HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 730 The Crown Prince Is Enthroned


Drake took Heimdall into the Slytherin common room, and the password to enter was: vulgar slug.

Draco said like a normal person: "Professor Slughorn held a salon last school year called 'Slug Club', and according to the students who participated in it, all those invited were famous, successful, or Powerful people, and brilliant students at the top of the school."

Heimdall felt that he meant something, "You must have been invited."

No matter how poor the young master of the Malfoy family is, he still belongs to the powerful and powerful category.

"I was not invited." Master Sao murmured melancholy.

"It's not your fault." The room chief patted him.

Fortunately, this incident has been in the past for some time, and now thinking about it is mostly a pain in the heart, Draco bit the handkerchief weakly for a while, then threw it behind his head, and waved his hand boldly, "Go, go to me!" bedroom."

Halfway there, he asked, "Do you need to bring a letter to Krum?"

Heimdall shook his head, "I have a way to contact him."

They communicate with each other with love drops - the magic mirror.

Draco obviously thought of this too, and stopped talking nonsense.

It is still during the summer vacation, and the dormitory of Slytherin College is not empty. After leaving the common room and turning to the dormitory, they encountered several students who arrived early like Draco in the corridor. Senior grades.

"This is Goyle, this is Crabbe, I believe you still remember." Draco introduced the two big men who walked side by side and could block the road.

"Remember, hello." To be honest, Heimdall couldn't tell which of them was Goyle and which was Crabbe.

The two of them were as dull as ever, and they snorted sullenly, which was regarded as a greeting.

Draco took it for granted and didn't expect them to be articulate and eloquent.He squeezed out from between the two King Kong, stopped again, turned around and made an impatient grimace at Heimdall, and said solemnly: "Brace Zabini." Almost choked Zabini, who was eager to try.

Heimdall was a little surprised by his cousin's sudden change of mood. He pushed the boat along with the face and smiled dryly at Zabini.


The unanimous refusal of the two cousins ​​made Sabini's heart full of enthusiasm and his heart was chilled. There were cracks in his perfect smile, and the words full of aggrievedness turned into the most concise greetings. Watching them pass by him, he walked away without looking back.

After entering Draco's bedroom, Heimdall asked, "I remember you admired him."

Draco muttered, "He went to the Slug Club event..."

In other words Blaise Zabini was invited.

Chief Sturluson patted his head.

"Don't touch my head!" Draco yelled and dodged, carefully wiping the polished gourd.


"It's nice that you live in a single room." Heimdall looked around.

"I'm a prefect!" Draco said confidently.

The fact that there are fewer Slytherins is the key.

"What are you looking at?" Heimdall found him looking at the bed with an inscrutable expression.

"In order to make room, I had to disrupt the perfect arrangement of this room." The young master sighed at this point. “My exquisite taste~~~”

Heimdall picked his nose and looked around pretending to hear everything.

After sighing, Draco made up his mind to move the furniture out of the bedroom.

Heimdall rolled up his sleeves, took out his wand, and it looked like he was going to do something big.

Master Malfoy snapped his fingers arrogantly and coolly, and called out the house-elf who specially served Slytherin House. The young master waved his hands in a rage, and the whole room of high-end furniture disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Chief Sturluson had just raised his wand.

This is the difference between innate (rich and handsome) and acquired (local tyrant).

The head of the chamber silently lowered his wand.

Draco thought his cousin was full of energy, and smiled in relief.

The head of the room pretended to be calm, and seemed to agree with his statement very much.

"If you are not afraid of collapsing your dormitory, we will start." Heimdall reminded cryptically.

"Let the house-elf fix it." Draco said without thinking.

Heimdall didn't even know that the house-elf was so omnipotent. Since Master Malfoy wasn't afraid of him, he, a foreigner, was afraid of him.

The two faced each other at a distance of more than two meters, and it felt like a grand duel between knights in the Middle Ages. If there were more swords, sticks, armor and shields in the room, it would be more like that.Before Heimdall finished his muttering, Draco suddenly realized that he wanted the Almighty Elf to prepare those things for him to create an atmosphere. Heimdall was dumbfounded.

After all, he finally let go of the whimsy of Master Malfoy who wanted to come out.

"What do you want to practice?" Heimdall hurriedly asked.

"...Defense Against the Dark Arts." He said absent-mindedly, as if he couldn't forget the big scene in the Middle Ages.

The head of the room nodded, "Oh, no."

"You at least show some sincerity!" Draco protested loudly.

"This is called seeking truth from facts. If you haven't learned it, you won't know it."

"You can even do black art, how can you not know how to do Defense Against the Dark Arts?!" Draco's self-righteous young master fell again.

The head of the room expressed his kindness, "According to your logic, we can directly practice black magic. I believe you must be proficient in both."

The young master was very frustrated, "Brother, you can't do this..."

The head of the room rubbed his arms, and his hairs stood on end after being stimulated by his lingering drawl.

"As long as you stop shouting like that, anything is fine." Heimdall surrendered. "According to the Defense Against the Dark Arts technique you want to practice, I can use black magic to cooperate with the attack, and you can resolve it, how about it?"

Draco smiled, "Brother, you are the best!"

The head of the room had a confused expression on his face.


"There is a trick in Defense Against the Dark Arts called 'turning danger to safety', which is mainly used to deal with explosive spells." Draco rubbed his hands and said enthusiastically. "I'm going to start with this spell."

"Explosive spells are all learned in Charms class, and black magic is not classified in this way." Heimdall said.

"What's the name of black magic?"


"Is there a difference?" Draco wondered.

Heimdall waved his right hand, and the right leg of the only chair on the scene was instantly blown into powder.

Draco nodded, "It's the Shattering Curse."

Heimdall took out two soft things from his pocket, and Draco touched them with his hands, which looked like rubber.Heimdall's wand poked on the two colored rubbers respectively, and in an instant it turned into two balloons and flew up.It was bought by Mr. Stuluson for his son, and Draco couldn't figure out why he would carry the toy with him when his three-year-old son was playing with it. As a qualified and excellent father, he should be ready for Tinker Bell at all times.

Heimdall tossed a few more times, and the red balloon shrunk and squeezed into the middle of the blue balloon, turning into a double set of balloons.

"You look after it." After Heimdall finished speaking, he pointed his wand quickly, and only heard a "snap", the inner red balloon was torn apart, and the outer blue balloon shook and remained intact.

"Is this the breaking of the Dark Arts?" Draco asked. "It doesn't look special, it can be done with ordinary spells."

"I only use the balloon to let you see clearly. Usually, the prerequisite for us to use a spell is to be able to see the object of the spell. Black magic doesn't need to worry about this." Heimdall let go of the balloon, and the balloon flew with its buttocks twisted towards the ceiling. "Substitute a balloon into a person, imagine it bursting inside, and the outside is still glamorous."

Draco shuddered when he heard that, and his expression changed.

"Can you survive the 'turning the tide'? Is it for this category?" Heimdall asked.

Draco is a little uncertain. This is the incompatibility of theory and operation. Everyone has a reason for their own position, but it is full of loopholes when it is really brought into the opponent's field.

Seeing that he couldn't turn around for a while, Heimdall said, "There are many kinds of ruptures in black magic."

Draco had an open-minded look on his face.

"That was one just now, and there is another." Heimdall walked to the end of the room, and Draco moved closely beside him.Heimdall waved his magic wand, and a cloud of black smoke escaped from the tip of the wand. In an instant, he turned into a monster covered in white bones. With his mouth wide open, his fangs bared, he plunged into the ground swiftly, roaring forward like a rock, and the ground immediately Bursting - sharp ground thorns stand up from the cracking place, until finally disappearing across the room.

An irregular crack about one meter wide was left on the floor of the room, and the crack was covered with gray-white ground thorns that looked like monster teeth. Imagine that one was in the direction of the ground thorns... Draco shuddered.

"What kind of magic is this?" Draco's face paled.

"Earth tooth. This is also of the fracture type." Heimdall said.

"Is there any more?" Although panicked, Draco still maintained a high spirit of exploration.

Heimdall raised his hand neatly, and cracks appeared on a large piece of wall covering on the wall on his left hand, criss-crossing like spider webs, and then large areas shrank with the web lines as the boundary, turning yellow and scorched as if burned, and then small pieces The deprivation, the white wall behind the wall cloth leaves a mess of cracks, and the initial burst has already penetrated into the next layer.

"Hell net."

Draco swallowed, not needing Heimdall to prompt him to use his imagination automatically.

"Go on," Draco said.

"Are you sure?" Heimdall asked.

"what happened?"

"This is Hogwarts." Heimdall thought that the few just now were very representative, and he felt that he would be kicked out in a second.

"It's okay," Draco waved his hand indifferently. "If something happens, it's now the turn?"

"When did your place become so open?" Heimdall said in surprise.

"An extraordinary act in an extraordinary time." Draco shook his head enigmatically.

Heimdall threatened, "If I become a key target of Hogwarts because of your instigation, I will settle accounts with you."

Draco didn't care about it at all, he had long since lost his fearful and cowardly attitude, and urged, "Come on the strongest one." This ability to adapt is not to say that it is not weak.

"There is no most powerful magic, only the most powerful wizard." Heimdall smiled holyly.

"Then get something better that you can do." Draco changed his approach.

Heimdall thought for a while, and then began to cover the small balloon with the big balloon.

"I've been interviewed before." Draco firmly disagreed with being fooled.

"There are not enough props here, and it's normal to have a high repetition rate in limited means." Heimdall said calmly.

The moment the inner balloon exploded, Draco was about to despise loudly, when the outer balloon also exploded with a snap.Draco was shocked, but fortunately he didn't turn his eyes away. He clearly saw the outer balloon leaking strangely before it exploded.

"It's inside and out, the double layer is broken?" Draco's eyes lit up, what the fuck!

Heimdall clapped his hands, "It's more than just two layers. As I said earlier, the props are limited. I wonder how this black magic can explode at least 6 or 7 layers."

"Floor 6, 7?" Master Malfoy rewinded the tape in his mind, playing back the slow motion carefully. "I admit that this magic is very good, but the 6th or 7th floor is not enough, it is too exaggerated."

Heimdall endured it, and finally had to admit, "This magic is not my strong point. I haven't practiced it much, and the casting efficiency is quite satisfactory." In fact, the sound and light effects of this spell are very bluffing. Hogwarts, the head of the room dare not be too arrogant.

Draco became even more excited, "Why is black magic so good?"

"Thousands of arrows piercing the heart."

"Hearing the name is very emotional." Draco was in a daze.

"The man who invented this magic is Gellert Grindelwald."

"I seem to have heard... By the way, a dropout from Durmstrang, the former head of the experimental research laboratory, a big devil, making trouble in the European continent..." Draco once admired Grindelwald's boldness The signature of the book, and the history of magic is also well learned, and the relevant records in the book are eight or nine are inseparable.

"He invented this magic?" Draco hurriedly came to prove it after reciting the book.

"One of his specialties."

Draco looked rejoicing that he survived the catastrophe, "Fortunately, he didn't come to England..."

Heimdall said nothing when he thought of the old Caipi who was spending his old age leisurely in the Devis-Bains store.

"Which one are you going to start with?" Heimdall asked.

"Which of the few just now is the easiest?" Draco had the urge to flip through the book immediately.

"Hell Internet Cafe," Heimdall thought for a while, and suggested, "You might as well learn everything, isn't it more intuitive to understand?"

"Will you teach me?" Draco jumped up, then wilted down again. "This is Hogwarts, it won't work, it won't work..."

"After passing this village, there will be no more shops here. If you miss today, don't even think about it." Heimdall hinted.

Master Malfoy is not a fool, he quickly figured it out, and immediately beamed with joy.


Draco followed Heimdall's instructions and concentrated on practicing. Heimdall waited and saw that he had no intention of entertaining him, so he made a symbolic noise, and was stared mercilessly by the young master. It seems that he is an eyesore.The head of the room walked out of the room very unhappily. The departure was not a small one, but Master Malfoy turned a deaf ear to it.

Full of grievances, Stulu Song took out the small mirror and talked on the phone with her husband——to express his unwillingness and loneliness. The master listened to his bitterness gently on the other side, and took a few sweet words from time to time. The words are convenient for him to connect the past with the next.In fact, they are all trivial and trivial things that are not worth mentioning.

"Honey, where are you?" Heimdall finally wanted to act instead of moving.

[I'm in Hagrid's hut. 】

Heimdall's heart moved, "Wait, I'll go too."

He rubbed his stomach when he left the Slytherin common room, and asked, "Is there any food at Hagrid's place?" Master Malfoy is too realistic, too dishonest, too stingy, and he saves money on meals, At school, he doesn't need to pay for it... The head of the room is definitely treating others by himself.

Came to the front hall of Hogwarts familiarly, the head of the room walked out, someone called his name.

It was Sirius Black.

Sirius first stood there looking him up and down, then walked towards him with open arms, and Heimdall embraced him with a smile on his face.He likes their current way of getting along. Friends are better than father and son. To be honest, Heimdall can't call him "father".

"Harry told me, I still don't believe it." Sirius looked very excited, his eyes brightened.


Heimdall felt a little ashamed, "I haven't visited him yet."

"Shall we go now?" Sirius suggested.

"He is still in special training."

Sirius nodded.

Heimdall said, "I'll go to Victor first, and I'll go with Victor later."

"Where's Krum?" Sirius asked.

"At Hagrid's cabin."

"Oh, then you go, I will pick you up there later."

"I know Lu, and I've been here for a school year." Heimdall thought he was being too polite.

Sirius said calmly, "I just want to try to spend more time with you."

Heimdall fell silent, "I see."

Sirius watched Heimdall go out, and seeing that he was about to turn around, he suddenly raised his voice, "Rig, why are you here this time?"

Heimdall seemed to understand what he meant, and he turned his head and smiled, "It's something about Victor's family. His family's ancestors have some connections with Professor Trelawney's ancestors. Don't worry, we are fine and we haven't been out yet. What's up."

Sirius grinned in relief.


"Hi, Hagrid." Heimdall walked into the hut under Hagrid's warm greeting.

A giant hunting dog Fangman dressed in pitch black rushed out frantically.

"Hello, buddy." Heimdall, who was familiar with its character, was not intimidated by its burly figure, and took out a bone-shaped pet tool from his pocket.The fragrant smell attracted Yaya, and Yaya joyfully swung the fake bone back and forth in his mouth.

"Yaya!" Hagrid was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect Heimdall to bring a gift for Yaya.

"You entertained me to eat and drink. I should bring something for Fang." Heimdall picked up the bagel made by Hagrid and took a bite. The bright red jam overflowed from both sides of his mouth and dripped on the front of his clothes. Heimdall While frantically looking for a handkerchief, he repeated with admiration, "It's unbelievable, it's so perfect, this is it, sometimes I miss the British fried doughnuts, this is it..."

Victor wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and Heimdall excitedly passed the bagel to his mouth, "Try it!"

"I've eaten." Nevertheless, the master took a bite.

"Isn't it delicious?!" Heimdall couldn't help chewing, looking intoxicated.

In fact, Victor didn't think it was very delicious. Heimdall's favorite has some nostalgic elements in it. One of the biggest and most uncontrollable functions of memory is to beautify the past.

Seeing that he was eating happily, Hagrid closed his mouth happily, and turned to check the kettle on the fireplace.

Master Krum secretly remembered this preference of Heimdall.

After eating and drinking, Heimdall confessed to Hagrid that he would go to the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was worried, "Is it just you two? I'll go with you."

"A few friends are in the Forbidden Forest. I haven't contacted them for so long. Let's go visit them." Heimdall said.

Hagrid worried, "Since Aragog's death, eight-eyed spiders don't like approaching humans even more than before. It might be dangerous to go there rashly."

"Is Aragog gone?" Heimdall asked in surprise.

"It's been more than a year." Hagrid said lonely.

Aragog was raised by Hagrid, and the admiration for Aragog was a bit pretentious when he told the spider, but after so many years of getting along with each other, Hagrid cried a lot when Aragog passed away.

Heimdall and Victor looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking about how to tell Xiaoba when they went back, that it was its father.Heimdall thought he had known earlier and brought Xiao Bayi, but there is no such thing as "knew earlier" in the world.That is to say, the eight-eyed prince became the emperor.

"Then I should go to express my condolences." Heimdall completely treated the eight-eyed spider as a human being.

Victor knew that he would not change his mind easily once he made up his mind, so he said to Hagrid, "It's okay, as you know, we took an eight-eyed spider from here back then, and the spider family in the Forbidden Forest knows us."

Hagrid let go of most of his worries, but he was still a little nervous. He suggested, "You can enter the Forbidden Forest with Firenze, which will be safer. Animals in the Forbidden Forest usually don't dare to embarrass the horsemen."

"Firenz... isn't he the professor of divination at Hogwarts? He's a centaur?" Heimdall was speechless.Who said that Hogwarts is old-fashioned and conservative?With such an unconventional decision, how many magic schools dare to follow suit? !

"You know?" Hagrid laughed. "He's a nice centaur, you don't have to worry."

The centaurs in the Forbidden Forest have a good relationship with Hogwarts, and even sent their clansmen to be professors. Recalling how those centaurs shunned and dismissed humans one by one, Heimdall felt that the centaurs were more fickle than women .

Chief Sturlusson didn't know that he had made a big mistake in making up his mind.


Professor Firenze had very fine blue eyes, fair hair, and a fawn body.To be honest, Professor Firenze is the most human-like centaur Heimdall has ever seen in terms of temperament. According to human aesthetics, he is also the best-looking centaur Heimdall has seen so far.

"Professor, sorry for the inconvenience." Victor and Heimdall greeted him.

"Are you Heimdall Strulusson?" Firenze asked looking at him.


"I have long admired the name."

Heimdall blinked, he was not used to such an easy-going centaur!

"I know you too," Firenze turned to Victor. "You're the wizarding Quidditch star."

Victor smiled modestly, "I thought you would say that you are one of the champions of the Triwizard Tournament."

Firenze smiled when he heard this.

Deep in Heimdall's heart, Li Xiaoge Hei and Li Xiaoge Bai clasped their shoulders together, screaming again in a fuss.

Firenze said to Hagrid, "Don't worry, I will take them out of the eight-eyed spider's lair."

"I know there are some pushovers," said Hagrid, with an honest face. "You should also be careful. Your compatriots are not easy to mess with. They may still be angry."

"It's not very possible. I'm sure they will never forgive me and accept me." Firenze smiled wryly.

What is the situation? !Heimdall quickly scanned left and right, trying to figure out more clues through the expressions of the two, but the dumb words of the two were too ambiguous, and they couldn't splice the reason.

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