Xuan, Xiang Wen, Tang Ning and Leo had all run out, and they were sitting on the ground in a panic pant.

"Maybe this didn't happen when they came here last time, but this time, something is different..." The uncle said as he walked towards me and Dao Feng, his slightly cloudy black eyes staring at me, It seems to be saying that I am the terrible variable.

But I think the uncle guessed it right. If it weren't for me and the special stone on my body, Chu Wentian Daoyan and the others would definitely not have lost their minds and fell into this fate.

Just before the boulder trap fell, I could still feel the connection between me, Xiaohai, and that stone. Centered on that stone statue, they were slowly exuding a power that could control everyone. It's a dark and rotten breath similar to a ghost.

I didn't speak, just looked at uncle quietly, from his eyes I saw doubts and suspicions that I had never had before, which made me suddenly understand what the betrayal was all about.

And this time, I almost killed everyone.

Seeing that I was silent, the uncle shook his head and covered his left arm, turned dejectedly to greet sister Xuan and the others to get up, and said in a low voice: "This time I may really not be able to keep you all away safely, but as long as I have this body If you can survive, I will take you to the end, and the rest is up to you.”

Hearing Uncle's words, I noticed that his left arm seemed to be seriously injured. As a result, Uncle may soon disappear by our side, and this body that he borrowed will stay here forever.

With a snicker, I think everything is going my way.

As long as the uncle is not around, everything will be much easier.

Sister Xuan and Dao Feng showed a little uneasiness after seeing the uncle's situation, but the two of them were bold, they just frowned at this, but still had the confidence that they could handle everything.

On the other hand, Xiang Wen and Leo, hearing the words, only thought that the uncle's life was not long, so they couldn't help lamenting.

Sister Xuan inadvertently approached me when the uncle was leading the way, and when she saw my face clearly, she froze in place. It was not until the uncle called her that she followed closely with a heavy face.

I looked at the backs of the two of them blankly, thinking that the clever sister Ruxuan might have discovered something.

We followed the uncle in the dark secret road, the uncle's body was getting weaker and weaker, and he had to be supported by sister Xuan at the end.

I absent-mindedly observed the surrounding environment, thinking that this should be the secret passage that Gu Hai was talking about, the only way for us to leave here safely.

However, when we reached the end of the dark passage, we found that this was not an exit, but was connected to another stone chamber by the downward stone steps.

We had no choice but to walk down the stone steps slowly until our legs were buried in the thick sand.

Tangning's body had too many wounds, and she couldn't walk on the sandy ground. Seeing this, Leo picked her up without saying a word, and the group of people repacked their luggage and continued to walk deep into the sandy ground.

Even though we could feel the strangeness of the sandy land, none of us complained, because everyone knew very well that the five people escaped from here, so no matter how difficult the road behind was, we could not stop .

After walking for a few minutes, he saw a stone tablet with the height of two people looming in front of him. The uncle's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he insisted on walking over to check it regardless of his own weakness.

We followed behind, cautiously guarding against ghosts that might appear in the sand, and at the same time observing this slightly tilted stele that was half buried in the sand.

I saw that the characters on the stele were weird and difficult to read, and because of the age, many of them were blurred, and even missing corners, so I lost interest in observing them.

The uncle stared at the stele with great interest, and even Tangning who was beside him was attracted by what was carved on the stele. The two of them kept looking at the part buried in the sand, and their expressions became ugly.

We thought there was something wrong, so we hurriedly removed as much sand as possible from the bottom of the stele so that the two of them could see it thoroughly.Among our group of people, these two are probably the only ones who can understand this kind of ancient characters.

After reading it, the uncle and Tangning both fell into a state of contemplation with unfriendly expressions. Xiang Wen felt a little annoyed by the situation, so he asked, "What's the matter, what's written on it? Where should we go out from?" "

The uncle glanced at him, then looked at the sand behind the stele, and said, "It says that if you want to leave, just keep going and get out of this sand."

Xiang Wen heard something in the uncle's words, opened his mouth, but didn't ask anything.

Dao Feng pondered for a while, and said in a low voice: "If you don't want to leave...we haven't found a way to lift the curse yet."

Hearing Dao Feng's words, Tangning, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "If you want to lift the curse, you have to go further down. There is a huge stone in the cave we entered earlier, called the longevity stone. Something with a strong binding force, anyone who touches it will be cursed, the soul of the dead and their blood relatives will not be able to leave the body, and the living... Time will stop forever, and become an immortal monster. To put it another way, it is a slave whose soul is bound by that longevity stone."

After finishing speaking, Tangning glanced up at us and asked, "Has anyone among you seen that longevity stone?"

Hearing this, the statue of a woman full of evil spirits flashed in my mind immediately, and only then did I realize that no one else saw the statue except me.

Seeing that we were silent, the uncle nodded, followed Tangning's words and continued, "And under the sand, there is another huge rock called Mi Luo Tian. These two huge rocks interact with each other. Sacrifice blood to Mi Luotian, and all the resentful souls bound by the longevity stone will be freed. It just looks like no one has entered the cave where Mi Luotian is to offer sacrifices so far, otherwise this stone tablet would not be Still standing here."

I glanced at the slightly tilted stone tablet, and thought that someone before us really wanted to lift the curse, but in the end they failed for some reason, so that the stone tablet covering the entrance was only half tilted, not fully move.

As I was thinking to myself, the uncle suddenly stretched out his hand to support the stele, and then fell powerlessly on the stele, trembling and took two deep breaths, showing his dejected state for a while.

"I don't have much time." The uncle said weakly and hoarsely: "But no matter what... Please... you must find Mi Luotian and remove that damned curse... The three families can no longer suffer the pain of being unable to reincarnate ..."

Said, the uncle pulled Dao Feng and me, stared at me with cloudy eyes, looked at Dao Feng with confidence, and said: "I believe in you, you will definitely not let me down, so many years of nightmares, can't Continue... I am waiting for your good news, remember, the curse must be completely lifted, and don't forget the purpose of our coming here... Even if it is death, we must let everyone be relieved..."

Dao Feng frowned slightly, pursed his thin lips and nodded firmly. From those dark eyes, I could see that he was ready to face death.

Dao Feng is like this, he is never afraid of dying for the one he loves, let alone those fatal dangers, because he has a heart that is warm enough and strong enough.


I don't want to die...

I can feel the strong evil spirit that frightens me down here, the kind of power that can almost destroy everything, so I don't want to take a step closer.

I guess Xiao Hai thought the same way, otherwise she wouldn't have gently grabbed my hand behind me when I was about to nod to the uncle.

She was stopping me, preventing me from entering that horrible place.

Uncle had no chance to force me to agree. His body could no longer support it. After his consciousness disappeared, his whole body quickly decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I looked at the rotten body lying on the ground, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of my mouth.

Sighing, Sister Xuan waved her hand, called back a few people who were distracted, and said, "Since Wu Mou has said so, let's move this stone tablet away quickly, the entrance should be here. If you don't die, you will die." With blessings in the future, I believe that we will be fine, we can definitely solve the problem and leave safely."

Sister Xuan's words successfully appeased everyone, and when everyone was gearing up to push the stele away, I took out the white paper with the spell printed on it between my fingers, and said in a low voice with a smile, "...wait a minute."

Maybe it was because my voice was different from usual, and several people stopped in surprise.

A deep purple flame was burning close to my fingertips. I held the white paper in front of my eyes, and immediately let others see my face that had been hidden in the darkness.

"Chu Yang...you, why did you become like this..." Xiang Wen took a step back slightly, pointed at my face and said, "Your eyes..."

Tangning's reaction was the most intense. Seeing my expression, she immediately understood everything, and said sharply, "...it was you, you betrayed us! The ghost master of the Chu family will only become a ghost if he loses his mind. look like!"

Probably because they had discovered my situation a long time ago, Dao Feng and Sister Xuan didn't react too much, but looked at me calmly, as if waiting for my next move.

I slowly withdrew my smile and looked at Dao Feng for two seconds. The deep emotion in those black eyes made me close my eyes, and when the purple flame in my hand was burning the most, I whispered: "Zong Gui— — Greedy wolf."

As the flames rose suddenly, dozens of evil spirits of different shapes appeared around us in an instant. Even Xiao Hai, wrapped in a thick black mist, gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The ghostly aura here is so strong that it is enough for evil spirits to appear in front of ordinary people, so here, no one is my opponent.

The ugly ghosts stared at their scarlet eyes and crawled respectfully around.

Instead of looking at Dao Feng's expression, I raised my finger and pointed to the vast sand behind the stele, and said to the others expressionlessly: "I don't want to die, so you must leave with me now, the things under the stele... ...nobody can touch it."

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