Everyone looked at the handsome chief of the Wizengamot on the stage. This is a very young chief. Even today, he is at least 20 years younger than the general selection age of the Wizengamot, but this chief is already firmly seated. Chief for 15 years.Although he has seldom appeared on such occasions in recent years, absolutely no one dares to question him when he sees him.Yes, no one.Even his opponents can't help but see his achievements, oh yes, almost the entire wizarding world is against him, but has to rely on him.

The Order of the Phoenix opposed him because he had no taboo against black magic; the Ministry of Magic opposed him because he was too powerful; the dark wizards also opposed him because he had great achievements in white magic; The proposed reforms harmed their interests; the commoners also opposed him, because he personally shattered wizards' superiority over Muggles.

"Ah, if there is nothing else, then, I think, I can go back to Potter Manor. You know, I'm developing a potion." The cold voice and empty blue eyes made everyone tremble. I shivered, "Also, as I said, there is no need to go over the case of the Death Eaters, don't you understand? Also, what happened yesterday, I just wanted to do an experiment, and I didn't expect to alarm the minister. Your Mightiness."

"Of course." Kingsley Shacklebolt said carefully, "If we need it, we will send Mr. Malfoy or Mr. Lupine to you."

The man nodded, his dark green robe with a stand-up collar swayed slightly, and a wand slipped out of his sleeve—a gray-white wand!There are very strong magic power fluctuations on it, and you can tell that it is a powerful magic wand at a glance.Everyone watched as the wand was waved gracefully, and the man had already Apparated.

Watching him leave, the whole hall started whispering.

"As expected of 'Under the Ashes'...only yesterday...today I was able to break through the magic circle of the Ministry of Magic to Apparate, and it was still with a silent spell!" an old man sighed during the banquet.

"What happened yesterday?" asked another.

"I heard that your Excellency went to Azkaban alone yesterday afternoon, and wiped out nearly half of the dementors there. If it weren't for the minister and Mr. Malfoy, I'm afraid Azkaban would no longer have those horrible guards." An old man said, "Can you imagine Azkaban without dementors?"

"Oh, what a madman!"

"Isn't it? A powerful lunatic, scary!"

"Okay, keep your voice down, it won't be good if that madman hears."


During the auditorium, a brown-haired witch was a little silent.Hermione Granger Weasley, once one of the best graduates of Hogwarts, once Miss "Know It All", is also the current Professor of Charms at Hogwarts, Dean of Gryffindor College She is the chief and one of the powerful figures in the Order of the Phoenix, but her eyes are inexplicably complicated.Of course she knew who this man called "His Majesty Hui" was. Even though 17 years had passed, even though no one dared to mention that name in front of him, everyone called him "His Majesty Hui" or "Madman" or "that lord", and deliberately forget that name.

Harry Potter!

The boy who survived the catastrophe...

"Mrs. Weasley, you can go home now. What are you thinking?" A kind old woman interrupted the brunette witch's desire.

"It's nothing, I'll go first, we'll talk next time, Mrs. Green." The witch left as if fleeing.

It was irreversible, since Ron, his own husband, made the news public and Harry was hunted down, everything was irreversible!

Harry Potter, yes, the heir of the three families of Potter, Black, and Prince, is now a real nobleman.Although the nobles don't like him, the noble world has long recognized his status.He used his powerful strength to wipe out a chaotic gray between black and white. The Gray Clothes Society he founded has also become a sanctuary for neutral wizards. It is said that more than half of the members of the Wizengamot are The members of the Huiyi Society, even if they are somewhat dissatisfied with "Her Majesty Huiyi", it is undeniable that they all need the protection of the Huiyi Society.


Porter Manor

"Master, Kelly welcomes the return of the honored master." A decent house elf appeared in front of the man.

"Kelly," the man said, "get me the Invisibility Cloak, I'm going to Hogwarts. Is there anything going on at the Manor?"

"Yes, Master, Stephen wants you to go to the corridor of portraits before you leave," Kelly said.

"Okay." The man said and went straight to the portrait gallery of the manor.

Walking into the portrait gallery of Potter Manor, the portraits greeted each other.When Harry arrived, they greeted each other. These people were all the patriarchs of the Potter family.

"Oh, Harry..." A man on a portrait at the end of the corridor stopped Harry.

"Good afternoon, everyone. And Stephen, have you visited Godric and Salazar today?" Harry laughed.

"Of course, Mr. Gryffindor and the dean said they hope you will visit Hogwarts before you leave this time." The man in the portrait has a delicate face and blue eyes, and his long hair is not at all Not messy, with long black hair.He's Stephen Potter.The only descendant of Periver left after the dark age thousands of years ago, in order to avoid his enemies, he changed his name from Periver to "Potter", and became one of the first students of Hogwarts thousands of years ago.

"Okay, I see. I wanted to go and have a look at it this afternoon." Harry thought for a while and said, "I want to give the inheritance of the Potter family to..."

"Oh, no, dear, I don't want to do this, the Potter family is yours, no matter the past, present, or future, son, you will always come back." Heath Stephen interrupted Harry and said, "My My child, how I wish I could have met you earlier and taught you more things so that you would no longer be questioned and lost. So, my child, I hope you can come back sooner.”

"Yes, yes." All the portraits nodded, "Be sure to come back early, this will always be your home."

"Thank you." Harry smiled, but raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, kid, you are the best Potter and the best patriarch. You are much better than your father who was spoiled by Doria." Heath Stephen laughed.

"Thank you for your compliment, my ancestor."

"Alright, let's go see your friends, Your Majesty Ash from the wizarding world." Si Stephen said with a smirk.

Harry felt a little lonely, and said, "I'd rather not be left in the ashes, and I would rather the person who loves me and the person I love are still alive."

All the portraits were silent, watching the last Potter go out, everyone felt sad.

"Doria, our grandson has grown up."

"Yes, Charles."

Draco Malfoy watched his friends suddenly appear in his cellar office, and immediately taunted him after recovering: "Your Majesty, can't you even perform the most basic etiquette?" ? When did your troll-like brain degenerate into a slug again?"

"Draco, put away your imitation, otherwise, I don't mind giving you an Avada before going back." Harry said coldly, then looked at his friend, and put away the godfather that belonged to him Then he continued, "I think Sev will be pleased that his godson is so good..."

"Hmph, Saint Potter." Draco snorted coldly, but there was a slight arc that everyone couldn't see.

Now, except for himself, no one dares to talk to him like that—you know, he is a poor asshole.

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