HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 247 Father and Son

Snow spent the whole afternoon in contact with Heimdall, and he reluctantly left until he had to leave.

Rommel also left after his younger brother. He hardly spoke this afternoon, and his footsteps were a bit hasty when he left.

Heimdall walked out of the cafeteria with the History of Magic textbook under his arm.

There was no class for the second graders this afternoon, and the activities of the labs were also suspended because of the finals.

The students of the German School spontaneously organized various cheerleading groups.

Two of Heimdall's room members joined the "VK Temporary Team" and the "Goalkeeper Cheering Team" respectively. Even his three friends formed a small cheerleading team unwilling to be lonely.

Heimdall suddenly discovered that Carlo also had a follower. More than half of the members of the small cheerleading team joined because of him. The members were distributed in all grades. Carol Jones, the unbearable lightness of being, seems to be regarded as a spiritual leader by them.

This afternoon will be the last cheerleading rehearsal practice before the European finals. Xuan Tian's howls are deafening. No matter where you hide, the resolute and powerful roar will always follow you.

Heimdall suddenly missed Beauxbaton's women's cheerleading group.

In desperation, he hid in Greenhouse No. [-], stared in a daze for a while in the beautiful scenery of lush flowers and trees, then suddenly woke up, and quickly opened the book...

Someone sat down to his right.

It was Rommel.

He was a little surprised at his return to Heimdall, quickly closed the book, and said, "What do you want?"

Rommel frowned slightly, stared at him for a while, and said, "Is that why you have always obeyed me?"

This nonsensical sentence made Heimdall slightly startled, and after he figured it out, he smiled calmly: "That's right."

Seeing that he actually nodded, Rommel couldn't help feeling a little more depressed.

Is he doing this on his own accord? !Rommel twitched the corners of his mouth and laughed at himself.

Rieger needs the identity of the Sturluson family to gain a foothold in the magic world and facilitate his actions. Rommel needs him to enter Durmstrang in the name of Sturluson to contain the flourishing Lacarlini—the relationship between them The starting point of the father-son relationship is really not good, full of calculations, compromises and exploitation.

At that time, he could have sent Rigg to study in Heideggerack, and Snow wanted him to do so. They had a quarrel, and the argument always repeated the same track as before. The curtain ended with Rommel's victory, and the younger brother had no choice but to compromise. Rommel threw Rieg into the Durmstrang Academy according to the original plan, leaving him to fight alone in the cold and unfamiliar environment.

Heimdall shook his head: "I didn't fight alone, don't you remember? You introduced me to Bernick and asked him to take care of me. With your light, I saw Victor again."

Rommel was immersed in the joy of his son's words to comfort him for a moment, ignoring another meaning in Heimdall's words-I saw Victor again, not that I knew Victor.

"Don't you blame me?" Rommel asked hesitantly.

Heimdall looked into his eyes, "Then please tell me, do you regret it?"

"Regret? No!" Rommel said firmly.If time goes back, his original intention will not change.

Rommel Sturluson highly recommends doing whatever it takes on the premise of being able to predict the result and bear the unfortunate consequences that the result may bring.

At that time, he needed a child to "sacrifice" for the family, and Snow's adoption request happened to meet his needs, so he went to England.Snow gave him a surprise.He met a child who was in excellent condition, beyond his imagination.What the Legilimency saw was the second surprise, this child must know good and bad better than ordinary children - there is a mature soul hidden in his body.Although Rommel was puzzled and puzzled by what he had discovered, this was not important. What he valued was whether the written script could be staged as scheduled.

In short, Rommel Strulusson was a pretty realistic guy.Know the severity and understand the importance of "practical".He can completely ignore those mysterious and mysterious things that he can't understand. He only pays attention to the present, the present, and the future that he imagines in his mind and can hold in his hands.

"Since that's the case, what are you still worried about?" Heimdall said calmly.

"I just hope we can be like a real father and son..." Rommel was a little annoyed. "I don't want a gap between us."

Heimdall thought for a while, and then said, "What are real fathers and sons like?"

Rommel glared at him, thinking that he was trying to squeeze himself out.

Looking at Rommel's stern face, the last trace of hesitation in his heart disappeared. Heimdall turned his eyes, looked down at the colorful cover of the book, and said quietly: "I have never called anyone else daddy except you. .”

Rommel was stunned.

"...not even before becoming Rigg."

That was the deepest part of Rommel's heart that Rommel hadn't touched.

Rommel raised his hand in silence, but he didn't know what to do after raising his hand—this is the first time in his life that he faced such a dilemma—the embarrassment that made him unable to start, and his hand did not wait for his brain to come to a conclusion It landed on Heimdall's hair as if he had a sense of autonomy, and gently patted it.

Heimdall's shoulders trembled, but he didn't look up.

"You are my son." In fact, Rommel felt that his voice lacked sincere emotion and was a bit dry. He should behave more emotionally, more like an amiable father who can rest assured that his son can rely on him. After several unsuccessful attempts, he began to complain about his cold blood, even though he had been proud of it until then.

Heimdall rubbed his eyes vigorously—this made Rommel even more at a loss as to what to do—fortunately, Heimdall didn't want others to see his fragile side, so he raised his head and pulled out a A good smile—Rommel would rather he glared at him than force a smile.

"God is fair, all the unsatisfactory experience in the previous life will be repaid in this life." Heimdall said seriously. "Being able to be reborn in this world must be his compensation for me. It also allowed me to meet Snow, you, Victor, and Bernick..."

Heimdall babbled and reported a series of names, and his father couldn't help laughing. One thing made the narrow-minded father very happy. His name was ranked before Krum. As for Snow...he understood that his brother's position in Rieger's heart was very detached. , it is difficult for ordinary people to replace.

There was a sudden rustling sound ahead, and someone was walking towards here through the quiet passage under the shade of green leaves.

Heimdall waved his hand in that direction reflexively.

One hand pushed aside the obstructing plant tentacles across the passage, and the figure of her boyfriend appeared in front of the green shadow.

Victor habitually raised his eyes to show a smile, then retracted it for a moment, his expression suddenly became serious, he narrowed his eyes, and strode over aggressively.

Heimdall wanted to get up, but he slapped him back. He stretched out his hands to fix the back of Heimdall's head, raised his face to face him, and lightly brushed the corners of Heimdall's eyelids with his thumbs. At a glance, Victor's face became even uglier.

He turned to look at Rommel with bad eyes.

Rommel is very unhappy, very unhappy, super unhappy!What does this kid mean by staring at him like that?

The two confronted each other tensely for a moment.

Heimdall patted Victor's hand and said, "Hey, don't pull my head, my neck hurts."

Only then did Victor hesitantly let go, and sat down on his left under Heimdall's gesture.

"Class finished?" Heimdall chatted casually.

Victor obviously wanted to talk about the topic that he deliberately avoided. Yes, Victor thought that Heimdall was deliberately avoiding it. He felt that he was pushed away by his sweetheart, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

Even so, he suppressed the doubts that were almost blurted out, and said in cooperation: "I didn't have consecutive classes in the afternoon."

Heimdall nodded: "Are you nervous?"

Victor smiled.

Heimdall continued on his own: "Anyway, I feel quite nervous, even though it's your school team playing."

The tense atmosphere mixed with various mentalities such as excitement and anticipation is the current "school spirit" prevailing in Durmstrang, and the whole school is immersed in a state of ready for war.

"There will be the Youth Cup finals later." Victor said lightly.

Rommel squeezed out a sharp cold snort from his nasal cavity, as if laughing at his arrogance.

Victor raised his eyebrows, his eyes flickering with indifference.

Seeing that the two fell into a cold war again, Heimdall leaned back with the book in his hands, and suddenly lost the barrier called "Rig", and the cold eyes of the two collided in front of him.

They were also quick-responsive and clear-headed people, and the two of them were startled for a moment, and they all looked away at the "barrier" at the same time.

Heimdall looked to the left and then to the right, his face was as usual, his eyes were calm, and he could say nothing.

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable the two of them became. How smart they are, it's already a statement that cannot be ignored if they don't express anything.

Victor turned his eyes unnaturally, but instead of looking at Heimdall or Rommel, he looked elsewhere.

Rommel lowered his head and searched every part of the robe, including the edges of the corners, hoping to find some wrinkled and folded shadows, but to his chagrin, the smooth and docile fit he had bought at a huge price could not satisfy the needs he wanted to borrow. In order to get rid of the embarrassment, he had no choice but to brush the already quite flat skirt pretendingly.

"I won't delay your study." Rommel wouldn't say something like "I won't delay your XXX" even if he was killed. Well, learning is such a simple but orthodox and useful excuse.

Rommel stared at his son intently—refusing to look at the person next to his son, and said with a gentle smile: "Let's have breakfast together tomorrow morning, and then go to the game together."

"That who" interjected indifferently: "The competition is unnecessary, the position is different."

The corners of Rommel's brows twitched, and his eyes immediately turned cold.

"Okay! Let's have breakfast together and watch the game together!" Heimdall calmed down.

Rommel's eyes quickly warmed up, and he turned and left briskly with a hint of joy after he succeeded.

Before leaving, he deliberately showed his doting heart in front of "that who" and smacked Heimdall's cheek twice, but "that who" was so angry that his face turned black.

"Don't look, they're all gone." Victor turned Heimdall's face to face himself.

Heimdall didn't say anything, just smiled.

Victor secretly swears that tomorrow he must let Heideggerack suffer a crushing defeat in the arena, and he will be convinced to lose!

Heimdall twitched the bookmark and turned to the page he was looking at just now. His boyfriend's doubts came from his ears, and his tone was a bit complicated: "Why did you cry just now?"

As a man, he is still very sensitive to the word "crying", Heimdall frowned very conflictingly.

"I didn't cry!"

"Your eyes are red."

"Red eyes mean crying nose?"

It's rare to see him show his temper, and Victor finds it very interesting: "Otherwise?"

"My eyes are a bit hot!" Heimdall raised an eyebrow in a tone. "Are your eyes never hot?"

Victor laughed: "My eyes have been cool for many years."

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

Heimdall curled his lips, then lowered his head and muttered: "I'm fine...you don't have to worry..."

"Hey honey, I'm here." Victor turned his face to himself again. "Although I also want to lie on your lap like that book, but unfortunately I am not it."

A malicious light flashed in Heimdall's eyes: "Maybe I can do some research on this."

"What are you studying?" Victor didn't respond for a moment.

Heimdall frivolously scratched his chin with his fingers: "Turn you into a book."

Victor firmly said no: "It's better to be human!" He stretched out his arm and hooked Heimdall hard, kissed his lips, and emphasized again after a long time, "It's better to be human!!!"


No matter how intense the tossing was going on inside and outside the school, the next day's European Championship finals arrived as scheduled.

Outside Durmstrang's Quidditch match, flags are flying and crowds are surging.Two school flags flutter in the wind on the two flagpoles in the middle, the German school’s shield-shaped badge is calm and mysterious, and the tree-shaped totem of Heideggerach shows the vigorous spirit of the Nordic people.

This is an icy duel.

Wizards from all over Europe passed under the flagpole, looked up, and walked into the venue against the morning light and cold wind.

The student stands of the German School were already full of seats, and self-made banners and small flags bloomed all over the stands like colorful flowers.

Mr. Mustafa, the chairman of the International Quidditch Federation, raised his eyes and looked around at the same moment as he stepped into the stands. He was very excited about the unprecedented grand occasion. The choice and decision of their Quidditch Federation were not wrong, and all doubts belonged to him. To hell with it!

"Mustafa!" Someone patted him on the back, interrupting his ecstasy.

When he looked back, it was his old friend Willy Brandt (the owner of the Vulcan team).

"You're here too?" Musta smiled and turned to greet him.

Brandt seemed to be in high spirits, pointing to the people beside him with a smile on his face: "It's not just me, our head coach is also here."

Mustafa shook hands with the inexperienced head coach who was over forty years old.

Even in the face of the chairman of the Quidditch League, this person still maintained his usual personal style, with a solemn face and no smile.

"I didn't expect that the mere Youth Quidditch Cup could attract the coach of a professional team like you." Musta said politely.

The coach said without changing his face: "I just came to see Victor Krum."

The implication is that nothing else can catch my eyes.

Mustafa was a little dumbfounded. It was hard to imagine that this person in front of him would rush to the alliance headquarters that day, drag out those old guys who hardly care about world affairs, and usually don't even buy their own account, and cry in front of them.According to those who witnessed it with their own eyes, the situation that day can be described as sad for those who heard it and tears for those who heard it.

Mustafa sighed in his heart, what a pity, he wasn't at the headquarters that day and didn't see him.

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