"Tell me all you know," Heimdall said to Jael. "Which type of confidentiality method do you choose for the non-disclosure agreement you signed? Money or spell damage?" If it is the former one, he doesn't mind helping Yael spend money to eliminate the disaster.

Yael shook his head, "It's not about the agreement. I don't know what's going on. The task I received was to secretly monitor your case handling process and give you the greatest help within the scope of the agreement. Using my student status and The way you get along day and night is still the boss's idea."

Thinking that the other party was not lying or perfunctory, Heimdall was disappointed, and followed Jael with a lot of thoughts, until someone called his name, he suddenly came back to his senses, looked up, and then showed a happy smile.

"Victor!" He ran away, grabbed the other's outstretched hand, and said impatiently before he could stand still, "Big eyes may be dangerous!"

Victor nodded, "I've heard about it."

Heimdall was taken aback, "Who did you hear from?" Then he said, "By the way, why are you here... Where is this place?"

Director Sturluson looked around in a daze, and finally remembered to observe the environment.

Yael and Victor exchanged helpless expressions.

"It was I who informed Mr. Krum." Yael was unavoidably excited when he came into close contact with the idol, and the door on his mouth was loosened a lot, and he told the news without any pressure. "Mr. Krum has told me before that it is best to notify him in advance of any emergencies related to you."

Heimdall opened his eyes wide in surprise, "You are still a multi-faceted spy."

"What's the difference, the red hat is a job, and it's right to serve Mr. Krum!" Yael has always boasted as a hardcore fan who is not afraid of shaking the earth.

Victor thumped Yael's shoulder, "Thank you."

Yael smiled slightly, "I should have nothing to do next."

"Even if there is, I don't dare to bother you anymore. You charge a lot of money." Heimdall said.

Yael shrugged and turned to leave.

Heimdall looked back, "Is this the Emerald Village at the entrance of the mountain?"

Victor said yes.

Heimdall took out a hand-drawn map and a chess piece similar to wizard chess. He looked around but saw no one, so he used a spell to suspend the map in front of his eyes, and the master placed the chess piece on the map.Heimdall waved his wand and muttered, the lighthouse-like chess piece moved slowly on the map. After three seconds, it suddenly accelerated as if under a spell of movement. It seemed that it was about to fly out of the map due to its high speed. Then there was a turn around and stopped at a certain point.

Heimdall carefully identified the area, quickly put away the map and chess pieces, and stretched out his arms to Victor.Victor put his hand on his arm. After the crackle, the two disappeared from the spot, leaving a few pairs of shoe prints on the snow-covered mud.

Surprisingly, Aldera Astrological Isle offered him no help, and to be more specific, the "Happy Witness" refused to respond to his request.

The young wizard Heimdall who was on duty at the top of the lighthouse on Xingxing Island met him for the first time. To be honest, apart from Derek, the person in charge, and a few veteran members—such as the vice president, the team leaders, etc., Heimdall only knew Aquatic flora and fauna expert Mr. Amt.He admitted that he did not make great efforts to improve the social status of "Happy Witness", nor did he create an opportunity for its fame to spread far, nor did he introduce talents for its growth.

So when the young stranger asked him with unkind arrogance what else he needed, Heimdall asked, "Where's Derek?"

Derek is the person in charge of "Happy Witnesses". Aladera Astrology Island was left by Derek's parents, so he regards taking care of the island as an unshirkable responsibility, and usually stays on the island by himself to receive members The news about magical beasts came back from all over the world.

But Heimdall did not see Derek today.

"Mr. Derek is not here." The young man was a little impatient.

"What about Mr. Ammut?" Heimdall decided not to talk too much with him for the time being.

"Whether it's in Norway or somewhere in Denmark, that old guy Amt likes things in the water, and he probably chases mermaids. I haven't seen him for a long time." The young man laughed disapprovingly. Standing tall next to Derek's cherished spinning silver instrument that spews smoke or is written with mysterious spells, he pushes those ancient antiques with his toes from time to time. "We are not a mermaid research institution. By the way, if you know him, tell him that if he doesn't return to the headquarters for a meeting, the vice president will fire him."

"I understand. The reason why you refuse to help me is also because tracking mermaids is outdated." Heimdall somewhat grasped his logic.

"Our latest research topic is the fire-breathing dragon." The young man announced triumphantly.

Your sister's charizard!Li Xiaoge Hei raised his steel fork and roared.

Victor, who has been leaning on the handrail of the stairs and did not participate in the conversation, said slowly: "The new regulations introduced this year clearly state that the research on dragons needs to obtain at least five types of permits issued by Romania and related agencies. If it is a non-governmental organization, the application will have to wait." One month. As far as I know, "Happy Witnesses" had no such intentions in January this year, and within 5 months, they went through a series of cumbersome procedures such as application and review to obtain all permits?"

The young man seemed very unhappy, and shouted stiffly, "We don't need to report the operation of 'Happy Witness' to outsiders!"

"Then what about him? It seems he hasn't been notified yet, right?" Victor pointed his chin at Heimdall's location.

The young man said contemptuously, "Which onion is he!"

Heimdall introduced himself seemingly calmly, "My name is Heimdall Sturluson."

"I don't care what your name is!" The young man thought they were being unreasonable, and if it wasn't for Krum's face, he would never let them in. Now he changed his mind and planned to drive them away. "You are not welcome on Astrology Island, please leave."

Victor was too lazy to argue with this person, and shook his head directly at Heimdall: "It's really not worth the money you spent." These people don't even know who the funder is.

The heart of a young man can be described as turbulent waves. Although he has eyes but does not know Mount Tai, but doing research requires money, which has nothing to do with the quality of his eyes. If what Krum said is true... the young man stared suspiciously Looking at Heimdall, two contradictory currents of thought saw each other in his heart.Heimdall's youthful appearance was one of the main reasons for his suspicion.

And Heimdall didn't intend to waste time, "Where is Mr. Ammutt?"

The young man hesitated for a moment, and was finally defeated by the possibility of the gold master. He bit the bullet and said: "When we last contacted him, the news was sent from the Gulf of Bothnia. He has sent signals more than once to request the astrology island Help, we didn't respond in time for various reasons...lost contact after that."

The bad premonition in his heart reached its peak, and Heimdall's face could not help showing a bit of sternness, "Why didn't you respond... Forget it, I don't have time to get to the bottom of it..." After saying that, he rushed downstairs.

"Wait," the young man hastily put down Erlang's legs, got up and flipped through the records that were messed up with graffiti. "The last time Mr. Derek got in touch with us was in the Gulf of Bothnia, maybe you can find him there."

Heimdall narrowed his eyes.

The young man raised his hole card anxiously, "Mr. Derek rushed there alone because he lost track of Mr. Ammett."

"Why have you been indifferent so far? Isn't Derek your leader?"

The young man bowed his head.

"You don't think it's a big deal, maybe you even blame Derek for making a fuss over a molehill, and to put it bluntly, you even want to teach him a lesson through this matter. Am I right?"

"I...not..." The young man's face was flushed and he hesitated. "Mr. Derek is like a child all day long, and his ideas are inevitably too naive. We are a group, and he can't drag us down..."

"Drag? Not necessarily. It should be that you are too 'motivated' and eager to 'progress', so Derek's 'naive' is out of place."

Heimdall's sharpness left the young man with no choice but to keep silent. The young man kept wondering what Heimdall did and why his calves couldn't help trembling when he spoke.Could this be the magic power of the gold master? !

Before leaving, the director of Stulusson Gao Gui said coldly: "I tell you the vice president, I plan to re-evaluate the value of 'Happy Witness' after this incident is over, and I doubt whether it is still worthy of my trust. In addition, I will carefully consider the appropriation for the second half of the year before deciding.”

Until the two left, the young man didn't raise his head.

After discussing with Victor, Heimdall detoured to the International Federation of Wizards, and Victor went to the Gulf of Bothnia alone, which is the fixed habitat of the mermaids. The deep-sea mermaids have been completed for several to ten years It is a one-off task of reproducing offspring. Unless there is an emergency such as force majeure, deep-sea mermaids usually do not live without a fixed place.

After a 15-minute conversation with the superior, under the influence of Heimdall's analysis of the pros and cons, sincere pleading, and embellished disclosure of the ins and outs of the whole matter, Hollingworth finally agreed to his request and allowed Heimdall to Mdall asked to hunt and kill King Hulk to coordinate the investigation.Hulk was brought to Heimdall by a professional trainer, and Heimdall communicated with the king about this matter in the simplest language.Fortunately, it was not the first day for them to get along. The king quickly grasped the important point and expressed his willingness to cooperate in the battle. Heimdall was overjoyed, hugged his big head and kissed him again and again.

The king put on a long-lost "I really can't do anything with you, who made us so good" arrogant look.

Hearing the wind, Peter hurried over, "I can help you too, why don't you come to me? Am I no match for a beast?" Speaking of this, he gave the king a sideways glance in disbelief, which aroused Hulk's unwillingness to admit defeat. temper.

Heimdall didn't have time to tangle with him, so he patted him on the shoulder as a thank you, and quickly apparated the king with him.

Peter pursed his mouth unwillingly, and turned around to complain to Hollingworth.

Hollingworth, who was so annoyed that he almost flew up the ink bottle and hit people, replied, "The prospect of this matter is not clear enough, the less people involved, the better. If you turn yourself into a beast, I promise to let you go. "

Peter opened his mouth excitedly, then covered his mouth vigilantly, his face was full of bulls, he almost volunteered to be a beast.

Victor was searching on the vast ice field, and the bitter wind hindered his actions, making him unable to control the flying height as he wanted.The cold wind whipped up a piece of snowflakes and flew into the sky, he was blown by the snow particles and he dissipated and landed beside a huge ice hole.

If he remembered correctly, this place should be the Mermaid Ice Cave they watched from a distance when they visited Big Eyes with Lige last time.The water under the ice surface is dark and quiet, bottomless, and even ripples are reluctant to appear.Victor thought for a moment, then took out a medicine box from his pocket, placed it on the ice to enlarge it, and a three-story medicine box rose from the ground.He took out a test-tube glass bottle from the medicine cabinet, pulled out a grass whose roots were twisted like a miniature conch, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

There was a crack in the master's expression, this thing is not very tasty.After waiting for a while, he touched the sides of his neck, as if he had made sure of something, and then he put his wand against his throat, and let out a series of terrifying screams that made it difficult to stop his ears.The scream lasted for a short time, and the effect of the conch grass disappeared after two or three minutes.

Victor massaged his neck painfully, the skin there was unnaturally bulging, and after a while the bulging gradually subsided.Victor put down his hands and glanced at the motionless water surface, knowing that it would be useless to stay any longer, the deep-sea mermaid seemed to have abandoned this place.In other words, something really happened here, otherwise they would not have moved rashly.

He stood up and looked around, then narrowed his eyes.

Victor put away the medicine box and transformed decisively. When he came to the black protrusion that he couldn't see clearly before, he found that he had left the ice field and landed on land. The black protrusion was a cave facing the ice field.It was originally hidden behind a row of trees and was not easy to find. Victor found traces of man-made felling on the stumps that were almost covered by snow.

The master touched his pocket, his expression froze, did he not bring the magic mirror with him? !The master wiped his forehead annoyed, already anticipating Heimdall baring his teeth and laughing at him.After a while, the master finally turned on the fluorescent lights and walked into the dark cavern.

"Mr. Ammut...Mr. Ammut..."

Amut, who was curled up on the ground, slowly opened his eyes when he heard the call, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the appearance in front of him clearly.

"Mr. Krum?" Amutter struggled to sit up straight.

Victor seemed to turn a blind eye to his unkempt appearance, and smiled amicably, "Let's get out of here quickly." Then he patted Derek on the other side, "Mr. Derek, wake up, Mr. Derek..." Derek seemed Biamut reacted slowly, staring blankly at Victor without saying a word for a long time.

"Mr. Krum came to save us?" Amt thought he was dreaming and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"It's a long story. In short, Rieg and I found out that you were missing. Can the two of you still go? Okay, please hurry up!"

Amut finally had a sense of reality, and solid joy surged in his body.

Under the leadership of Victor, the two middle-aged wizards tiptoed out of the cage, and walked out of the confined space inlaid with iron fences. The lights outside were very dim, and the dark orange flickering light blurred the figures, creating a more depressing atmosphere. tense atmosphere.

Amutter swallowed, afraid to speak out for fear of something bad; Derek was paralyzed as usual, and carefully followed behind Ammet.

I don't know how far I walked—the scenery on both sides has hardly changed, they are all cold and hard primitive stone walls—footsteps came from ahead.The three of them stopped at the same time and held their breath.

Could it be a guard?Amut and Derek don't actually know much about what's going on outside, and when they wake up, they're already locked in that cage.They didn't even know how long they were locked up.Amut looked worriedly at Derek, who was also at a loss, and they both saw the indelible worry in each other's eyes.

Before the two of them left home, they didn't expect to encounter such an inexplicable prison disaster. They still don't know who locked them up and why they were locked up.

The footsteps in front became more and more clear, and when the other party's fluorescent flashes shone on them, Amt and Derek chose to stand against the wall at the same time.The wands of the two had been confiscated long ago, and they had almost no fighting power at all as they were unarmed, so they couldn't help but try not to hold back.

"Rig?!" Victor's surprised voice echoed in the enclosed space.

After the fluorescent flashes, it was indeed Heimdall Strulusson's face, and both Amt and Derek were relieved at the same time.

Just as Heimdall on the opposite side gave a big smile and strode towards Viktor, there was another sound of footsteps coming from behind Heimdall.

Heimdall threw a fluorescent flash towards the sky, and then was dumbfounded.

Coming towards them was Victor Krum.

Heimdall turned his head abruptly, and Victor, who was walking with Amt and Derek, was also surprised.Victor, who arrived later, quickly noticed the strangeness. When he saw clearly the person opposite him who was exactly like himself, he stopped suddenly, and the smile on his face disappeared like the ebbing sea water.

The three of them looked at each other in the not-so-spacious stone passage. Amt and Derek were tongue-tied and tried to cover their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming in surprise.

"Rig." Victor, who arrived later, looked at Heimdall.

"Rig." The one who arrived earlier was not to be outdone.

Heimdall twitched his eyebrows, then waved his wand at them.

"Come here, both of you, stand together, don't move one behind the other, it makes my head hurt."

The two Victors did not hesitate, and obediently came to Heimdall and stood together, the distance between the two was an arm's length.Heimdall is very fortunate, if Victor is not the counterfeit COS, he can't instruct them as he likes.

"Report your name," Heimdall ordered.

"Victor Krum."

"Victor Krum."

"Sounds about the same," Heimdall said. "Where's the wand? Pick it up and let me see, don't try to cheat, my wand doesn't have eyes, and it's normal for it to go off."

The two Victors each raised their wands.

Heimdall nodded, "...it looks similar."

Amt and Derek gritted their teeth, thinking in unison: That's your pillow man, dear, why are we more nervous than you? !

"What do you two say?" Heimdall asked for help from the sidelines.

The two pointed to the one who arrived first and said, "He saved us." There was no other nonsense.

Heimdall nodded, "Then one last question."

Amt and Derek's muscles tensed up immediately, and they were more focused than the two parties.

"If I want to fuck you, will you do it?"

"Yes." The one who arrived first didn't think twice.

"I don't want to." The one who came later seemed to hesitate.

Amut and Derek were taken aback, and turned their suspicious eyes to the Victor who said "no". Judging from Klum's various performances of showing affection without fear of losing face, it is not very good to say that he does not want to. May drop.

Without batting an eyelid, Heimdall asked the one who came first.

"Why do you want to?"

"Willing is willing, there is no reason, as long as it is what you think, you can do it." It is a typical example of a good man at the end of the century. This kind of sleazy style can be loved by anyone but Krum.

At least that's what Amatt and Derek think.

"What about you?" Heimdall turned to the other one, and the wand still didn't relax at all, aiming at the two of them all the time.

The later one raised an eyebrow, "With your bean sprout-like size, you can't feel any pleasure, of course I don't want to."

Chief Sturluson angrily knocked down Victor Krum who arrived first.

Amt and Derek were stunned, what, what happened, how did they knock down the one who said "yes"?

Heimdall gave the old man a cold look, but the old man turned a blind eye, stepped forward to hug his sweetheart, and said with emotion, "I knew you would recognize me."

"He saved us." Amt and Derek stepped forward to check the impostor.Although they still didn't understand why they judged that this person was a fake, the next second they both exclaimed that this person was actually dead.

"I didn't kill him." Heimdall didn't accept the weird eyes the two turned towards him.

Derek suddenly shouted, "I don't know Krum, no, it should be that Krum doesn't know me!"

The other three were puzzled.

"I don't know him, but he woke me up with the expression that he seems to be an acquaintance with me." Derek felt relieved when he thought of this.

"He didn't even ask, so it's only natural." Amut also reacted.

"A fake is a fake, and the details make or break," Heimdall said.

"What's going on?" The two looked confused.

"You have been used. According to the logic of ordinary people, [-]% of them will think that the one who saved people is real, but the mistake lies in the fact that the liar who arranged all this is more scheming, and his brain circuit is more tortuous than ordinary people. I have suffered so many losses, But I dare not be fooled easily. But this matter is a bit clever and I was mistaken by cleverness." Heimdall looked down at the wizard who had returned to his original appearance after death, and took the wand in his hand and put it away properly.

"By the way, maybe you are also fakes." Heimdall looked at Amt and Derek sullenly, and the two screamed in horror.

"Has the king come?" whispered Victor.


Something wet in the dark touched Victor's hand, and Victor raised his hand to reach out, gently stroking the hair on the king's head.

At the end of a fork they found a room with a mirror covered with a heavy embroidered cloth.When the cloth is uncovered, there is a layer of foggy mirror behind it. If you observe carefully, you will find that the calm mirror is like the surface of water, and there will be layers of ripples when you take a breath.

Victor found a stone and threw it at the mirror. The stone seemed to hit a hard object, and rolled to the ground with a "pong".

Heimdall couldn't help but think of the painting leading to the temporary prison in IW. He tried to reach out to touch it, but was stopped by Victor. Taking advantage of Heimdall's unpreparedness, he stretched his hand in, and then quickly pulled it out .

"It's empty over there, maybe it's a passage." Victor continued, "I'll try first."

"We're together." Heimdall grabbed his hand.

Amut and Derek looked at each other. The two middle-aged uncles yelled and rushed in one after the other. The mirror twisted and shook twice before returning to calm.

Heimdall and Victor looked at each other.

The two uncles on the other side of the mirror looked around in the dark room, and the mirror behind them began to distort again. Victor and Heimdall were spat out, and the two staggered a few steps and stood still.The next second, the king also rushed over.

After confirming that the king is their own, Ammut and Derek couldn't help their eyes shining. Both of them are researchers of magical animals. The Hulk is not an ordinary animal. It represents an unprecedented outstanding achievement in the field of raising magical animals for wizards. Seeing a naked beauty seems a little uncontrollable.

"Where is this?" Amart lowered his voice involuntarily.

Several people seemed very cautious. Heimdall came to a door, waved his wand, and then heard a click, and the door was slowly pushed open under the influence of the spell.

Heimdall stretched out his head for a few glances, then turned around and said in surprise, "It seems to be Cyprian."

The king suddenly pushed Heimdall away, raised his neck and looked around, as if he had discovered something.

Heimdall decided to trust his partner's sense of smell. Although he didn't know what it found, he followed the king around Cyprian Hospital without hesitation.They finally went around a warehouse that seemed to be used to store potion raw materials. The door was locked and they couldn't see what was going on inside.

Victor directly blew the door lock, and after pushing the door open, several people covered their mouths and noses in unison, and the stench came in waves.

The king seemed indifferent to these, and was the first to rush out.

Heimdall lost two fluorescent flashes. When they saw the furnishings in the house, Amt's face changed drastically, and he rushed to the corner to vomit.

In the room filled with a strong pungent putrid smell, there are animal remains that have been dissected one after another. They are placed in fragments on the operating table, and some are distributed on the hospital bed.The displays on the walls are like the hunting lodges of ancient European nobles. The bloody heads of animals are hung on it, with hideous faces and miserable deaths.

"What have you found?" Heimdall asked the king.

Enveloped by this smell, the king was at a loss instead, and he tried to go out to find another opportunity.With an idea, Heimdall waved his wand repeatedly, and there were clicking sounds, and after a while, they gradually became clear.

[Big eyes, good morning... Big eyes, good afternoon... Big eyes, good night...] Heimdall rushed to the source of the sound, and the dusty cotton covering was thrown aside. The scene after that made him unbelievable , a thin body lay dying on the blood-stained operating table.One of its eyes was gouged out, and a horrible blood hole was left on its face; only the part above the knee was left on one leg; its arms were still intact, but the originally smooth and beautiful scales were pulled out sparsely, and the whole body was covered in black blood clots , the chest and abdomen are particularly serious, and may have been disemboweled.

Amut and Derek couldn't bear to turn their heads away, scolding the culprit's insanity in their hearts.

The king stared blankly at the big bloody eyes and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The woodpecker chirped, and the big-eyed body moved, trying to open the other eye. It lifted the woodpecker up with all its strength, and moaned and issued a weak call: "Rig——"

Both Victor and Heimdall's eyes turned red.

Heimdall quickly said, "I'm here, I'm Rigg, I'm here..." He took out the medicine box with shaking hands, and poured out the mermaid balls used for healing, realizing that the big eyes might not be able to eat them, He put the balls in his mouth to melt them, ignoring the foul smell of blood, and fed them mouth to mouth into the mouth of the big eyes, most of which were spit out by the big eyes.Heimdall was not discouraged and tried several times until all the mermaid balls were used up, making sure that Big Eyes ate the whole amount.

The mermaid balls can repair its damaged parts, but the two experts have already seen that the internal organs of the big eyes are [-]% incomplete. It is a miracle that it can survive until now.In such a situation, not to mention being cured, he might die accidentally.But as soon as they met Heimdall's eyes, the words on their lips couldn't come out, so they tried to come up with an idea, and helped Heimdall and Victor wrap the big eyes in the wet shirt that Heimdall took off superior.

Maybe it was the mermaid balls that played a role, or maybe the big eyes heard Heimdall's call, and its spirit was better than before.When he smelled Heimdall's scent on the shirt, he closed his eyes contentedly.

Heimdall was startled, and he was relieved when he checked carefully and found that it had just fallen asleep.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Heimdall folded his eyes and walked out, Victor used magic to water the shirt.

"You think you can leave like this? I'm so kind to let you find out all this, and then take that useless thing away?" The cold words sounded, making the surrounding terrifying environment even more chilling.

Several wizards suddenly appeared by the warehouse door, forcing them to stop.

Heimdall recognized the voice, and it was the fake saint he met when the secret police of the French Ministry of Magic were investigating the case in a small village in the interior of Spain. At that time, this person used the Apparition Stopping Charm to stop his actions.

"...Are you Ludwig Brown?" Heimdall asked.

"Ludwig Brown is dead," said the leading wizard.

it's him!Heimdall said to himself.

"What do you want?" Derek said loudly.

"What else can you do," the man chuckled. "Kill and kill."

The wizards took out their wands and surrounded them one after another, and the spells were blocked by Heimdall's armor. Victor summoned the fire elf, and the hot wave immediately drove back the wizards who dared to get close.

The real Ludwig Brown did not dare to act rashly under the flames of the fire elves, his face was unpredictable in the firelight.Unexpectedly, he stepped back quickly, pulled down the hand brake next to the warehouse door, and jumped out of the door.After the bang, everyone including his own subordinates fell into the water.

Heimdall threw his big eyes to Victor at the moment of his fall, and Victor grabbed the king's tail because of his quick reaction, and Amt and Derek grabbed Victor's tail at the critical moment. feet.But Heimdall fell into the water together with those villains, and several ups and downs disappeared.

There were horrified screams in the water, and the villains who fell into the water kept casting magic into the water, but none of them could restore the terrible reality of the sharp drop in numbers.

"There is something in the water!" Someone screamed and slapped the surface of the water, and then was dragged into the water and never came up.

Victor's eyes were so angry that he wanted to jump into the water immediately, the weight in his hand forced him to return to his rationality.He looked up and saw Ludwig Brown, who was watching all this leisurely at the door, with an expression as if he was drinking fragrant black tea in a bright afternoon.Victor gritted his teeth, feeling a force build up in his body, and then burst out suddenly.

When Ludwig Brown found himself dragged into the water by a huge force, Viktor Krum's sharp eyes flashed past him, and he was full of surprise.

This is... wandless magic?

But he came down no matter what, this is an indisputable fact.

Heimdall instinctively panicked the moment he came into contact with the water, but soon relaxed again. He was no stranger to water.As he looked around for an exit, and wondered if wet feathers could fly, he suddenly thought of the panacea—apparition.

Someone was cut into two beside him, blood overflowed instantly on the surface of the water, Heimdall's nose was already numb, but the thicker and thicker blood was shocking.

The thing's mouth was opening to him and it was rushing towards him. Heimdall quickly swam to the side, and a villain who wanted to show him a good time unfortunately blocked the direction of the monster's rushing direction and entered the monster's stomach instead.Heimdall was about to take this opportunity to apparate when he saw Mr. Brown, who was not afraid of the height of the stage, fall off.

Director Sturlusson's brain became hot, he took out the Zuzu ball and stuffed it into his mouth, and then rushed towards the place where Brown sank like an arrow that left the string.

Brown, who fell into the water, could only clearly see an adult Lusalka rushing towards him, and before he could recall, the Lusalka had already picked up his collar and swam towards the big man-eating squid, slamming him hard. Throw it into the bloody mouth of the giant squid with its fangs bared.

After completing all this, Heimdall's brain temperature suddenly dropped, and he was horrified to find that he had actually thrown such an important criminal into the monster's mouth.

Chief Sturluson beat his chest in frustration, he let out a breath, and disapparated at the moment when the big squid attacked him again.

Victor and the others have successfully escaped from the warehouse where the "fish tank" is hidden. Although Amt and Derek don't know what's going on, Brown's way of sacrificing even his own people makes them feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.But thanks to his "doing nothing", the villains who chased them became the monster's meal.

Victor repeatedly told himself that it was okay, but he still gave Amart his big eyes, and walked towards the warehouse by himself.The king has been lingering by the warehouse door.Seeing them all like this, Derek was a little overwhelmed.At this moment, there was a crackling sound in their ears, and Heimdall appeared next to them, and the atavistic look surprised Amt and Derek.

The king rushed over, and Heimdall hugged its head.The king did not resist and was splashed with water.

Overjoyed, Victor took off his wizard robe and poured water on Heimdall.

"Rig..." The big sleeping eyes seemed to sense something, and called out softly.

Heimdall hurried over and whispered in its ear, "I'm here."

Concerned that the situation of Big Eyes was very dangerous, everyone temporarily left others behind and hurriedly left Cyprian, which was like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

At the same moment as they left, the giant man-eating squid surfaced and opened its huge fangs. Ludwig Brown crawled out of it unharmed.He gestured to the giant squid, and the squid sank again.

Sure enough, as Director Sturlusson kept muttering, the scourge will last for thousands of years.

"We can't stay here any longer," Brown said to himself, and then the excitement filled his face. "I didn't expect Heimdall Sturlusson to be the real Lusalka, I spent so much energy in vain to get a purebred Lusalka, but it didn't work at all... Ah, but he, how perfect As long as I have him, I can break through the existing bottleneck in my research and achieve great achievements."

Brown smiled slightly, half teasing and half complaining: "So the key to open the door is always close at hand."

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