HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 514 I Hope I Can See It With My Own Eyes

"Letter from Draco Malfoy to Heimdallsturlusson, October 1995, 10"


I should have tried to make up an excuse to leave school, I should have gone with my father, instead of deserting class and getting caught by the headmaster and detained for cleaning.By Salazar, you know how many Gryffindor cauldrons I've brushed and I can see their cauldrons straight in their faces now...』

Heimdall couldn't help laughing, a classmate who was very close to him who was reading a newspaper glanced up at him, and he immediately sent a sorry smile.After obtaining the other party's understanding, he lowered his head and continued to read the letter.

"Why can Potter go but not me? !Although I'm sorry he didn't win the prize, hey, I can see your face now, I mean it, I really feel sorry, if the winner is another British wizard, any wizard All good, I think I'm not so sorry. 』

"Actually, I didn't even have time to think about it," Heimdall said to the letter.

"Father told me everything, by letter.I can tell from the letter that he is proud of you, and as your favorite cousin, I thought I had to remind you that the father is clearly comparing his son to you, and of course, quite unfortunately, his son is being compared party, so you can't do this anymore.

Apparently, some of your actions have influenced your uncle, causing your uncle to think that he hasn't been strict enough with his son—only Merlin knows that your uncle's son was once ignored for three days because he mistyped a word—or Said that Mr. Malfoy began to doubt the way the Malfoy family had educated their heirs to this day.I am now very worried that my father will take some measures, such as trying to change something.But I think I'd be happy if Father let me study with you, anyone other than Potter.

My father also asked me if I would start an exchange program next academic year, I told my father I didn't know, I thought he wanted me to go to Durmstrang for a full year, he was worried about the situation in the UK, and my mother was also worried. There is no longer objection to my leaving England.

Although it is a pleasure to study and live with you, I prefer to stay in England and Hogwarts. I don't want to leave here to go anywhere for the time being.Granger was pretty sure I had a country complex, a family guy, and I didn't like her comment much, only Hufflepuffs always dream of a life of dead ease, I'm a Slytherin, I look So don't you get the hang of it? 』

Heimdall looked at the bottom of the letter paper, sure enough, it wasn't over yet.

『PS: The howling letter you sent me was so funny, you didn’t see the Weasley twins, their eyes were straight, they were very dissatisfied with the Draco version you made for me, they said you were in What a waste of resources, these could have fetched a good price and I got them without breaking a sweat.Haha, I love seeing the Weasleys beating their chests in frustration, it keeps me in a good mood all day. 』

Heimdall shook his head, put down the letter, and picked up another.

"Letter from Bangor, Cardiff to Heimdalsturlusson, 1995 October 10"

"... I was surprised to receive your letter. I thought you had already forgotten about me as an old man. 』

Heimdall silently apologized.

Chairman Bangor exchanged a few more greetings and entered the topic: "About that set of textbooks, yes, they are indeed popular in some areas. Are you surprised? After all, at that time, apart from our group of editors who worked hard Men, no wizard believes they will be any different.

I still can't tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. All things are independent of our will. No matter how clever a prophet is, he can't predict the final direction of the ending he sees. They can only foresee the result, or foresee One of the results.All we have to do now is wait with great patience, time will tell.But as you might worry, the prospect of them turning around does piss some people off.

You also understand the background when we compiled them, the board of education has always looked down on them, although the main reason is that we took their jobs, but the board of education has been monitoring the education situation in those areas, I think they will take this extra work Forget about eating and sleeping, and work tirelessly, so as to seize all the teasing and ridiculing handles brought by this set of books at the first time, and find a once and for all reason to make them disappear completely.

Of course I don't want to see this day, what I can say is that the current promotion situation is quite gratifying.

You may not like reading, but you can't give up knowledge anyway.When all kinds of knowledge are spread in front of you in a unique form, I believe that no one can turn a deaf ear. "Flaws" are derivatives of advantages that cannot be ignored. The debate on "flaws" is still going on until now, and maybe they will continue to fight forever.The fascination of wizards who exalt the "flaw" and the denigration of it by wizards who belittle it may stem from their own prejudices and caprices, but there is no doubt that it is an integral part of knowledge.From ancient times to the present, no noble peacemaker dared to erase this statement.

I think you understand what I'm talking about. 』

Heimdall smiled.

"Don't worry, my child, we are not black-hearted benefactors. We don't have ulterior motives for the defenseless for our own benefit.I can firmly say that the set of books is very good, and the description of each subject is so just right, there is nothing to worry about.

Am I bragging a bit when I say that?Who cares, no one can see anyway.Tell me, you will never tell anyone. 』

Heimdall put down the letter paper with a smile on his face, and took out a map that came with the letter from the envelope. In order for him to see it more clearly, circles were drawn on it with a red pen, marking that he was using this set of textbooks to study magical schools and regions.Honestly, look at the red circles on a world map, and they're pretty rare.

When Heimdall's finger pointed to one of the circles that leaned towards southern Europe, the red circle suddenly enlarged and became a magnifying glass. The enlarged red circle contained detailed map markings and text descriptions of this area.Heimdall found it interesting, pointing his fingers one by one, and the corners of his mouth became higher and higher in the process.

He looked at it over and over again, and only let go of it when he was completely satisfied. He picked up the letter paper and wrote a letter to Chairman Bangor. At the end of the letter, he made a request.

"At the end of the year I will be hosting a small evening for a children's foundation, the head of the foundation I believe you have heard her name, Ms. Yadranka Kosor, she told me about the textbook, so, I think , I know that maybe this request is a bit difficult, but I still insist on making myself a difficult person for others.

If possible, I would like to visit these regions. Of course, I don’t want to visit all the regions that are accepted for promotion. As long as there are a few, or one of them, I would like to go and see them myself. I believe this will also be of some help to my hosting. .I don't want to say some high-sounding rhetoric at the party that I don't understand but make me feel like I am personally there, very insightful, and seem to be very touching. I want to see them with my own eyes. The most important thing is that I don't want to lie at the party. 』

On the second day, after the morning class, the school started voting for the first student union chairman of Durmstrang College as planned. The ballot box was set at the entrance of the cafeteria, under the bulletin board.Every student passing by can take a blank ballot beside the ballot box, fill in the desired chairman candidate according to the format requirements, and then put the ballot into the box. ,Very convenient.

One person became the busiest person in the school, and that was Ida Bonasera, who had pressed against the wall early in the morning and stared at passers-by.

He would stop every student who didn't vote in the box, stare affectionately with those talking eyes, and then watch the sweaty student who was staring at him turn around, and throw a paper with his name on it into the ballot box. vote.

Heimdall, who was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, witnessed all this, opened his mouth and closed it again. Director Strulusson had a hunch that Bonasera's unabashed behavior would probably give him the chance of being elected. Leave a bit of a hangover, if he does get elected.

But Heimdall decided not to remind him that he has been tossing him for so long and helped him build his reputation outside the school, so he is still heartless.Director Sturluson is not so selfless that he does not ask for anything in return. He also likes to get what he deserves, and those who torment him are also tormented.

While Bonasera was concentrating on grabbing the pigtails of a junior, making the children teary, the desperate Director Stulusson quickly passed the bulletin board and entered the cafeteria.

"Hi!" A person came towards him, it was Pana Papoulias from the Wizard Chess Research Office.

"Good afternoon, Chief Papoulias." Heimdall clapped hands with him.

Papoulias' cheeks were slightly flushed, and he was no longer at a loss as he was when he was just announcing his election.

All the laboratories in Durmstrang underwent a major reshuffle, and the incompetent were replaced by those with insight.Although most of the directors of the research offices sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, there were still several who couldn't stand the storm and were kicked off by their own people and became defeated.

Papoulias became the new head of the Wizard Chess Research Office, just as Heimdall had expected.It's a pity that the head of his office is even more shabby than the previous one. The previous head of the room led three staff members. Now that the former head of the room has been replaced, there are only two people under Papoulias, who were replaced. The director of the department moved all his belongings out of the laboratory as early as the end of the selection process. In Heimdall's view, this person is not so hopeless after all.

Heimdall saw the former head of the Wizard Chess Research Office walking with Kane on campus yesterday, and they were arguing about a book.Although both of them were blushing, it was not because of a bad relationship.In a sense, they are all "outcast" people, and it is not surprising to get back together.

What surprised Heimdall was Kane's perseverance. He didn't see a trace of despair in his eyes. On the contrary, he was growing vigorously, and perhaps he was still bound to win the position of head of the laboratory.

"Mr. Sturluson." A black-haired boy with a few freckles on the bridge of his nose ran excitedly. He had a small round nose and small eyes, but they looked just right on his face. A child who is more than handsome but not beautiful, the boy is holding a bamboo basket in his hand. "Do you think this will work?" He brought the bamboo basket to Heimdall.

He is Kane's former follower, named Interlaken Zug, from Switzerland.After Kane's failure, Zug turned to Heimdall without hesitation and became a follower of Chief Strulusson.Although this child is small, he is quite determined. He is determined to join the laboratory, and his stubbornness is even more frustrating than Bonasera.

Heimdall already had a good impression of him, so he took a symbolic exam and absorbed him into the laboratory. Zug, who got his wish, was even more "thinking what the director thinks, what the emergency room director thinks." Anxious.

With the lessons of Kane, Heimdall no longer engages in the policy of herding cattle and grazing, but instead makes Zug do this and that in a targeted manner.At present, his task for Zug is to deal with raw materials, starting from the basics, let him deepen his understanding first, and do some basic and simple processing.

In the bamboo basket he brought was the task Heimdall assigned to him yesterday, asking him to freeze fresh salamander skins.

Heimdall looked at him in surprise, "Have you been up all night?" The blue in the boy's eyes made him sigh.

Chu Ge rubbed the back of his head, not daring to lie to the wise and mighty room chief: "I can't sleep until I finish all this, and I tell myself, just do it for a while, but once you get back to it, the sky will dawn."

Heimdall couldn't do anything about it, and he knew it was useless to talk too much. "I'll go to the Potions Lab later to ask Leon for a bottle of spirit-boosting potions. If he's not here, ask the room staff and tell them to keep the accounts. There will be a quiz this afternoon, just in your mental state , don’t cry when the time comes.” Heimdall observed for a while, and found that he was shaking so much that his eyes were slack.

"How do you know we have an exam this afternoon?" Zug looked surprised, looking at Heimdall as if he was looking at God.

Heimdall knocked on his forehead, "You told me."

"Huh?" Zug narrowed his eyes and tried to recall.

"Can't remember?"

Zug nodded, "I can't remember at all."

"This is caused by not sleeping. People often stay up late and their brains will degenerate. Be careful to become a big fool!"

Zug was frightened, "Really, really?"

"What good is lying to you?"

"Then, what to do then?"

"The exam didn't start until [-]:[-] in the afternoon, so go back and sleep for a while now."

"Oh." Chug hugged the bamboo basket and turned around obediently. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered the mission here, and hurriedly turned around, only to hear Heimdall say to him: "The freezing is all unqualified, go back and do it again."

Zug suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy to cloudy to light rain...

Heimdall smiled slightly, "How many times have I told you that the speed of light is useless, and many things can't be rushed. What I need is efficiency."

Chu Ge turned around in frustration, walked a few steps and then stopped looking back. He asked suspiciously, "Director, how do you know that we have an exam at [-]:[-]? I told you too?"

"Yes." Heimdall smiled calmly.

Chu Ge left the cafeteria with a sad face.

Papoulias, who has been following along as a background board, is now also the head of the room. He knows a little about the way the head of the room is. After he was elected, he received a comprehensive form from the school, which listed the courses of all the room members. In other words, Heimdall already knew the campus life in Zug like the back of his hand.

Papoulias wondered, "Why did you lie to him?"

"No reason, it's fun."

Papoulias was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting to get such an irresponsible answer.

Heimdall grinned, "You will gradually discover the joy of being the head of the room."

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