HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 361 Is It Cold Or Hot?

The reception group walked out of the gate of the castle, and a gust of cold wind blew in front of them. The airborne troops in the group shivered suddenly, and couldn't help but folded their arms to rub their arms together to heat up.

For the first time, Draco felt sincere admiration for the well-developed limbs of Goyle and Crabbe. Sometimes fat works better than brains.

The four deans walked out of the castle and came to Dumbledore's side.

Tonight, the inside and outside of Hogwarts Castle are magically decorated with flowers and lights, as if a festive feast is being held.

Standing in front of the castle gate and looking into the distance, the ripples on the big lake to the south flicker layer by layer, but the place where the light cannot reach is a deep place. , the children of Hogwarts shivered in unison.

Professor McGonagall couldn't help questioning the authenticity of Filch's information, "Didn't you say they came?" There was no sign of it.

The other three deans were also very dissatisfied with his lying about the military situation.

Filch took out his pocket watch and looked at it, telling the four deans to calm down, "It's coming soon, don't worry."

The four deans almost rolled their eyes together.

Mrs. Sprout found that the lips of the children in her college were purple from the cold, and she couldn't bear to say, "Professor Dumbledore, maybe we can stand inside." I'm a student now, and I'm a bit cold after a long time.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak when Filch yelled, "Here we come!"

Everyone, including Dumbledore, couldn't help but cheer up. They raised their necks excitedly and looked around. The boundless night sky was full of stars. A group of students stared at the wind and almost burst into tears. There wasn't even a bird, let alone a carriage. , Everyone looked at Filch with unfriendly expressions. They were fooled once and then fooled a second time. How could this make them feel bad? !

Who knew that Filch didn't look up at the sky at all, everyone followed his gaze suspiciously, and saw that the originally sparkling lake surface was boiling like boiling water, and when the expanding water surface rose to a certain height, a touch of A huge black shadow rolled up and broke out of the lake with a roar. After the splashing water of the lake receded, an ancient three-masted ship suddenly appeared in the sky of England, and it slowly moved towards this end. Hogwarts Ci's children chatter and point once the initial jaw-dropping has passed.

The Durmstrang team needed to take a boat for a short distance to land—the three-masted ship did not dock on the shore, mainly because they were afraid of running aground.

The deans feel very humiliated.In fact, it can't be blamed for the fact that Hogwarts students are rare and strange. Durmstrang's students had already bluffed before boarding the ship, and the deans couldn't see it.

Filch looked back at Dumbledore, "Durmstrang came first."

The four deans also hesitated.

According to the itinerary learned by the faculty and staff at the previous meeting, Beauxbaton should arrive earlier than Durmstrang, which is conducive to Hogwarts to coordinate and arrange the reception tasks. The master always wants to show the best side In front of the guests, if the two schools collide at the time of arrival, if one of them is accidentally neglected... it will be extremely detrimental to the construction and maintenance of the face-saving project.

The plan really can't keep up with the changes.

"It's a woman's right to be late." Dumbledore smiled leisurely.

Several deans glanced at each other, infected by the principal's calmness.

The short students in the Hogwarts reception team who stood at the back jumped around like fleas, and were immediately stared at by their headmaster.

Under the eager anticipation of everyone at Hogwarts, the Durmstrang team gradually approached behind Hagrid who was in charge of leading the way. Filch raised the white glass lamp in his hand and ran forward two steps. With the bright lights, everyone first saw Igor Karkarov, the principal of the Durmstrang School of Magic, walking at the front of the team.

Karkaroff, who was covered in a suede long-haired cloak, and Dumbledore stepped forward with a smile on his face for a moment, "Oh, Albus, it's been a long time!" He was as sincere as a relative reunited after a long time, Dumbledore didn't refute his face, and hugged him with open arms.

"The principal is indeed an acting school." Carlo murmured in admiration in the team.

The surrounding Durmstrang students nodded one after another. It is a well-known secret in the school that the headmaster doesn't like to come to the UK. Since the ship left the school, he has looked like a dying man. Now he is full of spirits. The headmaster is really getting more and more frustrated with the war. , a typical example of getting more courageous when frustrated.

"The expression is too fake." Comrade Carlo commented.

Heimdall nodded, it was too late.

Someone coughed seemingly inadvertently. It was Professor Kattenen. Heimdall and Carlo looked at each other.

After Katenin finished greeting Dumbledore and the four deans, Karkaroff waved his hand boldly, and fifteen Durmstrang students stepped forward together, and a big master came with the welcome team. .

The two parties looked at each other at the same time. The Hogwarts students looked at the hooded fur cloak on the Durmstrang students in a daze. warmth.

Victor Klum! ! !A few sharp-eyed students spotted Victor who was falling behind, and excitedly touched each other's arms, pushing and shoving, so busy that they forgot what to say.

For a while, they stared wide-eyed and looked at each other speechlessly.

"Should we smile at them?" Li'an asked hesitantly.

Probably Hogwarts also had similar thoughts, their expressions were the same as theirs here, the difference was that the eyes of the Hogwarts students were very bright as if they were electrified.

I don't know who took the lead, but when the students came to their senses, they found themselves laughing dryly. Then, the students on both sides looked at each other's smiling faces and said in their hearts: It's too fake.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" Someone shouted in standard German, and then the entire reception team repeated in unison. Maybe these British students really worked hard, and everyone in Durmstrang felt that their speech was very standard. , with a smile on his face, the feeling of being respected is quite good.

Karkaroff immediately nodded in satisfaction, it seems that Britain is not as bad as imagined.

Heimdall heard that it was his cousin Draco who took the lead in the libretto. He looked forward and met Draco's probing eyes. The two of them are the real reunion after a long absence, and they are sincerely in love.

The head of Slytherin glanced at Draco first, and then quickly glanced across, his thin lips curled up slightly when he saw Heimdall in the line.

"Please." Dumbledore waved his hand.

Under the leadership of Snape, the Durmstrang team entered the gate of the castle.

Draco, who was in the receiving team, turned around depressedly, looked up and kept scanning the dark sky, thinking impatiently, why hasn't Beauxbaton come yet?

Not only Draco, but other students also suffered from the cold wind for you and me, waiting for you to stare until weep.


Professor Snape did not lead Durmstrang and his party directly into the auditorium, but let them stay in the foyer temporarily. It is said that after welcoming the Beauxbatons team, Principal Dumbledore will personally lead them into the auditorium , and introduced to the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

The students of Durmstrang couldn't help but look around curiously. The ancient and heavy stone walls, the blazing torches, the high ceiling, and the spotless slate floor under their feet, the beautiful textures on the veneer under the orange firelight Under the reflection, it brings a subtle visual change to the viewers, with deep and shallow, flickering and flickering.

"Hogwarts is very beautiful." Ryan praised the silver armor beside the oak gate.

The students nodded their heads one after another. What touched them the most was that it was not cold at all. Hogwarts lit the fire only for lighting, and Durmstrang lit the fire mainly for heating.

In fact, the facilities in the foyer are lacklustre, mainly because the door leading to the auditorium was originally open, but now it is closed, and the marble staircase behind the door is silent. It is not good to walk around under such circumstances. Carlo quickly finished admiring it. In the immutable stone world, forcibly suppress the impulse to climb the stairs or kick open the door of the auditorium to find out, and turn your own impulse into stone in the stone world.

Carlo turned his head muttering, and found that Heimdall, the second visitor, was looking around as ignorantly as they did, and whispering and whispering to Krum from time to time.

Carlo waited for their murmurs to come to an end before stepping in and asking Heimdall, "Why do you feel like you're here for the first time?"

"It's indeed the first time to come with everyone." Heimdall was full of energy and seemed to be in a good mood. "The last time I came and went in a hurry, the scope of activities was limited, and at that time, I didn't have the time to appreciate the castle, so I chose to turn a blind eye to many things."

"Hmm..." Carlo seemed to nod deeply. "Age changes will affect mentality, vision, and one's own judgment at the same time." Carlo came to understand life again. "Write this down, write it down." As he said that, he hurriedly touched the small leather notebook that was always with him.

As a result, the first thing he touched was the long-haired cloak they wore outside, and he felt wet hands. He thought he was splashed by water when he was on the boat just now. After calming down, he quickly realized that he was sweating all over. The palm of his hand was also wet. What he touched was not lake water, but his own sweat.

Carlo subconsciously went to look at the students, and saw that all the students were blushing, shy... No, they were sweating profusely from the heat, peeled off their collars, rolled up their sleeves, rolled up their trousers, and unbuttoned them.

"Mr. Principal, can we take off our cloaks?" a fifth-grade student asked Karkaroff.

Because of Snape's relationship, Karkaroff was trying to pretend to be deaf and dumb, trying to blend himself into the background. Since entering the hall, Kattenin had been in charge of exchanging pleasantries with Snape. After the questioning, the three professors turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw the students of Durmstrang sweating profusely and with red eyes.

"Okay, don't forget to put it back on later when you enter the auditorium." Karkaroff said.

Everyone hurriedly took off their cloaks, and some students couldn't hold them up in time because they were in a hurry, so the cloaks fell heavily on the ground. Snape raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw this. This cloak doesn't look light .

In fact, Karkaroff is also hot. For the sake of face, he can choose demeanor instead of temperature. Katerinin is not as self-abusing as he is, and he also took off his cloak. No one will pay attention to Principal Karkaroff standing there alone. shape.

Even after taking off the cloak, the school uniform robes inside were not very suitable for the British climate. Everyone regretted that they should change their clothes before disembarking.

When Headmaster Dumbledore ushered the Beauxbatons team into the hall, the Durmstrang team was holding their cloaks and fanning them with their hands in a very inconspicuous manner.

With their lips turning purple from the cold and trembling all over, the Beauxbatons team couldn't help being stunned.

When the Durmstrang representative team saw Beauxbaton students with pale faces and messy faces in the wind, they felt as if they were seeing their loved ones while they were sweating. We are brothers and sisters who underestimated the British weather.

Beauxbaton's students looked longingly at a fluffy cloak and couldn't take their eyes off for a long time, and Durmstrang's students stared intently at their silk robes and let out a sigh of relief.

When the three principals got together, it was inevitable to exchange pleasantries for a while.

While the principals were talking, the Hogwarts reception team saw several students from Beauxbatons leave the line and walk towards Durmstrang. After putting on the Trang fur cloak, he couldn't help but smile and sigh comfortably.

This time, the Beauxbatons team didn't care about their shame, and they all rushed over to borrow clothes to wear. The two schools usually communicate frequently, and they talk relatively freely. If it were Hogwarts Ci, the students of Beauxbatons would never take things for granted.

Madam Maxim's face was a little stiff. Considering the health of the students, she swallowed back her words, deeply regretting that she only thought about the plan to maintain her image.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it." Karkarov was so stunned, his mellow voice was extremely pleasant, as if he was the one who borrowed the clothes.

Madam Maxim gritted her teeth secretly, she just didn't want to see Karkaroff's face like this, let alone owe him favors.

The Hogwarts reception team watched the two schools mumbling and communicating in a language they didn't understand. They were really envious in their hearts. They had no way to do anything and could only stand lonely on the sidelines.

"Rig, thank you, it's so warm." Anita Slivan gently stroked the furry surface of the cloak, and said with a smile.

"It's nothing." Heimdall shook his head. At this time, Victor wiped his face with a handkerchief, and Heimdall naturally moved his face closer.

Anita's face sank, and she squinted at Victor, who seemed to be calm. Victor glanced casually after he finished wiping.

No matter how she thought about it, Anita felt the provocation in those eyes, and immediately became furious.In fact, after such a long time, she also saw that the two of them had no intention of breaking up at all. If they broke up, the efforts to make a good impression on Rigg would be in vain. Anita knew that she had no acting skills, I hope that I can go with the flow in exchange for Rig's friendship, but every time she meets this nasty guy, she tends to get angry.

How could Rieg fall in love with this kind of man? !Anita was filled with resentment, and she couldn't remember which young lady in that place was holding someone's photo in her brain, and volunteered to sign up to be his wife.

The woman's heart is needled, and the goal of her struggle has now become "this kind of man".

The door leading to the auditorium suddenly opened, and countless pairs of eyes focused on it instantly. Dumbledore stood at the junction of space and space, against the light and sound pouring out of the auditorium, the expression on his face was gentle and joyful.

"On behalf of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I would like to welcome you all."

The visitors in the hall were all moved.

Durmstrang's students without exception turned their heads to find their own clothes, and Beauxbaton's students without exception pinched the collar of their cloaks subconsciously.

To return or not to return, that is the question.

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