HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 248 Durmstrang VS Heideggerak

Today's final represents the highest level of Quidditch events for wizards under the age of 17 in Europe, and is a pioneering initiative of the International Quidditch Federation.Europe has never held an international level competition for underage wizards before, and the cross-border friendly competitions between magic schools are also small, and cannot be officially staged.Not to mention that the Quidditch Federation didn't care, even the Ministry of Magic of the two countries that hosted the competition couldn't be bothered.

But today is different from the past, not only the Ministry of Magic of various countries dispatched important officials to watch the game, but also a group of journalists from various countries who hung their work ID cards, carried cameras, held quill pens, and held parchment, running around the sidelines and whispering to each other. Even the professional league teams sent people to occupy their positions early.

The coaches of professional teams saw unexpectedly young hope from this group of underage wizards. Quidditch is not only for adults, nor is it exclusive for adults. Under 17 years old can also perform wonderful events. .

There was a commotion in the stands. Many spectators and students found the star of the team they admired. They couldn’t help being ecstatic when they first saw their idol. The students quietly borrowed pens and papers from each other, holding pens and papers, hesitating whether to go forward to ask for it. It is a pity to miss such a rare opportunity.

The eagerness of the audience made these stars feel radiant, each of them beamed with joy, and involuntarily took up the posture, ready to deal with these seemingly enthusiastic fans.

It's a pity that the high expectations of the big and small stars all fell through, and what they didn't expect was that their original attention was suddenly replaced by another more exciting emotion——

At the same moment, the school team of Durmstrang Academy flew into the field.

The roof of the magnificent stadium was almost blown off by the deafening screams-fortunately, the Quidditch stadium is an open-air building.

What shocked these stars was that Victor Krum would have such a huge appeal. At this moment, they suddenly understood the meaning of this name and its status in the hearts of underage wizards.

When Victor rode a broomstick and circled the audience courteously, thanking the audience for their love with actions and calming down the audience's over-excited emotions, another explosion resounded in the audience shout.

Victor had to come full circle.

White light flickered on the side of the reporter's booth, and some reporters even loudly asked Vick to put on more poses and let them take more pictures...

The stars of each team scattered in the auditorium felt uncomfortable, jealous, and at the same time felt deeply jealous.

Once Victor Krum officially starts his professional Quidditch career, he will be a very tricky competitor.Especially worrying are these little wizards who are still growing.The stars can almost foresee that these potential fans will turn into a huge group of supporters in the near future.As a professional player, they are well aware of the role of fans, the power of support can turn an unknown player into a superstar in the blink of an eye, opening up a whole new scene, just thinking about it is horrifying.

"It's amazing that Victor is so popular." Willy Brandt clapped his hands happily, his eyes nearly disappeared from laughter.

"Restraint, don't be too complacent." Musta reminded him jokingly.

"That's right, it's too early to be happy now. Until the last moment, it's hard to predict who will win." The head coach habitually poured cold water on the excitable Brandt.

"It doesn't matter if you lose, there are always winners and losers in the game." Brandt didn't care about the coach's sarcastic remarks at all.

Musta looked down at the head coach's palm resting on the armrest of the chair indiscriminately—the palm of his right hand was unconsciously clenched, and the knuckles turned white.

Mustafa looked away, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

On the auditorium side of the German school, Heimdall looked puzzled at the pen and paper that had just been handed over and was sent back, and asked, "Aren't you going to ask for an autograph?"

Draco glanced at him hastily, blankness flashed in his eyes, then he reacted, shook his head and said, "No, I'm not free now."

Heimdall shrugged and put the pen and paper back.

Heimdall still sat in the auditorium of the German school, and did not go to the VIP seat with his father. He was supposed to go, but was stopped by Snow who rushed over to snatch him. The two brothers argued for a while, and finally decided to Let go, no one will grab it, let Heimdall choose.

In the end, Heimdall didn't choose anyone, and ran back to the auditorium of the German school, huddling together with a group of like-minded peers, shouting, cheering and screaming.

When Heideggerach flew into the arena, the audience also screamed a few times to save face, but it was completely different from the previous shouts from the bottom of their hearts. This time it was purely a friendly greeting of the friendship of the landlord.

Before the start of the European finals, the two headmasters of the two magic schools gave short speeches respectively. This originated from the whim of the Quidditch League, and neither school objected.

Principal Karkaroff's voice was smooth and mellow, and his humble words revealed a sense of certainty, which was invigorating. The only shortcoming was that it was a bit long-winded.

This made the league staff have a difficult time. International competitions have a strict start time. Karkaroff’s speech was obviously longer than expected. Delayed than expected.

To the surprise of the league, the speech style of the honorary principal of Heideggerach was exactly the opposite of that of Karkarov. President Rommel Sturluson said a word: "Do your best to take back the championship trophy!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused enthusiastic responses. Even the teachers and students of the German school who were the enemy were impressed by his demeanor and applauded one after another.

Rommel's words do not have a specific subject, they are applicable to both parties, and they are more faithful to the slogan promoted by the Quidditch League when it held the event: friendship first, competition second. The feeling suddenly subsided a lot, and the finals kicked off in this harmonious and beautiful atmosphere.

The referee opened his palm, and the Golden Snitch quickly flapped its small wings into the air, circled around in front of the eyes of the two Seekers, and then disappeared.All the ball equipment was lifted into the air. At the same time, the head coach blew the kick-off whistle, and the huge glass hourglass placed next to the rostrum was flipped over, and the golden sand began to slowly seep downward.

Although there is no time threshold for the Quidditch game, the league decided to use the timer. In their view, today's game will definitely be recorded in history.


Ten minutes after the start of the game, the noisy auditorium gradually calmed down. Everyone watched every movement of the players on the field with tangled eyes, and no one made a sound.

Various expressions appeared on the faces of the audience, some were surprised, some were puzzled, some were puzzled, and some were indignant.

It was Durmstrang's cheering group who felt sincere indignation. At this moment, they even wanted to curse and denounce their opponent's shamelessness in public.

Heideggerach repeated the actions of the Durmstrang school team from the beginning of the game. Every attack and defense organized by the German school was perfectly repeated by them-returning the same to the other.One's own attack could not be effectively used, but the opponent used its own methods to break through the defense line frequently and create various crises in front of the goal. The German school team fell into a dilemma from the start of the game.

Under such a difficult situation, the members of the Durmstrang school team thought to themselves: So our attack is so sharp~~

Some people are indignant and others are excited. There are mainly two groups of people who are excited. One group is journalists who hope to create more "conflicts" and are afraid of chaos in the world;

A large number of star players chose to side with Heideggerak, hoping that Durmstrang would lose and deal a heavy blow to the mighty Victor Krum, telling this ignorant kid that the professional league Much crueler than this noisy children's game.

The coach of Basteto's Vulcan team was serious and silent, making it difficult to understand his thoughts.

Chairman Mustafa turned to look at Brandt. Brandt stared nervously at every move on the field, not paying attention to his gaze at all.

Musta made a chuckle. The two of them were obviously too involved in the drama, and they forgot that this was an inter-school match, not the Champions League, which was related to the ups and downs of their careers.

There was a third voice in the Quidditch League, which was appreciation for the Heideggerach school team.

The strength of the Durmstrang school team is obvious to all, but Heideggerak, who can reproduce all the actions of the team, is even more amazing. In other words, they have completely understood the German school's game mode and insight into all their next actions. Otherwise, it would be far from being able to do it just by repeating the player's actions, leaving the German school in a stalemate and struggling.

It has to be said that Heidegger is very good at it.

Ryan suddenly said, "Will we lose?"

Carlo unceremoniously stretched out his palms like a big knife, and slashed his head, neck and forehead forcefully, causing him to scream.

Ryan's worries are actually the common worries of all German school students. For the first time, they have tasted this kind of uncertainty. It can only be said that before that, the indomitable strength of their school team made them forget There is another possibility in the world called "losing".

The students could no longer sit still, and could no longer remain silent. After the first person roared "Durmstrang will win", a series of banners and small flags waved like waves, and there was a long silence The auditorium is thriving again.

This time, the students of the German School abandoned all distracting thoughts and really shouted for their desire and cheered for victory.

The school team players who played on the field gradually felt the enthusiasm of the students. The feeling of being looked forward to by the students and being placed with high expectations by the students was so beautiful and inspiring. The spirit swelled suddenly.

After learning from the painful experience, Bernick rode on the broom and shouted: "Cooperate with each other and move freely!"

The eyes of the team members flying around him who heard his roar immediately lit up, and they exchanged glances with the nearby players of the same team who also heard the voice. Goalkeeper Duncan returned a wicked smile.

Bernick's order was carried out immediately.

The offensive that had already been organized broke up in a rush, and the strength that was finally gathered disappeared. The German school team no longer gathered together in an organized way or competed for each other in a hurry to gather together.

Durmstrang's sudden change made Heidegerak feel at a loss for a moment. The Durmstrang school team in front of him seemed to be a mess, without organization and discipline, and all the players went their own way.

Could it be that they have been forced to do nothing by themselves, so they decided to give up?

This idea flashed through the minds of all the Heideggerach players, but was suppressed immediately.

Although they hoped that the result would be the case, they would not let themselves continue to make up their minds. After all, their opponent was not the rabble of a third-rate magic school, but the Durmstrang school team, known as the number one seed player in Europe.

The captain of Heideggerak, Arnar Strulusson, quickly calmed down, nodded with the surrounding team members, and decided to act according to the plan that had been made at the beginning, leaving the German school's elusive and weird movements aside for the time being. The so-called self-defeating.What's more, their plan has achieved remarkable results, perfectly blocking the counterattack that Durmstrang managed to organize, and the dawn of victory has already shone on their heads.

Arnar believes that as long as they continue to play steadily, the victory must belong to Heideggerak.

Just after this certainty was formed, the referee's silver whistle blew shortly. The players including Arnal stared at the goalkeeper who fell from the broomstick in a daze. Before they could react, another whistle sounded Suddenly, one of their Chasers was hit by a ball and fell down with his broom.

To their shock, the Chaser was knocked out not by a Bludger flying around, but by a Quaffle the size of a head.

The surrounding stands were suddenly silent, and then burst into warm applause and screams.

"Okay!" The coach of the Vulcan team who had been stern-faced suddenly jumped up excitedly.

Mustafa was taken aback.

Brandt also had a relieved and happy expression, and clapped vigorously.

"Let me just say, Quidditch is such a restrained and well-behaved sport." The coach of the Vulcan team muttered to himself and sat back in his seat.

Durmstrang turned the situation around with quick wit at the moment of goal, but Heideggerak, who wanted to play steadily, was in trouble because he was missing two players.

The game unexpectedly reversed.

Even though the opponent's two players were swept away, the Durmstrang school team still maintained a scattered mode.

There are [-] ways to foul Quidditch, and over the years, there have naturally been [-] ways to prevent the referee from blowing the whistle on you.

During the Quidditch game, the referee cannot send off the player, and the opponent's player can't take care of himself through non-fouling methods, which can only show that the opponent's skills are not good.

The Durmstrang school team has a glorious history of nearly 300 years in the European continent. Victor Krum's invincibility makes people ignore the remarkable achievements of the first 300 years.Before him, the German school team had already gained a reputation, but Victor Krum was the icing on the cake.

The Durmstrang school team's current playing mode is based on Victor Krum, everything is centered on the Seeker, and all players are spontaneously at his disposal.But before Victor Krum, the German school had its own traditional Quidditch model.

At that time, the magic schools in Europe hated the school team deeply, and their expressions changed.

The original goal of the German school was just two words: brutal.

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