Heimdall pushed open the door of the box and Mohammad Rawal stood up.Heimdall glanced from the other party's face to the mustard yellow tie that people couldn't help but notice—with a magnificent texture like satin, he closed the door, came to the table, and gave the other party a friendly smile, They sit down at the same time.

"Would you like something? The wizard wine brewed here is good." Laval said.

A coaster appeared in front of Heimdall, which was a signal for the house elf to ask the guests to order.

"Don't worry about it, just a glass of boiled water is fine, it needs to be hot."

In the next second, a glass full of hot water stood on the coaster.

"Thank you, we don't want to be disturbed next." Laval's words were obviously addressed to the house-elf.

There were still only the two of them in the room, and it was difficult to determine whether the elves had left, but fortunately, they were born to obey.

"You look energetic." Heimdall put his hands on the table and clasped them.

"To tell you the truth, I also think I'm pretty good." Laval's dark skin glowed with a healthy luster. Heimdall still vividly remembers the unkempt and gobbled-up face when he first saw him.

"Nice tie," said Heimdall, looking expensive.

"Gift from my girlfriend." Laval felt comfortable all over, and his expression changed. "I'm so thankful that you gave me this opportunity and finally hired me, you opened the door for me to a new life, you led me into a wonderful world, and gave me the opportunity to meet such lovely women," said Leaning forward and leaning on his body, he said without turning his eyes, "For you, I will go through fire and water."

Heimdall picked up the water glass and took a sip, "Are you sure the person you're talking about is Heimdall Strulusson? Not Jehovah?"

"I'm sure." Laval said seriously.

"There is no need to go through fire and water. My pursuit in life is to bring back those blind people who go through fire and water, or force them to go on the right path, or just close the small black house. Do you want to be taken away by me?"

Laval smiled, "I just want to express my feelings."

"You are too kind."

The greeting ends here.

LaVar took out an envelope from his black briefcase, and pulled out a few shriveled and deformed pieces of paper from the envelope.He put the paper on the table and looked at each end of the table, and just when Heimdall wondered what he was going to do, Laval took out his wand and magnified the paper.Heimdall hurriedly took his drinking glass away and put it on the windowsill.Then, the small pieces of paper are like corn kernels in a popcorn machine, press the button, wait a few minutes, and they expand into popcorn—the whole table is occupied by parchment, and the magic will naturally take a few minutes to take effect.

"What are these?" Heimdall picked up the nearest one.

"You are right to reserve a box." Laval pointed to the parchment on the table. "These are all left to you by your grandmother."

"Why are you here?" Heimdall asked.

"It used to be kept by your father and uncle respectively, and they handed it over to me through their personal lawyers at the end of last year."

"So much?" Heimdall was speechless.

"It just looks scary. These things are asset certificates issued by Gringotts Bank. Goblins pay attention to everything and are keen to classify things."

"I can see it." Heimdall looked at the parchment dated 1977 in his hand.A gilded teaspoon was also registered and occupied a separate parchment.

Heimdall dropped the parchment in his hand and stared in awe at the large expanse of "popcorn."

"What should I do next? Check their authenticity one by one?"

"In fact, that's my job. I've been checking whether these things are still there in the past few months. I went to several Gringotts banks before and after, and those goblins looked at me more and more unfriendly. I have a hunch, I'm on the verge of becoming one of the least popular wizards among goblins."

"Your actions question their work ethic."

"Yes, but this is my job, and part of my existence is to ask them hard questions, but also to be worthy of the salary."

Heimdall smiled, "Are you implying that I will give you a raise?"

"Of course not," LaVar said. "At least not by implication."

"It's really unreasonable for you to ask for a raise after working for me for less than a year."

Laval just complained twice, seeing that Heimdall didn't feel disgusted but didn't make a fuss, so he was smart enough not to pester him immediately.

"Let me guess," Heimdall said. "Since I don't need to check them one by one, just take them back and put them in a proper place?"

"Thank you for your trust in me. Just in case, I suggest you check it yourself. Although I have tried my best to avoid mistakes, but...you should read it again."

Heimdall looked at Popcorn with a headache.

"Anyway, you want to sign the parchment one by one, why don't you take a moment to look at the contents?"

"Sign one by one? These? All?" Heimdall was speechless.

"Yeah, didn't I just say that?"


"Hmm..." LaVar rubbed his nose. "Because you are the first and only legal heir written in your grandmother's will, so you only need to sign your name on it. From the moment you sign the will, all the assets indicated on the parchment will be automatically transferred to your name .”

"That means these things don't belong to me yet?"

"Not yet, if your father and your uncle have no intention of competing for property, then sooner or later they will all be yours."

"What do you mean? Didn't you say that I am the only legal heir?"

"Many countries in the wizarding world tacitly allow family members to compete for fame and fortune. There is usually a time limit, maybe one year, maybe five years, depending on how many members of the family declare their participation. But this tacit consent was in [-]. At that time, it was banned by the mandatory decrees issued by the Ministry of Magic of various countries, and the time when the decree took effect is based on the promulgation time, that is, it can still be operated according to "acquiescence" before [-] years, and your grandmother's will was made [-] years ago." Laval paused. "Your father and uncle have renounced the fight, so you signed the papers before someone else jumped out to murder you."

Heimdall never thought that his father and Snow were interested in his grandmother's money, and he thought about why the instructors never talked about "acquiescence" when teaching him...

"My maternal grandmother also had an older sister and a younger sister."

"They are female family members and have no right to fight. Their children and grandchildren have been separated from each other and cannot participate."

Heimdall was a little dizzy, "Male family members can covet the money of married female family members, but female family members cannot participate in competing for the property of their sisters?"

"The absurdity and injustice of the wizarding world don't end with this one. If it didn't end up offending the witches, it wouldn't face the fate of being banned. This unwritten rule has been implemented in the wizarding world for thousands of years."

Heimdall shook his head, shouldn't he be glad that he is a leader?

"Well, I'll look at them all when I get back." Heimdall used magic to gather them together, and then shrunk them to the point where they couldn't be smaller, and threw them into the purse with fangs.

After finishing all this, he drank the cold water in the glass.

"Do you think this is the end of it?" LaVar puts his hand to his chin, pretending to be cute.

Heimdall stared at him for a moment, gave up the idea of ​​saying goodbye after exchanging pleasantries, and said calmly, "Don't be fooled, I have to go back and review my homework."

Laval smiled, and took out something similar to the shriveled pieces of paper from his briefcase, Heimdall was not calm anymore.

"Don't zoom in, just say it." He quickly stopped Laval's gesture.

Instead, Laval breathed a sigh of relief, "This pile of things is bigger than the one just now. I'm glad you're an adult and your curiosity isn't so heavy."

"Actually, I'm still in the development stage. Please don't say that I seem to be five or sixty years old. I'm curious about what these are."

"These were obtained from the Black family's family attorney," Laval said.

"I remember my grandmother didn't know I existed until I saw a portrait of her...and probably pretended not to." As far as Mr. Black's relationship with his mother is concerned, the fact that a family traitor has a son is not something to celebrate.

"No, no, these are the properties that the current head of the Black family gave you." Laval denied Heimdall's statement.

"... Sirius Black is alive and well."

"You needn't remind me of that, nor have I heard of any misfortune from his lawyer."

Heimdall was silent for a long time, "When did this happen?"

"You mean the legacy?"


"This February, before your birthday."

"Why didn't you tell me until today?"

Laval shrugged, "In order to fulfill my duties and prove my worth, I have been verifying this inheritance during this time. They are unbelievably large, so to speak. Your great-grandfather Arctus Black was a very good man. Business people invested in many wizarding companies during their lifetime. At that time, most of them were uninterested, but now they are all hot leaders in the industry. They also include shares in companies such as Sweeping, Comet, and Light Wheel."

That great-grandfather was poor and only had money left, so he exchanged a mountain of Galleons for a Merlin First Class Medal.

Laval waited for a long time and saw no response from Heimdall, so he could only say, "Take them back and check them..."

"Well, sign them one by one." Heimdall said weakly.

"No," Laval conjured up a piece of parchment and pushed it in front of Heimdall. "This is the proof of the transfer of property rights in Grimmauld Place. The property of the Black family is integrated with Grimmauld Place. Whoever owns No. 12 Grimmauld Place owns the whole of Black."

That's why Orion Black (Sirius' father) has installed all the security measures he knows in every corner of Grimmauld Place, just to ensure that 12 Grimmauld Place is safe and impenetrable.

"Merlin..." Heimdall wiped his face. "I know he wants to make it up, but..."

Laval said sympathetically: "Yeah, I would be at a loss if I overwhelmed so much at once. But you don't have to worry too much. Mr. Black inherited a large amount of inheritance from his uncle. Even if you give up the Black family Everything will not have much impact on his life."

"Is he so impatient to draw a line with Black?" Heimdall didn't know what to say.

"I kind of understand him," LaVar said. "He is dismissive of everything he inherited from the Black family, but no matter what, Black gave birth to him and raised him, which he can't deny. Instead of donating them to the Ministry of Magic, leaving them to you is the best choice. Since your last name is not Black, in order for title to recognize you, you must sign the transfer in your own blood."

Heimdall looked down and saw the head of the title certificate. The golden cursive English letters marked glittering: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black (Noble and Most Ancient House of Black), followed by a line of the same shining small characters - Forever Pure .

Laval said: "Without you, Britain's savior would have a more than half chance of getting it, and the ancestors of the Black family would be tossing and turning in the cemetery."

Heimdall smiled sarcastically, "If you give it to me, you will sleep peacefully?"

Pointing to the line "forever pure," Laval said: "I don't want to come across as a narrow-minded person, but remember, the Savior's mother was Muggle-born."

"What happens if I don't sign?" Heimdall said.

"No, at most the lawyer will find a way to buy me coffee every day."

"That's not something I should worry about. I'm glad you made a friend who is willing to pay for your coffee every day." Heimdall pretended not to notice Laval's suddenly haggard expression.

"Is there no other legal heir to the Black family besides me?" Heimdall asked.

"A married daughter has no right of inheritance. If Mr. Sirius Black marries and bears children in the next lifetime, and you have not signed, then his sons have the right to fight for property. As far as I know, England is the only one that has not banned 'Acquiescent' country."

"Alright then," Heimdall didn't sign after all, and swept the transfer certificate and the shriveled pieces of paper into the wallet. "Mr. Black is still young, and I'm waiting for his descendants to 'murder'."

Laval spread his hands, helplessly expressing that he will take it easy and let the other party be the boss.

"I treat you to dinner." Heimdall said.

LaVar didn't push back.

While flipping through the menu, Heimdall suddenly thought of something, and asked, "I remember you graduated from the Plutus School of Magic and Continuing Studies. It's in Monaco, right?"


"Do you still have the principal's contact information?"

"Coincidentally, I just attended the alumni reunion last month." Laval scribbled on the piece of paper, and asked when handing it over, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to inquire about something." Heimdall took it and thanked him.

When Professor Krum sneaked into Director Sturluson's room again, he was taken aback by the hillock-like accumulation on the ground. Regardless of playing tricks, he quickly dispelled the transformation and closed the window.

Heimdall was sitting on the lazy sofa in front of the fireplace, reciting knowledge of astronomy theory with a tangled face, with a chart of celestial bodies spread out in his hand, seemingly ignoring the hill behind him.

Puzzled, the master picked up a piece of parchment at his feet, and Heimdall, with his back turned to him, summoned the parchment at the top of the mountain bag into his hand.

"Is this the result of seeing a private lawyer today?" Victor walked to his side and squatted down.

Heimdall screamed "ah", "Oh, it's you, you scared me to death."

The master chuckled, "Pretentious."

Heimdall threw away the things in his hands, clutching his head and writhing around desperately.

"I'm getting dizzy looking at these things, and I still have to endorse them."

"Hurry up and kiss me, maybe when I'm in a good mood, I'll tell your astronomy professor about your positive performance today." As soon as the words fell, Heimdall flung himself into his arms, gnawing and biting.

Satisfied, the master occupied the beanbag sofa and let Heimdall sit on him.

"What are you looking at?" Victor asked.

"LaVar has taken care of it for me. He asked me to check it and sign it again."

"Sign all of them?"

"All." Heimdall said again, "It's not bad, there are still a lot of unknown mountains... Fortunately, it is not a problem for the time being."

Victor didn't quite understand, but seeing his calm face, he didn't get to the bottom of it.

With the master, Mr. Sturluson can fight against astronomy with peace of mind. Kiss and devotion are indispensable, but now is not the time to settle the bill.

Ten minutes later, the master who finished the third piece of parchment found that the room chief fell asleep holding the celestial chart and frowning.

At first it sounded like running water, but when he realized that his feet were stepping on the bright red river, the almost real flowing sticky feeling made his hair stand on end, but before he could react, the river disappeared.It was pitch black as far as the eye could see, and dreams were sometimes so unreasonable, yes, dreaming, Heimdall knew it.So he waited silently without making a fuss.wait for what?wake?Maybe, and maybe not.He's dreaming, isn't he?Everything is possible in dreams.

Happily, the dream was in his control, just like just now, when the river disappeared at the same moment he loathed.This made Heimdall more or less interested in exploring, rather than desperately trying to wake himself up.


A long echo resounded in the air, and the last ray of light in the sky was replaced by darkness.


Another sound.

He ran towards the source of the sound. It was strange that he knew which direction the sound was coming from, and he ran unswervingly.More voices came, as if to swallow the surroundings, but he was fearless.

Many pictures appeared on both sides of him and slid back, fleetingly, they gradually became brighter, forming two glowing solid walls that surrounded him, illuminated his feet, illuminated his facial features, he was still run.When he noticed what those images represented, there was a different look on his face, which was pure confusion.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Karel Di Rupo appeared directly in front of him, eyes with an intensity that could not be ignored - but frustratingly he couldn't decipher it, the image rushed towards him with terrifying speed, he couldn't help it He hugged his head to meet the impending collision.The picture suddenly dimmed, cracks extended from all directions to the center, and the crackling sound came suddenly, the ground seemed to be shaking, and the terrible vibration tormented his eardrums.

A figure appeared behind the screen that had been shattered into thousands of pieces, revealing the unknown secret vaguely. Heimdall put down his hands covering his ears, hoping to see the blurry figure clearly.He stepped forward and opened his eyes.

He saw the ceiling projected by the swaying firelight, lost his mind, and Victor, who was sitting on the beanbag sofa, turned around.

"woke up?"

Heimdall found himself lying on the bed, lifted the quilt and sat up. The sleep just now did not eliminate the drowsiness, but made him more mentally tired.

"How long have I slept?"

"Soon, no more than 10 minutes."

Victor put down the things in his hands, got up and walked to the bed.

"You don't look very well."

Heimdall hugged the master's waist, raised his head and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

The master was noncommittal.

Heimdall said again, "Let's wash together."

The master didn't have much emotion, "You have to understand, it's more than just taking a bath with me."

Heimdall turned his face sideways to hold Victor's finger on his cheek, swallowed it to the bottom, and then slowly spit it out, licking it lightly with the tip of his tongue, and sucking slightly on his fingertips.

Professor Krum chuckled and ran his other hand through Heimdall's hair.

"Your answer is convincing, Mr. Sturluson. What are we waiting for?"

"Handsome, do you need help?"

Heimdall paused, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he turned around.

"I thought you found a new partner."

Peter shrugged his shoulders, gave up the handsome posture he thought he had, and was obviously half a head short, insisting on hooking up with Heimdall.The reality of the [-]% disparity in height stung his self-esteem a little. He laughed and slapped Heimdall on the back vigorously, and the latter grinned under his spare no effort.

"I really plan to apply for a beautiful woman to be my partner, but I found that the beautiful woman can't buy me fresh meat, and the ability to apparate is not very good, and she might lose her temper from time to time. I don't want someone who needs my service Partner, I haven't talked about love yet."

Heimdall nodded, "Obviously, I have always been the nanny between the two of us."

"I can guarantee your safety, if it weren't for me and you..."

Heimdall looked lifelessly.

"Okay, okay, I'll be honest, I can't let you go, so I came to you, I guess you won't let it go." Peter smiled gloatingly. "Look, I feel right."

Heimdall folded his chest, "What else, make it up again, I have time."

Peter's complacent expression collapsed, "Judge Hollingworth asked me to come, he thought you would not give up."

"To stop me?"

"No, let me assist you."

"Isn't the case closed?"

"Yeah, those things have been handed in, and those who have to deal with it are satisfied." Peter laughed.

In other words, the people who stared at them dispersed, and the people who might trip them up also said goodbye.

The Spanish wizarding newspapers these days have dug up Karel Di Rupo's life in detail, and there are detailed records of when he was about to fall, and the stern questions on the front page are chilling.The gun pointed directly at the rumors that Di Rupo plagiarized the research results of his students and enjoyed the fame and fortune brought by the results insatiably.It hints sharply that in order to portray a heroic figure, the French wizarding community deliberately favors and ignores morality, thus contributing to Di Rupo's "stealing" behavior.

France has been vigorously rebutting. In order to fight against Spain, they are not to be outdone. Gaspar Gucht, who was only a household name in the industry before, has become a well-known figure in the world under the propaganda of French wizards.It's a pity that he was dunked by the French wizard as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he will never turn over in this life.

Just as the French wizarding world has protected the Di Rupo incident from its prosperity and decline to the present avoidance, the Spanish wizarding world is equally secretive about Gucht, who can still compete with Di Rupo's illustrious reputation.

These two masters in the wizarding medical field were exposed under the criticism of public opinion. The ambiguity between the Ministry of Magic of the two countries indirectly confirmed the unbelievable credibility of Di Rupo and Gucht, giving the media more room for imagination. The image and reputation of the two have almost collapsed.

"Does that mean we're going to be sneaky?" Heimdall asked knowingly.

"We've always been sneaky," Peter pointed out.

Heimdall laughed and raised his hands, "Let's go, partner."

Peter high-fives him, "Where are we going?"

"The International Federation of Wizards."

"Your boss asked me to convey that you don't have to keep reporting progress to him."

"No," Heimdall said. "The person I'm visiting is my fiancé's mother."

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