Luo Xiu didn't know who the so-called "that person" the stranger was talking about, maybe he was talking about Uzrock who was separated from them by two walls in a corridor, or it might be someone else, But these are not important now, Luo Xiu stretched out his hand to grab the curtains, so that they can swing violently so that the people in the opposite medical room can see, but the person pressing on him seems to be the first thing to do. Noticing his movement, he clasped the hand of the black-haired young man, and then pressed it heavily against the wall——


The severe pain from his wrist made Luo Xiu frowned. He lowered his eyes and could feel his eyelashes touching the opponent's palm, so the hand that was pressing on his eyes was a little harder—pressing on his eye sockets The surrounding area began to feel hot and achy... When the other party's slippery tongue slipped slightly from between his lips, he seized every opportunity to inhale the fresh air around him, but when he tilted his head and opened his mouth to breathe heavily, the other party Unrelentingly entangled——

Behind the dirty door of the gym, two adult men are like beasts locked in a small space. Their bodies are entangled tightly, as if they are in the final capital of trapped beasts.

"Who are you?" Luo Xiu avoided the other's lips unsteadily, "This kind of joke is too much."

"You will know who I am in the future, Alice." The stranger let go of Luo Xiu's hand and grabbed his hair - so that Luo Xiu had to raise his head slightly, making a gesture of twisting his neck His lips were completely exposed, as if he was offering himself, and he moved himself closer to the opponent's eyes——

Luo Xiu thought he would do other actions, such as crushing his throat or something——

But the other party didn't do that.

This person just slightly relaxed the hand that was pressing on his eyes, the little finger was as hot as his breath, and gently rubbed the tear mole under his eyes, he leaned against his ear, A voice that was a bit hoarse because of the desire was stained: "Sleep, Alice, relax yourself, don't resist, and return to your dreamland."


"The dream may remind you of who I am." The man let out a low laugh, "But it's just a matter of time, don't rush, I've already come to you."


The man's voice was deep and hoarse, which was different from Uzrok's sound made by some precious musical instrument. The man's voice... was like a steel ball rolling over hot gravel. They were hoarse and seemed to be incompatible with life. All come with a strange power that makes people feel uncomfortably hot.

Luo Xiu guessed that this person probably had red hair.

This is a groundless and strange idea—in fact, in normal times, Luo Xiu would never have any associations with such a wretched person who pressed him against the wall and kissed him—but helplessly This idea seemed to jump into his head automatically, and it occupied there domineeringly, lingering on it.

In a daze, when the black-haired young man realized that his consciousness and logic seemed to be drifting away from him, he found that his whole body became limp, if it wasn't for the strong arm of the person pressing on him at this moment It was resting on his waist, and he might have fallen to the ground. He felt that his face seemed to touch the other's strong chest. At the same time, the hands that were pressing on his eyes were removed—— —

This is an opportunity.

The black-haired young man's eyelashes trembled slightly like a butterfly's wings, and he seemed to be trying very hard to open his eyes to see what the person in front of him looked like—but soon he Realizing that he couldn't do it at all, the sudden drowsiness quickly invaded and occupied his entire consciousness, and his body suddenly became light and light, as if the soul floated out of the heavy body——

Then there was a violent sense of weightlessness!

The soul that could not find the north just a second ago seemed to be guided by something, like two poles of a magnet attracting each other crazily, Luo Xiu found himself once again unavoidably falling into a black tunnel——

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

In the darkness, except for Luo Xiu's own screams that sounded in the black tunnel, there was nothing around. Unlike the rabbit hole last time and the strange oil lamp lighting, this time there was only darkness , Luo Xiu heard his screams echoing in his ears infinitely, but other than that, there was no other sound in the entire tunnel.

Luo Xiu fell down quickly, he always felt as if something was pulling his collar and dragging him all the way down, in the sound of "whoosh", the black-haired young man vaguely seemed to hear something " Chi Chi" screamed, something soft against his thigh was struggling to break free from the bondage...

Immediately afterwards, before Luo Xiu figured out what was going on, he saw the light source, and the black tunnel came to an end. At the same time, the fleshy ball seemed to finally break free from his restraints, and slammed with great elasticity. Suddenly it flew into the mid-air... It grew rapidly in the air, and finally became twice the size of Luo Xiu, and then there was only a soft "poof", and the fleshy dumpling was blown together. Xiu clumsily landed on it and was bounced off and landed on a piece of wet grass—the moment he landed, there was a light "poof" sound, and the meaty ball was like a balloon that was popped It seemed to shrivel up in an instant, as if an invisible big hand in the air had crushed it and exploded it.

The meat ball became the size of a palm again.

As if it was crushed by the master just now, Rouqiu gave two "chichi" aggrievedly, rubbed Luo Xiu's arm, and then changed back to the original appearance of flea eggs and returned to his neck superior.

The surrounding flowers and leaves seemed to be about the same height as him, but fortunately, there were no strange creatures like insects.

Luo Xiu looked around and stood up slowly. When he tried to pat the fallen leaves that might have gotten on his jeans, he touched his thigh——the expression on the face of the black-haired young man changed. Suddenly, when he lowered his head, as expected, he saw his high heels and black short skirt, which was the same as a maid's outfit.

Subconsciously touched his neck, and when his fingertips touched the simple and rough rope around his neck, the black-haired young man almost subconsciously let out a sigh of relief—but when he couldn't help it from the strange flesh When Qiu thought of the person "Ailijia", he once again felt that the bottom of his chest began to turn upside down.

"—you look well, young man."

At this moment, Luo Xiu suddenly heard someone's voice from somewhere behind him. The voice was slow and vague, as if someone was sleepwalking... Young black-haired man The man was stunned, he turned his head and looked around, and soon, behind a weed bush, he saw a mushroom slightly taller than him, and he looked at its side and the bottom Finally, it dawned on me that I should look at the top of this mushroom——

So the dark-haired young man stepped back a little to allow his vision to open up, and then he stood on tiptoe and looked over the edge of the mushroom, and almost immediately, he saw a huge caterpillar, it was a purple fur It is a caterpillar, with its arms crossed, calmly smoking a hookah pipe. At this moment, while Luo Xiu is looking at it, this caterpillar is also looking at it from behind its pair of reading glasses. She looked at him quietly and lazily.

The caterpillar looked at Luo Xiu for a while, and saw the undisguised chill when the other person's eyes passed over its countless feet, it laughed, as if it really thought this matter was very funny—— Finally, it finally took the pipe out of its mouth, and said slowly and lazily to the black-haired young man in a skirt in front of him: "What's your opinion?"

asked the caterpillar.

"Where is this?" Luo Xiu asked.

"You have just left here, Alice, why do you have to choose such a stupid question among so many good ones." The caterpillar said, "The Duke of Darkness is still looking for you everywhere, and he seems to be interested in his 'guest' suddenly Not happy about disappearing - word has spread about you."

Just left?

and the Duke of Darkness.


Luo Xiu rolled his eyes uncontrollably, greeted the family of the guy who brought him into the dream again in his heart, and then reluctantly accepted the reality that he had returned to that damned dream again ——What does the continuous dream symbolize?Otherwise, it means that he is the one chosen by fate to save the earth, or else, it means that he is really a madman.

This is not a happy discovery.

"How do you know I'm Alice?" Luo Xiu raised his head and asked the caterpillar who looked lazy and had no bones (in fact, it really didn't). "I haven't introduced myself yet."

"Second boring question." The caterpillar took a puff of cigarette, and then said lazily, "I told you, the Duke of Darkness is looking for you everywhere - the previous batch of Tarot soldiers just passed by, this time it's a flush of hearts, Of course that's not the point - they're looking for a young male in a maid's dress, and they say that person's name is 'Alice'... oh, look, you think looking at the whole of Wonderland, we have a second Two options?"

"No." Luo Xiu lowered his head, pinched the corner of his skirt, and replied angrily.

The caterpillar sneered and looked at him condescendingly with an obnoxious "I'll just say it" expression.

Luo Xiu looked around, he fantasized that something else could appear to compose the other party he was speaking at this moment - even if it was a mouth that appeared out of thin air... Unfortunately, there was nothing around, so he had to move Turning his face back to the caterpillar, he asked the person in front of him who seemed to be the only one he spoke to: "What will happen to me if I am caught by the Dark Duke?"

"I don't know," the caterpillar said in a high-pitched voice, the presbyopic glasses reflected the sunlight, and from Luo Xiu's angle, it was almost impossible to see the pleasant light shining behind those golden eyes. At the same time, A certain pair of feet near the tail of the caterpillar rubbed happily, "The Duke of Darkness is very unhappy that you ruined his plan—the pollution in the pool of tears has been purified, no matter what you have done, now I finally have the strength to re- Picking up my tobacco rod, just from this point of view, I feel like I want to say thank you to you."

"Oh yeah? Instead of thanks, let's have some practical advice."

"The Duke of Darkness likes a young man with thin skin and tender flesh like you."


"Alice, let me ask you, have you ever had a partner?"

"What is the problem?"

"That's no more—ah, little virgin."

Little virgin: "..."

"Maybe he stripped you naked and tied you on his bed, then pulled your legs apart and stuffed his unwilling penis into your back hole, no matter if you cried or made noise, he would not Stop your movements—I heard that the Duke of Darkness’s genitals are covered with barbs, and like a lion, when he ejaculates, he will stretch out two knots and get stuck in the hole of the man in his arms so that he can’t Escape, and then it's easy for him to get the semen-"


"...what's the matter?" said the caterpillar unhappily, "you asked me to give you some practical advice."

This is simply the conscience of the NPC industry, Luo Xiu thought to himself, and then said: "You have too many details, sir."

"Oh, you also know that the old man doesn't have any daily entertainment. When I have nothing to do, I like to write fanfiction about various characters around me. These days, if there is no sensory stimulation in the article, the sales of the article will become less optimistic. - This is an occupational disease."

Luo Xiu took a deep breath, his chest heaved violently, resisting the urge to turn around and leave, he tried his best to sound respectful enough to say: "Let's get back to the point."

"Run away, Alice." The caterpillar took a puff on his cigarette and said slowly while puffing out smoke rings, "The Dark Duke is angry, don't let him catch you, or you'll be fucked to pieces by him .”

"Those Tarot soldiers can't beat me."

"Where does the confidence come from, but I just like your little naivety who doesn't know and fearless." The caterpillar said with a smile, "One can't beat you, and a group can't beat you? That's a straight flush, and together they have increased attack power. It's done."

What the caterpillar said made Luo Xiu hesitate - he had beheaded two Tarot soldiers, but he had never considered whether he would still have so many hands to parry if those Tarot soldiers were rogues attacking at the same time. They... Thinking of this question, Luo Xiu felt like asking again seriously: "What if you can't escape and get caught?"

"Recite a mantra devoutly: Demacia, Tashi Dele."


I'll go to your grandparents.

Luo Xiu's face was dark, and he decided not to continue wasting his life with this caterpillar - except for all kinds of pornographic and lace news, he hardly got anything useful for him to run away. He turned around and was about to leave, but at this time, he heard behind him, the caterpillar seemed to be talking to himself: "Go forward for another 500 meters and you will reach the edge of the Dark Duke's jurisdiction—the east It's Violent Bear's residence. It's holding a tea party. If you tell him that you were brought here by the skinned Mr. Rabbit, for the sake of his dead friend, maybe he'll let you Join his tea party; to the west is the territory of the shoe dealer, he...has a bit of strength, but the lethality of madness crushes his strength, I personally suggest not to go there for the time being."

Luo Xiu was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and asked, "Tea party? The kind that eats?"

"You are hungry?"

Luo Xiu rubbed his stomach. In fact, he felt that he was really hungry, but in order to make himself look more reserved, he still shook his head: "It's okay."

The caterpillar put down the cigarette stick: " the point is to eat?"

Luo Xiu: "..."

"You are running for your life, Alice," said the caterpillar impassively.

Luo Xiu felt ashamed on his face: "I know!"

"The Violent Bear and the Shoe Merchant can help you escape the Dark Duke," said the Caterpillar. "Choose a direction, and go forward—clear target, don't look back, you're running for your life, caught only to be dried and bloody." Fate - Demacia."

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