Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 42 Horcrux?several?

[My dear Draco,

I am very sorry for the distress that what Dobby did on the court caused you.

Regarding your question, yes, I did have Dobby guard an item at Hogwoods in light of the Ministry of Magic's recent investigation into Dark Arts items.As for why you want him to keep you safe?Son, we all know things have been rough these days.

Tell Severus that he doesn't have to think about another elf's origin.Winky is the elf of the Crouch family.Our very fair and hated Director of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation made a big mistake—not sending his own son to Azkaban.The sudden appearance of Mr. Barty Crouch Jr., whom we all thought to be long dead, was a surprise to me, and made my previous arrangement a little bit wrong.

Dear Draco, I am glad that you have grown up and are willing to take responsibility, but there are some things that we cannot express, you have to experience it yourself.As for the disclosures that have already occurred, I will try my best to find a way to make up for it.You just have to do what you want.

Your mom and I already know your options and are open to it.From your conversation, we can know that Harry Potter is indeed a worthy friend.And I have to say, he also has a group of very capable parents.Hope you and your friends have a safe and happy school year. ]

"That's probably it." Draco held the parchment and pointed to his friends a little discouraged, "Father still hasn't explained exactly what he asked Dobby to keep."

Ron made a face aside: "It's said to be a black magic item, what don't you understand."

"Ron Weasley!" Hermione picked up a thick book, "We're discussing business! Throw all your messy thoughts aside!"

"I was just joking." Ron covered his head and hid behind Harry.

Hermione didn't continue to talk to him, but analyzed calmly: "Anyway, we at least know who Winky's owner is, and his purpose is that item. Mr. Big Malfoy didn't expect him to appear, and Because this unexpected person disrupted the plan. According to Dobby, this will put Harry in danger."

"That's right." Blaise looked at the little witch appreciatively. Hermione's analytical ability is probably the best among them (Harry is not counted, there are so many parents, no matter how exaggerated his performance is, no one will feel it. surprise). "Actually, for Harry, this semester has not been peaceful. Otherwise, the Ministry of Magic would not have sent those Aurors to the school."

"Aurors!" exclaimed Hermione, "how could I have overlooked this?"

"What's wrong?" Ron was taken aback by her.

"The reason why Auror came to Hogwarts was because someone escaped from Azkaban! Although Mr. Malfoy's letter said that Mr. Crouch Jr. was not sent to Azkaban by his father, but old Crouch Mister will definitely not be more afraid to let him come out to do activities on his own. Now that he not only appeared, but also instructed the house elves to act, something must have happened. For example—”

"Let's say the fugitives got in touch with him," Harry said sullenly.

"Harry, are you okay?" The little witch looked at the boy worriedly, and he hadn't spoken much since he read the letter, "Uh... Actually, you don't have to worry too much. There are so many professors and Aurors in the school .Besides, your fathers are also here, they won't let you have an accident."

"I'm not worried about that." Harry shook his head, and turned his questioning gaze to Draco, "Draco - nothing happened to your family, right?"

"Huh?" Draco was taken aback, and couldn't help clenching the parchment roll in his hand, "No, father didn't mention it to me."

"Oh." Harry glanced at him again, "That's good." Although the last words of blessing met the requirements of the end of a letter, there was no signature on the scroll in Draco's hand, which was surprising. It is inconsistent with the meticulous aristocratic style that the platinum boy family has always promoted.Even if it is a letter to his son, Mr. Big Malfoy should ensure that the entire format standard is perfect, and now it feels like he couldn't finish the letter because of something.

"Well, Harry, what do you think is wrong? I'd better ask again. Well, just ask the dean, father will definitely say that he can't tell me again." Draco panicked say.The letter was indeed incomplete, but not because Lucius hadn't been able to finish it, but because Draco cut it off before showing it to his friends as a source of information—

[There's only one thing you have to watch out for, if you notice anything wrong with Potter than usual, don't approach him.Tell Severus, the old bee, or one of the "special advisors".I also can't explain to you why this is, but you have to believe that your mother and I will not harm you.And for your pleasure, we wouldn't want to hurt Harry Potter.

love you,

Lucius Malfoy]

Draco didn't want to hide anything from his friend, but he subconsciously cut off that part of the letter and burned it with magical fire after reading it.What exactly did Crouch let Winky steal?He remembered everyone's analysis of Lockhart in front of the scarlet letter that day.Is there something that can control people's thinking, and it must attack Harry?

While the children gathered to read and analyze Lucius' letters, the adults were doing the same.In the room that Dumbledore arranged for Sherlock and John, Sirius was angrily pulling out a decorative sword on the wall, and slashing fiercely on the ground.

"If you don't want to be approached by your old headmaster, don't go on like this." Sherlock played with the pages absently, curling up a corner of it, "John, I'm bored."

"Boring! When is this, you actually say it's boring!" "Do you still have any concept of business in your brain full of achnatherum?" The Gryffindor lion and Slytherin's poisonous snake erupted at the same time.

Sirius suddenly realized that the curly-haired man was many times more hateful than Snape. He barely resisted the urge to kill and yelled at Sherlock: "Didn't you say you would keep Harry safe?"

"Of course I will." Sherlock finally raised his head and looked at the two of them. "But why do you have such a big reaction to the fat man's letter? Isn't this something we already knew?"

"Already knew? What did you already know?" Snape glared at Sirius sharply.Mycroft's letter only pointed out that Lucius revealed in his conversation with him that the Dark Lord had asked him to keep something in his early years. According to Lucius' current speculation, it might be a Horcrux—because Ben The Dark Lord, whose soul should fly away and be annihilated, reappeared.

Although I haven't received the call yet, the Malfoy family has received information to assist in some operations. Before Lucius can make a clear statement, Azkaban escaped, and then the Ministry of Magic released rumors to thoroughly investigate the criminals. magic item.In fact, not only Slytherin people, but families with a little accumulation of this kind of thing have more or less a few of them.But Lucius didn't dare to keep that item at home anymore. He had already vaguely guessed what happened, and naturally he didn't want to bring the entire Malfoy family to lie at the feet of a broken soul.He chose to keep the Horcruxes at Hogwarts (huh, he had to pay for this crazy idea) and put them in the care of a magical elf.But what I didn't expect was that the Dark Lord went directly to Malfoy Manor and gave another order to Barty Crouch Jr.In this way, Lockhart's strange behavior can be explained, maybe Crouch is using him (like Quirrell).But...why did Black specifically emphasize "protecting Harry?" Everyone of them knew that the Dark Lord was targeting Harry, and Snape himself satirized Sherlock because he was nervous about things like Horcruxes entering the school, but Blake's attitude seems to be more than that.

"Anything else wrong with Harry Potter?"

John sighed: "Harry is most likely a Horcrux too."

"What did you say?"

Sherlock picked up the words, as fast as firing a gun: "When I first met Quirrell, the idiot who was finally confirmed to be running around with other people's souls, Harry once felt I have a headache. Harry’s and Voldemort’s wands are a pair of brother wands. The owner’s words let me preliminarily judge that they have a certain connection. I also checked the family tree of the Potter family and traced it according to the oldest blood source , Harry may indeed have the blood talent of the Slytherin family, but after all, it has been too many generations, even the atavistic inheritance caused by recessive genes is unlikely."

"So shouldn't we do something now?" Sirius said anxiously, "I'd rather believe that it was just your wishful thinking, but now Malfoy says..." He covered his face in pain, "Oh , James, what to do. I failed to protect your son."

It was rare that Snape didn't choke with Sirius because of that name, but remained silent with a dark face. It's not that he didn't think about where Harry's Parseltongue came from, but he didn't want Lily to spend his life The protected child had something to do with the Dark Lord, so he forcibly ignored those possibilities.He should have noticed those things long ago - "Savior" and "Boy Who Lived" were what they called Harry, but even with a mother trying to get along with each other, a child over a year old can really come out unscathed Dodge the Killing Curse and be unaffected in the slightest?

"What to do in the past, what to do now." Sherlock said calmly, "Harry is not an object, he is a person with his own complete soul, and he has clear logical thinking ability, a small part The soul cannot easily control him. What we can do now is to carefully analyze how to safely remove the piece of soul from Harry's body. About this point, it is not easy to do it Arrived. Don’t you guys know this better than me? I thought you were the wizards.” He looked at the two wizards in front of him sarcastically, and his voice was even cold because of his calmness.But John was able to tell from Sherlock's slightly lighter eyes that he was actually not as calm as he appeared.

"This is indeed not something that can be done easily, we can only take it step by step." Snape finally returned to his senses, and followed the analysis, "The most important thing now is to find out what Lucius said. Journal."

Sirius continued to talk: "Is that Lockhart? Didn't you say something was wrong with him? Maybe the diary is in his hands!" He tried his best to cheer up.Harry might have been a Horcrux, he knew about it earlier than Snape.After knowing that his godson is a Parseltongue, he has actually gone through a lot of information in Black's old house, and he already has the answer in his heart, and now Malfoy's letter is just a confirmation that is almost unnecessary— —Sherlock was right, no matter how reluctant he was to admit it, he couldn't and had no reason to hide from the fact that Harry was a Horcrux anymore.And the solution to this problem cannot be found by relying on Muggles—after he missed his godson's life for more than ten years on impulse, as a godfather, he must really do something.

"Not Lockhart." Of course, Sirius' inner struggle did not affect Sherlock's refutation of his loopholes, "The time is not right. The loss of the diary is just a matter of two days, and the bloody words appeared earlier than it Much earlier."

"Lockhart hasn't been unusual lately," John said.He has been in close contact with Adela.

"But we can't confirm his complete whereabouts yet." Snape added on the side.He was now beginning to feel that Mycroft's crazy plan really needed to be realized as soon as possible.

"Where?" Sherlock suddenly thought of something, looked at Sirius, "Who has that map now?"

"The Marauder's Map?" Sirius jumped up, "Why did I forget it. It was with Remus, and I asked him to send it right away." A large part of the original map was produced by James Potter Forces, some of which he had added at random that he and Lupine alone could not quite recover.So the remade map can be said to be imperfect, for example, at the end of last semester, it usually only revealed Voldemort's name at midnight.According to the design, the map should mark the momentary movement of each soul.So they had to put it aside for the time being.

He said happily: "In this way we can always know Lockhart's location. He is the most suspected person in Hogwarts now." There is still no problem in capturing Lockhart's whereabouts in that picture.

John interrupted Sirius suddenly: "I have a question" Everyone looked at him.

"Since we already know that the diary and Harry are horcruxes, and there is a Voldemort active outside...then who dares to say that there are no horcruxes hidden in the school?"

... How many pieces did Voldemort divide his soul into?

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