Rebirth of HP

3 conventions

The ancient spell brought out a burst of extremely strong light, and after the light flashed, Harry found himself in a void, surrounded by darkness and eerily quiet.where is this place?He stood blankly, seeing nothing and hearing nothing around him, as if he had lost all five senses, making him feel completely insecure.

"Sev...I can't go back..." After an unknown amount of time, Harry smiled wryly and tired himself out.

Recalling the last picture he saw, it was supposed to be the last stop of his 12-year adventure career—the oak forest.The last hermitage of the legendary elves, he originally wanted to visit the legendary Fountain of Eternity, pick a bouquet of live lilies that bloom forever by the spring, and then go back, he even accepted Principal McGonagall’s invitation to send In September, he served as the new Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the new head of Slytherin.

Yes, as the master of Hogwarts, he has always been very clear that there is a ghost in the cellar that rarely appears in front of people.After Draco became the owner of the cellar, Harry would visit the cellar more often, but that guy was unwilling to show up even once.Even though Harry could feel that gaze so hot that he couldn't ignore it every time, full of love and guilt - that awkward person...

"Sev, what should I do? I can't go back..." Harry curled up, buried his head between his knees, and his heart was full of sadness.

Death, Harry has seen too much, the departure of all the people he cherished...

Every time is so painful.

Savior? !

The word means to live, and death is the price of living.

Mom and Dad are dead... Digory is dead... Sirius is dead... Dumbledore is dead...

dead... dead?died!died. ...

Even Severus Snape was dead.

If he had strong power back then, wouldn't he be able to protect everything?If I could work harder to become stronger at the beginning, wouldn't it be reassuring?

The price of growth is heavy.

Losing parents, implicating innocent people, making protectors die one after another, and in the end, even the person I love is not spared.These are all pains!cannot be erased.

Everyone knows that Slytherin admires strength, but who knows how gentle Salazar is.He said that strength is the condition that guarantees everything.

"Yes, dear child, your experience reminds me of myself." A voice suddenly appeared in Harry's ear, very soft but clear, like a whisper.

"Who are you?" Harry looked up, but there was nothing.

"Me?" the voice continued, "IamwhatIam." Although the voice was small, it had an irresistible will.

"Are you... Merlin?" Harry knew that the only person in the wizarding world who could say this was Merlin.

"Yes." The voice admitted.

"Am I dead?" Harry asked cautiously.

"To be exact, not yet." Merlin's voice was full of joy, "Little guy, descendant of Percival, I have to say that you are very interesting. You were able to find this altar and activate it."


"Yes, that is the last altar of the elves. Ten years ago, the elves started the sacrifice in order to seek the last help. Unfortunately, this altar has not been activated, and the elves have already... There are no elves in this world now."

"Really? So, elves can only exist in legends?" Harry felt a little regretful.

"Actually, when you come here, everything has the possibility to change." Merlin said.

"Oh, what can I do for you?"

"Yeah, how about we make a deal, little guy."

"Deal?" Harry was a little confused.

"Oh, yes, dear little devil, I can send you back to when you were 6 years old, with this magic power and memory, and all the contract imprints on the soul. How about it?" Merlin said.

"So, what can I do for you?" 6 years old?When the magic core of the wizard was just formed, if he had such a powerful magic power as the foundation at the age of 6, then his magic power might be No. 1 in the wizarding world at this age, right?Even Voldemort and Dumbledore combined are not too panic.However, since it is a transaction, is there anything you can do?

"The destruction of the elves was due to the opening of a cave in this forest that sealed the corpses, causing a large number of corpses to pour out and destroy the tree of eternity. Although the Elf King used the purification technique, it could only purify Yin Corpse, but the Tree of Eternity cannot be revived, so my deal with you is to come to this place to help them after you become an adult." Merlin's voice was very kind, "This task requires you to become more mature than you are now before you become an adult. Even stronger. How about accepting the deal?"

Back at the age of 6, there are many, many regrets that can be redeemed, so why do I not accept it?become stronger?Only being strong can protect what one wants to protect, isn't it?Even Godric, who wants to be free and heartless, must have great strength; even Rowena, who wants to pursue the truth, must have great strength; even Helga, the premise of hiding clumsiness is to have Great strength; not to mention Salazar, protection itself is a proof of great strength.

If it's just to help the elves, then believe that you should be able to do it.

But Harry remembered that Severus was waiting for him at Hogwarts, and anyway, he wanted to go back and see.For so many years, he was able to survive, no matter what kind of crisis he encountered, it was only because of his obsession to see Severus again that he was able to get through it safely.

"Sorry, Merlin, I want to go back and see my Severus side," Harry said.

"Little guy, do you love your lover very much?" Merlin said.

"Yes, I would give everything for him." Harry was very sincere.

Merlin was silent for a while, and then said: "Little guy, you remind me of your ancestors and yourself. But I think you should also know that you will die after you go back, right? After all, your hands Already contaminated with uncleanness, are you sure, you still want to go back? Go back and let those former friends break your heart?"

"Yes, I have to go back, not just to see him, but for my friends who have always supported me and helped me. For... Hogwarts - that's my responsibility," said Harry.

"Little guy, I am moved by your bravery, how about we make an additional agreement?" Merlin said, "The deal between us starts when you die, so you should be able to accept it, right? "

"Okay, Merlin, I accept your deal." Harry said, he knew that this might be Merlin's obsession to restore the elves.

"Then, the deal begins!" Merlin's voice said, "Well, for your persistence, after you are reborn, I will give you an extra gift."

"What..." Before Harry could ask what the gift was, he felt his body fall...

"My child, I hope your soul will not be so sad..." These were the last words Harry heard Merlin say before he lost consciousness.

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