Heimdall didn't expect that, he just wanted to know more details. He sent a consultation letter to the inquiry office of the International Federation of Wizards, but the director of the office was recruited, and the management of the International Wizards Examination was also recruited. Cardiff Bangor chair of the committee.

Heimdall was flattered.

Although the two came to Durmstrang to meet Heimdall in their personal names, where is their identity, especially Bangor, an old friend of the German school, at least Karkaroff thinks so.

Karkaroff welcomed the two of them to the principal's office. After hearing Bangor's explanation that the trip was just a private visit, Karkaroff still did not change his enthusiastic style. Mudar called.

At that time, Heimdall was battling with a pile of potion raw materials that were only known in potions class.

Undoubtedly, the principal's call sounded like heaven, probably because the relieved expression was too obvious. Professor Laurent, who was upset, told him lightly to "stay in the hall at noon and add a meal", pulling Heimdall from the threshold of heaven to the flames of hell in an instant. in the pool.

Director Stuluson knocked on the door of the principal's office with his head down.

Then, as I said before, I was flattered.

He didn't even dare to sit on the chair, and sat there with his chest up and his stomach half-hit, Bangor found it funny when he saw him like this, "Just pretend, it's okay to lie to our Director Lessing, I won't eat you This set!"

Heimdall's temples were sweating, and he pointed out seriously, "...Actually, I am a very polite person." These words were not addressed to Bangor.

Director Lessing laughed, but he didn't say any unnecessary nonsense, and directly took out the letter from Heimdall.

"I have read your letter."

When Heimdall heard this, his waist straightened even more.

Heimdall just heard Chairman Bangor's introduction of this person's identity, and Heimdall understood that the well-dressed middle-aged wizard in front of him was the head of the Wizards Federation's inquiry department, and in Heimdall's perception, the leader did not work. Yes, to be more precise, the leader does not do the same work as the subordinates. In other words, he must have been honored by Chairman Bangor, otherwise the director would never be so condescending, and even run away Come to school.

Heimdall knew very well that what he sent was a consultation letter, not a report letter.

"I can give you a clear answer. You are old enough to apply for the position of junior trainee at the Wizengamot International Supreme Court of Wizards."

A few traces of excitement flickered in Heimdall's eyes immediately.

Karkaroff, who had been by the side all the time, was surprised when he heard that Sturluson was actually attracted to the Wizengamot?But what puzzled him was how could it be the Supreme Court of International Wizards?It can be seen that Rommel Sturluson still has high expectations for his son. Can the Sturluson family agree?

"But there is one thing I must remind you." Director Lessing's expression tightened.

Heimdall sensed his caution, and immediately put on an attitude of listening attentively.

"Once you are successfully admitted as a trainee, you will have stepped into the threshold of the Wizengamot International Wizarding Supreme Court, and you will also be half of the staff of the International Federation of Wizards. According to the International Federation of Wizards and Wizengamot Without the two-way secrecy of the Gamore International Wizarding Supreme Court, you can no longer serve as a government employee of any country-including your own country's Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot Wizarding Court to which it belongs."

Heimdall was dazed for a while, and then said, "Aren't they all Wizengamots?" Isn't it a system?

Director Lessing answered patiently, "The Ministry of Magic of every country has the Wizengamot Wizarding Court, but only the Wizengamot under the International Federation of Wizards is called the Supreme Wizarding Court. A subordination relationship, in fact, this affiliation is not so obvious now. As early as the beginning of the eighteenth century, the International Federation of Wizards canceled the process of submitting the judgment of the Wizengamot to the Supreme Wizarding Court before the verdict, so The Wizengamot of each country has developed into a unique model that each country needs, so the affiliation relationship is just a title, basically it doesn't have much effect."

It sounds like he doesn't agree with him going to be a junior trainee in the Supreme Court. It sounds like "local people's courts at all levels" are more beneficial to future development?

As if he could see his hesitation, Director Lessing's tone didn't fluctuate, "I'm just analyzing the pros and cons for you. Of course, you have to make up your own mind."

Heimdall wanted to complain, why did I only hear "disadvantages", where are the "advantages"?

"My uncle, Mr. Lucius Malfoy, is a member of the British Wizengamot, but his work requires him to frequently visit the management organization of the Wizengamot International Wizarding Supreme Court. What kind of work is this? "

"Mr. Malfoy is the Wizengamot's Special Representative to England."

Heimdall said confusedly: "The special representative to the UK is nominated by the British Ministry of Magic?"

"That's why I say the affiliation is just a non-existent thing these days."

Why does this Supreme Court sound like it has no deterrent effect, no right to speak, and no effect?All countries have their own wizarding courts, and they can solve their own affairs. Is the Supreme Court no longer a display?

Thinking of this, Heimdall's original thoughts began to waver.

"What does the Wizengamot International Wizarding Supreme Court usually do?" He still couldn't help asking.

Bangor chuckled, "Don't worry, the Wizards Union won't raise a bunch of idlers."

Heimdall is embarrassed.

"Try cases when there are cases, and take turns to be on duty in the management office of the Supreme Court according to the work schedule when there are no cases."

Heimdall breathed a sigh of relief, which means that the Supreme Court still has cases to try.

"The Supreme Court has only been idle for these years, and it was the busiest place in the world right after the war," Bangor said. "At that time, it was said that Grindelwald's accomplices were escorted to the past. The court was basically open 24 hours a day. The suspects waiting for trial were not completed until eight years ago. Wizarding prisons around the world are locked up."

It was only then that Heimdall came to realize that there seemed to be no death penalty in the wizarding world. In fact, from Heimdall’s point of view, it was better to be locked up in a prison than to be imprisoned for the rest of his life—such as the dark Azkaban guarded by dementors. Avada is done.

Heimdall was silent for a long time.

Bangor and Lessing glanced at each other. After all, he was still a child. After hearing so much, he must be confused and unable to make up his mind. He decided not to urge him, but to give the boy some time to struggle.

As a result, as soon as they raised their teacups, Heimdall looked over with burning eyes, "It says on the form that members of the Wizengamot International Supreme Court of Wizards can usually work part-time? That means they can work two jobs? Is that true?"

In fact, he also wanted to ask if the Supreme Court would pay the same salary if he had two jobs?You shouldn't let him do it for nothing, right? !

Bangor and Lessing looked at his expectant and slightly uneasy eyes, and they understood everything at once. Can this child seem to be able to "step on two boats"? !

Lessing rubbed the corners of his twitching brows. After all, he is the head of the inquiry department. His calm cultivation is extraordinary, and his flat tone remains unchanged, "Yes, but only if your other job cannot be compared with any country's magic. are related."

That is to say, private enterprises can, but government departments and state-owned enterprises cannot.

Heimdall nodded cautiously, and then said: "I understand, thank you, I want to discuss it with my family."

This is the normal answer, Director Lessing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Your name is Stulusson, right?" Director Lessing asked knowingly.


"I've heard that the Chief Wizengamot of the Icelandic Ministry of Magic is as powerful as the country's Minister for Magic."

No matter what reason the other party is based on, whether it is due to favor or intention, Heimdall can feel the kindness of Director Lessing. Be more reliable, because the Supreme Court has great limitations. Even if you are successfully elected to the Wizengamot International Supreme Court of Wizards, after years of hard work, you will be promoted to one of the official [-]-seat members of the court, which means you have to leave. At the end of the day, no matter how hard ordinary members try, they can't sit in the seat of the highest judge in the Supreme Court-the chief magistrate.

Because according to the practice of the International Federation of Wizards, the chief executive of the Wizengamot International Supreme Court of Wizards is also the chief magician of the International Federation of Wizards. The current chief executive of the Wizengamot International Supreme Court of Wizards is Albus Dumbledore Lido, as we all know, Professor Dumbledore is also the current president of the International Federation of Wizards and the current chief wizard.

In comparison, of course, the Wizengamot, which has local characteristics and is relatively independent, has more development potential.

So Heimdall immediately thanked him with a smile on his face.

Heimdall didn't want others to know about this matter. Of course, Bangor and Lessing would not talk nonsense, especially Director Lessing. It was also his job to keep the consultants secret.The only person Heimdall was worried about was Principal Karkaroff, who liked to talk a lot.After expressing his concerns to Mr. Principal, Karkaroff patted his chest and promised to keep it secret for him. He was as decisive and calm as if he was a different person, which made Heimdall look at him with admiration.

After thinking about it, it was absurd to have such unfounded worries. After all, the principal is much older than me and has more experience. Is it still unclear what can be said and what cannot be said? !

Heimdall hadn't planned to tell anyone about this, including his boyfriend. Director Sturlusson thought cautiously, Victor didn't inform him about the advanced studies in advance, why did he confide his heart in a hurry?


That night when they were sitting in front of the fireplace in the common room of the North Tower, Heimdall couldn't hold back for a moment, and when he said everything very smoothly, he suddenly felt a kind of sadness that wanted to cry without tears.

Could it be that he has developed the habit of reporting his whereabouts in advance?Is he that loyal?

Looking at Heimdall with a sad and indignant face, Victor couldn't laugh or cry, stroked his hair, and said, "I remember how hard it was to get you to tell me the truth."

The tone is very embarrassing.

Heimdall gave him a blank look, "When did you..." Oh, I remembered, he was talking about Jolf.

"I respect you. I am not very good at speaking, so I dare not speak casually. In addition, I have heard all kinds of rumors before, and there are all kinds of things to say. So when I think about the upcoming meeting with the legendary When the principal met, he was in a panic." Heimdall shrugged helplessly.

Victor laughed, "No wonder you dressed like you were going to get married that day."

"It's not that I'm afraid of being rude." At that time, he was extremely nervous, but now that he thinks about it, it's really ridiculous. "I wore all my best outfits when we first met."

"Well, it can be seen that he is very sincere." Victor smiled, playing with the ends of his hair at the sideburns.

Heimdall smiled and let him entangle his hair, and at the same time, he felt emotional. When did he calmly face the topic of Jolf and Ivan?Where did the initial rejection go?

Because I jumped out of that circle, can I face it with a normal mentality?

Everything has been subtly changed into nature.

Heimdall knew very well that Yolf's "coming back" back then was more of a negative feeling that was more sorrowful than heartbroken.

Looking at Victor's focused and soft eyes, Heimdall was in awe of the inconceivable fate, and at the same time, he was grateful for it. At that time, Yolf would never have imagined that they would still meet today, many years later. , can still hold hands, and can sit together, laughing and talking about myself back then.

"Actually, you already know it in your heart." Victor said.

"Well, I still want to try it." Heimdall said frankly. "If you enter the Wizengamot under the Ministry of Magic, you can't work part-time." In other words, you can't get double salary.

In fact, the difference between the two also highlights the tranquility and leisure of the Supreme Court of International Wizards from another aspect. As long as there is no outbreak of world-class war, there are generally not many opportunities for court sessions.

"Why are you suddenly interested in the Wizengamot?" Victor was a little puzzled.

Heimdall touched his nose in embarrassment, "Don't you think the uniform robes of the Wizengamot are very impressive?"

Victor was speechless after listening for a long while, "...you mean the fuchsia robe?"

Heimdall nodded vigorously. Wearing a uniform has always been his ideal. In his previous life, the ideal uniform was a police uniform. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the physical condition. The ideal in this life is the uniform robes of the Wizengamot. After Xiang Xiang had the honor to meet him once, he could never forget it. He felt very majestic, majestic, and dignified!

"You think fuchsia looks good?" Victor had a strange expression, but Heimdall didn't notice it in the moment of excitement.

"The key is the uniform!"

In other words, the color and style don't matter, as long as it is a uniform?

"You know, what you saw was the uniform robes of the Wizengamot in England." Victor teased him.

Heimdall froze for a moment, then suddenly realized that his expression changed.

"Isn't the Supreme Court's fuchsia?"

Victor couldn't help laughing, but he still liked that fuchsia after all.

So I sighed in my heart, why has my taste not improved after so many years?Victor felt that the fuchsia robe was a bit far from "good-looking".

But Heimdall stared at him intently, as if this issue was very, very important to him. Victor smiled helplessly, "The uniform robes of the Supreme Court are also purple, don't worry about that."

Heimdalton breathed a sigh of relief.

"In other words, my Rigg will be a judge in the future?" He patted Heimdall's face jokingly.

"The horoscope has not been written yet, and if you are successfully admitted, you will be a junior trainee." Heimdall told him to be calm.

The daughter-in-law of many years has become a mother-in-law. I don't know how many years it will take to become a regular, at least until graduation...

He found that he was serious on the surface, but his eyes were radiant and sparkling, and Wick felt even happier when he saw more.

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