Luce finally left, looking back three times at every step, and left with tears in his eyes.

Before leaving, he grabbed Heimdall's hand eagerly and babbled, and those who didn't know thought Heimdall had cheated on him—Carol, who was also on the farewell line, imagined so.

Several magic schools had planned to return to school on the same day, and at dawn on this day, the carriages of Heideggerach and Beauxbatons flew into the campus and stopped at the small square in front of the clock tower.

What makes the students of the German school puzzled is why Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is unique—the departure point is set at the carriage rental station in Mumian Ancient Town?

Carlo has also considered this issue, and discussed it with a few friends in private. Is the relationship between Durmstrang and Hogwarts not as good as the other two?So favor one over another?

Leon was not born with a temper for things to happen, so he immediately stated that he didn't know, and he wasn't interested.

Ryan heard from his girlfriend that Beauxbaton's feelings for Durmstrang are complicated, and the boys are very jealous, while the girls are mainly divided into two factions. One thinks that finding a boyfriend should be based on the German school. One class of girls looks down on their own boys; the other class is very repulsive of the German school, and this class of girls is a staunch supporter of black magic advocacy.

Ryan's girlfriend is clearly a member of the first category.

Carlo stared at the beaming Rian and was speechless for a while. His focus was clearly on Hogwarts, but he turned to Beauxbatons. This guy has benefited a lot after a summer vacation, and he knows how to beat around the bush and praise himself .

"What do you think?" Caro felt that Rigg was the most reliable among several friends except himself.

"...I don't know." Heimdall said.

"You're hesitating! You're hesitating! You must know something!" The little fat man insisted.

Heimdall sighed, his ability to perceive words and deeds is really amazing, he deserves to be engaged in the media.

In fact, he had thought about this problem before, maybe the principals know something, such as Professor Lupine disappearing for a few days a month... something like that.After all, Professor Lupine hadn't seen him on the campus since the first day he arrived at the German School, while the professors from the other two magic schools often went in and out of Durmstrang Castle.

But these are all made up by himself. Professor Lupine has a special status, and the less people know about some things, the better. The school may not let him enter or leave the campus because of some considerations. Watts caused trouble, and his own school might also be involved, besides, nothing happened in the first place.

"Just pretend that I don't know anything, okay?" Heimdall said in a cautious tone.

Carlo didn't understand. Although it was unbearable, he still had a sense of proportion. He said "Oh" lightly, and then covered the words himself.

Luce is still ardent there, but his ardent object at the moment has been replaced by the second chair of the Magical Beasts Research Laboratory.

The deputy director was so annoyed that his head was getting dizzy, this guy was too biased, they were the Magical Beasts Lab, not the Dada Mermaid Lab!

The deputy head kicked Lu Sai's ass, kicked him into the short-distance carriage leading to Mumian Ancient Town, and slammed the door of the carriage under the stunned gaze of everyone, saying loudly: "Take care all the way!" Gone in the blink of an eye.

One by one, they were walking like flying, as if they were being chased by something.

When the carriage started running, Luce stuck his head out of the glass window and yelled at Heimdall, "I'll leave my Sigma to you, Chief Sturluson!"

It was as sad and indignant as if her daughter was married away.

When Heimdall heard this, he stepped on the other side more quickly.

Every member of the send-off team couldn't help feeling remorse, but they didn't expect Luce to be so shocking.

The corners of Karkaroff's mouth also twitched. The professors from the other two schools were all there, so it was just a joke for others.

Fortunately, the two professors were good at being human. Even if they read the jokes, they would act as if they didn't know anything. At least the surface was calm, which was considered to be good for Karkaroff.

Mr. Principal is still worried, and he doesn't know if he will spread the word everywhere when he goes back - this is Igor's old problem, he always likes to judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

No matter what, the special representatives of the three schools left with their exchange students, no matter what the students or teachers should do when they turned their heads.

Heimdall is no exception.

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was not yet six o'clock in the morning. When he looked up at the sky, he thought of Luce with hazy eyes. Director Sturluson sighed, pushed back the idea of ​​going back to catch up on sleep, and turned back to the North Tower. .

Praise myself while walking, I am really loved by my classmates.

Like her boyfriend, the seventh graders in the school team have also developed the habit of getting up early. When Heimdall ran into the North Tower, he saw a group of people sitting in front of the sofa, all of whom were familiar faces.

The first person to see Heimdall jump up was not his boyfriend Victor, but Victor's cousin Bernick. The captain ran up to him in three steps at a time. With a movement of his arm, Heimdall was pregnant There was something soft and warm inside, and when I looked down, there was something undulating wrapped in the purple-red blanket, and when I lifted the top layer of the blanket, I found a cat and raccoon inside.

The stature is only the size of an adult's palm, and the whole body is fluffy. His head is buried behind a pair of small paws, and his breathing is long, as if he is sleeping.

"When did you start?" Heimdall remembered that Bernick only had one barn owl.

"Before school starts." Bernick shook his hands, seemingly hugging him for a long time. "Kabli is a Turkish breed. I didn't want to bring it because I was afraid that it would not adapt to the harsh environment of Durmstrang."

"It's called Kebley?"

"Yes, my mother helped to choose the name."

"So young, just born?"

"Born in April, Turkish cats are generally small in size. It is said that Turkish wizards like to carry cats with them. It is convenient to take them out because they are small."

Born less than half a year ago, according to Maolizi's age, he is just an infant.

"What do you mean by giving it to me?" Heimdall wanted to return Kebley, but Bernick shook his head.

"Hold me for a while first."

"why me?"

"Has he been awake while we've been talking?"

Heimdall looked at the "infant" in his arms, shook his head, "It doesn't seem to be there."

"They have all hugged them. Some wake up as soon as they take over, and some can hold on for a while. Victor lasted the longest."

"5 minutes." The boyfriend walked over slowly, leaned over and kissed Heimdall's cheek. "Good morning darling."

"Morning." Heimdall kissed back.

As soon as the words fell, the baby in his arms woke up, and Heimdall felt light in his hands, and Kable had already jumped out of the blanket and stuck it on Bernick's skirt, with four claws firmly hooked on the fabric, if it wasn't for Bernick moved so quickly that a few cracks would appear on the clothes.

Maolizi's claws are quite powerful.

It was only then that Heimdall saw Kable's appearance clearly, with thick, fluffy light beige hair, a bulging forehead, and a large head, two ears like the protruding ears of a butterfly dog, walnut-shaped eyes, and the eyeballs are ginger yellow.

The little thing was glaring at him now with a defensive look.

Although I muttered in my heart that it was much uglier than a pod, and it didn't show on my face, I didn't go against my conscience and say how beautiful Kable was.

"Very cute." It was indeed cute, not to mention pretty, Heimdall had never thought that Maolizi was pretty.

Kebley turned his head smugly, with a look that is not as knowledgeable as yours.

Heimdall couldn't help laughing. I've heard people say that cats and raccoons are smart and independent, arrogant and difficult to tame, and have a certain degree of aggressiveness. But once they gain their loyalty, they will be very good partners.Maolizi is very capable. It can help the lost owner to point out the direction, and can also identify suspicious people.

I didn't expect it to be so smart, knowing who really likes it and who is perfunctory.

Bernick murmured as if complaining, but carefully supported Kebley with both hands, took the blanket from Heimdall, and wrapped Kebley again.

Kebley has always been submissive, and when everything was ready, he fell asleep in his owner's arms.

"It's really smart." Heimdall said helplessly. The cat and raccoon immediately exposed his own thoughts, so he couldn't help being a little embarrassed in front of Bernick.

Bernick didn't care, on the contrary, he seemed quite happy.

"Kabley only likes me." As he spoke, he suddenly glanced at Victor, his tone a bit complicated.

The latter was calm.

Heimdall thought the cousins ​​were weird, but he couldn't say what was weird.

Victor said to him, "Since it's so early, how about going out for a walk?"

Heimdall nodded, "I was just about to tell you that I just sent Luce away, and I will take over the merman running from today on."

The idle members of the school team asked to watch the whole process of mermaid skating when they heard the interest.Although all the teachers and students in the school know that the Magical Beasts Lab has a rare Dada mermaid, they have never seen it with their own eyes. Lucy guards against others like a thief all day long, and no one but himself can get closer than 100 meters Within a short period of time, no matter how strong the interest has been over time, it has been tossed away.

Now that the mermaid master Luce is gone, no one should come out to interfere with their onlookers, right?Everyone looked at Heimdall eagerly, hoping for a letter from him.

Heimdall doesn't care, "As long as the people in the Magical Beasts Laboratory don't object."

Ever since, all the quasi-retirees of the school team followed to Durmstrang Castle.


The next morning, three carriages arrived at Durmstrang College one after another. The students of other grades couldn't figure out why these strange wizards came, but the seventh graders of this year knew something and gave their high praises. focus on.

"What's going on?" Rian asked Carlo during lunch.

Carlo's children's shoes lived up to expectations, and immediately took out his notebook and said, "If my guess is correct, those carriages should all come from the International Federation of Wizards."

"What are they here for?" Rian asked hurriedly.

"Does that mean that the study has already been discussed?" Heimdall looked at Carlo.

The brilliance on Carlo's face immediately dropped by half, "You know it all, how did you know it again?" The little fat man expressed extreme hatred for Heimdall's well-informed source.

"What training?" Rian and Leon looked over at the same time.

"The Wizarding Union wants to hold a refresher class." Heimdall mentioned it briefly.

"That refresher class that the Education Committee belongs to? Isn't there already?" Rian said puzzled.

Several professors in this school have studied more advanced majors in advanced classes. It is said that Professor Severus Snape from Hogwarts also participated in advanced studies in Potions after graduation.

"This is different. The advanced class this time is the so-called 'eighth grade', that is, students from all over the world gather together to attend classes under the titles of various schools. Graduation will only be considered after the exam is held, and the graduation certificate will no longer be issued by the school alone, but will be jointly issued by the International Education Committee and the school.”

Speaking of this, Carlo panted deliberately, whetted everyone's appetite, and continued leisurely under the glaring gazes of the three, "I also heard another saying that this time the training school is so practical. In fact, the Wizards Federation is cultivating talents for itself, in other words, those who pass this training class will be on the default list of the Wizards Federation."

Rian and Leon showed a look of sudden realization.

Heimdall's first reaction was that the civil servant...

As expected, all the seventh graders were invited to a meeting. After class in the afternoon, Heimdall ran to find Victor. The seventh graders who left the venue told him that several people, including his boyfriend, were left behind. Heimdall had no choice but to turn around and leave, and then met Carlo who was writing a book in the cafeteria.

"I got a list, please take a look." Carlo handed over a form.

The words on it were densely packed, and Heimdall couldn't help but be speechless, "Are these all types of further studies that can be selected?"

Carlo nodded.

Heimdall took a closer look, no wonder it was said that he was appointed by the federation after graduation. The content of the form was all-encompassing, permeating every committee, every department, and every office under the federation...

Looking at it, he suddenly saw that one of the departments had a different standard, so he asked Carlo, "How reliable is this form?"

"The hot [-]% was cheated from those seventh grade brothers."

Heimdall gave him the thumbs up.

When his eyes turned back to the form, there was a hint of anticipation on his face.

That night, Heimdall lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, always thinking about that form. At two o'clock in the middle of the night, he finally couldn't help getting up from the bed, tiptoed to the desk, and took the form again. The form looked carefully.

At almost three o'clock, Olar flew out of the half-open window, flew into the falling snow, and disappeared into the dark night.

At noon the next day, in the staff cafeteria of the Wizarding Union, a person was sitting next to Chairman Cardiff Bangor, who was feasting. Bangor turned his face and found that it was the director of the information office. The staff cafeteria sees you!"

The director brings his beloved wife's lunch box to work every day, and never eats the food in the restaurant.

The director of the information office took out a letter from his robe pocket, "This was just received by the inquiry office in the meeting this morning. I happened to have something to do with their director, so I saw this letter and took it here."

Bangor didn't look at it and said, "Let's leave it to the people in the inquiry office. It's their job to answer every question."

The director of the Information Office knew his temper very well, and said with a smile, "The name on the letter looks familiar, it seems to be the Heimdall Strulusson you have been talking about a while ago..."

Before he finished speaking, the letter was snatched by Bangor.

He leaned closer to the envelope and took a closer look. It was really that child. Bangor immediately pulled out the opened letter.

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