HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 360 The Calling Fourth Grade

The Slytherin students had to start worrying about Draco Malfoy's physical condition. Master Malfoy's flying mood continued to rise for nearly half a month from the moment he boarded the Hogwarts Express. It can be seen that even Professor Snape, who always ignored the students' emotions, took a wait-and-see attitude towards Draco's abnormal phenomenon.

What is even more frightening is that Draco actually condescended to have a friendly meeting with the students of Hufflepuff College who he has always regarded as "specialized idiots", hoping to discuss the summer vacation life and other issues that are of common concern to each other. Have a fresh exchange.

Didn't you see that Hufflepuff's students became frightened one by one because he came up to talk with a pleasant face? A group of Slytherins especially wanted to bring back the eloquent Draco.

Could this be a new method of torture that Draco had been deliberating over the summer?

The thinking of Slytherin students is far less unconstrained than that of Gryffindor, and it is not as divergent as Ravenclaw. Their thinking mode is relatively fixed, which may be caused by their environment.A group of Slytherins researched and researched, and felt that the "new torture method" was the most reliable, and they all thought it was right.

Considering that, Draco's actions made perfect sense.

Draco had no idea that the reason why he was in a good mood was treated like a villain by his classmates. He was busy regretting now, regretting that he should not have rushed to talk to Hufflepuff on the spur of the moment. The two and a half sentences were spent staring, and the remaining half of the sentence was unclear.

Sure enough, an idiot, Draco muttered to himself.

Draco was very discouraged, lost interest in the conversation, waved his hand and turned around, and he didn't realize that he was so polite that he knew he had to say hello before he left.

The Hufflepuff students secretly heaved a sigh of relief as they watched him leave. They looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing. They really didn't know what medicine Malfoy had taken wrongly.

Although he failed to communicate normally with Hufflepuff, it did not affect Draco's emotions. He was still very happy and excited, but none of the Hogwarts students could understand the mystery. In the final analysis, they all I don't know that this school year Hogwarts will re-host the legendary Triwizard Tournament that has been suspended for several sessions.

This is the way Heimdall came up with to appease his cousin, revealing to him in advance information that the underage wizards in the UK did not know.

While Draco was elated, he also tasted the entanglement brought about by this news. In such a big school, there is no one to talk to. It’s like a paparazzi discovers a shocking gossip, but the words above are so rotten that they are not allowed to report it. Draco Now I am digesting alone alone.

Draco originally wanted to talk to Hermione, but he never acted due to his father's order. Lucius had solemnly warned him not to reveal the Triwizard Tournament before the school disclosed it to the students, and he would not It was to keep his son from attracting the attention of others, especially not to tell Hermione Granger that Lucius could allow his son to talk to Mudbloods, but that didn't mean he was willing to see them getting more and more harmonious and eventually becoming friends.

In fact, Draco and Hermione are already good friends, but a certain father refuses to admit it.

Lucius has changed from his previous domineering personal style, and has become more and more low-key in the Ministry of Magic. Apart from interacting with a few acquaintances, he stays in the office all day long and stays at home.This made Minister Fudge, who wanted to win him over, hesitate. What the minister urgently needs is talents who can make waves. Lucius's low profile has become a negative signal in Fudge's eyes. What Fudge wants to win is Mal, who will not give up until he achieves his goal. Chief Fu, not Mr. Malfoy who seems weak in everything he does right now.

However, this is exactly the result Lucius is eager to see.

Lucius left the UK with his family before receiving news of the Death Eaters meeting. He is still grateful for his decision. The reason for this decision stemmed from a dream he had one night. In a huge stadium, the ears are filled with loud applause, but the entire stadium is empty.

After waking up, Lucius was puzzled by this strange dream, which could not even be called a nightmare, and felt inexplicably panicked deep in his heart. His wife Narcissa suggested that he take a long vacation to go out and relax. Lucius After a few days of struggle, he accepted his wife's advice and took his wife and children to travel abroad to visit relatives while their son Draco was on summer vacation.

Draco didn't know the motive of the trip. He felt something vaguely. Although he was not very happy with the travel plan, he still obeyed his parents' wishes.

The family was sunbathing at the birthplace of Western Civilization when they heard the news that Death Eaters were marching in droves at the Quidditch World Cup, looking at a blurry photograph of the Dark Mark that was published in the local wizarding newspaper in Greece. In the photo, Lucius broke out in a cold sweat under the scorching August sun in the Mediterranean.

After calming down, he first thought of his nephew Rig. The security personnel of the Puffy Fleece Company quickly conveyed Rommel's message, and the Malfoy family stayed at ease until Draco had to go to Hogwarts to go to school before returning. U.K.

At this time, the panic created by the Death Eaters was gradually far away from people's sight under the deliberate indifference of the British Ministry of Magic. Then, with the help of the British Ministry of Magic, the "Daily Prophet" repeatedly produced new, interesting and safer stories. The topic completely paralyzed the overwhelmed delicate nerves of the public, and when Hogwarts started, no one talked about the sudden riot and the chilling signs of terror hanging under the night.

It is the responsibility of those in power to be prepared for danger in times of peace. The common people just keep their heads down and live their lives. Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be a tall man.

The issue of Draco's transfer was once again on the table. Narcissa didn't know much about Durmstrang, but only knew that the school had a pure-blood admission standard--this made her extremely satisfied, but that The bad weather made her feel insecure. Although Narcissa was no longer as persistent as before, she still didn't want her son to leave home from the bottom of her heart.

She persuaded her husband to give up the idea with far-fetched reasons such as far water can't save near fire. Lucius really wanted to refute her since Rigg could read, why couldn't Draco, in the end he held back, their family was just such a baby bump, and said The real Lucius himself was reluctant.

Discussions about transferring schools have once again come to nothing.

The reason why Narcissa is so confident is that no one doubts that there will be safety problems in the impenetrable Hogwarts. There is Albus Dumbledore there, the old mad headmaster in the eyes of the Slytherins, and the lunatic headmaster in the eyes of Lucius. The old fool, the thorn in the side of the Death Eaters, no matter what, Dumbledore did make all the parents of Hogwarts students feel very safe, and the parents of Slytherin students were no exception, even though they were behind their backs. Li spared no effort to ridicule him and slander him, but they had to admit that sending their children to Dumbledore would give them peace of mind.


This Transfiguration class was extremely depressing. A large group of students whose names were called were detained. The children who passed by ran out of the classroom as if fleeing for their lives. Even the usual Gryffindor faces left, Slytherin face The habit of walking on each side is also ignored.

For some unknown reason, as soon as October entered, professors from all subjects went crazy and put pressure on the students at Hogwarts. Everyone found that the professors were suffering from procrastination syndrome, and their homework load was much higher than before. The highest record set, this record is now being refreshed every day.

No matter which college, everyone's mental outlook has reached an unprecedented unity, and they all look sad.

Draco was also a member of the lucky team. After going out, he declined Hermione's invitation to go to the library to find information, and walked towards the owl shack. He has been frequently communicating with his father recently.He felt puzzled. Judging from what his father had told him, the school would announce the Triwizard Tournament to the public after school started, but it was already October, and there was no intention of announcing it.On the contrary, the teachers and students in the whole school are becoming more and more neurotic, and the house elves are no exception. Draco has never seen such a clean and spotless Hogwarts. , Even the frames of those portraits were painted with a layer of vulgar gold paint, which shone like gold from afar.

The change in the school dispelled a certain guess that Draco was unwilling to face, but fortunately, his father's letter gave him more confidence. Lucius told him in the letter that the Triwizard Tournament would definitely be held, which was a certainty The reason why the announcement was delayed is because someone in the Ministry of Magic raised objections and wanted to temporarily cancel the event. There has been a lot of quarrels in the Ministry recently. Lucius took the opportunity to take leave to go home to accompany his wife. Fudge's wooing thoughts have long been out of him. Yes, he immediately approved the leave of absence happily, and even pretended to show concern.

Fudge recently took aim at Dalton, seeing his smug and confident appearance, Lucius could only shake his head and sigh.

Secretary Fudge always overestimated his IQ.

With his father's assurance, Draco let go of his heart hanging in the air, and met Pansy head-on when he walked out of the owl shack happily.

Pansy smiled, "Draco!"

Draco brushed past her expressionlessly, and Pansy's bright eyes dimmed.


Pansy's eyes lit up, and she turned around abruptly, only to see Draco looking back at him, "What's the matter, Draco?" Pansy asked very carefully.

"You just talk too much sometimes."

Pansy's pretty face paled.

"But you never seem to tell anyone what I told you," Draco said again.

"No, no!" Pan Xi shook her head quickly, fearing that she would not be able to retain her only advantages.

Draco fell silent suddenly, and Pansy quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

"I...I'll tell you something...don't tell anyone..." Draco stammered, hesitating.

Pansy really wanted to rush over and grab Draco's shoulder and shake it vigorously, so that he could understand what he said, but unfortunately, all the outrageous behaviors were only limited to imaginary, in reality she dared not do that at all, in fact until now she has not She took the initiative to pull Draco's hand, she was afraid that Draco would throw her out with a backhand.

After hesitating again and again, Draco still confided the secret in his heart to Pansy.

Pan Xi remained silent for a long while.

Draco nodded in understanding, "I should be excited, I was dumbfounded for a long time when I heard it."

Pansy wasn't excited, she wanted to cry, after a long time it turned out to be this, although she knew why Draco was in such a good mood since the beginning of school, Pansy was extremely disappointed with this so-called secret, boys and girls paid attention to it The focus is not always on a horizontal line.

Contrary to Pansy's stagnation, Draco looked particularly refreshed as if he had a breakthrough in his long-term constipation.

"Be sure to keep it secret. Apart from you and me, there is probably no third student in the whole school who knows." Draco urged.

Granger didn't know either?Pansy's face immediately glowed. Hermione had always been regarded by her as the biggest competitor for Draco. As long as she competed with Hermione, every time she lost, she finally seemed to win the round. Pansy was so excited that tears filled her eyes.

"So you like the Triwizard Tournament so much, I would have told you when school started." Draco was surprised.

Pansy cried even louder.


After entering October, the temperature in Hogwarts area dropped sharply, and the temperature difference between morning and evening was huge. Many students suffered a lot because they didn’t pay attention to the climate change. Headmaster Dumbledore talked from heart to heart. Few teachers could stand Madam Pomfrey's nagging and harsh remarks. A group of students in thick cloaks stood in line at the door to greet them.

It is said that the children selected to pick up the guests are based on the criteria of being physically strong, powerful, and free from illness in the past ten years. This ten-person team was approved by Madam Pomfrey before it was implemented.Dumbledore took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Goyle, Crabbe and other big and round people in the welcome team, and felt a little uneasy.

Dumbledore turned his head and muttered to the four headmasters for a while, and then the four headmasters selected a few smart-looking children from their respective colleges to temporarily join the welcoming team.

Draco was one of them, but he was so excited.

As the entire hall of students stretched their necks to look out one by one, Filch came running in panting, the hair on his head lost the style he had managed so hard to do due to the strenuous exercise, despite the amount of hair on his head. , There is basically no difference between having a shape and not having a shape.

"Professor! Here they come!"

Filch, who was out of breath, roared, and the whole auditorium exploded. If it weren't for the deans of the colleges who showed their magical powers to calm down the place in time, and with the assistance of the prefects, not a single student Can sit still.

Dumbledore took back his pocket watch in a calm manner, straightened his clothes, and strode across the entire auditorium towards the gate.

"Come with me, boys."

When the reception team heard this, they quickly followed up. The long-awaited reception task was approaching, but each of them became nervous. The students sitting on the chairs watched them out of the gate with envy and hatred on their faces.

"Sit here quietly and wait, don't make any loud noises, let alone run around, lest the students of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang see the joke."

Before leaving the auditorium, Professor McGonagall looked at the students of his college with a serious face. The sternness in his eyes could not be ignored. Everyone restrained themselves, shrunk their necks, and nodded.

"One more thing to remember," McGonagall suddenly lowered her voice and whispered to the Gryffindors. "Don't try unsure magic in public. In this school year, no professor will accuse you of not being diligent enough for this reason."

Everyone didn't understand it for a while.

Mag sighed helplessly, and said bluntly, "Especially don't wave your wand in front of Durmstrang's students, whether it's Charms, Transfiguration or other magic, don't use it if you don't know how to use it!"

In other words, don't embarrass the school.

The Gryffindors couldn't help but looked at each other, speechless.

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