HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 515 Kenny with Irish Accent

Since Olar started his new mission—delivering mail between the owner and Mr. Hernando—its return time has been delayed one time at a time.

Whenever the return of Olar cannot be waited for a long time, Chief Struluson's imagination will become particularly vigorous, with a cauldron billowing with thick smoke, a transparent glass bottle soaking animal organs, a sharp serrated knife, and eyes The ruler... These things swarmed in front of his eyes, destroying the sanity of Chief Sturlusson.

If it weren't for Olar's mental and health condition being very good, Heimdall would have changed the messenger. Only Merlin knew whether Hernando had done anything to Olar, and used it for weird experiments.

In fact, if Chief Strulusson is willing to calm down and observe his messenger carefully, he will find that Olar's health has deteriorated. On the contrary, his Olar has become much stronger, more majestic, and more beautiful. flying.Hernando knew better than him how to take care of a queen falcon. Fortunately, Chief Strulusson was not blinded by his prejudice, and he finally discovered the truth—one morning the shapeshifted to take Olar for a "walk" When he realized it was flying faster than it had been--afterwards, he tore his unwarranted imaginations to shreds and left them behind.

In the letter, Heimdall expressed his gratitude—a kind of implicit guilt—and asked in detail about the feeding method of the queen falcon, and the answer he got was surprising.

Mr. Hernando told him that the queen falcon is right to eat spiders, but it is also an omnivorous animal. Although eating marsupial spiders alone can satisfy the basic hunger, it can only meet 60.00% of the nutritional requirements.Mr. Hernando gave him a long feeding list, provided several options, and told him many precautions.He also ridiculed in the letter that he was able to "bring up Olar" instead of dying because of his whim.

"It's a miracle, Sturluson, you've made a miracle!"

Chief Sturluson hugged the drowsy Olar and cried loudly, "I'm sorry, it turns out I've been abusing you..."

Olar, who didn't know why, was awakened, and rubbed his head against his master, not knowing why he was crying to himself.

Or maybe this is why Olar has been dreaming of chasing spiders. Over the years, he has never been truly satisfied in terms of nutritional balance.

Heimdall told Olar to go back to rest, and decided to give him a hearty dinner, or breakfast, after he woke up.

Heimdall, who had carefully read the feeding list, was a little worried. He knew where to get things like mice and lizards, but what the heck is a bag of grass?Grass that grows like bags and barrels?What is sniffing orchids?An orchid with a long nose?Not to mention everything else on this list.Only one-third of them are known for sure, and another third may appear in textbooks for this year, next year, or the year after, and the remaining one-third...

Heimdall got up and went to the library.

He spent the whole afternoon in the library, finished reading a book that could not be taken outside the library, and borrowed a comprehensive botanical illustration, which is a manuscript, and the original book is kept in the basement of the library , the author was a professor of herbology in Durmstrang.

"What are you looking at?" During dinner, Carlo found that Heimdall was double-minded, and he couldn't help being curious, especially because the books in front of him were almost as big as the mirror in the bathroom of the dormitory.

[Comprehensive plant illustrated book. 】

Carlo froze for a moment, then turned his head to look behind them. Behind them was a wall covered with oil paintings of different sizes and shapes. The landscape was dominant, dotted with several portraits of people and animals.The speaker was an old man with a white beard smoking a pipe, sitting on a stone with an ax by his legs, and behind him was a forest covered with snow.This portrait hangs right above Heimdall's head. With a glance down, you can see everything on the table clearly, and you can also hear what they are talking about.

"You know this book?" Heimdall turned around.

【That is a bit of a silly boy, he is not good at talking, and no living person is willing to be friends with him except plants. ] "...you are the storyteller? He graduated from Durmstrang? All I know is that he used to be a professor in our school."

[I hope he did not suffer too much pain when he died, may he rest in peace. 】

Heimdall found it difficult to keep up with the lumberjack's leaping mind.

"Can you tell me something about him?" Carlo took out his little book, he loved to inquire about gossip, no matter the dead or the living.

【not now. 】The old lumberjack knocked on the smoke pot.


The old man stood up, 【I'm going to visit the deer hunter. 】

"Anyway, you have plenty of time, why don't you tell me what I want to know first?"

[What a nasty little fat man!Why should we care about the will of you living people?Who will guarantee the will of the portrait?The answer is that no living person can, and no living person will!So we can only protect ourselves! 】The old lumberjack stuffed his pipe back into the cloth bag at his waist, picked up his ax and pointed it at Carlo. [I'm going to visit now, no living person can stop me! 】 Carlo was shrunk by the roaring shoulders and fell silent.Heimdall and Carlo exchanged glances, why is this portrait so violent? !

"Sturluson!" Someone sat down on the empty seat beside Heimdall.

"What is it, Professor?"

It was Nero Gordon.

"Lend me your Chimera." Professor Golden has always spoken directly.

"No." Heimdall flatly refused.


"Why else, I don't want to lend it to you."

"What are your conditions?"

Heimdall finally chose to face him squarely, "It is not possible to make a deal for everything, I just don't want to lend you, and, do you think this is the attitude of borrowing something from others? What's more, what you borrowed is not a thing, but a Fresh life."

"You just like to play against me." Golden's expression was very cold, and he knew that things would not be that simple.

"How is it possible, my homework and test answers are absolutely written according to your requirements."

"...Is this the attitude towards professors?"

"Your attitude should not be possessed by an honest professor."

Golden was annoyed, "Since when did I become an upright person?"

Heimdall was speechless, the old guy has broken the pot? !

Ryan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Golden immediately glared at him fiercely, "Mr. Christian, you failed the class test."

Ryan opened his mouth wide, "Isn't the test tomorrow?"

"Tell you the result in advance."

This innocent disaster happened, Li An was really wronged, and his face fell on the spot.

Golden balanced.

"Can you tell me why you borrowed Myramon?" Heimdall asked.

"I won't tell you, you won't borrow it anyway!" After speaking, he ran away angrily.

Old boy, old boy, Heimdall thought, for his unusual age, probably down to preschool level.

The next day, Heimdall received a reply from Chairman Bangor, appreciating his request and saying that he would try his best to arrange it for him.On the third day, Bangor delivered a package, and a letter.

In the package was a blue-gray wizard robe embroidered with the words of the Kosol Foundation. Chairman Bangor told him that he had already contacted the Kosol Foundation and helped him get it from the regular inspection team organized by the Wizards Union. He has applied for a quota, and this weekend he can participate in the investigation mission in the name of the Kosol Foundation.

"There is one thing that must be explained to you," Bangor emphasized in his letter. "Because you are not a staff member of the Foundation, and you are not on the list of members of the expedition, you actually replaced a staff member of the Kosol Foundation. You have to remember that once you join the expedition, you must act locally , your name is no longer Heimdalsturuson, your name is Derek Kenny, an Irish wizard."

Ireland?Heimdall touched his forehead, carefully recalling the accents of the Irish wizards in Knockturn Alley.

Howled hoarsely, "Hi, I'm Kenny, the weather here is really great!"

Carlo, who was poking potatoes, turned his head in surprise, "What did you just say?"

Heimdall repeated.

The little fat man chewed for a while, swallowed what was in his mouth, "Where do you speak English? Are you speaking English?"

"Can you understand?" Heimdall asked.

"I think I get it, but not sure."

"Ireland," Heimdall thought for a while. "perhaps."

"...Why does it seem to be different from the Irish accent I heard in England?" Carlo thought carefully.

"What kind of Irish accent do you hear?"

"I don't know, I won't say." Carlo shook his head helplessly.

"Then it's no problem," Heimdall laughed heartlessly. "As long as I don't meet a real Irish wizard, I'm sure I can keep fooling around."

On Saturday morning, Victor got up early, washed and dressed calmly, had breakfast, then returned to the second floor, gave Heimdall who was still nestled in bed a lingering good morning kiss, and stretched his hand under the quilt to pat Get off his ass, pick up the cloak, and go downstairs and out the door.Heimdall hid under the quilt and waited for a while, until he was sure that the master had closed the door and left, then suddenly turned over and jumped out of bed, pulled off his pajamas, and hurriedly put on clothes...

The No.16 regular investigation group of the Wizarding Union gathered in the beautiful Luxembourg countryside. There were 17 people in total, and the meeting place was set in an open-air wizarding cafe. Target.The commander-in-chief in charge of the expedition looked at the list in his hand, and found that there were still two people who hadn't arrived, so he couldn't help looking around in the crowd.

Two wizards in robes of the Kosol Foundation pushed in through the door panting, saying sorry repeatedly.

"Sorry, we found the wrong place." One of the witches smiled flatteringly.

The other wizard looked very young, with a flaxen peaked cap on his head and a pair of large black-rimmed glasses covering half of his face, making it difficult to see his facial features.

Just when the person in charge was looking at the peaked cap wizard, the witch interjected at the right time and said with a smile, "We want to take some photos, shouldn't it matter?"

The person in charge glanced at the camera hanging on the cap's chest, nodded, and outlined their names.

The 17-member team set off on time.

Their goal today is a small village in southern Europe. The latitude is higher, the temperature is lower, and the mountain road is rough and difficult. They stopped on a slope not far from the village, so that colleagues from Portkey and other relevant departments can observe the landform, weather, etc. Condition.

The wizard in the peaked cap kept falling at the end of the line and pressed the shutter everywhere. The sound of the shutter of the camera at first offended several wizards in the line. After all, not everyone likes being stared at by the camera, but everyone chose to endure it. Fortunately, the peaked cap is not a bad thing A person who knows moderation.

Victor, who was wearing the black robe of the Referee Council, stood on a stone and looked into the distance. He caught a flash of white light in the corner of his eyes. He looked in the direction where the white light disappeared, and his peaked cap was just turned away.Victor squinted his eyes for a moment, then raised an eyebrow and walked over.

"Dragon Claw Tree...so big..." The peaked cap backed away muttering, but stepped on a protrusion, and was supported by a hand on the back.

"Did I step on you? I'm so sorry..." The peaked cap looked back apologetically, meeting Victor's gaze.The peaked cap turned back and lowered the brim of the hat, and with a thick voice, said with a heavy Irish accent that he thought was very standard: "I'm sorry, Mr. Krum."

Victor said "hmm" and asked very kindly, "Hello, are you..."

"Kenny, Derek Kenny, today's weather is really great!" As if deliberately contradicting him, a gust of cold wind blew, and two wizards in the team sneezed loudly, and the mutterings complaining about the bad weather spread one after another. Come.

"Indeed, it's quite cool." Victor grinned, showing his white teeth.

When the peaked cap realized that the opponent's hand was still resting on his waist, his expression could not help but twist.

"Fortunately, I wear it a lot." Gritting his teeth, the peaked cap roared in his heart, and he couldn't bear to let it go. NND, if you dare to half-heartedly, I will never end with you!

"Actually, I prefer that you don't wear anything." Victor suddenly lowered his head and blew into his ear, in a provocative tone.

The peaked cap was completely ferocious, but Victor's next words brought the almost overwhelming ferocity to an abrupt end.

"Also, you just forgot your crappy Irish accent."

Heimdall turned around, lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a heavy accent, "My Irish accent is perfect."

Victor couldn't help laughing, "Why didn't you tell me? You still dressed like this!"

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but I was almost 'surprised' by you." Heimdall's face was full of memories of the past.

"Think I can't recognize you? Your camouflage skills are too bad." Victor said. "Did you secretly film me just now?"

"Smelly, I'm taking pictures for the foundation, and you thought you were the only one taking pictures." Heimdal gave him a look, and refused to admit that the master's black robe was so handsome, and he couldn't help wiping the corners of his mouth.

"Kenny!" The wizard in the inspection team waved to him not far away.

Peaked cap, no, Heimdall bypassed the master and ran over.

"What's the matter?" Not forgetting his Irish accent.

"We want to take a group photo here, can you take one for us, please?"

"No problem." Heimdall patted his chest and agreed, and seemed to be professionally directing these wizards to stand here and there. Their movements, their eyes, and the demeanor of a master photographer, all the wizards believed that they were at his mercy.

The master in the team couldn't help but worry, would he?

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