Carlo raised his hand and called the invigilator to announce that he had finished the exam. The invigilator took a pen and scratched the seat chart, and the hourglass at the corner of the table stopped counting.As soon as he went out, he saw Heimdall and Leon waiting not far away. The former was gesticulating with the latter, and Carlo walked over quickly.

"You did well," Carlo said to Heimdall.

"How do you know?" Heimdall couldn't stop smiling.

"A person like you, who never shows up until the last minute, came out 1 minutes early today," Carlo stared carefully at his face. "Unless it's too bad to cause you to go insane, it doesn't look like you've failed a test from the look on your face."

Heimdall gave him a blank look, "What the hell, it's so unlucky!"

Just like Carlo would inevitably engage in a little superstition before the exam, and then forget about it after the exam; Mr. Stulusson is usually superstitious after the fact, that is, he prays to God and worships Buddha only after the exam is over, and he must keep it verbally. Highly auspicious words, words that can be associated with failure, such as smashing and bad, are the least audible.

Carlo can't help but laugh, it turns out that in the mind of Director Strulusson, insanity is not as serious as passing the exam.

The last person in the group of four walked out of the examination room with a relaxed pace. Don't look at the little handsome guy Li An who has no personal characteristics. , can't get into the top three of the whole grade, but it's not sad to be at the bottom.

So Heimdall was somewhat jealous of the handsome boy, especially in Potions, he was not partial to subjects, as long as he studied properly, scoring a 10 out of 7 would not be a problem.

"Hi! Rian!" Heimdall waved to him.

It looks really good, otherwise he wouldn't be so energetic, Carlo stroked his chin, studying Heimdall's excited look and couldn't stop.

"Did you do well in the exam today?" Rian smiled at him as soon as he stood still.

Heimdall rubbed his nose, "So obvious?" When did Rian become as perceptive as Carlo?

"It turns out that you never greeted me when you came out of the exam room, regardless of practice or theory, in the Potions exam."

Heimdall was embarrassed. Wasn't it because he was jealous? In order to keep out of sight, he pretended to be deaf and dumb when he got a good grade in Potions.

"When you mentioned it like that, I also remembered that he pretended not to see me several times." Carlo said to Ryan.

All in all, there is such a law, every time after finishing the Potions test, if Director Sturluson ignores anyone, the Potions score is good.

"But he talked to me." Leon joined in, saying that the law didn't seem to make sense.

"You don't understand that, don't you?" Carlo put on a deep expression of "I've actually seen him through". "Your starting point is too high. The high level is no longer something ordinary people like us can handle. It's like those who are always hovering near the passing line and only look at the middle or lower-middle grades. They don't like people with full marks. Students gossiping."

Heimdall, an ordinary person who hovers around the pass line and only looks at people with middle or lower grades, can't calm down anymore.

"Could you please stop talking about me in the third person to my face?"

Seeing his aggrieved face, the three friends couldn't help laughing.

The four friends exchanged their experiences in the examination room. As expected, Ryan and Carlo chose three out of ten without hesitation and gave up the self-selected proposition. What surprised Heimdall was Leon, who also chose three out of ten. With Leon's talent, it's easy to choose all three questions.

"This is the primary qualification exam, so why rush," Leon said. "It's still too late to make a breakthrough when the advanced qualification exam is over."

Heimdall burst into tears, listen, this is a top student, so calm and calm, he has strength and plans, unlike himself, he scrambled to get up as soon as he heard the self-chosen proposition.

Director Sturlusson suddenly understood at that moment, and then began to worry, yes, this is the beginner, what should I do when I am advanced?The Beast potion was his bottom of the box, and he was the only potion he could handle. Thinking of this, Chief Sturluson lowered his head and snapped his fingers vigorously.

The people who were still jumping and dancing just now became listless in an instant, and Carlo and the others couldn't help but look at each other.

"What's wrong? Didn't you do well in the exam?" Rian asked puzzled.

"I'm thinking about what to do next time." Heimdall felt a sense of urgency from the last meal.

The three of Carlo and the others couldn't figure out why he suddenly took precautions, but this was a bit unfounded for the fifth graders. The advanced exam was in the seventh grade, which was the last and highest effort before graduation. Who knows what will happen after two years What about.

"You just told me that Professor Laurent is still waiting to hear your good news." Leon changed the subject calmly.

What's the matter, Heimdall is always depressed, and feels that he is happy too early.But he couldn't release the professor's pigeons for no reason, Heimdall thought for a while, informed his friends, and walked towards the castle first.

"Do you think it's strange?" Carlo went on to Holmes again. "Rig's grades in Potions are obviously poor, but I dare say that Professor Laurent likes Rig the most among all the students."

Lian also had this realization. Anyway, for a balanced type like them, grandpa doesn't love grandma in school, and they can't arouse the enthusiasm of professors in class.

"The professor also likes Leon." Ryan reminded.

Leon said: "What are you doing with me!"

Carlo asked, "Which professor doesn't like Leon?" Leon belongs to the kind of pacesetter who gets full marks in every subject, makes the professors look good, and raises the average score for the grade.

"If," Carlo said to Leon worriedly, "Don't be angry, I don't mean anything else." Leon shook his head. "If," Carlo said, "I am Professor Laurent, of course I would like someone as talented as Leon, but this is different from liking Rigg."

"Why is it different?" Rian was still at a loss.

Leon understood it, and thought it made sense. Professor Laurent always had a pleasant face when he faced him, and he didn't say a word of seriousness, but when he was with Lige, he really didn't have any grace at all, and there was a taste of hating iron and steel. .

"Let me make an analogy." Carlo was still competing with the simple classmate Li An, so as not to let others figure out that he couldn't sleep tonight.

"Which subject do you think Rigg is best in?" Carlo asked.

"Curse... no, Transfiguration."

"So who do you think the professor likes the most?"

Ryan thought for a long time, and then said embarrassedly: "At present, it seems to be me."

Carlo nodded unhurriedly, "It stands to reason that the professor should like Rigg the most, but why does he like you more than Rigg?"

At first, Ryan thought that the professor liked him and was quite happy, but once he understood the previous words, he became depressed.

"My Transfiguration grades aren't very good."

"That's right, you can even handle Animagus, why can't you improve your Transfiguration score?!" Carlo made a concluding speech.

"It's no wonder I'm always called on in class, and Rigg is rarely asked questions." Ryan finally understood. "I've already been deducted a lot of points, if I continue to deduct it like this, I won't even think about graduating..." Rian hugged his head bitterly.

Carlo patted him on the shoulder, "In a better way, this is also a spur."

"Why are you so worthless?!"

Hearing Professor Laurent's words, Heimdall lowered his head lifelessly.

Professor Laurent became even angrier when he saw his apparently weak-faced but actually awkward.Originally, I was very happy to hear him say that today's test went surprisingly well, and the surprising guessing questions, but he turned to the negative questions of the advanced test without saying a few words.

Why didn't this damn boy swear to strive for the top in front of him?It's good to put on a show to make him happy!

"In that case, why didn't you study hard at the beginning? What were you doing in the first grade? What were you doing in the second, third, and fourth grades?!"

When Heimdall saw that the professor started to be aggressive again, he complained in his heart. He knew that there were tigers in the mountains and he was going to the tigers. Why didn't he have a long memory?At the beginning, the potion of beasts was thrown to the potion laboratory, and then the potion laboratory was under pressure and handed over to Leon. After being known by Professor Laurent by chance, the professor liked to make use of it.

Heimdall thought to himself that I am not yet sixteen, why am I always forced to be nostalgic?

"This time I didn't think clearly, and turned out the bottom of the box ahead of time." Heimdall still couldn't figure out the idea of ​​pressing the bottom of the box.

Professor Laurent gave him a blank look, and Director Sturlusson lowered his head and pretended to be his grandson, and his blank eyes flew over his head.

"Can't you take advantage of these two years to get a few more press box bottoms?"

"Can I do it?" Heimdall looked shocked.

Professor Laurent really wanted to knock the "International Dictionary of Potion Raw Materials" on his forehead. If Principal Karkaroff hadn't repeatedly emphasized that students should not be physically punished when he applied for the job, he would have just found a reason to kill this student a long time ago. The child was beaten.

"I'm your potions professor, and I say get as many as you want!"

Heimdall muttered.

"Speak up!"

Heimdall didn't dare to say anything.

Professor Laurent wanted to roll his eyes again, and suddenly realized that he had been downcast all the time and hadn't given himself a positive face, so he sighed.

"Come on, sit down." He pointed to the wooden bar chairs across the minibar.

Heimdall glanced cautiously, then moved over and sat down.

"What to drink?"

"Have you any wine here?"

"Only tea."

"...Let's have some tea then."

Professor Laurent turned to help him make tea.

Heimdall first admired the mature style of the young and middle-aged handsome man for a while, thinking that he was once bewitched by the professor's beauty and experienced a period of miserable days, and once again silently took out the master and rubbed it on the wound. rub.

On the background wall of the bar counter, they are housed in transparent glass jars. Eyeballs of different colors and styles look like autumn waters under the reflection of the projection lamp, and the eyes flash...

This is Professor Laurent's personal hobby. He keeps animal organs in transparent bottles and puts them on the wall as decorations. When Heimdall came to his room for the first time, he was shocked by the big tiger body with big eyeballs.Professor Laurent also likes to lead the guests to the bar in front of the wall over there. Heimdall is glad that he has a little concentration and didn't make a fool of himself on the spot.

However, after that, there will inevitably be some sequelae. Whether it is dead or alive, it was a bit disgusting to see eyeballs during that time, including his own, so I didn't dare to look in the mirror.

After a while, Heimdall drank the tea, and Professor Laurent poured himself a glass of Flame whiskey as if nothing had happened. Heimdall stared at the glass intently and dared not speak out.

"Don't forget to send a letter to Professor Snape, he cares about you very much." Professor Laurent said calmly as if he didn't notice his little gesture.

Heimdall came back to his senses and nodded.

It was already the third day after Professor Snape received his letter after the final Potions exam at the German school. It wasn't Heimdall who procrastinated on purpose, but the owl who delivered the letter wasn't very effective.After Mr. Stulusson finished writing the letter, he sent it directly to Professor Laurent, asking him to deliver it together. As a result, the owl leased by the professor flew to the wrong place and flew back halfway. All the time was wasted on the return trip.

Professor Laurent doesn't have a personal owl. He is just like the current car rental group. He doesn't like to buy a car, he only likes to rent a car.Buying a car requires all kinds of services. Renting a car is so convenient, and if you don’t like driving it, you can change to another model.

Buying a car has the advantages of owning a car, and renting a car has the convenience of renting a car.The biggest shortcoming of Professor Laurent's leasing owl is that he doesn't know the details of the courier. The quality of the courier rental team is uneven. This time, we happened to meet an unskilled owl.

In any case, Professor Snape still received their letter three days later, the day he had just finished teaching the second year students Potions School.Even sitting behind his desk in his own room, Snape was in the same grumpy mood as he was in class, and every time he lectured the students his bad mood doubled.

However, the classwork also doubled. Thinking of the wailing behind him when he left the class, Snape became a little more cheerful.

He opened Heimdall's letter first, their correspondence was infrequent, probably considering that he was a professor and had a heavy workload - it seems that he spent the night in his room that year and then found out that he spent the whole night grading homework was so impressed that Heimdall never took the initiative to increase their communication volume.

Snape pouted regretfully.

The wording of the letter was exuberant, and the professor quickly caught it.That is to say, the results of the potion science test should not be too bad this time. Sure enough, after the simple pleasantries, the matter about the test jumped into his eyes eagerly.It felt like showing off, showing off, Snape could see Heimdall's complacent look when he wrote the letter through this letter.

Afterwards, the professor discovered Heimdall's inadvertently conservative attitude, seeking nothing but breakthroughs, which made the professor's mood worse when he learned that he had improved in the exam.

Snape couldn't figure it out, they all had a mother who was excellent in Potions, why didn't they inherit this fine tradition at all as children?

That's right, Snape quickly associated it with a little idiot named Harry Potter, and Snape also naturally ignored the father of the two children again.

Although Rigg's mother's school grades are not as high as Lily's in the whole school, she can also be ranked in the top three in Slytherin House. Snape's memory also told him that Rigg's mother was in Potions. There is no obstacle in learning, both theoretical knowledge and practical operation are excellent.

Professor Snape was lost in thought.

He hasn't touched that memory for a long time, and with Ivy's face gradually becoming clear in his mind, Lily's appearance suddenly appeared in front of him, changing from dusty black and white to colorful, and the speed of change was so fast. It was too late for Nep to stop it.

So, on this afternoon in mid-January, Professor Snape looked at the sparkling fireplace and couldn't help thinking wildly, and the letter in his hand fell off in pieces because of his absence.At first glance, this appearance looks like a special literary youth. Fortunately, the professor is not a sentimental person, and he is cruel to himself. He broke free from the negative and depressed emotions in a blink of an eye, and Lily Evans was packaged and sealed again.

The professor tapped on the table, thinking about how to write a reply.

When Professor Snape's letter was sent back, Director Sturluson was biting the bullet to face another subject that could be regarded as a close brother to Potions - astronomy.

As soon as the theoretical exam in the morning was over, the professor of astronomy called all the fifth graders together for a meeting, and asked one after another how they did in the exam, what was good about it, and what was bad about it. In short, it was criticism and self-criticism, but When it was Heimdall's turn, it turned into a criticism meeting.

Heimdall hesitated and said that he seemed to have drawn the periodic table of Venus wrongly. Professor Mansour said something in a language he could not understand. Spit on him.

"It seems that you didn't listen to all the key areas of review I said. You know the Sumerians, right? The ancients in 2000 BC." The professor stared at his face.

Heimdall shrank his neck, "I know, it was taught in the textbook that they discovered the law of the moon's waxing and waning, and they invented the placement of the intercalary moon."

"They also discovered the motion cycle of Venus. In other words, you are not as good as people in 2000 BC!"

Heimdall was shocked. In his opinion, let alone 2000 BC, it was ancient before 1949, and it was ancient times from the Qing Dynasty onwards...

People in 2000 BC, according to Mr. Sturlusson's concept, were almost like cavemen.

That is to say, he is not even as good as a caveman. Director Sturlusson was sad and angry. Maybe his mood fell too fast, but he suddenly reversed and rebounded against the current.

"It's better to have more." Chief Strulusson smashed the jar.

Professor Mansour stared, "What did you say?" Little brat, how dare you speak stubbornly? !

The students around looked at the old and the young nervously, and Carlo and the others were even more anxious. If you give up and say something nice, it’s over. Professor Mansour is notoriously merciless. In the end, both sides are ugly, so why bother.

"It's hard to say anything else, the eyes are definitely not as good as theirs," Heimdall pouted. "I can't see any Venus without binoculars. The Sumerian eyes must have been very good."

Professor Mansur glared at him for a moment, then laughed.

Heimdall couldn't help following Shale when he saw it, thinking that Jitai was coming.

The professor put on a straight face, "I'll just watch your practice test tonight."

Heimdall's smirk froze on his face.

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