HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 769 I Don’t Know How To Make A Title


Victor, who was discussing enthusiastically with the gardener, suddenly changed his expression. Although the old gardener was not as sharp as he was when he was young, he still noticed something after a while. At the same time, he noticed that the master he served entered the garden, and he quickly took off The hat stood stiffly in place.

Grindelwald waved, and the gardener nodded to Viktor holding the rake, and hurried away.

Victor turned around abruptly, staring at the thriving fly plums at his feet.

Grindelwald stopped three arms away from him with his hands behind his back.

"You like plants?" Grindelwald asked, but he couldn't wait for an answer.

Victor was still looking at the flyberry, as if fascinated by it.

Grindelwald did not show the slightest embarrassment, and enjoyed the gorgeous flowers and plants in the garden with ease.

"My grandfather offended you?" Victor turned his eyes to Grindelwald.

"No, on the contrary, I think we get on well, at least on the surface."

Victor paused for a moment, "Why did you kill him?"

"Good question. Why? Probably because he was trying to stop me," Grindelwald looked away. "At that time, those who dared to fight against me, or who had done so, without exception, got the punishment they deserved—the punishment I think."

"At that time?" Victor sneered.

Grindelwald was silent for a moment, "Rig once asked me if I knew how to repent. To be honest, I still don't know. If repentance can bring those people back to life, I think I would repent every day... Your expression is terrible. "

"I'm trying my best not to assume that an eye for an eye is an eye for a tooth." Victor said stiffly.

"I think you're trying to eat me alive."

"If only I could do that."

Grindelwald smiled, "I always thought you were a rigid and boring person, and I occasionally doubted Rieger's criteria for choosing a partner. It seems that you and Sergey are very similar, and they are both people who are not what they appear to be."

Victor sneered silently.

Grindelwald said again, "Shall I talk about your grandfather?"

"How thick-skinned are you to casually suggest to the grandson of the man you killed to talk about the grandfather who died at your hands?"

"...I won't ask your forgiveness." Grindelwald said slowly.

Victor's sneer made a sound, "You shouldn't even think so. It's a pity that this is England. If we were in Bulgaria now, believe me, those conversations just now would not exist. At the same time, I should also thank my grandmother, thank you She admired Western European rigidity and politeness, and my first teacher was a conservative British wizard."

"I was indeed the cause of your grandfather's death, but I can guarantee with my life that I didn't do it premeditated..." Grindelwald whispered, "I never thought of putting him to death..."

"Oh, congratulations, there is no premeditation, then according to the laws of the British Ministry of Magic, you can at least avoid receiving the dementor's kiss."

After finishing speaking, Victor withdrew and left.

Heimdall came out of the house and entered the garden to look around, Victor immediately walked over.

"Okay?" Victor asked with a gentle expression.

Heimdall nodded, "I'm relieved." He looked behind Victor and asked hesitantly, "Are you okay?"

Victor held his hand with a smile and walked out, "Why do you ask that?"

Heimdall immediately grabbed it back and said with concern, "I won't beg you to come with me in the future."

"That's not good," Victor said lightly. "I want to be with you all the time, even if I go to the toilet, I don't want to leave. Could it be that you are already starting to think I'm annoying? Tell you, Mr. Strulusson, it's a good idea!"

Heimdall was amused by his nasty words and pretended threats.

"Need to say goodbye?" Victor asked.

"No, Professor Dumbledore already knows that I'm leaving, and I don't want to hide it from you," Heimdall said in a low voice. "I want to leave the UK as soon as possible. I don't want to have anything to do with You-Know-Who or anyone related to him."

Victor asked alertly, "Who is the young man in the cemetery?"

"Through my conversation with Professor Dumbledore, I speculate that that should be the reason why the Order of the Phoenix wants to sneak into the cemetery at all costs. Professor Dumbledore may not really plan to do anything in the cemetery, he just needs to confirm his idea , the existence of that young man proves it."

"What do you mean?" Victor asked blankly.

"Actually, I'm confused too, but Professor Dumbledore called the young man 'the little conscience left', but judging from the short time I spent with the young man, even if he had a conscience, it was quite weak. I hope Dumbledore Professor Lido will get what he wants, and he will not be self-defeating."

Victor seems to have grasped something, "Could it be that the mysterious man intends to abandon his 'conscience'? The reason why he didn't really do that is just because he is still not sure whether abandoning his 'conscience' will cause some kind of damage to himself? So Has he yet made up his mind?"

Heimdall was speechless, "Can you still do this?! If it's true, should we remind Professor Dumbledore?"

"I can think of it, can't the professor think of it? His series of arrangements are the best proof. There is nothing impossible for magic, and death is also not a problem." Victor turned and murmured, "But there is a price to pay ..."

Heimdall suddenly fell silent, "Professor Vasilyevich thought of doing that, didn't he? Let yourself live and wait for Yolf to return to the world."

"That's right," Victor said, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, and kissed his hair. "But he chose to leave together in the end. He figured it out. Yolf is unique, so he has no regrets."

Heimdall let out a sigh of relief, and hugged Victor back forcefully.


Heimdall firmly handed the memory ball brought back from the cemetery to Victor, "I hope you will be the first to open it."

The place where they opened the memory ball was not elsewhere, but the warehouse full of magic artifacts that Heimdall entered under the leadership of Peter.The warehouse is located in a deserted office area of ​​the police unit of the International Wizengamot under the International Confederation of Wizards.

Hearing that they planned to use the Pensieve Orces, Peter joked at the time: "Why come to me? Let Rigg go to sex again, let alone use it once, it probably won't be a problem to take the Pensieve back."

"Seduce again?" Victor's tone was so kind that it made people's backs tremble.

The head of the room tried his best to wink at the friend.

Peter, a young man who always made mistakes in his life, didn't realize it, "Lawrence Redding, the warehouse manager of the team, don't you remember? You also taught him to play Quidditch!"

"Ah, I remembered," Victor deliberately faced Heimdall, with the corners of his lips curled up. "That 'your Lawrence'?" (PS: from Chapter 717)

Heimdall smiled apologetically, then glanced lifelessly at the gloating Peter, who hurriedly said loudly, "I'll take you there right away!"

That memory may be very long, because Victor watched it for a long time.

Peter, who was waiting beside Heimdall, began to look around boredly, using his imagination to weave an interesting and vivid story for various ornaments in the warehouse.

"You don't have to wait here with me, go get busy." Heimdall said.

"Are you embarrassed to bother me?" Peter asked.

Heimdall glanced at him, but said nothing.

"Don't be so dear," Peter grinned. "I will monitor you instead of Redding, lest you damage the things in the warehouse."

"I understand, I was worrying too much." Heimdall said angrily.

Peter pretended not to notice anything unusual, "Is your trip to England going well?"

"It's okay. I fell into a trap and got into a tunnel. I once thought that I would never see the sun again."

"It sounds very thrilling." Peter commented, and he was a little regretful that he couldn't participate in such a wonderful process.

"There is no danger."

"Where's IW? What's the latest big case?" Heimdall asked.

"There was a gang of wizards committing crimes - harming Muggles through magical artifacts, and it was quite a big deal."

"This kind of case happens almost once or twice a month. What is it for this time?" Heimdall asked. "Rise of Muggle discrimination? Personal vendetta? Inadvertent mistake? The latter should be unlikely."

"According to the person concerned, it seems to be a tragedy caused by a whim."

Heimdall shrugged, "What happened?"

"In a non-public Muggle private library, a few wizards who sneaked in at night were going to set fire - they insisted afterwards that it was just a joke, and they were discovered by security guards watching the night. During the conflict, the wizard used magic. The poor Muggle Gua Baoan’s internal organs were displaced, and he lay in the local wizard’s hospital for more than a week, physically and mentally traumatized.”

"The library? Where?"

"In Naples, Italy, the Wizengamot from Italy was sent to us because of the complexity of the nationality of the wizards involved."

While speaking, the hand that held Victor shook violently, and with the help of Peter, the two pulled the master up.

As soon as Victor came into contact with the fresh air, he quickly took a few deep breaths, and Heimdall took out a handkerchief to wipe his face.

"How is it? Did you get anything?" Heimdall asked.

"Yes." Victor took the handkerchief and wiped it twice.

"What's wrong?" Heimdall felt that he was not in a good mood.

Victor lowered his head and folded the handkerchief, as if he was reluctant to mention it, "I'm glad you don't have the memory of the mysterious man, he's such a scary guy."

After that, Victor thanked Peter, and walked aside to wait under the hint of Heimdall's eyes.

"What do you want to tell me?" Peter's expression was exaggerated. "Your husband has already thanked you, but I have no objection to you thanking again. Can I specify the restaurant?"

Heimdall smiled, "Thank you, Peter."

"This is my job." Peter bared his white teeth.

"That's right, so I don't dislike your behavior of reporting my whereabouts to the above from time to time."

The slightly frivolous smirk receded from Peter's face, "You know?"

"It was just a guess at first, but your words confirmed my guess."

Peter cursed under his breath.

"It's not your fault. It's the higher-ups who asked you to monitor me, right? Although I've been promoted to a full-time employee of IW, I don't spend most of the year here in order to fight for justice. It's normal for the higher-ups to worry about me. They just let you watch me, not interfere."

"Should I shout long live understanding for your magnanimity?" Peter said with rare sarcasm.

Heimdall didn't take it seriously, "You're angry?"

Peter touched his nose, "A little bit."

"Your surveillance is still very successful, don't doubt yourself because of me," Heimdall approached him and whispered. "I like to think wildly. If I think too much, I will inevitably be suspicious. Thank you for letting you take on this role. If I were replaced by someone else, I would not be able to let myself cooperate, and it would inevitably cause problems."

"Hope not everyone under surveillance is like you." Peter's sense of humor reappeared.

"Probably not." Heimdall grinned.

Peter nodded.

The two fell into a sudden silence at the same time, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Heimdall spoke first, "I understand your job. You can't resist the orders of your superiors. During working hours, detective Peter is the first, and then Rigg's friend."

Peter felt relieved, "Just treat me as a friend."

"Of course, otherwise the opening money of the Champagne Bridge store will be returned to you. Let's make an agreement first. If we plan to fall out, we will talk about it after we have made money."

Peter didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his fist pretending to be annoyed, "Get lost, miser!"


At noon the next day, Heimdall was explaining the method of judging whether the process of wizard chess was perfect to the roommates Zug and Xiaopei. August knocked on the door of the experimental laboratory.

"Coach!" Little Pepper yelled.

August nodded and hesitated, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

"No, I've finished." Heimdall explained to the room staff, inviting August to sit down on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

August refused the drink reception, and said straight to the point, "Is there any prospect of the tour in Southern Europe?"

"Coincidentally, I just received it this morning." Heimdall said.

The considerate and clever Hina immediately put a stack of letters on the sofa beside Heimdall.

Heimdall looked down and picked out a gray-blue envelope.

"This one." He handed the letter to August.

August didn't rush to open it, "What did the letter say?"

"It's a bit troublesome." Heimdall took a sip of orange juice.

August waited for the following.

Heimdall squeezed the glass in his hand, "The Southern European Tour was initiated by magic schools in Italy, Spain and other countries. The teams they invite every year are basically fixed. It is said that the invitation list has been prepared long ago. The time has come." Send it out, and that pattern has barely changed over the years."

"Please pick the key points." August listened impatiently to the history.

“Simply put, they are not sure if they can accommodate the visit request of Durmstrang’s substitute school team, and they are not sure whether they should open the substitute school team’s net if Durmstrang’s school team does not participate in the tour this school year. On the one hand, they are afraid that once Durmstrang's special case is established, they will have to meet all kinds of weird requests from other schools in the future."

"These Southern European wizards take themselves too seriously," August complained.

"What do you think?" Heimdall gulped down the juice.

"What do you mean?"

"If you are sure that this trip will be beneficial, I will try my best to fight for the substitute school team."

"Isn't this letter a refusal?" August said mockingly.

"The 'uncertainty' throughout the text shows that these schools have not reached an agreement, and it also shows that they are not as united as they appear, and it also shows that there are loopholes that can be exploited. The key depends on what you think." Heimdall raised his eyebrows seriously .

August looked at him and laughed, "It's unimaginable if you act badly. I don't think Ray Diaz is your opponent at all."

"Don't tarnish my noble image," Heimdall drank the orange juice in his glass. "The worst person in our school is of course Chairman Dias. It's impossible for someone to emerge from the blue—at least not during my school days. I still expect to win the Outstanding Alumni Medal!"

Although Ray Dias, the former president of the student union, was very good, it was a pity that he did not receive the Outstanding Alumni Medal. The elder Sturluson, who was always obsessed with superstition, didn't mind this.


After being dealt with by the chairman of the student union of the Durmstrang Academy, a magic school in Italy enthusiastically expressed its willingness to lead the substitute school team of the sister school Durmstrang Academy to the competition scene of the Southern European Tour.

"When did we form a brother school with this Wenlilia School of Magic?" Rian asked puzzled at the dinner table.

"It's the Umbrian School of Magic." Carlo corrected.

"Never mind him!" Rian didn't care.

"Yesterday, no, the day before yesterday." Heimdall cut a piece of ham and stuffed it into his mouth. "The day I handed over the parchment on which the friendship agreement was written to the principal."

"Just for the substitute school team to enter the Southern European Tournament?" Ryan thought that his move was not cautious enough.

"That's fine," Leon said. "Umbria is the initiator of the Quidditch Tournament of the Southern European School of Magic. Being accepted by this school is very good for our school to reopen the situation in the Southern European Tournament in the future. One more friend is better than one more enemy."

"I also think this idea is good." Carlo raised his glass to Heimdall. "Respect Chairman!"

Leon agreed.

"Well, since you all think so," Ryan said, raising his glass too. "Good job, Rigg!"

"Thank you." Heimdall smiled. "Actually, it's not my fault. It's Professor Lacarini, our senior brother who made the bridge. Otherwise, why do you think I let Umbria, who is far away in Europe, Favoring Durmstrang, amiable?"

"But you participated and offered suggestions, that's enough." Carlo said earnestly.

"Chairman Sturluson." Someone came behind Heimdall.

Everyone stopped talking.

Heimdall turned around, "Fontana? What's the matter?"

Fang Tana, the former captain of the school team, has had a hard time since he lost the opportunity to be a domineering member of the school team, just like an official who suddenly became a commoner. Sight—most of them come from his fantasy, day and night he has trouble sleeping and eating, and his originally plump cheeks are sunken, making him look extraordinarily haggard.

Heimdall didn't want to talk about the weather with him, nor did he want to ask about his health, but just watched him with a smile.

"Excuse me, when can I return to the school team?" Fangtana's low voice was surprising.

"When did I stop you from returning to the school team?" Heimdall asked without answering.

"If it wasn't for you..." Fang Ta said with difficulty. "If it wasn't for you, the coach wouldn't treat me so harshly..."

"Why is Coach Palme so harsh?"

"His entrance examinations, with all due respect, are very unreasonable."

"It's strange. The school team before you all used this assessment mode. Could it be that my memory is impaired, and I remember it wrong?"

Fang Tana lowered her head, not giving an inch.

"Okay," Heimdall compromised. "I'll look through Captain Bernick Krum's notes when I go back, and I'll answer you again. What do you think?"

Fang Ta Na pursed his lips, and was about to say something when someone ran from behind and stood in front of everyone aggressively.

It was third-year Robert Maroney, who, like Fontana, had been expelled from the varsity team by Palme, who argued that his presence on the varsity roster was a mistake in itself.Anyone who met Maroney decided that he was not suitable for Quidditch. The reason why he was selected and became the starting batsman in the first place was due to his former captain Fontana who had ulterior motives.

"What do you do?" Heimdall asked.

Maroni always likes to get close to him these days, and the reason is always the same.

"Are you sure you didn't give the coach a bad hint?" Maroney asked loudly, not having any scruples because of the other party's status as the chairman of the student union.

"What position did you challenge for today?" Maroni has been harassing the coach every day since he was fired, asking Palme to monitor the team assessment.


"You finally figured it out?" before he fixated on the hitter.

"How dare you say you haven't hinted?!" Maroni insisted on breaking the casserole.

"How many times do you have to tell me before you believe me? I have never spoken ill of you to the coach, nor have I interfered with your team assessment!" Mr. Chairman was annoyed madly by him.

"That person is too much!" I don't know if Maroni listened, but he suddenly changed the subject.

"Which one?"


Heimdall said: "You should call him Coach Palme, if you're going to be on the varsity team and have him coach you."

"But what he did was too much, you didn't see the way he smashed the Quaffle, so cruel, so brutal, so unreasonable, and knocked off my broom, I almost fell and died, if Didn't get smashed to death by the ball before!"

"The goalkeeper exam is like that," Rian couldn't help frowning. "Coach Palme is imitating the Chaser. Who cares who you are on the field? No matter which team's Chaser is humble and gentle to the enemy's goalkeeper. The coach is very polite to you. If you Add Bludgers and hitters and you're still alive?"

"Don't remind him," Heimdall said with a half-smile. "Otherwise he won't be able to take the blow."

Leon and Carlo lowered their heads and snickered.

Maroni pouted and said to Heimdall, "You can guarantee that you didn't do anything wrong!"

Heimdall sighed remorsefully. At the beginning, he followed Maroney's accusation of expulsion from the school team as a stopgap measure. Unexpectedly, this bastard believed it and read it until now. Since then, he has pointed the finger at him if he is not satisfied. .

"What good does it do me if I play tricks on you? As the president of the student union, I still need to be as knowledgeable as a third-grade kid like you?" Heimdall said angrily.

"I'm not your house elf, who knows what you think!" Maroni nodded generously. "If that's the case, I'll trust you again." After speaking, he turned around and left, probably going to challenge the school team again with high ambitions, ignoring Fangtana who was beyond surprised, or he never noticed the person standing next to him .

Only when Maroni could no longer be seen, Fangtana looked away, the astonishment on his face still remained.

"What's wrong with Robert?" Fontana murmured.

"Not much," said Heimdall. "He just wanted to go back to the school team, to go back to the starting lineup - to pass the strict school team evaluation mechanism that Coach Palme restarted, instead of asking me when I can return to the school team without dignity."

Fangta lowered his head with red face.

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