HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 162 Opening Ceremony

"I thought Ivy Malfoy would let the child's surname be Black. I had no doubts about this." Lupine slowly said what he had always guessed.In fact, the kid wasn't even Malfoy.

Heimdall found out that his old, cheap old lady was really a disaster. It seemed that everyone agreed that the root cause of her obsession with Sirius Black was a severe mental disorder, and she had completely lost it for this man. Reasonable, even the "fact" of the two people's "broken relationship" has not been overturned until today.

Lupine stared at Heimdall quietly, without saying anything.

He is pitying himself.Mr. Lupine may have been imagining Heimdall's miserable childhood, Heimdall's eyebrows twitched, and he lowered his head and touched his nose.

Still, Mr. Remus Lupine was a kind man.

"In fact, people from the Sturluson family have been taking care of me since I can remember." Heimdall believes that it is necessary to justify the name of the Sturluson family, although the purpose of "doing whatever you want is to make others lose the ability to do whatever you want in front of you." "The ability" as the family training of the ancestors does not need the approval of others.And of course, the lovely Nell.Thinking about it this way, Heimdall can be regarded as having been honored by the Krum family.

Heimdall turned his head and smiled at his boyfriend, who was idly nibbling on the lollipop that originally belonged to Heimdall. When Victor received Heimdall's smile, his expression immediately became resentful. How long will he use this background board?

Lucius quickly noticed Heimdall's small movements, and his eyes wandered back and forth between Heimdall and Victor with a trace of scrutiny.

Snape narrowed his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became harsh.

Unaware of this, Lupine asked, "Where's Ivy? Didn't she take care of you?" He didn't believe that Ivy Malfoy would directly "sell" the child to someone else, which was her dream child, saying The more vulgar ones are the crystallization of her and Blake's love.

"Before six, not after six," Heimdall told Lupine. "In the same year my mother passed away, there was a serious potion accident at home. After I woke up, I didn't remember much about the past." It's a bit silly to pretend to be amnesia, but the native method always has its advantages.

Heimdall's words can easily give others a certain degree of illusion and form some kind of misleading. The potion accident is one thing, but the mother's death is another. The men present naturally attributed the key point of amnesia In the heavy blow of "mother's death", the potion accident has become an auxiliary tool for mental trauma and amnesia (perhaps it is more direct to call suicide), so a subtle change occurred in the eyes of several men looking at Heimdall qualitative change.

Even Victor, the boyfriend who had been acting honestly as the background board, turned serious.

"So you don't actually want to recognize Black?" Lupine said awkwardly after a moment of silence.

"What did Mr. Sirius Black say?" Heimdall asked without answering.

Lupine choked, lowered his eyelids halfway, and said evasively, "He is suffering in purgatory on earth right now."

Snape sneered, his expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were filled with relief. This ambiguous answer actually pleased the Hogwarts Potions professor who was good at strict self-discipline with precision.

"I'm sorry." Heimdall said after thinking about it. "But this is his choice, cause and effect, cause and effect, what is planted is what results, people are always and should be responsible for their actions."

Lupine's expression turned serious, and he stared fixedly at Heimdall for a long time, trying to see something else from the boy's eyes, what he hoped to see, but unfortunately the result was not as he wished.His two friends——James and Sirius, the publicity in the student days, the joy that comes from bad taste, the recklessness derived from overconfidence, causing trouble, and getting carried away with their own cleverness, both of them are almost extreme like or Hate all kinds of existence in the world.

"Sirius would never say such a thing." Lupine sighed.

"Sir, I am a Sturluson." Heimdall was very happy to announce in public.

Lupine's eyes were full of sadness and bewilderment, and he fell silent, as if caught in some kind of memory.

"I said darling," Lucius put his hands on his knees, watching Heimdall. "May I please." Lucius turned his face slightly towards Victor.

"Oh, of course." Heimdall nodded. "My boyfriend, Victor Krum." He introduced forcefully.

Lucius tried not to look surprised, even though it was hard.

Snape raised his finger to rub the center of his brow, muttered something, and then gave Victor a rather cold scrutiny.

Victor directly or indirectly looked at any of the two men who did not change their expressions. Without the dog-like lollipop, Mr. Krum's image of fearlessness in times of danger would be perfect.

Lupine raised his face and looked at Heimdall for a long time: "I'm glad you're still alive." There was a sense of relief in his words.

Heimdall smiled: "Thank you, in fact I am also very happy."

Then it was time for the adults to talk, and Heimdall, Victor, and Draco left the teahouse together.

It wasn't until Heimdall's figure disappeared in front of the store that Lu Fang looked back.

As if guessing some of Lupin's thoughts, Snape said bitterly and gloomyly: "There is no trace of Black in that child, only God knows that I have never thanked Merlin as much as I do now." Snape stared at the picture on the tablecloth. There were cute heart-shaped patterns that made him sick, and there was a just-right smugness of control on his face that was just noticeable.

Lupine's expression was a little unnatural, and Snape's sharp insight made him speechless.Yeah, what the hell was he expecting?Hoping to see another Blake?Although he had made enough mental preparations before coming here, his luck was buried deep in his heart.After actually seeing Heimdall, Lupine had to admit that this was just a child with Black blood, nothing more.

"I hinted at Black," Lupine said with difficulty, his voice tinged with uncontrollable weariness. "Tell him he's likely to have a child."

Both Snape and Lucius were staring at him, and their eyes spoke of their shock that the werewolf would say this in their presence.

Dumbledore's happy expression did not change, and the hand that was about to take the cup paused in the air.

Snape quickly calmed down from his astonishment, and then sharply pointed out: "The result makes you very conflicted, doesn't it? Because obviously, Black didn't accept your argument. The love potion is not a forget-it-all spell, will you? Willingness and ability are not the same thing, of course, Mr. Black's loyal friends may make some efforts in this regard, such as making him forget more thoroughly. Then, please tell me, does he believe it?" Sne Pu turned to look at Lucius. "I pressed ten Galleons, but he didn't believe it."

Lucius squeezed out a regretful exclamation that could be regarded as appropriate: "The game can't stand, and both sides can't be all on one side."

A look of awkward embarrassment appeared on Lupine's pale face, and the answer was self-evident.

Snape's mouth curled into a triumphant, sarcastic smile.

Lucius was more angry in his heart, for his sister who had already died, for Rigg, and for the proud Malfoy family who had been humiliated and neglected.

[I am a Malfoy. 】Lucius silently recited the ancestral precepts engraved on the title page of the genealogy in his heart, every word with a deadly rhythm. [We never forget. 】***

After leaving Madam Puddife's teahouse, under the leadership of Draco, the three of them walked along Hogsmeade Central Avenue.Various languages ​​were intertwined beside him, and school uniform robes of various colors and styles were shaking in front of his eyes. Draco looked around, feeling very fresh.Heimdall and Victor were not surprised, they were very calm, and they were more focused on the eye-catching shops on Central Avenue.

When Draco had seen enough, he remembered to do his best to be a landlord, and hurriedly went to Heimdall and said, "I am only able to come to Hogsmeade this time because of your blessing. Hogwarts has rules, Only students above the third grade who hold a permit signed by their parents or guardians can come here for the weekend." There was a touch of dissatisfaction and helplessness in the words.

"You know me, come on, call 'brother' a few times and listen." Heimdall raised his chin triumphantly.

Victor couldn't help laughing at his "little man's success" posture.

Draco looked pained, as if he had accidentally swallowed a fly.

After laughing for a while, Heimdall asked Draco: "I didn't expect Hogwarts to participate in the Youth Quidditch Cup this time. If your school's participating teams are to be integrated, do they come from the Quidditch teams of the four colleges?" Picking people from the strange team?"

Draco's "pain" was a little deeper, and the past on his face was unbearable. "I guess our school won't be in the top 16 this time, and will probably be eliminated in the first round." Draco gritted his teeth and clenched his fists angrily.

Heimdall and Victor looked at each other, and they suddenly felt that there must be a lot of content in it.

"Is it convenient to disclose?" Heimdall asked.

"There's nothing bad to say." Draco knew everything about Heimdall, and he didn't start pouring out his bitterness. "When we heard that Hogwarts decided to participate, we were very excited, because there is no convention to follow, so everyone is gearing up and preparing to do a big job, so as to prove that their house is the strongest."

From Draco's words, it can be heard that the four colleges have never thought of cooperating, and they are all ready to be the "one and only".

In fact, Dumbledore's original idea was to let Gryffindor and Slytherin play a strong game, but once this idea was put forward, it was immediately opposed by the two deans.The two deans pointed out soberly: "Do you think this is possible?"

Dumbledore was silent, yes, it is extremely difficult for Gryffindor and Slytherin to abandon their previous grievances and cooperate sincerely. Judging from the current historical process, it is very peaceful to meet without throwing magic wands at each other.

So, after convening the four deans for in-depth discussions, the Hogwarts representative team was finalized and still chose the strong cooperation model, but this time the two strong became Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.And Gryffindor and Slytherin, I'm sorry, you should do what you should do, and don't go out to cause trouble and discredit our school.Dumbledore chose a conservative combat strategy, which can be said to have sacrificed promotion and played the card of "focus on participation".

The British Minister of Magic expressed strong dissatisfaction with this. He proposed that Slytherin or Gryffindor could compete alone, but the deans of the two colleges unanimously rolled their eyes.Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were surprised to find that they would also have times when they were on the same page.

"So what's going on without you Slytherins this time?" Heimdall looked at Draco sympathetically.

Draco nodded sullenly: "Stay on the sidelines with those brave lions." I don't know if the final plot of his sullenness is because he wants to advance and retreat with the "brave lions", or because the qualification for the competition is lost to another family, or whether the two Both.

When it comes to the playing style of the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherin pursues the batting average. During the game, the goal is to smash the opponent out of the field and completely disqualify the game, which is closer to the brutal nature of Quidditch; Fendo likes to see stitches and needles, playing tricks on the basis of being able to score points efficiently, the Weasley twins are the most; Putting pressure on each team member before the game will be a little pale; Hufflepuff is relatively simple, neither forming formations nor cultivating high-efficiency talents. The strategy pursued is teamwork. As long as everyone works together, ants can also step on dead elephant.

Unlike Gryffindor and Slytherin, who are incompatible with each other, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff get along very well.The two deans usually talk and laugh happily when they meet.Ignoring factors such as talent and technology in Quidditch, such a team can hope to go further.

No matter how amazing the Quidditch abilities of Gryffindor and Slytherin are, they will eventually be broken by each other one by one.

It is a taboo for military strategists to act independently, and unity is powerful.

"Mr. Krum!" Draco grinned ferociously like a cat whose hair has exploded. "When the time comes, don't be merciless, let those who think they are smart (Ravenclaw) and those idiots (Hufflepuff) take a good look at what is the real Quidditch! Let them know, only we The Slytherin Quidditch team represents Hogwarts!"

Heimdall patted Draco's shoulder while suppressing a smile, seeing that the child was stimulated and started talking nonsense. "You call it luring wolves into the house, do you know that?" Without thinking, Heimdall classified the livestock of the school team as some kind of large canine.

"Actually, I've thought about it before," Draco said with a slightly erratic look in his eyes. "I won't be happy if they (the Ravenclaw + Hufflepuff coalition) win, but I won't be happy if they lose." Master Malfoy had a tangled and sad face, what to do, it's really embarrassing up.

Heimdall walked around behind his boyfriend with a normal expression, and then buried his face in Victor's back, laughing out loud.

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