HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 768 Is he not him?


The stone wall collapsed with a bang, and a person emerged from the dust. It was Victor Krum who was looking around.He couldn't remember how many walls he'd blown away—he'd sped up the process a lot since he was certain that doing so didn't seem to put him at a disadvantage.

One thing made him a little worried. This underground tomb-like place was very weird, and the blasted walls could automatically recover.Of course, they didn't recover in a blink of an eye, but the naked eye was enough to capture those traces, and they repaired themselves bit by bit.He is not yet sure whether this discovery is good or bad.

He drilled through the hole that was blown out, sensitively aware that the atmosphere here was completely different from the previous ones.

A dementor fell from the sky...

Five minutes later, the dementors huddled together in the corner of the room.

Victor took the bottle from his robe pocket and took a sip of the horrible-tasting Polyjuice Potion.He put away the bottle and looked around.Leaving aside the shivering dementors, the structure of the chamber remains disappointingly familiar.He searched in the tomb, but found nothing different. When he turned around, he seemed to have stepped on something under his feet. He lifted his foot, and the crushed object struggled to recover on the ground, and jumped to the wall, sticking to the wall, motionless.

Victor squatted down in front of the wall, and lightly waved his wand. The little black thing was pulled up in the air, and its thin tentacles swayed flexibly... These are the cockroaches made by Rigg, and Rigg called them "Xiao Qiang" ".

Victor quickly put Xiaoqiang down and searched back and forth against the wall. Xiaoqiang climbed onto his feet and moved his tentacles. Victor stopped searching and focused on Xiaoqiang's actions.Xiaoqiang slid down his instep, climbed to another wall and did not move.

Victor hesitated for a moment, and blasted the wall. At the end of the narrow corridor, the man-made hole had not completely repaired itself. He ran towards it, and the scattered Xiaoqiang gathered in the corridor behind him.


"Excuse me, what's your name?"

"You can call me Tom."

Heimdall nodded.

Tom turned back, "You should be overjoyed to say 'you can call me Derek'."

"Oh no," said Heimdall. "My dad said that when strangers try to get closer by calling them by their first names shortly after meeting them, it's usually up to no good."

"...Your father must be a cautious person who doesn't know how to communicate with others."

"Most people who know my dad comment that he is 'smooth in dealing with things'. His job is to communicate with others, and I heard that he does a good job."

Tom glanced at him and turned back.

The sound of their footsteps echoed in the silent tomb passage.

"Are you pure-blood?" Tom asked.

"of course not."

Tom stopped and turned to meet his eyes.

"Your tone is very interesting." Tom's expression was not so interesting.

"What's the matter with my tone?" Heimdall was still confused and naive.

"Why isn't pure blood taken for granted?"

"Since we can safely eat cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and fish that are completely different from those of 1000 years ago, why should we kidnap ourselves with the purity of blood?"

"Is that what your father said?"

"Although I really want to say that I made it up myself, I can't." Heimdall made a strange face, which made his ugly face even uglier, and Tom didn't show the slightest disgust.

Heimdall thought to himself, no wonder he can make himself into such a ghost without any grievances, this guy has no shame at all.

They went on again.

"Your mother was a Muggle?" Tom sounded casual.

"No, my mother is a wizard."

"Your Muggle blood comes from your grandfather's generation?"

"I don't know if I have Muggle blood in me, but I think there must be."

"You said you're not a pureblood." Tom's tone became bad, thinking he was being tricked.

"Our family ancestors have the blood of magical animals, although wizards at that time did not classify animals and people as carefully as they do now."

Tom nodded, his face changed from cloudy to sunny.

Under Tom's guidance, Heimdall blasted another wall, and howled exaggeratedly at the stereotyped walkway behind the wall.

Tom urged with a smile, "Come on, don't procrastinate."

"How much longer?" Heimdall slumped his shoulders.



Victor has collected 9 cockroaches. These cockroaches gave him a clear direction. They are lying on the wall; some are hiding at the bottom of the wall, and some are shrinking in the gap...

Now that there is nothing I don't understand, Rigg's move may not have any special significance. The idea may be to see what will happen temporarily, and maybe he will gain something.

Facts have proved that Mr. Stulusson got one from his husband.


"Don't you have any demands on yourself?" Tom was tired of Derek Kenny's mediocrity, and hated his mediocrity. "Such as ambitions, ideals, desires, nothing at all?"

"A long time ago I longed to be... well, an Auror."

Tom asked without changing his face, "Why did you give up?"

"Maybe it's because I'm terrified of waking up one morning with some part of my body missing."

Tom gave a half-smile and told him he didn't appreciate his humor.

"Aren't you afraid that some part will go missing when you put on this ugly cloak?" sneered Tom.

Heimdall thought for a while and said, "The general trend."

Tom laughed loudly.

Heimdall pretended to pull the cloak hat deeper, and hid his face in the hat, posing a handsome pose.Tom still has no sense of humor.In the black shadow of the cloak, Heimdall was quietly relieved. He couldn't find a chance to replenish the Polyjuice Potion, and hoped that the movement back would not be too loud. Fortunately, Derek Kenny was not much different from his original height and shape. Ask Merlin to show up.

"What about you? You must have great ambitions!" Heimdall said firmly.

Tom, with his back turned to him, looked strange.

"Me?" he said. "There are so many things I want to do."

"went well?"

"Some go well, some don't."

"At least it goes well, that's enough."

"You think so?" Tom showed a look of disgust again.

"Life can't always be smooth sailing. You can take comfort when things are not going well. Isn't that great?"

"I can't stand not going well."

"You are called obsessive-compulsive disorder. I have a friend who firmly believes that I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Your symptoms are much worse than mine." Heimdall said gloatingly.

"Useless guy!" Tom couldn't understand his "spiritual victory method".

Heimdall spread his hands.

"Don't you want to be an officer?" asked Tom.


"Control power, respond to a thousand calls, and use power to control the life and death of others, surpass tens of thousands of people, and let those who try to control you disappear in smoke. As a young man, don't you have similar decent ambitions?"

"...the wizards of your generation were so optimistic." Heimdall muttered.

"Louder!" Tom ordered.

"Since young people want to control the life and death of others, you should always leave a few standing below, lest you can't find someone to control."


"It's up ahead," said Tom.

Heimdall yelled, "It's finally here!"

"Shut up!" Tom couldn't bear it anymore.

"There's no one else here." Heimdall muttered aggrievedly.

Tom gave him a cold look, "Don't shout in my ear."

The two looked at the iron door that appeared out of nowhere at the same time. It was black and dull. The four corners of the door panel were wrapped in metal and had steel needle-like spikes. The boa constrictor twisted slowly.

Heimdall swallowed loudly, "Do you think this is okay? I'll wait for you at the door, and we'll go out after you come out?"

"You don't want to go in?" Tom analyzed his behavior.

"I've said it many times, I don't want to!" He took a step back as he spoke.

"You have to go in with me, or I won't show you the way." Tom said without doubt.

Heimdall acted as if he was "glaring" at him—if he could see through his cloak hat, "Did anyone say you were bossy?"

"A lot, but people also think that I'm a very easy person to get along with, as long as you don't confront me." Such remarks didn't make Tom's eyes any kinder.

Heimdall raised his hands, "Okay, I'll go in, but we've agreed, just do what you want and don't drag me into the water."

Tom gave a cryptic smile.

Heimdall shook his head, look how handsome and beautiful, what a pity.

Heimdall read "White Tiger Star" aloud to the door according to the method taught by Tom, and the iron door opened with a click.

Tom gestured please.Heimdall stretched out his right hand wearing a black cloth glove, touched the cold handle apprehensively, and confirmed its safety under Tom's ridicule, he slowly held it and opened the door panel.

The arrangement inside the door bears a striking resemblance to the Slytherin common room.The creepy green color, the eerie skull wall, the embossed fireplace passing through the wall, and even the texture of the sofa cover are highly consistent.

"Oh..." Heimdall exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked sharply.

"It's definitely not comfortable living in a house like this."

"Are you afraid of the mysterious man?"

Heimdall did not expect that he would take the initiative to mention the "mysterious man", and Tom interpreted his pause as embarrassment after revealing his heart.

"Is there anyone in England who is not afraid of the Dark Lord?" Heimdall aptly chose "Dark Lord" over "You-Know-Who".

"Since you are wearing this ugly wizard robe, it means that you are different from those people, why should you be afraid?"

"I think my performance is called awe, don't talk nonsense!" Heimdall emphasized.

How much does this "Tom" hate Death Eater robes?Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut without forgetting to add the prefix "ugly".Through observations along the way, Heimdall has new doubts about his identity, and at the same time there are more question marks. If he is not the mysterious man himself, then who is he?Heimdall can be sure that he is still stepping on the ground of the twentieth century, not the war-torn 40s.

Could it be the son of the mysterious man? !

Tom stopped in front of the fireplace. The green flames were dancing in the marble fireplace. This color made Heimdall uncomfortable and he couldn't feel any warmth. He quickly turned his eyes away.

"You really don't want to look for it?" Tom seemed to like the color very much, and focused on the flames that seemed to be surging in hell.

His tone gave Heimdall a slight sense of crisis. He no longer pretended to be Derek Kenny, and the old monk remained motionless as if he had fallen into a trance.

"You're not the one, are you?" said Tom.


"Derek Kenny, or the real you is not who you act."

Silence permeated the room between the two.

Heimdall took a deep breath, "How did you see that?"

"Aren't you going to argue?" Tom finally dropped the flames and turned to look at him.

"Will that work? If it does, give me a minute to adjust."

Tom is still the same Tom without a sense of humor, not going to be funny by forcing Heimdall to successfully expose his identity.

"What do you want?" said Tom.

"I want a memory ball."

Tom froze for a moment—no conceivable concealment or equivocation, choked by Heimdall's bluntness.

"Memory ball?" Tom said slowly.

"I need memory balls from 1950 to 1970 about the Borgin-Bock store, if you know it will be easier." Heimdall didn't shy away.

"What do you want to know?" Tom's tone became dangerous.

Heimdall twirled the wand in his right hand, and a few spells swirled around his lips. He said, "I wonder if Mrs. Hepzibah Smith ever consigned fragments of ancient books in Borgin-Bock's store. If so, those fragments were Where is it sold, I hope to get the above clues.”

Tom's expression was enigmatic.

Heimdall hooked the corner of his mouth, "I'm sorry that the purpose of my trip is not for those more secret things." In fact, he doesn't know what secrets are beneficial to the actions of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Who are you?" Tom asked.

"Someone you don't know."

"tell me."

"Heimdall Strulusson, sir."

Tom pointed out: "There is a mini secret door behind the brown shelf, you can find it yourself."

Heimdall looked at him for a while, "You want me to look for it?"

Tom sneered, "The reason just now was also made up?"

"No, I did, I just thought you were going to stop me."

"Why do you think that?"

"Since this is the mysterious room of the mysterious man, don't you exist to prevent others from approaching here?"

"Well," Tom showed an incomprehensible smile, and the ferocity of a beast was faintly visible. "He made me here in the first place. There is indeed this meaning in it, but you can also see that his protection measures are in place, and others cannot get close. I can only travel here every day. He forcibly demarcated the scope of my activities. I wouldn't have been able to get through a room infested with dementors without you."

Heimdall couldn't tell what that feeling was, was he really not "he"?Young Tom's "honesty" did not relieve Heimdall, but made him more disturbed.Intuition told him that Tom was as dangerous as Voldemort himself.Who is he?

"The shelf you were talking about just now?" Heimdall temporarily put aside those and walked over cautiously.


The door disappeared in Victor's hands, and what greeted him behind the smoke and dust was not the tomb, and the man who let himself worry about it stood in front of the dazzling green background.Victor also noticed the strange boy beside Heimdall, he hurriedly controlled his facial expression, the Hogwarts robes on the boy made him suspicious.

"It seems that you are not fighting alone." The boy said.

Victor remained calm, no longer in a hurry to play Bellatrix, and Heimdall came to him.

Heimdall said, "I've found something, are you still willing to take us out?"

The boy said: "Is there anyone else? Do you need to wait? Maybe you can go together."

Victor is puzzled by the teenager's mocking tone.

"If yes, how can I get in touch?" Heimdall said frankly.

"I'll find someone for you, you have to promise me one thing." The boy didn't hesitate.

Victor instinctively wanted to remind Heimdall not to agree, Heimdall leaned against him, holding his hand through the wide sleeve.


The road to find Lupin is not easy. How many husbands and wives are here is getting more and more uncertain. As for this "voluntary volunteer" boy, the two must rely on his judgment on the direction of the road while being vigilant. And the feeling of not being able to break free is quite bad, the husband and wife can only remind themselves to be careful.

In fact, Lupine has been going around in circles. The tomb passage he was randomly assigned to is a dead end. This strange space that lacks logic treats people who fall here as monkeys, and laughs with their hands on their hips.

The couple had a headache, how should they explain it to Lupin, and asked him to give up the plan of the Order of the Phoenix and leave the cemetery with them, but the first thing Lupine said when he saw them was: "Hurry up and find a way to get out of here!"

Lupine's expression was full of confusion when he saw Tom. Of course he saw the robe on Tom's body. During the subsequent retreat, the expression on his face became more and more complicated and tense, as if the tension was about to explode.This is not a good place to confess, the couple pretended not to see Lupine's paler face, and followed Tom, who was always indifferent, to the exit he said.

"This stone gate is where you came in," said Tom.

The three of them were ready to fight against Shimen, and no one knew who would greet them behind Shimen.

"Sturlusson," Tom said softly, with a chilling look in his eyes. "Don't forget our agreement, there is such a thing."

"Why do you have to go around in circles, isn't it better to just hand it over to...?" Heimdall said with deep meaning.

Tom turned to Lupine. "I don't know what Dumbledore asked you to do. If he asks about your harvest in the tomb, you can ask him to talk to Mr. Sturluson."

Lupine's face changed drastically, and he pointed his wand straight at Tom, "It really is you!"

Tom didn't take it seriously, "Dumbledore won't approve of your reckless move, because that hypocritical old fool can get more news that is beneficial to him from me, why don't you go back and ask that old fool for his opinion, and then use Wand pointed at me?"

Lupine's chest rose and fell violently.

Heimdall had the feeling that Lupine couldn't kill Tom, not even if his wand "fired".

Finally, Lupine let go, frustrated by the boy's youthful face, unable to allow himself to be a ruthless executioner like Voldemort.


The couple still declined the invitation to go to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and returned to his secret residence with Professor Snape.Lucius was still waiting there, and in the same room with him was Sirius Black who came later.

"Thank you, Merlin, for finally coming back!" Sirius hurried towards them.

"If you don't come back, Mr. Black will be more than just circling with your feet in the room." Lucius drank the tea in his cup indifferently.

"I won't tell them that you held an overturned newspaper and read it for an hour." Sirius retorted forcefully.

Lucius lowered his head and raised the glass to his lips to hide his embarrassment.

The couple took off their disguise and sat down in the small living room.

"Is the operation going well?" Sirius asked impatiently.

The husband and wife looked at each other with a somewhat tangled expression that others could not understand.

Sirius and Lucius looked at Snape at the same time, and the professor gave them an indifferent glance.

"It's going well." Heimdall said and took out a memory ball from his pocket.

"Oh, that's really good." Sirius was a little bit resistant to the memory ball, took a quick look at it and turned away.

"What's your plan down there? Go back now?" Lucius asked.

Several people said nothing about the actions of the Order of the Phoenix.

Heimdall looked at the expressionless Victor, who lowered his eyes and firmly held his hand.

Heimdall said, "Let's go somewhere first, and then we'll make plans."

Lucius relaxed his back and sank onto the back of the sofa.


Grindelwald was wearing pajamas, sitting on the bed, with a small table in front of him, playing wizard poker alone, when he saw him coming in, he immediately yelled "ah".

"I'm so surprised!"

"Don't be like this, I told you, the expression of surprise is not suitable for you." Heimdall dragged a chair and sat down.

"you alone?"

"My husband is outside, admiring your gardener's masterpiece." The original decision was right, and he couldn't imagine Victor's expression when he saw Lao Caipi in his pajamas.

Grindelwald turned his attention back to the card, "Drew will take care of him."

Heimdall looked noncommittal, looked at his face, "Sick?"

"No, but I'm getting older, and everything is wrong."

"I thought you'd outlive Professor Golden."

Grindelwald looked at the cards in his hand, dialed the cards of the virtual enemy, and swapped each other, so that the cards in his hand won.After that, he put down the poker contentedly.

"You mean Nero Golden?" Grindelwald waved his hand, the tea set on the chest of drawers became busy, and two cups floated in a blink of an eye.He waited until Heimdall took the cup before he continued, "He still hasn't shown any signs of dying?"

Heimdall took a sip of tea, "I'm afraid I've disappointed you."

Grindelwald put the cup on the small table.

"Why are you here today?" Grindelwald didn't naively think that Heimdall came to visit him specially.

"Wait someone."

"Wait for who?"

"I should know right away. If he doesn't come, I'll put the things here with you. Anyway, he will come sooner or later."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Don't be stupid," Heimdall sent him a sweet smile. "Professor Dumbledore, of course."

Naturally, Grindelwald would not have those green and clumsy reactions, and calmly picked up the cup: "Your guess is right, and he has already come."

Heimdall stood up, then turned around hesitantly, "Are you really fine?"

"Of course, I have always had the habit of taking a nap, and I didn't stop before I retired." Grindelwald said.

Heimdall decided not to remind him what time it is, and suddenly smiled wretchedly, "Isn't it because I'm tired?" Emma, ​​how old she is, is still so fierce.

Lao Caipi's complexion suddenly became colorful.

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