HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 306 Who Moved My Gold Gallon

The conditions here are of course several times stronger than those in Azkaban Prison. The centaurs are indeed unfriendly to wizards, but they never harm wizards.In the cognition of the horse people, the destruction of unarmed life will be punished by nature, so it is even more impossible to imitate some kind of dark magic creature-such as a dementor.

The truth of seeking a position in one's position is more thoroughly understood than human beings themselves.

Since Sirius came in, he has been acting quite honestly. Dumbledore was afraid that he would ignore him when he got angry and make a lot of noise inside, which would leave a bad impression on the judges of the Supreme Court.

Although there is no problem in reversing the case itself, it is still more cautious to proceed to this point.

Dumbledore led the three men up to the stone-built stairs. The stairs were narrow and rugged on the wall, just enough for two people to walk side by side, and there were no handrails outside.

Dumbledore reminded them to watch their feet before going up the stairs.

When Lucius stepped on a sunken stone and staggered, almost fell, and then managed to stand still with Osam's help, Dumbledore, who was walking in the front, said without looking back: " Be careful, most of these stairs have been in disrepair for many years, and it turns out that some people tried to escape during the interrogation and accidentally fell down and died."

Damn old madman!Deliberately, right?Lucius screamed in his heart, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

When they stopped in front of No. 16 door, Dumbledore inserted the small wooden sign into the socket of the iron door, and the closed iron door cracked from the middle with a bang, and retracted from left to right into the thick stone walls on both sides. , revealing a black barred gate covered with spikes.

Sirius Black sat quietly in the cell behind the fence.

Different from Peter's "high-end" treatment, the shackles on Sirius' hands and feet have been removed. This is the second day after he was taken in. Dumbledore petitioned the Supreme Court to improve the treatment he tried hard for him.

Sirius in the cell didn't know what he was thinking, he lowered his head and didn't make a sound, as if he was in some kind of deep thought, he didn't even know he was "watched" by the four people outside for a while.

Dumbledore coughed lightly, and Sirius was shaken all over, and quickly looked out, eyes full of astonishment.


Sirius stood up in surprise and walked to the iron fence. When he saw Lucius Malfoy, the joy faded from his brows and eyes, and his face became ugly.

Lucius didn't even bother to pull a smirk at him, just looked back coldly and emotionlessly, based on his previous experience, such a provocation was just right for Sirius Black.

Sure enough, Sirius' reaction still did not disappoint him.

"Damn it! Malfoy?! What are you doing here! To see my joke?"

"That's right, I just came to see a joke, and the result I saw was very satisfactory." He deliberately released a smug smile.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years and it's still so disgusting!" Sirius roared hostilely.

"Both to each other!" Lucius gave in easily to his instinct—and responded with even more contemptuous sarcasm.

"Gentlemen!" Dumbledore called sharply.

Lucius snorted coldly and looked away, Sirius gave him a hard look and then fell silent.

"The main reason I came today is to tell you that the Supreme Court has decided to hold a trial the day after tomorrow. At that time, you need a defender to help you protect and fight for your legal rights. Do you have any thoughts about the defender?" Dumbledore looked at him kindly .

The implication of Dumbledore's words is very clear. Sirius is a member of the Black family. The social status of the Black family was well known back then, and their extravagance and extravagance were as famous as their social status. On the one hand, is there any practice, and do you know a trustworthy and capable lawyer or legal institution.

"Can't I defend myself?" The last time he was tried, he didn't hear what the defender said. No matter how loudly he shouted at that time, he was finally finalized by the British Wizengamot and imprisoned in Azkaban.

"The process is like this. When the case is reversed, the defender must speak for you."

"I... don't want to hire an English lawyer." Sirius seemed a little embarrassed when he said this, and after hesitating for a while, he decided to follow his will and look up at Dumbledore. "As long as it's not a British lawyer." After a pause, he continued, "After so many things, I don't want to entrust my family, life and hope to British wizards. Before that, they still spared no effort to treat me verbal criticism, verbal abuse..."

"Can't I apply to the Supreme Court for the appointment of a defender?" Someone asked such a question.

The voice was very strange. Sirius looked curiously through the iron fence, and found that it was a well-dressed strange man with thick ginger hair and a handsome face. Imposing, the white hair on the temples softened a little, and his eyes were sharp.

"Okay, but I don't think it's a good idea, of course, if you don't care about extra complications." Dumbledore said and looked at Sirius.

"Make up your mind." Sirius disagreed.

"I originally wanted to defend you myself, but this is overturning the case and there are many restrictions." Dumbledore said helplessly. "I see what you mean." After a while, he frowned again and said, "Sirius, do you have money?"

Sirius was stunned, nodded subconsciously, "Of course I have..."

"I mean what you can use now." Dumbledore interrupted him quickly.

"In Gringotts..."

I was interrupted again, "I regret to tell you that all your accounts in Gringotts UK have been frozen."

Sirius was dumbfounded, "...how could it be?!"

"I don't know where the British Ministry of Magic found a manual on the management of wizarding banks jointly revised by the British Ministry of Magic when Gringotts was founded. It lists a large number of provisions that have been ignored but have not been cancelled. One of them is That is, after a wizard—mainly referring to a criminal—leaves the country, the Ministry of Magic has the right to freeze all their assets in Gringotts, England, and all assets will be confiscated if the assets are frozen for more than 100 years.”

"What!" Sirius suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. "That means my money can't be used!"

Dumbledore gave him a very regretful look.

Sirius circled around the cell irritably, still cursing.

The few men are well-bred, and they all pretend they didn't hear it.

"Wait, I remembered, there is still a sum of money that has not been touched." Sirius rushed back excitedly. "My uncle Alphard, who has it in Gringotts in his name."

"You inherit the money now?" asked Dumbledore.


"That still doesn't work. Since the money is deposited in your uncle's name, you must collect it yourself when you receive it."

"Can't you write a letter to make those goblins more flexible?" In Sirius' conception, Dumbledore was omnipotent.

"It used to be possible, but it has become more difficult recently." Dumbledore did not explain why it was difficult.

Sirius didn't care about these details, and right now his mind was full of "The British Ministry of Magic froze his Galleons".

Of course Dumbledore can pay him the money, but Lucius Malfoy obviously has something to say, it seems to be for the matter of hiring the defender, and he himself admits that this is the main reason he is determined to follow this time reason.

As for what he was going to say, Dumbledore didn't know.

"The Black family is willing to pay for a lawyer for you." The full-toned voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of schadenfreude.

Sirius was furious, "Malfoy, what do you mean!"

Dumbledore was quite surprised that Lucius said "Black" instead of "Malfoy" as he had guessed earlier.

Lucius was unmoved, raised the corners of his mouth, and said slowly: "This is what my wife Narciss Black Malfoy meant. When she married me, the Black family gave her a personal expense. This sum The money was taken from the public property of the Black family, which my wife had not touched for so many years, and which is still in the name of Black at Gringotts Bank, and my wife said she would give the money for her cousin Go to court."

Narcissa's sister Bellatrix also had the "fat powder money" privately given by her natal family when she got married, but Sirius' other cousin, Andromeda, was not able to get it.

"I do not need!"

Mr. Malfoy ignored Sirius' yelling, and the angrier Sirius was, the happier he seemed to be.

Lucius thought of what his wife said to him before he left: "I will use the money from the Black family to hire the best lawyer in Europe to reverse the case for him. A free day would not have been possible without the generosity of the Black family, the crazy blood-obsessed Black family whom he hated."

Sirius' anger is obvious to all, and Mrs. Narcissa Black Malfoy's thoughts will not cause harm to Sirius. On the contrary, she is willing to spend money to solve the urgent needs of her cousin. Under such circumstances, Dumbledore, an outsider, is not willing It's easy to say, after all, this is an internal problem of the Black family.

Sirius' face was filled with deep annoyance, grief and unwillingness.

"I will pay it back, after I go out..." After a long time, he squeezed out the words through his teeth, his eyes filled with unresolved hatred.

Dumbledore was relieved, no matter what, this was an improvement, Sirius Black knew how to compromise after 12 years.

Lucius smiled mockingly, obviously pleased by Sirius' desperation.

"Damn Malfoy, what are you laughing at! I said I would pay it back!!" It was even more obvious that Sirius Black would question all of Lucius's words and deeds at the slightest sign of trouble.

Mr. Malfoy pursed his lower lip contemptuously, but said nothing.

"So this matter is settled?" Osam, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly said.

Without waiting for Dumbledore to say anything, Sirius glanced over, and said with an unfriendly expression, "What are you?" It was a bit angry.

"Siris!" Dumbledore glanced at him.

Sirius snorted coldly and turned his head angrily.

Unexpectedly, Osam introduced himself in a good mood, "Osam Dalton, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Black."

Lucius added, "Mr Dalton is now Acting Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the UK Ministry of Magic."

After hearing this, Sirius asked in surprise, "Barty Crouch got screwed?"

"It's all about the year of the monkey." Lucius said in a tone.

Sirius gave him an annoyed look.

"Since Mr. Black no longer has high hopes for British wizards, I can provide a lawyer candidate. Of course, he is not British." After finishing speaking, Rommel found that Black was looking at him, so he smiled at him in a friendly manner. laugh.

Sirius said blankly, "You are..."

"Rommel Sturluson."

The bewilderment in Sirius' eyes became more intense.

"I am the father of Heimdall Strulusson."

Sirius said hesitantly, "Your son is..." Who is this Heimdall?

Those who knew or were familiar with Rommel would definitely be surprised—Lucius and Osam kept looking at him, and the gentleness and patience he showed were really unbelievable, and they were like two different people.

"It's the big boss of the Muggle General Goods Store in Kapok Town." Rommel took the trouble to explain.

Sirius was stunned.

"You have a good son!" Sirius said without thinking.

Dumbledore and Osam didn't have any significant facial changes, and Lucius's expression was a little weird after hearing his praise, but Sirius never paid attention to Malfoy, who was of the same breed as the Black family .

Rommel laughed amusedly, and without feigning indifference or trying to appear humble, he has always advocated individual differences in the promotion of virtue.

"Thanks, I thought so too."

Sirius was moved in his heart, and turned to look at Dumbledore, "Albus, can you bring Harry in? Just 10 minutes, no, no, 5 minutes, just 5 minutes, let me see him Is it?" The words were full of longing.

Hearing this, Lucius lowered his head and carefully rubbed his snake-headed cane with his fingers, as if there was something rare and rare that he had never seen before.

Osam and Rommel looked as usual, and their eyelids didn't close much.

Dumbledore shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

Sirius was very disappointed.

Dumbledore comforted him, "I'll see you in court the day after tomorrow."

Sirius suddenly became happy again, walking up and down in the cell, muttering words, wishing that the day after tomorrow would come soon.

As for the candidate for the lawyer mentioned earlier, Sirius was as disapproving as he said to Dumbledore just now. He knew that he was innocent and Peter had been arrested. In front of the door, Rommel, who proposed a lawyer, finally negotiated with Lucius.

The more positive Lucius was about it, the more Sirius tried to think about Harry, telling himself that it was all about seeing his godson sooner.

When they left this cold and treacherous space, they walked out through another doorway—on the wall directly opposite the entrance, and the detention center of the International Wizengamot generally did not allow people to turn back.

The form of the exit is exactly the same as the entrance, only the sentence on the gable wall has changed——

There is only one road to heaven.

There is also a centaur guard at the exit. According to Dumbledore, he is Eanur's younger brother E'anur. The two centaur brothers jointly serve as the prison guards of the Supreme Court.

"This arrangement is wonderful." Rommel sighed to the other two men, stepping on the moss under his feet.

"Indeed." Osam and Lucius nodded in unison.

The three of them were as relaxed and comfortable as if they were on a youth tour.


Lupine escorted Harry to the headquarters of the Wizarding Union, and under the guidance of the assistants sent by Dumbledore, he passed the inspection as quickly as possible, and entered the floor of the International Wizengamot located on the sixth floor of the headquarters.

The Wizarding Union building has a total of twelve floors - six floors above ground and six floors underground, of which the top floor above ground is the Wizengamot area.

At this time, Heimdall was also doing a full set of detailed examinations with several witnesses related to today's court case, including her boyfriend, Carlo, Ryan, and Anita Sliven.

The security work of the Wizarding Union is meticulous and meticulous, and it will be half an hour before they all pass the inspection.

So when they took the elevator up to the Wizengamot area on the sixth floor, and saw Harry Potter sitting bored in the waiting area and almost entering the Wizards Union gate with their front and back feet, Carlo couldn't help being old-fashioned. He sighed, "There are people above who are good at handling things."

Heimdall didn't make a sound. In fact, before he came in, his father sent someone to ask his opinion, and he wanted to advance and retreat with his boyfriend and friends, so he followed the procedure.

Heimdall thought that if he was alone today, he would go through the back door like Mr. Potter.

Harry saw them stand up suddenly, smiling awkwardly.

Heimdall felt that he looked very nervous, with a kind of urgent anticipation, just like the restlessness of students waiting for their results to be released after the college entrance examination, and it was also the kind of benign anxiety that they felt that they had performed well and did well in the exam.

Lupine, who was standing next to Harry, also smiled at them, his eyes froze for a moment as he moved to Heimdall.

When Anita knew that the black-haired boy was the legendary Harry Potter, her eyes were wide open, and her eyes were fixed, making Harry feel uncomfortable. Then, Heimdall heard her whisper, "The Harry Potter in the newspaper is very handsome and tall..." The tone was quite disappointed.

Not only he heard this, but also several people standing around her heard it. Everyone was dumbfounded, only Pepper and Monkey didn't know why.

Heimdall really wanted to ask her what newspapers she usually reads.

Lupine came over and said softly, "Thank you very much for your willingness to testify in court and restore Mr. Sirius Black's innocence."

Harry nodded vigorously, watching them gratefully.

Everyone is planning to say a few words of politeness.

Someone abruptly disrupted the atmosphere, "The court hasn't started yet."

Everyone looked at him.

Ryan scratched his cheek with a confused look on his face, "Did I say something wrong?"

Everyone had different expressions for a moment, and they didn't know what to say.

If it wasn't for the consideration of the occasion, Carlo really wanted to laugh a few times.

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