HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 554 Potion Practice

Nine out of ten wizards who have studied Potions would agree with this point of view. Potions is a subject that cannot be clever.It's not like Charms, which emphasizes improvisation;

Potions does not need to try to find out the secrets of the sky by observing the trend of the planets like astronomy. Like the ancient runes, even the pronunciation and spelling must be traced back to the source and imitate the ancestors.Potion science only needs to be made step by step according to the recipe.

From this point of view, Potions should be an easy subject to learn, and its theoretical knowledge may not be a big deal if you memorize it by rote, but its practical operation can drive a pure and innocent person to ruin.All kinds of potions require different raw materials and cooking methods according to their different functions, and it can even be said that they are very different.According to records, the longest brewing potion in history took a total of one and a half months.The fire cannot be turned off for a month and a half. The wizard keeps stirring the crucible at any time, observing the color, adjusting the heat, and adding materials at the right time. This process is like a relay race. Eleven wizards suffer in turn, making it look like they can't find the golden snitch. Like the Quidditch game.

The most surprising thing is that the potion brewed in this one and a half months is just a potion of sobriety that can't be simpler in the eyes of today's wizards. The cooking process is reduced and reduced, and concentrated and concentrated. Today's "Awakening Potion*True Essence Edition" can be completed in an hour, which is a huge difference from the one and a half months hundreds of years ago.Those wizards who have been making sobriety potions for a month and a half, if they know it, they don't know what it's like to be forced.

However, this does not mean that all potions have become easier to operate. The kind of potions that have been streamlined for thousands of years and still need to be boiled for a long time are all super big tricks that exist to embarrass wizards, but now it doesn’t take much longer. There will be an exaggeration of one and a half months.

Of course, the magic school exams would not be such a big move. The long-time cooking that tests skills usually only appears in specific places, such as medical institutions, pharmacist associations, companies that make special sprays, etc.

Heimdall looked at the ten items listed on the blackboard, and then chose the test method that suits him according to the test content announced by the teacher, which is the so-called review.Today's practical exam of Potions has three choices out of ten, and three kinds of productions are selected from the ten given topics. There are a total of 5 hours before and after the exam time, starting from the time when the candidates fill in their options on the answer sheet.

There are all kinds of antidotes in potion science, there are special medicines with immediate effect, and there are also life-threatening medicines that are more ruthless than poisons. The treatment effects are completely different. The wizard of the third antidote can basically be called a master.

The ten options on the blackboard actually hide a trap, but this trap is not vicious, and unless you are uneducated, you can basically avoid it easily.The production process of two options in the topic selection is far more than 5 hours. If they are selected, the exam is destined to end in tragedy.

After some thought, Heimdall decided to make a treatment for plant damage and a treatment for animal damage, and he chose free choice for the last item.This potion practice exam allows students to freely play one example, that is, on the basis of choosing two out of ten, the third dose of potion can choose their own questions.Of course, you can also choose not to choose, and keep the proposition of choosing three out of ten.

In order to cooperate with the optional proposition, Heimdall must finish the first two items as soon as possible to make time for the third dose of potion, because his free-choice topic preparation takes time.

He quickly handed in the answer sheet, and the hourglass placed in the corner of the desk automatically flipped over, starting a 5-hour countdown.There is such an hourglass on every student's desk.

This potion practice test did not make it difficult for students on the raw materials. This is an essential part of the general potions practice test. Identifying raw materials is also one of the basic knowledge of potions, but today's test took a different approach, in terms of making tools Give everyone a problem.

Because of the freedom to choose the topic, different potions not only have different raw materials, but also the tools used are quite different.Except for the cauldron and fire, the tools required for the preparation must be at the candidate's discretion.There is a big shelf next to each student's desk, on which there are all kinds of tools for candidates to use at will. Using them will do more with less, and if you choose the wrong one, you will only feel bad luck.

Heimdall lingered in front of the shelf for a while, put the needed tools into the small basket one by one, and then turned back to the cauldron.

Some students with quick hands and feet have already started cooking.

The first two fixed topics for Heimdall are the lovage antidote and the Flobber caterpillar antidote. Although lovage is one of the main raw materials for making delusions, inhaling its fragrance will cause wizards to get encephalitis ; Human skin exposed to the mucus secreted by Flobber caterpillars will develop painful spots that, if left unattended, will turn into unsightly scars and, in severe cases, fester.

Generally speaking, these two antidotes are not difficult, the production time is not long, and the prerequisite preparation is relatively easy.Heimdall only wants to pass smoothly, and dare not expect anything else.

The cure for encephalitis caused by lovage requires a beetle with ochre-colored wings that are like a hard shell that peels off easily after death. The problem is that the body of the beetle becomes very It is flexible and can be stretched very long by pulling it with your hands like plasticine.The lovage antidote needs the subcutaneous tissue and viscera of the bug, but not the outer shell. In order to facilitate the removal of its skin, it needs to be soaked in an unpleasant potion for 10 minutes.

Using tweezers, Heimdall placed the stripped winged beetle into a small saucer, before pouring it over with the foul-smelling potion.He looked up at the time and turned around to prepare other raw materials. After 10 minutes, he used tweezers to take out the worm soaked in the liquid medicine, picked up a long needle and poked the surface of the worm body, and found signs of fragmentation, so he threw the worm into a stone mortar and squeezed it with a pestle. Grind the stone wall of the mortar in a clockwise direction, wait until the worm's skin falls off, and the subcutaneous tissue and internal organs are ground into a sticky ball, Heimdall puts a No. For good bugs, the sticky liquid seeps into the container along the sieve, and all the broken skins remain on the surface of the sieve.

This process is quite disgusting, not only the vision is tortured, but also the smell is extremely ecstasy. Heimdall is already numb, so he seems calm, if a newbie comes here, he might spit out his lunch.

In fact, this production process not only took out the required materials, but also proved Heimdall's wise choice of No. 6 slipping through the net.The gaps required for preparations for potion production are significantly different, depending on how the wizard who makes the potion chooses.It’s like Heimdall filtering insects. If you choose the wrong filter, it will either infiltrate incompletely, or leak through the skin, whichever will affect the final drug effect.

After the worms were filtered, Heimdall, who had been cautious all the time, was relieved. The other ingredients were also ready, and the rest was to cook.

Just when he was about to light the fire, the classmate behind the table in front suddenly yelled: "Milo, Rigg, I'm sorry, be careful!"

Milo in front of him and Rigg behind him were taken aback.The crucible on his table was splashed with thick potion, the water surface kept rolling upwards, the crucible shook violently, and it was about to erupt.If it was just an eruption, it would be lucky, but if the crucible exploded, it would probably cause casualties, that's why the panicked students yelled.

Heimdall took a step back and quickly pulled out his wand. At this time, the potion in the cauldron had swelled to the brim, and the flame under the cauldron was groaning.

What makes people feel safe is that none of the terrible results happened. The flame under the crucible suddenly went out, and the whole crucible was cooled down rapidly.

The invigilator walked over quickly, squinting at the students who were lying on the ground and crawling forward, thinking that this unlucky boy was too busy trying to escape for his own life, so he didn't know how to turn off the fire quickly.

The classmate got up awkwardly, returned to the table with his tail between his legs under the side-eyes of his classmates and the invigilator, tidied up the crucible with tears streaming down his face, and started all over again.It's still early before the end of the exam, so I give up lightly now, and I have to wait a year for the next one.

The episode in the examination room quickly became a thing of the past. Heimdall's first potion was bottled, and the hourglass sprinkled sand representing about an hour and 10 minutes.Heimdall was quite satisfied with his progress, quickly adjusted his mood, and started preparing for the production of the second potion.

What played a decisive role in the Flobberworm antidote was the husk of a plant called rotten pomegranate, a relatively expensive potion raw material, and the precious here does not refer to value. It was a hundred years ago Perhaps it is still a precious plant, and it has been cultivated on a large scale today, 100 years later, just like the current ginseng.

The rotten pomegranate is the fruit of the rotten pomegranate tree, and the plant gets its name from the fruit.Although it is called pomegranate, it does not look like the pomegranate we eat. Its shape and color are similar to ginger, and it is more rounded than ginger.The epidermis is sparsely distributed with small sores that look like rotten spots, so it is called rotten spots.This is of course not a disease, don't get me wrong, people are born to be like this.

The rotten pomegranate is full of treasures, and it was not as easy to obtain as it is now, so the predecessors of potions listed it as a rare medicinal material.The skin of pomegranate can be used as the main raw material or auxiliary material of various antidotes, the dried pulp can be used to make poisons that can cause asthma and skin lesions, and the squeezed pulp juice is essential for making white fresh medicine, which is a special medicine for trauma raw materials.So people win by quality, not artificial hype.

Heimdall doesn’t need to dry the pulp or extract the juice today, just peel off the skin, but be careful when peeling, as the subcutaneous juice will stick to the skin and cause red rashes.

Caterpillar antidote is an example of an antidote for animal injuries that is relatively simple to make. It can not only treat Flobber caterpillar damage, but also other insect bites, but it is not as fast as the toxin for Flobber caterpillars. It is a multifunctional medicine.

Generally speaking, the degree of damage caused by animal toxins to the human body depends on the level of the animal itself. The antidotes used to treat the sores left by eight-eyed spiders or the bites of poisonous snakes are more labor-intensive to make, but they are not The hardest, and one of the most difficult antidotes that the wizarding world admits to make is the Foxy Seed Antidote.

This fang-filled creature has plagued wizards for thousands of years, posing them with a steady stream of problems.

If the goblin who likes to dig holes around the house is the other kind of mouse in the wizarding world, then Hu Meizi is the other kind of cockroach in the wizarding world.

This kind of small animal's reproductive ability is extraordinary and refined, and it has a large litter throughout its life. It has a unique collective concept when attacking, and it often responds to everything. The teeth are thin and dense, and one bite can swell for half a day.He is quick in action and quick in response, and he knows how to judge the situation. If the situation is not right, he will disperse. Once you hide it, you can rummaging through the box at home and you can't find it.It's even scarier than cockroaches!

So the wizard sometimes scolds people, angrily accusing the other party of being hateful like a fire-breathing dragon, which is considered polite, and accusing the other party of being as hateful as a fox, which shows that the person is really quite bad.

In order to deal with these little things, wizards can be said to have taken great pains, and there are countless sprays to prevent the breeding of foxes - almost every country has set up factories to produce sprays to drive away foxes, and the effect is uneven - the treatment is controlled by foxes The antidote to the damage caused is also among the household bestsellers.

In fact, being bitten by Hu Meizi will not cause any major problems, it will neither fester nor ooze pus, and it will not cause any adverse effects on the blood and skin. The sequelae are nonsense.If left alone, it will heal itself in a week or two, depending on the physique of different wizards.However, very few wizards choose to ignore it after being bitten, because it is very, very painful.

This terrible pain is like having dental caries, and it is disturbing to sleep at night. No wizard is willing to endure it for one to two weeks, and the pain can torture a alive and kicking person out of shape in three to five days.

The pharmacy sells you different antidotes according to different degrees of bites. Of course, you can also do it yourself, but it takes 18 hours before and after making the Humeizi antidote-this is not counting the preliminary preparations-you have to work hard to endure it. 18 hours, it is better to spend some money to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine and apply it.

It takes longer to make than the snake venom antidote, and the caterpillar antidote does not take that long, an hour and a half is enough.

The third potion that Heimdall wanted to make, which was a self-selected question, was the antidote for Chimera beast bites. It also had a name called beast potion.The reason for choosing it is not because it is difficult, the production process is not as complicated as the babo tuber antidote.The Chimera beast has strict protection measures. With the support of the International Federation of Wizards, the Greek Ministry of Magic cracks down on thieves, unless they really don’t want to live and do everything possible to smuggle. Nowadays, almost no wizards need to buy this potion, so the beast medicine Antidote is a rather unpopular antidote on the market now.

Chimera's bite is far less painful than Humeizi's bite, but its harm is more severe than Humeizi's.The venom of the Chimera bites the prey through its teeth and then infects the prey. However, for the beast, the venom on the teeth only plays an auxiliary role. There are cases where the prey is poisoned to death, because the venom of the beast itself is not fatal.

The toxins in Chimera's teeth can prevent the wound from healing, and cause the wound to fester quickly, expand the wound surface, and bleed continuously.The toxin of the ferocious beast is not difficult to remove, but it has an extremely painful characteristic. Once the wrong medicine is used, it is very likely to die.In other words, it might not be dead, but the non-targeted medicine has become a life-threatening talisman.

So far, researchers still don't know why Chimera's venom is so abnormal, and what factors cause it and other antidotes to mutate.For other injuries, you can use some multifunctional medicine to relieve the symptoms, only the Chimera will backfire.

All in all, I really can't afford to be hurt.

Closer to home.

Why choose such an unpopular and uncomplicated antidote?The reason is simple. Heimdall is relatively familiar with making this potion. He checked the raw materials on the shelf just now and found that they are basically complete. He also said earlier that he only wants to pass smoothly, not to be ingenious...

In fact, making unpopular potions is somewhat unique.

The knowledge that the textbook conveys to you is not [-]% true, because it is likely to be wrong...

The students mostly copied the content from the book when performing the practical operation of potions, and they also do the same in general exams. Most of the test takers don’t have the time to question whether the textbook is right or wrong. Come on, but this situation is generally applicable to answering questions with theoretical knowledge, potion practice is based on the finished product, and the teacher who is responsible for the inspection process does not care.

There are two Chimera beasts by his side, and the stingy head of the office, Strulusson, is of course unwilling to spend money on buying beast potions for a long time, and tried to make them himself as early as last year.However, based on the tragic potion practice of Director Sturluson, at first he only dared to entrust Leon to help, but when Professor Laurent found out, he despised him for his lack of progress, took the opportunity to teach him a lesson, and banned all students in the school Help him make beast medicine.Some young children obeyed the teacher's orders, turned around and ran away when they saw him from a long distance, which made Director Sturluson feel very sad like a street mouse for a while.

The melancholy was over, and the self-pity was over. Director Sturlusson decided to work hard, and let the master supervise him. From then on, he began his journey of exploring the potion of beasts.

After referring to various books, he found that the production process was not completely consistent, so he learned and practiced according to a supposedly authoritative Potions book, but found that the finished product was not as effective as the book boasted.He consulted Professor Laurent separately on this question, and wrote to England to ask Professor Snape, and the answers he got were also different.He told them the exact discrepancy between the two answers, and then the two professors left him and had a heated argument.

After two months of discussion and practice, the two professors finally reached a consensus and finalized a unique formula for the beast potion, which made Director Sturlusson a bargain for nothing.

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