HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 684 Broke? !

[I have written down everything I can think of in my mind. They have been exhausted with all my efforts. I guess the instructor is ready to accept these results.I hesitate.

During the lunch break today, Bolance asked me why I looked so ugly. He joked that my expression looked like I swallowed a toad wrapped in vanilla sauce. In fact, the house elves are very good at crafting. blameable place.I wanted to tell him what was on my mind, but I couldn't.I can't hurt him.

My mind is full of my studies, which until now I have regarded as my little cleverness, my trick, and I have never tried to get the attention of my tutor through them.It might sound condescending to say that, but I know I'm not lying, and I know I'm not really willing to talk to my mentors about the small results that my little tricks point to-if the wizarding medical ancestors allow me to be complacent. They are called "outcomes".I was flattered by the importance of the instructor.I recorded them in detail and unreservedly according to the instructions of the instructor, and handed them over to the instructor in person.The light in the teacher's eyes made my heart surge, but I couldn't restrain the uneasiness from the bottom of my heart.I should have trusted my mentor, his expertise, his personality, but I couldn't shake the unease.

Strange things happen before get off work.

Gucht therapist stopped me in the hallway, and I was amazed that a newcomer like me rarely had the opportunity to come into contact with someone as famous as Gucht.Moreover, the relationship between Gucht's therapist and mentor was not friendly, which was known throughout the hospital.At first I thought he was here to find fault.

"I advise you not to trust your mentor too much. He is far from being as high-spirited as the rumors outside, or on the contrary. I have dealt with him for more than ten years, and I know him too well." Gucht's eyes were tricky and Ling Li, his knowing cat-mouse tone and his slander towards the mentor made me very unhappy.

I no longer cared that he was a man of high esteem, and nodded with my remaining courtesy, but he wasn't going to let me go.

"You'll regret it. I warned you. You'll regret it."

I tried my best to say goodbye to him in a gentle tone. His eyes did not move away from me, like an unspoken curse, waiting for the opportunity to explode.When I walked up the stairs and out of his sight, I rushed out and fled in a panic.

Recorded in 195 (remaining part covered with scorch marks)]

The address on the record is not easy to find, not to mention illegible handwriting, and even spelling mistakes.Heimdall and Peter went two wrong places, and finally groped in what might be the right direction.

"I just said that my feeling is right, we finally walked out of that lumberyard... Oh! For the sake of my keen sense of smell, don't toss that torn paper!" Peter grabbed the paper in Heimdall's hand The map was crumpled up in disgust and stuffed back into Heimdall's hands.

"You fully expressed your feelings about this map." Heimdall put the ball of paper into his pocket. "But you can't deny that it worked quite well before, at least it helped us choose the right road, otherwise we would go around in the opposite direction. Remember, your attitude of pointing to the other side was as unquestionable as it is now, If I had hesitated for a moment, your sense of smell would have been more severely tested."

They found a wizard in the city who was said to be able to draw the map based on their memory. Apparently that wizard overestimated his own thinking ability—Heimdall regretted asking that The wizard drank a particularly vigorous Super Fire whiskey.

"Where does this Brown guy live?" Peter looked around, and Heimdall believed he was trying to use his nose to get his bearings.

As they walked, a wall appeared in front of them.The wall showed a gray color, a few bricks hung loosely in several depressions of the wall, and the whole wall seemed to be in danger of collapsing at any time.

"That's great." Peter stroked his chin.

Director Sturluson felt a little relieved that there was finally someone more curious than his own taste.

The two turned around the broken wall and found that the broken wall was connected to a small house. A small open space was simply enclosed behind the house, and there were three grunting animals in it, and they were busy robbing the little food left in the trough.

"What is this?" Peter didn't know these animals that seemed to be related to pigs.

"Big-tailed beast." Standing by the fence, Heimdall looked up and looked around.

"Is it delicious?" Peter looked at those "boiled" wagging his head and tail.

"It's delicious, you almost swallowed a whole head that day."

"I thought it was beef."

Heimdall expressed doubts about his sense of taste, but he thought again, Peter doesn't eat cooked meat, and raw meat may not challenge the taste buds much, so there won't be a big change in eating.The head of the department who had never eaten raw beef could only guess so.

Thinking of the taste of the meat that day, Peter and the weasel stared intently at the giant-tailed beast like a fat chicken, and then was forcibly dragged away by Heimdall, turning around and muttering "my meat" every step of the way.

"Don't break the law, I don't mind killing relatives." Heimdall was afraid that he would really rush in while he wasn't paying attention.

Peter knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He exchanged a glance with Heimdall, who turned to the side of the house and looked in through the dark window. It was easy to get in, but they had no formal procedures, and it was a crime of trespassing. Can be big or small.

"Hey, what are you guys going to do to my house?!"

Just as Peter was about to jump onto the roof, someone ran up screaming, glaring at them.

"Mr. Ludwig Brown?" Heimdall stepped forward, stopping him from rushing to find Peter's theory.

The brown-haired wizard dragging a cloth bag looked at him, then at Peter, who had a shy expression on his face, and said with a wary face, "Who are you?"

No denial.

"Do you know Mr. Karel Di Rupo?" said Heimdall.

Brown's expression changed, and then he pretended he didn't hear anything, quickly passed them, and waved, "I don't know."

Peter stopped him.

Brown pursed the corners of his mouth and said nothing, lowering his head and refusing to meet their eyes.

"You are Mr. Di Rupo's student." Heimdall said again.

"I don't know Di Rupo, you've got the wrong guy."

"We are not going to disturb your life, but we just have a few questions to ask you."

"I refuse!" Brown bypassed Peter and went straight to the door.

Heimdall noticed a few big black letters embroidered on the cloth bag in his hand, as if he had seen it somewhere.But he didn't have time to be distracted by these little things right now.

"Karel Di Rupo is dead." Heimdall's words made Brown stop abruptly the moment his foot stepped on the front steps of the house.

"...I know." Brown's weak voice came after a long time.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Brown turned around slowly, and the conversation with Heimdall seemed to have touched something he didn't want to touch. His movements were very slow, and his face was extremely ugly, as if he would become dizzy and difficult to support if he moved a little too much.

"Mentor... I mean Mr. Di Rupo is a respected therapist with passion and experience, and his achievements are more than enough to prove it."

Heimdall stared at him, "That's all?"

Brown lowered his head, his whole body tensed up, as if he was restraining something. When Heimdall thought he had finally given up his prudence and reserve, and was willing to confess his heart to them, he quickly turned around and gave the order to evict them.

"Sorry, I have other things, please forgive me."

The door opened and closed quickly before the two of them.

"It's suspicious." Peter hugged his chest.

"It's so heartening coming out of your mouth." Hollingworth smiled.

Peter rubbed his nose and fell silent.

"Good news." Heimdall, who lowered his head and sorted out the documents at hand, hung them in the air one by one, and arranged them in order.

"What we're missing most now is good news," Hollingworth said.

Heimdall smiled, "There is no need to look for other Ludwigs and other Browns."

"Is this good news? Is there anything more exciting?" Peter complained.

Heimdall sat up straight, waved his wand, and a piece of parchment that had been burned in two fell into Peter's hands.


"Brown's diary. It was once guessed that he wrote it. After meeting him, this guess was confirmed."

Even Hollingworth expressed concern, putting down his quill and looking at Peter.

Peter's reading speed is very fast, and he finished reading it in less than 1 minute.

"What did our Mr. Brown write?" asked Hollingworth.

Peter blinked, confused and hesitant, "Really?" He handed the piece of paper to Hollingworth, and turned to look at Heim for interruption.

The latter shrugged.

Hollingworth also took a good look at that diary, and couldn't help frowning.

"Remember what people said about Di Rupo when he just passed away?"

"I remember," Peter raised his hand positively. "There have been quite a few people who have questioned his accomplishments and accused him of being a hypocrite, a hypocrite, a liar."

Heimdall pursed his lips, "At that time, I thought they were not talking about Di Rupo, but a certain politician with the same name and surname as Di Rupo."

Peter shook his head, "I told you that you can't put your personal feelings into it, and you have to look at the problem objectively. It's unfair to others that you keep making excuses for Di Rupo."

"Others? Who? Ludwig Brown?" Heimdall said lightly.

Peter pointed to the parchment on Hollingworth's desk, "Isn't that enough? Didn't you see what was written on it? Di Rupo not only plagiarized the research results of his students, but also brazenly claimed all the achievements brought about by the results as The coronation crown is set on his head, he accepts the worship and admiration of the world confidently, and is complacent about it. What about his students? Powerless to resist, swallow their breath, and remain unknown.

And look at what Di Rupo said to his students, the typical tone of a reactionary black wizard.What does it mean that history is written by the victors?What does it mean for an abnormal personality to master the world and represent an essential advanced stage?What does it mean that we can't obliterate the contribution of that stage that paved the way for the prosperity of the wizarding world?By creating chaos?By disregarding human life?By denying the survival value of others?What nonsense!No shit!I can see that Karel Di Rupo is a potential uneasy factor. His theory coincides with the practice of Grindelwald's desperadoes, but he has concealed it very well these years! "

"To each other." Heimdall raised the corners of his mouth. "It's the first time I've heard you express such a long comment."

"What?" Peter wondered.

"You can't put your personal feelings into it, you have to look at the problem objectively. Who said that just now?"

Peter sat heavily on the chair, "I didn't substitute, I don't know Ludwig Brown at all."

"Okay. Although it's better to have an argument than no progress on the handling of the case, I don't want to see a rift between you because of a stranger." Hollingworth threw a silencing spell at each of them unceremoniously.

The two of them closed their mouths helplessly and sat upright in their seats.

"One-sided words alone cannot explain the problem, and this piece of paper cannot therefore appear in court as evidence." Hollingworth said blankly. "I want you to collect evidence and come up with strong evidence to prove that your guesses are valid. Don't waste my time here. If you delay my chance to be promoted to the seat of justice, you will be happy!"

The threats were terrible.The two couldn't help but glance at each other.

Heimdall opened his mouth, Hollingworth raised an eyebrow, and Heimdall pointed to his neck, Hollingworth suddenly lifted the magic.

Heimdall let out a breath, "You want us to act separately?"

"No, I want you to cooperate. That is, when one of you obtains evidence, the other must let go of your grievances and cooperate fully, and vice versa." Hollingworth's cold eyes swept across their faces. "Any questions, gentlemen?"

The two shook their heads in unison.

Hollingworth smiled shortly, "Well, I hope your tacit understanding can be maintained forever."

The two remained awkwardly silent.

"Would you like some whiskey?" Hollingworth said.

Peter shook his head, deciding to temporarily forget about the rule of no drinking during work hours.

The wine... the letters on the cloth bag... Heimdall stood up abruptly.

Hollingworth looked at him. "I'll have the house-elf pour you a full glass."

"Spirits Village."

"What?" Hollingworth and Peter looked at Heimdall who was mumbling to himself in puzzlement.

"Peter, let's go!" Heimdall raised his voice.

Peter was bewildered.

Hollingworth urged, "What are you doing sitting around? Didn't you hear your partner calling you?"

Peter patted his head and walked towards Heimdall who had moved to the door and opened it.

"Why do you wear a hat?" Peter asked curiously when he saw him put big black glasses frames on his face.

"Because they know Derek Kenny, not me. We must move quickly and leave before the Spanish Ministry of Magic discovers that we have entered the country."

"Have you ever been to that liquor village?"

"I went with a group."

The two walked into the village while talking. The village hasn't changed much, and the buildings are still so ingenious. Heimdall looked around, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Mr. Kenny?! God, I read it right, is it Mr. Kenny?" A loud voice came.

Heimdall greeted him with a smile on his face, "I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you are still so energetic."

The village chief laughed, delighted at Heimdall's flattery.

Heimdall introduced Peter to the village chief.

After the friendly greetings, the village head said: "The textbooks, school supplies and other materials sent by the foundation last time have all been distributed. Are you here to check the situation on the ground?"

Heimdall came here last time under the visit quota of the Kosol Foundation, and the village chief's self-imagining made Heimdall no longer need to find other excuses.

"Yes, that's it. I'm here to check the distribution. Did every family get it?"

The village head put on a complacent expression of "I knew it was like this".

"There are already children in Liquor Village. I heard that Huolie Village on the other side of the mountain is missing a few sets."

Heimdall nodded, and said casually, "What's the name of the teacher in Liquor Village? It's a pity that I didn't see you last time." He had seen the registration form of a certain accompanying witch, and there was no one named Brown in Liquor Village.

"You mean Teacher Marquez?"

Not Ludwig Brown?

"The teacher doesn't live in the village?"

"He's not from the village."

"When did he come to Liquor Village as a teacher?"

"I think, it seems to be the year before last."

"how does he look like?"

"I have photos of the event here," the village head enthusiastically took out the village cadre's notepad, which contained a group photo of all the teachers and students of the school. "The wizard holding little Jose in the middle is Mr. Marquez."

Heimdall handed the photo to Peter who kept stretching his neck. The latter took a look, and then nodded to him calmly.

Heimdall returned the photo to the headmaster, praising it for a good shot.

The principal, who didn't notice the slightest difference, happily put away the photos.

"Mr. Marquez doesn't look young anymore," Heimdall said. "Married? At that time, I would rather miss work than go to the city to do business and visit my girlfriend."

"About forty years old, I didn't ask carefully, and you know, it's not good to ask someone's age, whether it's a man or a woman." The village chief then sighed, "I heard that I had sex with that girlfriend. Marquez The teacher is a good man, it's a pity, the little girl now is completely different from us at that time."

Heimdall once again expressed awe at the slow aging speed of the wizard. According to the records, Ludwig Brown entered the Cyprian Hospital to work, and he should be in his sixties now, but just like the village chief said, No matter how you look at it, there are only more than 40.

"It sounds like you have a lot of respect for him." It's just full of praise.

"Of course, we don't even have a therapist in our village, but people from the nearby wizarding villages all come to see us because of Mr. Marquez. You can go and ask, which one of us is not grateful to him? The children have been taken care of by him, and he doesn’t charge anyone for medical treatment. His medical skills are quite superb, even better than the therapists in those big hospitals.”

"What a nice man." Both Heimdall and Peter were moved.

"I think it's even more remarkable than the old wizard Nakar that France has been boasting about!" The village head looked proud.

"Carel Di Rupo?"

"It seems to be the name." The village chief nodded. "The Ministry of Magic should award Mr. Marquez with a commendation for his outstanding sharing. Why should we envy the pretentious France for having a self-proclaimed 'medical saint'." This is not an ordinary high praise.

When leaving, Heimdall hinted to the village chief not to tell about their visit, even if the foundation sent other wizards to come, please keep it secret.The village chief gave him a look of consonance, and he didn't know what to imagine. All in all, Heimdall was very grateful for his strong imagination.

"I will come again." After saying this, Heimdall and Peter bid farewell to Spirits Village.

Before the apportionment, Peter always had a smug look, squinting at Heimdall from time to time.

"What do you want to prove?" Heimdall gritted his teeth.

"Prove me right, you have to admit that you are siding with Di Rupo, facts speak louder than words."

Heimdall held out his arm without saying a word.

"You're angry because I'm telling the truth."

"Are you following me or not? Be careful that I leave you here."

"Oh, oh, Mr. Sturluson, are you angry?"

With two snaps, Heimdall disappeared.

Peter stared at the emptiness in front of him, he was speechless, "...you Sturluson, you--"

Before the words fell, there was another crackling sound, and Heimdall stretched out his arms expressionlessly.

Peter put his hand on it with a low eyebrow.

"Arrested?" Peter yelled faster than Heimdall forever.

"That's what the Spanish Ministry of Magic said." Hollingworth's expression was very subtle. "It's a good thing for Professor Snape." For the Dark Lord who had great expectations, it was enough to make him lose his temper again, wondering if the Death Eaters could take sick leave when they went to work.

"Spain is fast." Heimdall scratched his forehead.

"I suspect that they have been prepared for a long time, maybe IW spies have leaked the progress." Hollingworth said with a cold face, as if planning to clean up the door.

Before Heimdall could finish digesting it, Hollingworth threw out another follow-up.

"The agents of the Spanish Ministry of Magic found a large stack of news about Karel Di Rupo in Gucht's home. He paid someone to follow Di Rupo and find out about Di Rupo's whereabouts. How to quietly murder Di Rupo's detailed plan. In addition, he secretly stole corpses, sold and bought wizard organs on the black market. The secret base for secretly researching the resurrection technique was also discovered, and his accomplices were also arrested. Right now. The agents also found a series of evidence from the secret base that the Gucht family used living people to study the forbidden curse, not only Professor Gucht himself, but also his father, especially his grandfather, the respected Galpa S. Gucht is going to die forever. The family of healers is done for forever."

Hollingworth could imagine the appalling headlines on the front pages of the major wizarding dailies in Spain tomorrow.

Heimdall was stunned, and said weakly, "... Di Rupo committed suicide."

Hollingworth sneered, "Who knows?"

"The bad guy was brought to justice, and the case is over?" Peter grinned.

"This is indeed the case at present. Our people have begun to retreat." Hollingworth said.In fact, it will not work if they do not withdraw. The Spanish Ministry of Magic has said that it is their housework, and outsiders are not allowed to interfere.

"Happy, happy!" Peter danced. "The brazen and hypocrite mentor is punished for his death, and the Skynet is fully restored. The badass professor who has done many evil things will be punished by law."

"You don't go to the third-rate tabloids to show your talents. I really wronged you." Hollingworth said coldly.

Peter was in a good mood. Although he restrained himself, he couldn't stop the smile on his face.

"It feels so good to have the truth revealed." He sighed again and again.

"This is the end? It went so smoothly..." Heimdall couldn't help scratching the wall.

"You call our tossing back and forth during this period smooth?" Peter stared in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be like this, there are still many things that are not..."

"Sturluson," Hollingworth interrupted his murmur, and called him to him. "The Spanish Ministry of Magic hinted that they have taken over the case. In other words, we can't interfere in this matter, at least not now. Do you understand what I mean?"

"...I see." Heimdall frowned. "but--"

"Sturluson trainee judge!"

"My Lord."

"This case is over. Go back and write a closing report. I will give you three days. I will see this report in the morning of the fourth day."

"Yes, My Lord."

Just as Peter opened his mouth in glee, Hollingworth rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "And you."

Peter's joy turned into grief, and he wailed.

Several female students were chattering in the hallway of the teaching building. When Heimdall approached, he saw that they were waving their magic wands dazzlingly, and their hair formed various effects with the help of magic.It turned out that they were reading a hairdressing magazine that taught people how to care for their hair.

When she walked past them, Jeanna held up two hairpins and shook them slightly, "Rig, which of these two looks better?"

Heimdall quickly scanned and pointed to the one on the right.

A girl groaned annoyedly, and saw Jeanna shaking her left hand: "See, it's obvious that this looks good."

Chief Sturluson cast a haggard look, then turned his head coldly, deciding not to be as knowledgeable as them.

"Rig." Victor caught up from behind.

"Professor Krum." Heimdall nodded.

The girls snickered, each with ambiguous eyes, and Heimdall bravely continued to put on an air.

"What's the matter, Professor Krum?"

"What are you going to do next?" Victor's eyes seemed to slip to those female classmates who were laughing casually, and they immediately lowered their heads and pretended to be busy.

"Put yourself in your pajamas and put on a quilt," Heimdall took out his pocket watch. "I'm going back to rest now and have four hours of sleep before classes in the afternoon."

During this period, he was restless because of the inexplicably solved case. Anyway, it was useless to think about it now, and the report was handed in. He decided to concentrate on doing his duty as a student, and strive to get a top ranking in the final exam.

Victor wrapped his arms around his shoulders, "Don't forget to eat lunch."

"I let the house-elf remind me." Heimdallse returned his pocket watch. "What else is there?"

Victor smiled, "It's nothing."

"No, I have a feeling that you stopped me not just to ask me about my next plan."

Victor said helplessly, "Your lawyer wants to meet with you, but he is not sure when you are free, so he came to ask me. He implied that the content of my conversation was related to the Black family, so he needed to determine whether you would reject This conversation."

"Repel what? Black? To be honest, I can't imagine that the Black family has anything to do with me other than Sirius Black. But well, I haven't seen Mr. Lawyer for a long time." Heimdall blinked, Responding, "My lawyer asked you about my free time? I want to deduct his salary."

Viktor smiled and kissed the corner of Heimdall's mouth.

Chief Sturluson looked around and said reservedly, "Be a good teacher, Professor Krum."

"That's not what you said when you got up from my bed this morning." Professor Krum said with a smile.

Heimdall waved his hand with a deep expression, "Please tell my lawyer, see you tomorrow night, you can decide the location, and let me know when it's done."

The author has something to say: Tips: ① Rigg’s personal lawyer is Mohammad Rawal, an African-American wizard.The first appearance was in fifth grade, probably in chapter 566.Because it is not yet the time for this private lawyer to occupy the space, the number of appearances is very small.Just know it.

②The Liquor Village is also the plot of the fifth grade. Friends who don’t remember it can start to review it from the second half of Chapter 515.

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