Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 41 Danger Warning

The elves fighting fiercely in the sky obviously didn't notice that they had been spotted, because when Draco Malfoy called out the name of an elf that belonged to their family, the elf rolled, Screaming and jumping from the sky with his opponent.

Due to the rain, Draco's hair did not maintain its previous shape, but was tightly stuck to his forehead, looking a little embarrassed.And the incomprehensible situation in front of him made him even more angry, so much so that when he opened his mouth, he reprimanded: "Dobby? What's going on?" Snape wanted to speak on the side, but then closed his mouth again - at this moment It's not a good idea to interrogate what happened in a large group, especially if the Malfoy family is involved.But now that Draco has spoken, he can only hope that Lucius will not do anything wrong and just make his son miserable.While casting the Silencing Charm around, Snape thought of the evaluation of Mycroft Holmes in Big Malfoy's recent letter, and couldn't help but feel a little headache.And...another elf...has he seen it somewhere?He squinted, studying her bat-like ears and her protruding eyes the size of tennis balls.

"Bad Dobby, bad Dobby," screamed the elf called Dobby, "Dobby didn't protect the little master and—" it swallowed the last syllable, "Dobby didn't finish the good master's Task."

Task?what task?This question appeared in everyone's mind.Could it be that it controlled the out-of-control Bludger just now, in order to hurt Harry?But Draco was also in the sky just now, and due to strategic needs, the distance between the Seekers of the two teams has always been very tight. Isn't this little elf afraid of hurting his little master as well?

But before everyone could ask any further questions, Dobby screamed again, and he grabbed another elf: "You liar! Thief!"

"Winky is not a thief!" The elf's voice was thinner and shriller than Dobby's, and it was a shrill, trembling voice.It didn't seem to be as strong as Dobby's, and couldn't break free from the other party's restraints, but it still retorted vigorously: "You yourself didn't obey the master! The master clearly said that you would—" She closed it all at once as if she had touched some switch. Mouth and hit the ground hard with his head.

"As Draco Malfoy, the heir to the Malfoy family, I order you, Dobby, to tell us what happened." Draco also realized that his behavior just now was a bit reckless, but now he must Asking the truth in front of everyone, dragging it to the back will only make more bad rumors spread.He tilted his face uncomfortably, it's fine for Harry to come over and pat him on the shoulder, what's the matter with those Weasleys smiling so disgustingly?

"Master—the master gave Dobby a big task, and Dobby needs to watch over one," the elf paused a few times with difficulty. "It's a very evil thing, and the master wants Dobby to protect the little master."

Then he whimpered: "Dobby's a bad elf. Dobby didn't see that thing, and now he's coming out, he's coming out."

"Who is coming out?"

"You can't say it!" Gaining strength all of a sudden, Shining stared at Dobby, "You will bring trouble to Master."

Dobby screamed back at her: "That's not my master! Dobby wouldn't do anything to harm Harry Potter!" He looked beggingly at Sherlock and John, "There's someone plotting here Conspiracy, Harry Potter must not be here while it is happening. Please bring Harry Potter home! Harry Potter must not meddle in this matter, sir, it is too dangerous— "

"Why me?" When others were shocked by what Dobby said, Harry had already calmed down and asked, perhaps because he had recognized the crisis he was facing very early on, and he was very concerned about this kind of thing. His reaction was much calmer, "Draco is here too, but you didn't ask him to go home. Is it because of your protection, or is it because that person targeted me first?"

"Dobby's talking nonsense!" wailed Winky. "He's talking nonsense."

Dobby wanted to refute back, but seemed to know what was going on here, only heard a loud cracking sound, and the two elves disappeared at the same time.

"It's a summoning." Dumbledore said, and he turned to look at Draco and the children standing with him, and finally he broke the silence barrier and announced loudly to the audience who were paying attention to the development of the matter: " It seems that our Mr. Lucius Malfoy was too concerned about his son's growth, and wanted to know the scene and results of his competition as soon as possible, so he sent a house elf to watch and report for him. Unexpectedly, this little The elf was a bit irritable, and for some reason, he fought with the elves in the castle. Due to the results of their contest, this competition is temporarily over, please refer to the specific academy notice for the restart time."

The crowd let out a burst of understanding laughter. Due to the distance and the weather, they could only see something in the sky at most, and then they were caught by the professors and asked some questions, but they couldn't judge what happened.Now that the headmaster's explanation is reasonable, they can feel at ease. After all, Draco can receive packages from home almost every day, and some people who are familiar with the Malfoy family know that Lucius behaves in front of other people. How proud of his precious son.They were even ready to laugh at Draco's jokes.

"Let's deal with this matter first, but Severus, why do you come to me for a glass of milk before going to bed after dinner?" Dumbledore gestured to Snape, and now the Slytherin children are involved , it is more appropriate to let him, the dean, handle it.As for myself?Dumbledore looked at Sherlock, John, Sirius standing beside Harry with emotion, and the few children who came with him out of concern.There are so many outstanding young people here, he, an old man, just stay behind obediently.

"Hmph." Snape uttered a syllable of agreement.His face contorted slightly at the thought of the glass of milk, though, which Dumbledore was selling was really a glass of syrup.It would be nice to give this old sweet bee a potion that turns all sweetness into bitterness.

"I really don't know what evil Dobby is talking about," Draco thought hard for a long time, but still couldn't come to a conclusion, "Father never mentioned anything to me about it."

"Don't be stupid," Hermione said on the side, "didn't you realize that the elf named Winky and Dobby mentioned in the conversation are not the same owner at all? Maybe your father doesn't know what it is either I didn’t tell you, and gave Dobby the order to protect you.”

"No, his father got involved in this matter after he understood the situation." Sherlock corrected him, and he always had a good attitude towards the little witch who could keep up with his train of thought, "I know but I have to do it. Really interesting."

John suddenly realized: "So this is why Mr. Malfoy's attitude changes? The owner of the elf named Winky?" They have recently received a letter from Mycroft, which specifically marked the parent's Unique position "All the actions he agrees to at least ensure the safety of his son." John originally thought it was nothing. Which parent doesn't care about his children?Now it seems that this kind of statement seems a bit unusual, Lucius Malfoy is indeed in a very delicate situation.

Sherlock did not agree with him: "No, John, the crux of the matter is not the owner of the elf. If Mr. Malfoy is subject to that person, he must show him some respect. Dobby is The master's influence doesn't dare to attack Winky's master directly like that, so they are at the same level. Mr. Malfoy's status may be even higher."

"Same status..." Sirius interjected, "Speaking of which, although those little guys all look similar, I always feel like I've seen that 'Winky' somewhere."Snape nodded aside.

Looking at him in surprise, Sirius said, "Are you sure?" Probably because Snape thanked him for protecting Harry just now, the atmosphere between the two people is not so tense at the moment, "I It's not about the Slytherin family, I haven't been to those banquets since the separation," he muttered, "but it should be a bigger thing for me."

"You'd better think about it," Snape told him.It's not that Black's memory is better than his own, but at that time, due to the restriction of the social circle caused by the choice of camp, there were not many families where Sirius could communicate freely and had house elves.

"Which family..." Sherlock is not very interested in this kind of vague recollection. Since the key is the person behind him, it won't be of much use for Winky's master to find out. It's better to ask the person directly to get the first-hand information.He looked at Draco, "As your heir, can you summon the elves at home?"

"Should have been able to," Draco said a little despondently, "but I just tried it, and I can't summon Dobby. It's very likely that Father gave Dobby some order, and his priority is higher than mine. Yes." Even for his own protection, it was a bad feeling to be left out, and Harry's parents never stopped him from doing anything.

"Don't worry. I think your father will write to you tonight and explain something." Sherlock reassured him not very sincerely.It's hard to get through without saying anything at this point, "Besides, he better have a good reason to intercede for that stupid elf."

"Eh? Sherlock, you mean that Dobby is controlling the crazy ball?" John was very surprised, "I thought it was the one named Winky who did it. Didn't Dobby say that he wouldn't hurt Harry? Besides..." Besides, Draco and Harry are still good friends.

With a cold snort, Sherlock replied: "The damage he said came from that dangerous item, right? According to what they said, Winky received the order from the master to take that item away. So he tried everything possible to get it back. Send Harry home. No idea how stupid Mr Malfoy would be to believe in the intelligence of a screaming creature."

"Would it be safer for Harry to stay at home?" Sirius was very concerned about Harry's safety, and couldn't help asking, although he had seen the high technology of the Muggle world, some magic couldn't be broken by those technological products .In comparison, shouldn't Hogwarts, which is defended by so many professors and Aurors, be a better choice?

"Those words—that person—" Snape didn't finish his sentence. Even without Lucius' confirmation, they could guess who the real "master" was talking about.But... the soul that was identified as a thoroughgoing last semester reappeared?There must be something he doesn't know about it. It seems that Dumbledore's glass of milk should be "tasted" tonight.

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