HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 689 Zongzi Chapter Happy

The meeting place Yael took him to was not the Hogsmeade village that he thought at first. Heimdall let go of his anxiety when he found out that he was facing a big enemy—his intuition told him that there would be no old vegetables over there. There is an advantage, when his feet are on the slippery and familiar quaint floor tiles, facing the howling wind with large snowflakes, passing by the deserted post office door-the latest series of postcards posted in the frost-hung window show people On the colorful summer beach, he couldn't help throwing a warm spell on the cloak.

Heimdall rubbed his hands and bought a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon.Yael declined his kindness, Heimdall pressed the eyes of the purse hard, the purse neighed like a sparrow, put away his teeth, Heimdall closed the purse smoothly and stuffed it back into his pocket.

When the two arrived at the agreed place, Heimdall stood across the street, watching Lao Caipi sitting on the other side of the large glass window, with an intriguing expression on his face.

Yael asked, "What were you thinking?"

"I like that seat too, especially when the weather is mild for us," Heimdall said.

Yael observed the windows facing the street, but didn't notice anything special. It wasn't until the corner of his eyes swept a certain direction when he entered the door, and followed this clue to look in the past, that he suddenly realized.From that position, you can see the castle on the top of Durmstrang hidden behind the heavy snow.

The place where Yael brought him was the ancient kapok town at the foot of the mountain.

Katenin sat at the bar near the door, sipped a glass of Russian butter beer, and sighed contentedly after every sip.This kind of beer has been modified by Russian wizards to have a distinctive mellow and intense taste, and it has also added the function of intoxicating wizards. Strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as butter beer.

When the store door was opened, the snowflakes were brought in by the wind, and Katenen turned his head and waved to them with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see." Katenen poured another glass of the same butter beer.

Heimdall took it after thanking him. It is one of the joys in life to drink something strong in severe cold weather.

"You don't want to give Yale a drink?"

"He's at work and can't drink."

Yael laughed when he heard this.

Heimdall glanced around the store, and found that there were no other customers except the three of them and the melancholy sunset red by the window who seemed to be in a nostalgic complex.

"I asked the boss to clear the venue." Katenen saw his doubts.

Heimdall drank the wine in his glass, wiped his mouth, and said, "I'm surprised."

Katenen knew what he was referring to, and said with a pun, "Open the door for business, there is no reason to pick on customers."

Heimdall said flatly: "He must have given a lot of deposits, and the payment he finally agreed to pay must also be considerable."

Katenen drank his beer calmly and did not deny Heimdall's guess.

Heimdall took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, "Then I will trouble you two lookouts, I will go talk to that senior brother."

When Heimdall sat down in front of Grindelwald, he heard him murmur, "It's been almost 100 years since I left here."

Every wizard who graduated from Durmstrang College has an indescribable sense of belonging to it, just like Charlie Weasley, Sirius Black, and Remus Luping, etc. There is always a sentence in the sentence that is inevitably associated with Hogwarts-the well-known school is regarded as the source of all the joy of youth, Snow and Rommel rarely talk about the lush and reckless years, but it does not hinder They pay attention to all kinds of information of their alma mater, even the proud former Minister Lacarini is not exempt.

Heimdall doesn't know what Durmstrang will look like in his mind a century from now, and the performance of the man in front of him is very inspiring.

"Are you showing off your age to me?" Heimdall took out his notebook, pretending not to notice the fleeting melancholy on Lao Caipi's face. "I can't think of anything else except this. If I live 100 years after graduation, maybe I can catch up with your words and express some thoughts. The only thing we are destined to fail to resonate with is that I will definitely get a diploma. "

Brother Grindelwald, who was kicked out of the school and lost his certificate, quickly put away his hard-won sensibility, took a sip of herbal tea, and the disgust on his face was obvious.

"What the hell is this?!" Grindelwald stared at the slightly shaking green-brown liquid in the cup.

"A herbal tea that is said to be very helpful for the elderly."

Grindelwald pointed in the direction of the bar and said, "Why doesn't Katenin drink?"

"The professor is not as ready for vanilla tea as you are."

"Then have some butter beer." Grindelwald pushed the vanilla tea away.

This can have.

An opened bottle of butter beer immediately appeared on the table. Grindelwald picked it up and took a sip. Although it was not very tasty, it was much more delicious than the special sunset red drink.No matter how brilliant people are when they are young, they can't get rid of the shackles of age and the sensitive little nerves that grow with it.

"Why did you choose Kapok Town as the meeting place?" Heimdall asked.

"Because Katenen is here, no one will yell at me."

"Don't worry, the continent of Europa has lost interest in you now, and everyone is more active in exploring the movements of the saints."

Grindelwald stopped teasing, and Heimdall knew it was time to turn to a formal topic.

"Yel said that if I guessed his identity, you would meet me, right?" Heimdall asked.

"Obviously so, otherwise I never would have trekked to this shitty place and drank some damn old herbal tea."

Heimdall chose to ignore the subtle provocation in his words, "Then let's talk about Karel Di Rupo."

"I thought the invincible International Wizengamot knew everything."

Heimdall rolled his eyes, "If you continue to be so difficult to serve, I will report you in anger, and the result will definitely help my promotion."

"How is Ludwig Brown now?" Grindelwald asked suddenly.

"...waiting for further interrogation, but then he will face prison time."

"Are you interrogating?"

"You mean the International Wizengamot? No, unfortunately we don't have the first option. If the Spanish Ministry of Magic were willing to hand him over to us, I don't think they would be so 'peaceful' by now."

"If they don't give it, don't give it. Anyway, they can't ask anything." Grindelwald seemed to be muttering to himself, but the volume was not low.

"Be clear!" Heimdall asked.

"It's nothing. If it's as expected, that Mr. Brown probably won't live long. Don't rush to try to interfere with the decision of the Spanish Ministry of Magic. Even if IW wins, you will only have a cold skeleton waiting for you."

"You mean he's going to commit suicide?" Heimdall almost jumped up, and then realized that he couldn't do anything now, so he could only suppress his emotions and lean back on the back of the chair.

"Suicide?! Well, almost... His mission is completed, and he can rest in peace without any worries."

"What mission?"

"Ludwig Brown committed suicide in fear of guilt, ashes to ashes to ashes, and all grievances and grievances are over."

Confusion appeared on Heimdall's face, "I don't understand."

"Let's put it this way." Grindelwald took another sip of his butter beer. "Ludwig Brown has been pre-arranged two sets of scripts since the day he appeared: Script [-], successfully discrediting Karel Di Rupo and the Gucht family, and putting his teacher's reputation in an irreparable The stench of hell lasts forever; script two, which is the current mode, was dug up by the wise and powerful investigators to reveal the seemingly obvious truth, and because it may be out of guilt or it may be out of being revealed, it is open to endless guesses. Psychological death in prison, take advantage of this to stop all further investigations, get rid of 'Ludwig Brown' completely, and let this case have to come to an end."

"That means our actions have been manipulated?" Heimdall was silent for a long time.

"As of now, it can be said that it's a good thing you didn't follow the script."

Heimdall smiled wryly, "Lucky among misfortunes, is it true that once I follow the script, you won't let yourself appear?"

Grindelwald didn't speak, and Heimdall knew he had guessed right through the other party's undisguised expression.

"What did you mean by 'getting rid of Ludwig Brown completely'?" Heimdall rallied.

"literal meaning."

"Is there someone else behind the scenes? Ludwig Brown is also a pawn?"

Grindelwald didn't keep his secrets anymore, "He abandoned Ludwig Brown, just like Voldemort abandoned Tom Riddle."

A thought thundered into Heimdall's mind, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"The one who suddenly went mad and was arrested in the underground meeting room of the International Federation of Wizards is fake? The real Ludwig Brown is still at large?" Many confusing nodes that were difficult to lead before gradually revealed their hideous outlines. Including the ambiguous attitude of the mysterious man, in other words Voldemort already knew something, Heimdall groaned in frustration. "Damn! Damn! Damn!!!"

Without waiting for Grindelwald's answer, or that his response is no longer important, Heimdall said again, "Mr. Di Rupo was indeed killed by his student Ludwig Brown?"

Grindelwald grinned and did not answer directly, "You have asked more than once what kind of person Karel Di Rupo is, and I have confirmed my judgment on this old opponent more than once. Today, I Still, he is a respectable wizard, and he is worthy of the dazzling halo on his head."

If there is no categorical negation, then it is affirmation. Director Sturlusson has gradually mastered the skills of talking with Lao Caipi.

"But... Even so, some doubts still can't be clarified. At one time, Mr. Di Rupo gave me a very strange feeling. I couldn't tell what it was, but it was very inconsistent. He talked about the price of changing times. , concluded that the antecedent of peace is endless killings, and regarded this 'antecedent' as an indelible historical inevitability, and even raised it to the height of a gratifying phased result. Therefore, what you told me about Di Lu Bo's judgment began to show many doubts, and it reached its highest point during that time."

Speaking of this, Heimdall sighed, "To be honest, I doubted Di Rupo's character, and I almost believed that those slanders were not unfounded. The most annoying thing is that I have gotten along with Di Rupo, and this relationship has been restrained from time to time. My way of thinking, whenever I try to believe in Di Rupo's innocence, they come out and add a bunch of ambiguous question marks and cloud my judgment."

Grindelwald was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but said: "So what do you think now?"

"Maybe we can find the answer from you," Heimdall said.


"Yes. Since you have a good impression of Di Rupo, it means that the two of you are not facing each other as rumored. Maybe Mr. Di Rupo's 'wonderful' logic is influenced by you."

Grindelwald raised an eyebrow, "You really think so?"

Heimdall's face collapsed, "No, I don't want to think that way, but I can't find another answer!"

Grindelwald clasped his hands and placed them on the table, "Ludwig Brown has left something in your mind after all. If the situation allows, that thing is likely to be buried deeply and take root one day , Breaking out of the ground. It’s a pity that he racked his brains and thought it was a good idea, but he didn’t expect that Heimdall Strulusson knew Gellert Grindelwald.”

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you surprised?"

"...I don't think there is anything strange about this matter."

"I mean potions."

"What potion?"

"Di Rupo's new potion."

Heimdall's mind didn't turn around for a while, "The development of those new drugs has been stopped."

"Your boyfriend was implicated in that innocent disaster because of the new drug. You don't wonder why Di Rupo, who always swallows new drugs in front of people, is fine? It seems that after the new drug storm passed, people forgot about the new drug itself He began to hold on to Di Rupo's character, as if the initial suspicion of academic plagiarism was raised at that time."

Heimdall was stunned for a long time, "...Didn't Di Rupo take new medicine?"

"How do seasoned pharmacists usually go about showing off their new discoveries?"

Heimdall suddenly realized, "The Scarpin Revealing Curse at the initial stage...but eating it directly for others to see is more appealing."

Grindelwald nodded, "He just took advantage of people's psychology."

"If he's not taking a new drug, what is it? It can't be butterbeer, can it?"

Grindelwald didn't answer. No matter how Heimdall stared at him, he just didn't say a word. He stared straight at Heimdall's face, and the latter felt hairy from being stared at.

Heimdall suddenly thought of the confirmation he had with Grindelwald about Di Rupo. His categorical tone was telling Heimdall, inside and out, how amazing and glorious the Di Rupo he knew was. Yue, to be praised by a villain big boss like this, Di Rupo's mood under the nine springs is probably very complicated.

In the blink of an eye, Heimdall had a ridiculous idea in his mind, but this idea took root in his heart and couldn't get rid of it.

"Isn't that Karel Di Rupo? He's taking Polyjuice Potion?"

Grindelwald dropped his hand.

Heimdall wailed bitterly, and he guessed right.

"That's it dear," Grindelwald tried to make a sad expression for him, but it looked more like gloating. "You don't actually know Karel Di Rupo."

Heimdall rubbed his faintly swollen temples, "Since you and Karel Di Rupo are not as close as I thought, but you foresaw all this and helped expose Ludwig A series of deployments by Brown. Why are you so actively involved?"

"Didn't you ask me to atone for my crime?" Grindelwald said innocently. "Look at the information I provided and the help I gave you, can it make up for something?!"

I think you are not afraid of the height of the stage when watching a movie!Director Sturlusson complained, his face was full of wrinkles, which showed that he was pretending to be cute.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry at all." Grindelwald pursed his lips and found that the butter beer was not hard to swallow.

"Even if we rush out now, it won't help. Where can we find that Ludwig Brown... By the way," Heimdall suddenly thought, "If you don't supplement the compound decoction, you may be able to disappear from the fake transformation effect." Ludwig Brown to obtain information, the Spanish Ministry of Magic may have grasped something." He began to fidget, eager to try.

Grindelwald poured a basin of cold water, "It's useless, that's not the effect of the transformation potion, and I want to remind you that that Gucht is also a fake, and the real Professor Gucht has also gone to see Merlin. "

Upon hearing this, Heimdall started rubbing his temples again, and said in a self-defeating manner, "I'm not surprised at all, as expected of Karel Di Rupo's student..."

"This is the reason why their master and apprentice parted ways. Brown was trying to find the method of immortality. He used the human body as an experiment and was discovered by Di Rupo. A fierce quarrel broke out between the two due to academic differences. No matter what Di Rupo said, Brown insisted. In a fit of rage, Di Rupo announced that he would sever ties with him, and used his authority to drive Brown out of Cyprian, hoping to put an end to him. An opportunity to steal a living body."

Heimdall curled his lips, "Wizards have longed to pursue eternal secrets since ancient times, and have continued to this day."

Grindelwald paused for a while, and said meaningfully: "Do you know 'Horcrux'?"

Heimdall's expression changed.

Grindelwald laughed loudly, "I told that old bastard that our Durmstrang could never be as stupid and stupid as Hogwarts where 'all beings are equal', and he still didn't believe it." Lao Caipi laughed Seeming to be out of breath, Katenin came over to ask if they were all right.

"It's okay, I just thought of something very funny." Grindelwald waved his hands, the creases on his face couldn't be straightened.

Heimdall was so energetic, he didn't know what happened, and Lao Caipi's smile was really weird.

After confirming that he was fine, Katenen went back to the bar to drink beer.

"You really know 'Horcrux'?" Grindelwald finally laughed enough.

"A very evil magic that obtains eternal life by killing and splitting the soul and storing it in an object. I have seen it in a book. You mean Ludwig Brown..."

"No, his ambition is bigger than this. To be honest, he doesn't take his own life and death very seriously. He tries to create an invincible undead army through the method of immortality."

"The invincible undead army? Sounds familiar."

Grindelwald was silent for a moment, "Judging from Di Rupo's incident, Brown's research may have made some progress. I suspect that Horcrux manufacturing gave him some kind of inspiration."

Heimdall said: "The Spanish mountain village where Ludwig Brown hides has a large area of ​​lush heart grass, which is one of the main raw materials for making the elixir of life."

The two stopped talking at the same time, and Heimdall ordered himself a cup of hot tea.

"Have you ever offended Ludwig Brown?" Heimdall finally broke the silence.

"Why do you say that?"

"People pretending to be saints and making troubles outside should be arranged by Brown, right? He always likes to create chaos and stir up troubles by pretending to be saints, and you emphasized that no saints have been summoned, so I have to make this guess."

Grindelwald laughed, "Brown is extreme and vengeful. He thinks his teacher is sorry for him. The therapist Gucht, who knows a little about his research and refuses to help him, is also hateful. He will make everyone stand in his way." The stumbling block on his way got the retribution he deserved, and he tried his best to plan all this, which not only discredited Di Rupo, but also caused the reputation of the Guhert family that has been maintained for hundreds of years to plummet. And me, he dared not beat me blatantly Because he can't let the world suspect that he has any clues to connect with me, this is not what he wants to see, and it is not good for his future plans."

Heimdall asked curiously, "What does he want from you? Infernal research? Where is the Inferi army?"

"You are the first wizard in so many years to talk about the whereabouts of the necromancer army."

"Believe me, other people want to know too, but it's a pity they don't have the chance to meet you face to face."

Grindelwald twitched the corner of his mouth, "Brown expects to cooperate with me, but he actually has his eyes on the saints behind me."

"You refused."

"He killed people, resurrected the corpses through spells, and re-given life to these people, forcing these new lives to live only for themselves. In other words, he deliberately wanted to step on the altar and become a god." Grindelwald said. "If he was born seven or 80 years earlier, maybe I would consider it."

In other words, the timing of Brown's appearance is wrong.Heimdall snorted, really shouldn't expect Lao Caipi to put down the butcher knife.

"You just said the sacrificial grass, and there seems to be another clue to the raw materials used by Brown in the experiment." Grindelwald pondered.


"Do you know any other list of ingredients?"

Grindelwald glanced at him, the deep meaning in his eyes was puzzling.

"What's wrong?" Heimdall asked.

Grindelwald said: "Did you know that when making Horcruxes, the containers used to hold the soul shards, in addition to living things, usually use items that have a historical origin in the magic world, that is, things that have existed for a long time."

"What do you want to say?" Heimdall looked cautious.

"The sacrificial heart grass you just mentioned gave me a similar inspiration. The lost formula of elixir requires ancient animals and plants. It is said that there are various types of raw materials, and it takes a lot of time. There are no rules to follow in the production, and one mistake will kill you." .There is also a saying that the more ancient plant and animal species you put in, the better your chances of success."

Heimdall felt that he had grasped something important, "You want me to follow this clue? It's too general! There are thousands of ancient animals and plants in the magic world, let alone plants, let's just talk about animals, I don't know. Think Ludwig Brown trespassing on Dragon's Lair."

"The treasures of the dragon are not rare. The dragon is not extinct, and those things can be bought on the black market. The truly precious things are those that have a price but no market, such as rare treasures from the sea." Grindelwald smiled slightly.

Heimdall blinked a few times, and then his face changed drastically.

Lusalka? !

big eyes!

Heimdall jumped up, "If..." he gritted his teeth, "I owe you a favor anyway! Where is it?"

Grindelwald was indifferent, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Heimdall clenched his fists, took a few deep breaths and ran out under Katenen's astonished gaze. Jael seemed to have expected it, and without his employer talking, he caught Heimdall and apparated like a ghost.

Kattenen swayed to Grindelwald with a wine glass, "Let's go."

A trace of dissatisfaction seemed to float across Grindelwald's face, "I want to stay a little longer."

"I can't make up my mind about this. He asked me to watch over you, and repeatedly told me to send you back safely before leaving."


"Don't call me that, I just got acquainted with you, and you can discuss with him about the next step. I'm just doing things for money, please don't get close to me." Professor Felix Katenen this time I went out in person.

Grindelwald sighed and gave up the argument.

Mr. Sturlusson suffered a lot from Lao Caipi, and Professor Katenin helped him find it.

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