HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 161 Opening Ceremony

Before the group reached Honeydukes, Heimdall saw a person standing at the door of the store and looking in this direction frequently. After a while, the person at the door raised his arm and waved it vigorously, waving and shouting: "Hey! grid!"

Heimdall walked over quickly: "Draco!" A smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

The two cousins ​​were very excited after meeting, and Draco chattered non-stop, as if reporting specific work, and dumped all the things after school started to Heimdall.After Draco had satisfied his desire to talk, Heimdall took the opportunity to introduce the members of the Durmstrang school team to his cousin.

After expressing his respect to the school team members, Draco took Heimdall's hand and ran into Honeydukes: "I've wanted to recommend Honeydukes to you for a long time, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance." Draco took Walking Heimdall through the small and colorful shops, he is familiar with all kinds of products displayed inside.What little pepper urchins, quills made of sugar, sherbet that can float in the air, oversized chocolate balls, etc. Of course, Heimdall also saw ice mice and jelly slugs recommended by Professor Dumbledore, The sales are more beautiful than expected, and the jelly has the taste of almond milk.

Draco gave Heimdall a lollipop of assorted flavors, saying that he had already paid for it. Heimdall took the candy under the watchful eyes of his cousin, and licked the lollipop time after time. A lollipop the size of a palm.Heimdall thought to himself, when will this be eaten?

"I can't eat so much," Heimdall felt that there was no need to play hypocrisy with Draco, so he directly asked the original owner of the lollipop for advice. "Can someone help me with this?"

Draco nodded, but didn't quite understand what he meant.

Heimdall looked up and found her boyfriend at the counter selling shimmering pink coconut balls.Heimdall leaned forward in two steps in three steps, raising the lollipop in his hand: "Help me." He asked Victor for help.

Victor looked at the oversized lollipop that was close at hand, and smiled helplessly: "You have too high expectations of me."

"It's okay." Heimdall pushed Tang forward. "As much as it can be solved." It seems to be very understanding, but in fact it does not give people a chance to shirk.

After a while, Heimdall walked back to Draco with two-thirds of the lollipop remaining, and the latter's eyes were a little straight. "He...you..." The cousin seemed to be surprised, with a look of impatience, and his face flushed red.

"You mean Victor? He is my current boyfriend." Heimdall secretly praised himself for his kindness while introducing him. To be precise, he should be a prospective boyfriend.

Draco closed his mouth, his face was not very good, he looked like he had been hit.The skin of his lips squirmed for a long time, and then a question popped out like a whisper: "Do you like men?" Master Malfoy tried to make the last struggle.

Seeing his cautious look, Heimdall laughed: "Your words are really strange, I don't like men, why should I have a boyfriend?"

Draco lowered his head in despondency, and said sullenly: "I still want to marry you..." It is true that the young master is so depressed because there is no hope for a baby.

Heimdall laughed in horror: "Is the blood relationship too close?" Both of their biological parents are related by blood.

Draco didn't understand at first, but then his eyes widened in realization. "By the way, there is also my mother's side." Master Malfoy finally thought of the Black family.

Heimdall sighed greatly: "Even without your mother's side, your father's side can't do it." It is said that blood relationship is safe only after three generations.

"Forget it!" Draco waved his hand, sighing. "I originally wanted my son to marry your daughter, so that our family would have a daughter-in-law of the Sturluson family."

Heimdall really admired him to the core, his wife didn't know where she was, the birth of a boy and girl had already been planned, and even his daughter-in-law had imagined it.The Malfoy family is really far-sighted.

Heimdall deliberately showed a fierce face: "Why didn't my son marry your daughter?"

Draco glanced sideways: "Can you give birth to a son?"

Heimdall leaned back: "I think it's because you can't have a daughter." The Malfoy family doesn't seem to be very prosperous.

Just when the two boys were taunting each other without nourishment, Dumbledore came over and winked at the two: "Boys, how did you get?"

"It's okay." Draco replied perfunctorily, without showing too much restraint or respect in his words and deeds. Perhaps this was the attitude of Slytherins towards their headmaster.

I heard that Dumbledore prefers Gryffindor. Looking at Draco in front of him, and thinking about what he saw and heard in Slytherin House, Heimdall must have realized something. Let the headmaster hit a snag again and again and reject him. No wonder he prefers other colleges. Even the Lord God can’t treat believers equally. It’s not surprising that the greatest wizards of this century have different eyes.

Heimdall thought about it for a while, then raised his eyes to Dumbledore and said, "This lollipop is not bad." Regardless of its physique, the taste is still very good.

Dumbledore blinked his blue eyes again: "In that case, let's continue to the next stop."

Heimdall understood: "You said someone wanted to see me, but that person wasn't Draco?"

The old principal continued to play tricks: "The next stop will be revealed."

Draco pouted, not paying attention to Dumbledore's behavior, but he didn't expose the principal's "hobbies".

Before leaving, Heimdall found his boyfriend: "There are still people who want to see me, so go with me." For some reason, Heimdall just wanted Victor to go with him.

Of course Victor had no objection, on the contrary he was very happy, and the two greeted Bernick and his teammates.The members of the school team said that they would take a stroll in the village later and let Victor and Heimdall take care of themselves.

Heimdall led his boyfriend to the old principal: "Do you mind having one more person?"

Dumbledore walked to the door first, smiling.

The next stop is Madame Puddiffe's Tea House.

This is a very small storefront, looking in through the glass windows with pink heart-shaped patterns, but you can't see the furnishings inside. When you open the door, a light white smoke blows in your face, waiting to enter the door It can be found that although the store is foggy, it does not affect the vision. Each small round table is covered with a light yellow tablecloth with a heart-shaped pattern. All items in the store are decorated with light silver wrinkles and colorful decorations. bows.

Therefore, when there were two well-dressed adult wizards sitting in this girly teahouse, and they were also two male wizards with gloomy faces, the scene seemed quite abrupt and strange.

There were no other customers in the store except the two men.

Professor Severus Snape was as motionless as a mountain, his face was only gloomy and stiff.

Mr. Lucius Malfoy didn't look very happy, and as you can imagine, the style of the store was far from his aesthetic taste.

"You're late!" Snape took the lead in attacking, and when the pair of sharp gazes swept past the old headmaster, the cunning slightly restrained his sharpness.

"Actually, I don't." Dumbledore walked into the shop slowly. "I think you know."

Snape answered with a cold snort.

Lucius stood up, in fact, he wanted to rush out the door a long time ago. "How are you? My dear nephew." Lucius raised his voice with a smile on his face.

Heimdall walked up to him, "I'm fine, sir." Then he looked up into his uncle's eyes. "Would you like to give me a hug?" Heimdall raised his eyebrows in a tone of voice.

"That would be great." Lucius handed the cane to his son.

Heimdall imitated the example and stuffed the lollipop into his boyfriend's hand.

One big and one small hugged each other.

Snape cleared his throat lightly, raising his presence.

Heimdall turned his head and said with a smile, "Hello, Professor Snape."

Snape hummed, seemingly a little "more to say".

To be honest, it wasn't that he didn't want to hug her, but that he didn't dare to hug her.Heimdall was confused.This Professor Snape seemed to have the attitude of "don't mess with me, I'll be in a hurry with anyone who messes with me", an ordinary person would never act rashly.Heimdall considers himself an ordinary person.

"Frankness is an advantage, Severus, why do you always classify some advantages as unforgivable?" Dumbledore looked at Snape and said relaxedly.

"If you'd keep your mouth shut, Albus." Snape's eyes pierced steel.

"Be positive, have you forgotten, your thinking is always so positive, why don't you—"

"That's what you're talking about!" Snape interrupted the Headmaster with sarcasm and sarcasm.

For a moment, Heimdall was not sure what to do, so he looked blankly at his uncle Lucius, who gave Snape a Malfoy-like smirk, and when he turned back to face Heimdall, the smile became very serious. Sincerely: "Professor Snape is a shy person." Lucius took back the snake-headed cane from his son, and continued lightly: "I mean based on my experience with him."

Snape's eyes turned vicious for a moment, and he tried his best to suppress the curse that tried to blurt out. "Thank you for your evaluation, Mr. Malfoy." He glared at the well-dressed and self-satisfied man while forcing words through his teeth.

Lucius returned him a more perfect smirk than before.

Heimdall hugged the man sitting on the girly chair "heroically". The man was a little stiff at first, apparently he was not fully ready to accept this, but he quickly calmed down and stretched out his arms to hug Heimdall.

"Even so, it won't make me feel better about your Potions results, let alone say something inspiring and beautiful about it." Snape murmured sullenly into Heimdall's ear. "You only passed the quiz last time!"

Heimdall shrank his shoulders, his face collapsed immediately, and he stood there erectly listening to a certain potions professor's spiritual lecture.

Lucius rolled his eyes, although in terms of the education he has been receiving, this is very inappropriate behavior, but at this moment he really can't find a more straightforward behavior than this.

"Professor Snape, please restrain yourself." Dumbledore, who had already drank three cups of the special sherbet offered by Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse, put down his cup and raised his eyes. "Time is Galleon." Dumbledore pretended to take out his pocket watch and looked at it.

Snape cursed under his breath. "As I've said, I don't think it's necessary at all," Snape said stiffly. "He didn't do anything for more than a decade, and neither did his friends."

"You're too extreme, Severus," Dumbledore said, turning to Heimdall. "Son, you know who your real father is, don't you?"

Heimdall nodded, with no special expression: "Siris Black." It seemed that he was saying the name of a stranger who had nothing to do with him, but in fact it was true.What kind of father and son is a father and son who have never met?Except for blood relationship, their lives have no intersection at all.

"There is a person who has wanted to see you in person ever since he knew your identity." Dumbledore said gently, with a steady tone, without favoritism or persuasion.

Heimdall looked suspiciously at the old principal, who smiled and said, "It's not Black."

Then, that person appeared in front of Heimdall, to be precise, he had been somewhere in the teahouse, the thin mist became his invisibility spell, and the shadow in the corner of the teahouse became his temporary hiding place.

The appearance of this man aroused strong dissatisfaction among the two men present. They repulsed this man very much. As far as Heimdall felt, neither Lucius nor Snape had a good look at this sudden man.

However, this shadowy man seemed to have gotten used to it, his movements were very light, his expression was very serene, and his eyes staring at Heimdall were somewhat scorching.

"I'm Lupine, Remus Lupine." The man's voice was soft, as if afraid of frightening the boy in front of him.

Heimdall refreshed, Remus Lupine?Is he the "slow-toned" "hateful werewolf" mentioned in Ivy's diary?Heimdall couldn't help but take a closer look, his face was pale and haggard, his eyes were deeply tired, his facial features were soft and calm, the robe on his body was torn and had been patched several times, this Mr. Lupine must be rich. below average.

This is the first time Heimdall has faced the so-called werewolf.

"I'm honored, I'm Sturlusson, Heimdall Sturlusson." Heimdall stretched out his right hand to him.

Lupine was taken aback for a moment, but his right hand reflexively held Heimdall's right hand.After a while, he let go of Heimdall's hand, with a strange expression on his face: "Isn't your name Rigg?"

"That's a nickname."

"Because Ivy Malfoy keeps calling you that baby, I thought..." Lupine nodded in amazement, but his brows knit together again soon. "Sturluson? Why Sturluson?" Lupine's eyes were full of confusion.

Didn't everyone else tell him?Heimdall looked at the three men, and Lucius said: "The decision is up to you." That is to say, whoever Heimdall wants to be named is his personal privacy, and others should not interfere.

Heimdall understood, then turned to Lupine and said, "Because my father's surname is Stulusson, so of course I, as a son, also have this surname."

"Your father?" Lupine seemed to be parroting.

"My father." Heimdall nodded heavily.

A little daze appeared on Lupine's face, and after a minute, he lowered his head in great confusion.

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