HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 305 After the Aftermath

"Professor!" Peter saw Dumbledore behind the iron fence, jumped up, and the chain on his ankle made a "clang" sound, dragging him back.

Peter lay on the ground in embarrassment, his eyes full of pleading.

Dumbledore didn't say a word, and his eyes remained unchanged and peaceful, but the blue eyes occasionally flashed a trace of complexity and helplessness. Facing Peter, his heart was not indifferent.

Peter cried and howled, humbly hoping that Dumbledore would give him the slightest bit of mercy.

However, when he betrayed his friend, did he think that he would end up today?When he blamed his good friend, did he think about the retribution from heaven and earth?

Maybe not.

"It's time, Mr. Chief." A deep voice came.

The jittery Peter misunderstood the prison guard's words, and immediately opened his eyes wide in horror. Didn't he have to go through a trial before he could be convicted?Has the trial been skipped?Is he going to be sent to Azkaban?Or some other horrible prison... He doesn't want it!don't want!He will die in it!

"Albus Dumbledore!!!" Peter shouted hoarsely.

"Goodbye, my child, everyone can't escape the established result. If you start, you will have a matching end." Dumbledore turned around and said goodbye to him after 12 years under the urging of the prison guard. The first sentence after that may also be the last sentence.


When Percy opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the crystal balls suspended under the ceiling. The large and small spheres were crystal clear and brightly illuminated the Tukapian Hospital. Gold plates and goblets set on the long table on Christmas day, and glittering white frost flowers on the Christmas tree in Christmas fashion, dry and warm snowflakes conjured by magic...

Many students would pick up the snowflakes with their hands, even Banban...


Percy screamed suddenly, and those terrifying pictures rushed towards him like a wolf, and the more you tried to get rid of it, the clearer it became.

"Percy!" The cry of surprise sounded suddenly, like a ray of light breaking through the thick fog, pulling Percy out of the quagmire of memory.

Percy gasped, looked blankly, and then his eyes turned red.

"Mommy..." Percy's mouth squirmed, barely audible.

With a sore nose, Molly rushed over and held his hand tightly.

"Just wake up." Molly patted Percy's hand choked with sobs, staring at her son's face intently, trying to force a smile, but tears flowed down her cheeks.

Percy opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, he had never been so eager to see his family, he was dismissive of it all.

Not knowing how to act like a baby, he had no choice but to stroke the back of Molly's hand with his other hand, unfamiliar and cautious.

As a mother, Molly certainly felt this change in Percy, so she felt even more sad.

Arthur Weasley walked over gently and put his hand on Molly's shoulder. The mother and son were too focused to notice his approach.

"Father..." Percy pursed his lips. Although he intentionally restrained his emotions, the joy in his voice still made Arthur feel heat rushing into his eyes.

"It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up." Mr. Weasley, who was not good at words, repeated.

The eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were full of deep love.

At Molly's insistence, Percy leaned his back on the soft cushion, his eyes refused to leave his parents, and his expression was full of dependence.

"Dad, Scabbers..." Percy couldn't help but speak despite knowing what was in his mind.

"Percy, my son," said Arthur forcefully, "we never had a mouse in our house. Forget all that, just remember that Scabbers never existed!"

Percy nodded sullenly.

Seeing their son's lonely expression, Arthur and Molly glanced at each other helplessly. Out of all the children in their family, Percy liked Scabbers the most, and he used to be inseparable from the mouse.

But who would have thought...

Molly pretended to be cheerful and took out a bright red letter, and handed it to Percy, "This is from your brothers and sisters, oh, yes, and this," she put a painted surface The little box with the colorful swirls slipped into Percy's other hand. "Small gift from Bill and Charlie."

Percy opened the red envelope that looked like a roaring letter, and the letter paper inside flew out and folded into a flower, and the chattering voice came through this magical paper flower: "If you can hear Our voice means that the experiment of this thing is successful! This is the improved "Weasley Thousand Miles Voice Transmission" using the shouting letter, how about it, it's a very good name, it's much more meaningful than real flowers, I've thought about it for a long time ...Go! It's obviously what I thought, don't think that you can pretend to be me because we look the same!"

Greetings turned into exchanging short stories.

Percy laughed, it was Fred and George, and then the voices of Ron and Ginny came one after another. They were enthusiastic and earnest, and their words were full of concern. Percy, who was obviously noisy, felt that there was never any in his heart. With the warmth of the past, his eyes also became hot. If it was in the past, he would definitely sternly reprimand them for being too unruly.

This is all his family!The younger brothers and sisters who were ignored by him!

Percy was both happy and annoyed. At this moment, he wished to turn back time and go back to the past to make up for his shortcomings as an elder brother.


Percy raised his head when he heard the words, and saw Arthur said to him with a serious face: "I think my decision may be wrong. I shouldn't have encouraged you to take the selection exam, let alone go out and have a look. You Still a kid, maybe you should wait another two years, at least until you graduate."

Percy was strangely silent.

No dad, he cried in his heart.His original motives were not so pure, he just wanted to gamble in the last year before graduation, he wanted to work in the Ministry of Magic and get a good future, he didn't want to be treated as a joke snack by Ministry of Magic officials like his father , let alone nest in a dark corridor with no hope of promotion for the rest of his life.

Today, these thoughts let him speak out, how can he have the face to speak out.

"Percy, do you want to go back?"

Percy looked up in surprise.

Arthur said softly with firm eyes: "Although Dad doesn't have much say in the Ministry of Magic, it still has something to do with it after all these years. Percy, do you want to go back to Hogwarts?"

Percy froze.


At this time, the British Ministry of Magic was in disarray, and the leadership team headed by Cornelius Fudge was criticized and questioned on the largest scale since taking power.Fudge's abilities, the functions of the Ministry of Magic, the British Wizengamot's judgment, and its international image have all been analyzed one by one by major newspapers and magazines. The few media headed by the "Daily Prophet" are more polite. , the conclusions drawn are not satisfactory; most of the front-page headlines given by the media are "sounding Ministry of Magic", "confused decision makers", "disappointing leadership team" and so on. wording.

The British Minister of Magic hadn't left his office for three days. He didn't dare to use the fireplace in the office even though it could lead directly to the door. The assistant brought back the news that the house was also surrounded by media reporters.The wife has taken the children and hid back to her natal home.

The Minister of Magic tore his hair in pain, and the assistant directed the house-elf to clean up the newspaper fragments on the ground.Now Fudge hates all the British media—including the "Daily Prophet", which he held in his hands and obeyed—even though he is afraid of seeing negative news about himself, he still can't help but read it every day. Cursing viciously and tearing furiously.

Fudge was unkempt and slumped on the sofa with a tired face, and he had long lost his decent and glorious image in front of people.

Without his signed order, the guards of Azkaban cannot leave the prison for half a step.Fudge couldn't figure it out, why did the dementors go to the ancient town of Kapok?

However, the answer is no longer important, the facts are in front of you, even if you think about it, you can't restore the established result.

To add insult to injury, the mayor of Kapok Ancient Town actually handed over the International Wizengamot a pleading paper long before the Aurors sneaked into the town, bringing the British Ministry of Magic directly to the forefront. The attention of the wizards of the world.

The mayor of Mumian Town sued the British Ministry of Magic for allowing his subordinates to enter the country illegally. Originally, there was only one item, but now the content of the pleading has been enriched, such as creating chaos in public places, wantonly destroying other people's property, intentionally hurting people, etc., etc., the last one The first and most serious one is to drive dark magic creatures to harm innocent people.

When Grindelwald’s party was liquidated after the war, the British Ministry of Magic played a big role in the summit of the wizarding union. At the same time, it also joined the international denunciation group against "the ancient town of kapok for helping the evildoers". The small group has a clear division of labor Complementary to each other, the British Ministry of Magic initially charged Kapok Ancient Town with "secretly assisting Grindelwald in creating and driving black magical creatures to slaughter the continent of Europa". I never thought that decades later, this crime would change and turn back to me. .

Just verified the sentence: It's not that you don't report, the time has not come; when the time comes, you must report all!

Fudge started pulling out his hair again.

His last hope was dashed with the negative answer brought by Osam Dalton, the extradition application of Sirius was not approved by the highest international court, because before that damn Sirius Black actually Across the Wizengamot in the UK, he directly applied to the Supreme Court, requesting that the wrongful conviction 12 years ago be overturned.

The abominable thing is that the Supreme Court has decided to accept the case, and Fudge suspects that the Supreme Court has changed its usual procrastination style and become vigorous and decisive without the help of Dumbledore.

Sirius accepted temporary interviews from several media before he was taken into the detention center of the International Wizengamot. Facing the reporters, he publicly stated that he had spent 12 years of "good" life in Azkaban Prison. His ability to handle affairs has also been disappointing for 12 years, and he can stand here today thanks to Merlin's protection.

These remarks undoubtedly gave the British Ministry of Magic a resounding slap in the face.

"Minister, it's not an option to be depressed like this." Osam said calmly.

Fudge was taken aback for a moment, and then said loudly, full of hope, "Is there something you can do..."

Osam interrupted him decisively, "The wizards all over Britain are watching you, you should make a decision earlier."

Fudge was stunned for a moment, and suddenly jumped up excitedly, "That's right! You're absolutely right! Even so, I won't let Black go smoothly!" In the blink of an eye, he was reborn and full of fighting spirit.

Osum thought that there was basically no room for maneuver in this matter, and no matter what Fudge did, it would be useless, the most he could do was to disgust Black.


"Gentlemen, this is the place." Led by Dumbledore, Lucius, Osam, and Rommel came to the gate of the International Wizengamot, which has always been famous for its mystery.

The three of them were fortunate enough to witness the true face of the detention center today thanks to the chief executive of the International Wizengamot. I heard that even most of the judges who have worked in the Supreme Court for many years did not have this honor.

The location of the detention center is very hidden, only an old horse who knows the way can clearly find out the location of the gate.

It’s inside a painting of the management offices of the International Wizengamot, and it’s not a portrait or a scenic view, but a white, scratched wall with a winding staircase running through the center of the painting.

Say the password to enter the back of the painting, and what suddenly appears in front of you is a maze-like world of walls, with confusing exits everywhere, and you can see stairs going up or down every few steps. Turn the corner, fumble to the correct wall, and use the correct method to make the door of the detention center appear.

If not, you will always be trapped in this gap-like space that is up and down, left and right, and the entrance has been transferred to other places as early as the moment you entered the maze.

Of course, the three gentlemen were not at all worried that they could not find the door, and Professor Dumbledore solved the problem with ease.

Behind the door is a world of green and luxuriant plants.

The ground is covered with slippery dark green moss, the walls are covered with taupe vines with unknown fruits, thick branches rise from the stone ground, like a towering Optimus Prime, the ceiling is covered with Wrapped in light or dark green leaves, like a thick green felt blanket hanging above the head.

Colorful butterflies dance among the large fan-shaped leaves.

There are large and small glass lamps hanging on the vines and branches, and the lights flicker on and off. If you look closely, you can find that what is lit in the glass lamps is not a candle, let alone an electrified light bulb used by Muggles, but some kind of insect similar to a firefly. , they glow even during the day.

As the official of the British Wizengamot International Wizengamot, Lucius was the one who reacted the most violently among the few, and he was dumbfounded and speechless.

Merlin!How could the International Wizengamot invite horse men to guard the gate of their detention center? !

The attitude of wizards towards centaurs can be seen from the centaur office dedicated to "exile" staff in the Department of Magical Creatures Regulation and Control of the British Ministry of Magic. The Magic Brothers fountain in the center of the magic department hall truly and vividly reflects the hypocrisy and wishful thinking of wizards.

The wizards did not take kindly to the centaurs, seeing them as mindless beasts and ferocious brutes.

The centaur statue in the Magic Brothers Fountain looks up devoutly at the wizard statue standing at the highest end of the fountain, but it is impossible for the centaur in reality to worship humans like this.

This can be said to be the greatest satire created by the British Ministry of Magic, an unrealistic fantasy of the so-called ideal world.

Strictly speaking, the Malays are highly intelligent creatures, they can speak human languages, and should not be classified as animals in general, but they themselves ask the magic world to classify them as animals, perhaps only for the sake of another kind of intelligence Creatures -- such as wizards -- draw a line.

Therefore, the centaurs in reality also don't like to see wizards, or even the whole human beings.

It is not surprising that Lucius would be surprised, and Rommel and Osam were also extremely surprised.

In fact, the existence of the centaur guards is one of the most mysterious components of this detention center from ancient times to the present.

Why did the horseman come?Which centaur group in which country does the centaur guard belong to?How did the first chief magician find them when the federation was first established, and how did they negotiate with them, and what conditions did they agree to make the centaurs fulfill their promises for centuries?

Many questions and so on have not been answered until today. The previous chiefs, including Dumbledore, tried to figure it out, but no one succeeded.

"This is Enir, the entrance guard." Dumbledore introduced the three men.

E'anil was a tall and straight centaur, with a hint of aloofness and inhumanity in his demeanor, even when facing Dumbledore, the titular supreme leader, he always looked stern and solemn.Eanil has black shiny hair, the waist is connected with the blue-gray body of the horse, and a long stone-blue tail is dragged behind.

E'anil glanced at them, "Half an hour." His voice was low and slow.

"I understand." Dumbledore assured, and took from him a wooden plaque the size of half a palm. The wooden plaque was engraved with red Arabic numerals "16" on the front and Sirius Black's name was written on the reverse.

During the period, there was no nonsense of greetings.

The vines on the opposite wall suddenly shrunk violently until the dark doorway inside was exposed.

Inside the door opening is a triangular space that gradually shrinks from bottom to top, and it is unexpectedly bright and towering. There are densely packed black metal prison doors on the four walls, all the way to the limit of the eyes at the top.A sun-like scorching fireball hangs on the high top, illuminating the entire space with nothing to hide, but the first feeling after walking in is a kind of creepy chill.

This situation reminded them of the sentence they saw just now.

Before passing through the door opening, the three men involuntarily looked up at a line of mottled words carved on the decorative gable on the upper part of the door opening, which read——

There are countless doors to hell.

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