Luo Xiu had to admit that the brainwashing technique of the caterpillar Huang Wenda was very successful. When he left under the mushroom that was as tall as him, he only had variations in his mind besides "blood and blood". The version of "fuzzy holes" - I heard that "the one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black". After talking to the people who are yellow and violent, there is only a bunch of yellow and violent things left in my mind. Xiu shivered, and then had even worse associations.

... The ancients never deceived me.

Cherish moral integrity and stay away from small yellow text writers.

Saying goodbye to the caterpillars, Luo Xiu stepped on his high-heeled boots on the wet soil to look for the violent bear—along the way, he was very relieved to see the pigeon's nest returned. On the tree, the fish flicked their tails and disappeared without a trace when he passed the pond, and the dodos also returned to the edge of the pond with water and food. They seemed to gather together and rest with their eyes closed. When Luo Xiu passed by, they opened their eyes, then bent their necks, and saluted him.

A dodo bird said: "A group of spade soldiers just passed by here, and they are heading towards the workshop of the Mad Hatter - the countess seems to have guessed that you will seek asylum as soon as possible when you return here." So, speed up, Alice, I bet, the next batch of patrolling Tarot soldiers will come in less than 10 minutes."

Another dodo flapped its wings: "Alice, we can go back to rest around Angel Lake again, thanks to you."

Luo Xiu stopped in his tracks, and he stretched out his hand to rub the feathers of this dodo with a sharp voice - it reminded him of the one that raced with him at the edge of the swamp that day.

"Before you think I have made any contribution, I made many mistakes." Luo Xiu's tone was calm, but there was a trace of fatigue in his voice, "Many people were injured and died because of this, and even disappeared from this world out of thin air." Disappeared - but no one cared about them, and it was all my fault."

"Everything in the world is about equal value exchange, Alice, when you give something, you will definitely get a corresponding report." Dodo said, "When you look back, you find that you have done far more good things than bad things. Sometimes, that usually means you should let it all go and move on without any psychological burden—the last chapter of the story is over, and no one should continue to re-exist in past time."

Luo Xiu: "Oh..."

Dodo: "Am I wrong?"

"No," Luo Xiu smiled, "You're right, I've never discovered it before, so the dodos are philosophers."

What Luo Xiu said was very sincere and did not contain the slightest hint of sarcasm—everything seemed to be getting worse and worse after he entered Futu Luomen, and the life of refreshing his worldview every day was not easy, he almost I have encountered the strangest and worst things that I can meet in my life... Every day, every day, my nerves are in a tense state, like the most fragile and tense strings in the world, no one can I don't know if the next gust of wind can cause the thread to completely collapse.

However, at this moment, Dodo's words seem to have summed it up for him...

Invisibly, Luo Xiu seemed to really feel that he had let go of something.

At the same time, he felt that he seemed to be carrying something else on his shoulders again.

"That's right? Why put so much pressure on yourself?" Luo Xiu said to himself, "Now I'll take one step at a time - the first goal is to avoid the Tarot soldiers, and then go to the violent bear, drink Last rare afternoon tea, even though the perverted Duchess broke her throat in front of Violent Bear’s room, I ignored him... Well, it’s such a happy decision.”

While muttering, Luo Xiu continued to advance towards the violent bear in the direction pointed out by the dodo bird. Along the way, he encountered a group of patrolling Tarot soldiers. The sign of "Red Sword" is painted on the chest, just as the caterpillar and the dodo said, this time the Duchess probably made a real move. These Tarot soldiers with the same suit range from "Sword 1" to "Sword 7", neatly lined up in a neat row, walking on the muddy road with their heads held high.

The armor is on them, and every time they take a step, they make a "squeaky" sound.

But fortunately, these Tarot soldiers looked as stupid as the ones Luo Xiu met before, so when Luo Xiu heard their footsteps and immediately hid in the grass, those Tarot soldiers didn't even notice that there were people around. Any movement, they swaggered and walked past Luo Xiu's eyes with their weapons in their hands, and none of the Tarot soldiers even lowered their heads to give him a glimpse——

Although even Luo Xiu himself felt that the sound of his heartbeat was earth-shattering, like a thunderbolt.

These Tarot Soldiers...

Either they are all fools, or they are all a bunch of soulless puppets.

Watching the red square flush leave, and when their footsteps disappeared completely, Luo Xiu scratched his head and crawled out of the grass, patted his buttocks, and continued to walk towards the violent bear's house with deep kicks and shallow kicks. Going forward--

However, what the black-haired young man didn't know at this moment was that until he turned his back to the direction of those Tarot soldiers, he was almost walking a long way. , the Tarot soldier walking at the back was actually different from what he had imagined. When the black-haired young man slipped away quietly, the Tarot soldier with a scythe painted on his armor suddenly looked different. action--

It slowed down its progress, and lifted the part of the armor on its head that covered the eyes—a pair of beautiful golden and red mixed-color pupils were revealed in the black armor. He turned his head and looked at the black eyes silently. Send a glance in the direction in which the young man left.

The sickle symbolizes the "Grim Reaper" in the Major Arcana.


Luo Xiu walked and walked, he didn't know how long he had walked on this muddy road - until he felt that his high heels were covered with mud and almost turned into flat heels, he saw the violence Bear’s house—don’t ask him why he knows it’s the home of a violent bear, because firstly, there are no other buildings here, and secondly, normal people don’t make the chimney of their own house to look like bear’s ears, And the roof looks furry, it looks like bear fur.


This bear actually used its own hair as a roof.

Can there be a bear with more normal logic in this world?

"...If the violent bear is better, how serious is the Mad Hatter's condition!" The black-haired young man sighed and shook his head.

This time, Mr. Pigeon Bonnie was gone, so Luo Xiu didn’t need to stand outside the house and wait for someone to come in and let him know—when he came to Violent Bear’s house, the black-haired young man consciously stretched out his hand and pushed him away. He walked into the backyard of the fence in front of Xiaoyuanzi's house. In the backyard full of wild roses as big as his head, Luo Xiu saw an exquisite small table under the shade of a tree. , the small table is filled with colorful pastries that look very good, as well as steaming tea and milk, and a bear is sitting by the table, moving its big bear mouth quickly, chewing on his plate food.

The bear's belly is already bulging, and it looks like it's going to stretch its belly into a thin sheet of paper.

While it was eating frantically, Luo Xiu noticed that there were more than a dozen squirrels in tuxedos running around the table. Running, holding their trays high on their heads as if they were carrying their favorite chestnuts, some of the squirrels were busy carrying away the empty trays, while others were busily carrying away the full ones. put the tray on the table—

They are like the most nimble and capable tree climbers, they disappeared along the table legs and tablecloth, because they are dressed in the same shape and it is difficult to tell who they are, Luo Xiu looked at them for a while I was a little dazzled, but at this moment, the bear who had been sitting at the table and had been eating hard, spoke——

"Oh, look who this is, Alice." Seeing the black-haired young man standing by the table, the violent bear yelled, "Come and sit down, Alice who came uninvited, I'm still here Thought you'd go to the Mad Hatter, he's a little better than me when it comes to fighting—"

Violent Bear said while clutching his chubby belly and giggling: "We bears are all scum with a five-point combat power! Hehehehehehehehe!"

Luo Xiu: "..."

Violent Bear: "Would you like a drink, Alice?"

Luo Xiu glanced at the tea set on the table: "Where is the wine?"

Violent Bear: "There was no alcohol."

Luo Xiu: "..."

Violent Bear yelled happily: "I've been cheated-are you going to be angry-hehehehehehehehe!"

Luo Xiu: "..."

Violent Bear laughed enough and asked again: "Do you want some soup?"

Luo Xiu: "Don't drink!"

"I'll drink if you don't drink." Under the stunned stare of the black-haired young man, the bear moved its fat butt that was so fat that its tail was squeezed into the slit of its buttocks—as expected, this time, it was in its body. A pot appeared on the side, probably boiling broth in it, exuding a tempting fragrance at this time, Violent Bear closed his eyes and sniffed his little nose intoxicated, "You will regret it if you don't drink it, Ellie Sis, this soup is so good, I can't stop after one sip - my good friends the squirrels made it just for me, and no matter how much or how much I drink it, I can't finish the soup, it's always so full , So full, it’s like the continuous friendship between me and my squirrel friends-I decided to stay by this pot of soup every day, and be with my squirrel friends!”


Luo Xiu glanced at the squirrels running on the table. When Violent Bear said "squirrel friends", they seemed to pause and run, with their mouths with big dies split open, and their small heads under the plate to talk to Violent Bear. The bears nodded slightly to signal—then they turned their heads and continued to run—Luo Xiu watched for a while, and felt that the scene was too weird, so when he sat down on the side of the table (away from the violent bears), he was He wanted to ask whether Wonderland had become mad again after laziness. At this moment, a squirrel ran past him——

Squirrel One: "Itoldanotherlietoday (I told another lie today)."

Luo Xiu was taken aback: "What?"

The squirrel didn't even look at him, just put a set of tableware in front of him, and then the squirrel ran away, followed by another squirrel——

Squirrel Two: "And I got through this day (and I got through this day)!"

Luo Xiu was dumbfounded: "What did you get away with?"

The squirrel cocked its tail, took out a teacup and put it in front of Luo Xiu, then it dragged the big teapot closest to it, and its whole body lay down on it, it tilted the teapot, and trembled all over. Di Luoxiu poured a cup of sweet fruit tea with a strong aroma. However, before Luo Xiu said thank you, it ran away again without hesitation, and then Squirrel Three held up a piece of blueberry cake and put it on the table. On the plate in front of Luo Xiu——

Squirrel Three: "Noones through my games (no one sees through my tricks)."

Luo Xiu couldn't understand at all: "What are you talking about?"

Squirrel No. [-] still didn't answer Luo Xiu's question. In fact, he turned around and ran away like the previous squirrels, and then just like before, the fourth squirrel took its place—but this time, this time The squirrel didn't bring anything, it stopped in front of Luo Xiu, jumped onto the teapot, stood on the lid of the teapot and bowed exaggeratedly to the black-haired young man, then it raised its head and looked at it with those red eyes Staring at Luo Xiu, said in a sharp voice: "I know the right words to say (I know what I should say) - Like" Idon't feelwell," ((such as "I'm not feeling well") - Sir, don't ask so much, our Good friend Violent Bear invites you for afternoon tea, now, open your mouth—Let'sbegintoeat!"

Luo Xiu turned his head blankly and looked at Violent Bear. The latter stuffed a whole piece of tiramisu cake into his mouth, rubbing his chubby belly that was about to burst, and said vaguely Say: "Let'sbegintoeat!"

Luo Xiu: "..."

The madman at this table.

Just when he was hesitating whether to eat these food that looked good and had no problem, but the maker seemed a bit uneasy, the No. [-] squirrel who bowed to him jumped on his shoulder, and shook his head a little. A napkin that was too big for him, and wrapped it around the dark-haired young man's neck—

"Pay attention to etiquette." Squirrel Four said, "Mr. Violent Bear's friends must be noble and elegant people."

Luo Xiu turned his head and glanced at the two-buttoned shirt on Violent Bear's belly. He didn't understand the logic of this statement—but thanks to this movement of turning his head, Luo Xiu actually found something different—— It was the No. [-] squirrel standing on his shoulder in front of him. On its little paw, it seemed to be wearing a shiny silver ring.

"What is this?" Luo Xiu stretched out his hand, poked Squirrel No. [-]'s wrist lightly, and asked politely.

"It's a wedding ring, sir." Squirrel No. [-] giggled, turned the ring over, and showed Luo Xiu a mark that seemed to be a rabbit paw print on it, "I just got married last month, my My wife is about to give birth to my first litter of babies! ——This ring, given to me by Mr. Violent Bear, has his paw prints on it, and the rabbit paw symbolizes great luck, sir!"

"Oh," Luo Xiu nodded, directly ignoring the large list of words about the rabbit's paw, besides these, he was a little happy that he could still hear a little normal positive energy, so he said sincerely to Mr. Squirrel, " Congratulations then."

"Thank you. In fact, it is unavoidable that each of us will be a father." Squirrel No. [-] said while grabbing Luo Xiu's collar and climbing down, then it jumped onto the table nimbly and shouted He announced, "My sons will grow up and master the best cooking skills, and then serve our friend Mr. Violent Bear!"

When squirrel No. [-] finished speaking, all the squirrels on the table cheered.

The Violent Bear over the table raised the milk glass in his hand and drank it down.

Then Luo Xiu just felt a little bit of positive energy and joy, but was completely dispelled by this group of out-and-out lunatics.

After a few minutes.

The black-haired young man yawned and sat listlessly on the edge of the table. He began to seriously miss the big-handed caterpillar who could write pornographic books. At least that guy would not blatantly understand other than a cigarette. Just cheering "Long live friendship forever" with others-I'm afraid there are not enough goosebumps to sit here for a day.

At this time, Mr. Squirrel No. [-], who just got married and was going to be a father, said "Farewell" to Luo Xiu before jumping off the dining table——

"It should be 'see you later'." Luo Xiu corrected it.

"I know, but I know this time, I think what I should say is 'Farewell'." Squirrel No. [-] waved his hand, "Actually, I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid I'm going to take a vacation—Mr. Violent Bear, Did you hear that? I'm not feeling well and I'm going on vacation!"

"Oh, I heard you." Violent Bear said while eating its strawberry pie without looking up, "We'll see you again when you recover."

"Yes, I hope so." No. [-] Mr. Squirrel nodded, and then jumped off the dining table without looking back.

Mr. No. 10 Squirrel's words made Luo Xiu sit on the edge of the dining table with his chin propped up for a while, and he used the exquisite silver dessert spoon in his hand to draw the jam on the blueberry cake absently on the dinner plate, and just passed About [-] minutes later, suddenly, after the violent bear at the dining table solved a strawberry pie, he finally remembered that there was another person at the dining table.

It put down the tableware in its hand: "Do you want some broth, Alice?"

Luo Xiu: "What?"

The Violent Bear repeated his own words—and when it said that, it looked at him with the kind of eyes that looked forward to Luo Xiu's nod—so he nodded helplessly.

Violent Bear let out a contented sigh, pouted its mouth, took an empty plate and a long spoon with its own hands, lifted the steaming soup pot, stirred the soup, and filled a big dish into the empty plate in his hand, and then it turned over the bottom of the pot, and some boiled broken bones and meat dregs came up.

Luo Xiu looked at the milky white soup, which exuded a strong peppery smell. For some reason, this smell made him a little nauseous.

Violent Bear placed the dish of soup in front of Luo Xiu, who thanked Luo Xiu, then politely picked up the soup spoon and scooped it——

Strangely, when he was stirring the soup, Luo Xiu heard a "ding bell" "ding bell" sounded like a metal object hitting the bottom of a ceramic bowl. Huh", and then increased the speed of stirring, and finally, when he felt that he had scooped something, he immediately took the spoon out of the soup——

In a pile of boiled soft and rotten bones, Luo Xiu saw a metal ring-shaped object.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and pinched the ring with two fingers.

He turned the ring, which was still warm from the soup, over.

Then, he saw the trace of a bear's paw clearly printed on the inside of the ring.


I told another lie today,

And this day I fooled around,

No one sees through my tricks.

I know what to say-

For example, I am not feeling well today, sir.

The author has something to say: ==

Although the next chapter will also explain... But, let's read it in advance...

To put it simply, the squirrels of Long live friendship jumped into the pot by themselves ORZ

The March Hare unknowingly eats his friend (.

I'm sorry, I don't know how such a dark brain hole is formed. In fits the lyrics quite well? (.

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