After that, Luo Xiu never saw Lucifer again, and he heard from his blustering birdman guard that he has been very busy recently, because God created a new species, and the species was named "Human" , as soon as the image of human beings was announced, it caused an uproar in Yuandongtian. Among the seven archangels, four of them had very obvious rebellious emotions-they were worried that the tragedy of the three behemoths in the sea, land and air would happen again. , The failed products may also be species with the same appearance as them. When they retract their wings, they look no different from humans, which makes Sariel, Uriel, Lemuel, and Raguel feel quite offended.

Luo Xiu sat on the treetop of the tree of life, listening to the bird man named "Mi Ruo" with a blank face. He said that His Royal Highness Lucifer had already I haven't had a good rest for many days... Hearing this, the black-haired young man almost felt ridiculous. At the end of the conversation, he just said ambiguously: "Are you sure His Highness Lucifer is really going to appease them? emotional?"

...Obviously he had this idea long ago.

In the end, he just didn’t say it, but people mistakenly thought he was on the side of Jehovah.

After Mi Ruo left, the black-haired young man picked seven flowers of life that were in full bloom from the tree of life. Because he was the gardener of the heavens, he could freely enter and leave the Garden of Eden—so when the black-haired young man held When Hua came to the Garden of Eden, he saw the female of the first two humans at a glance-she was Adam's first wife and later Lilith, the Witch of the Night.

At that time, she was walking among the flowers, and when she saw someone walking in from the outside, the beautiful girl was startled, and then her attention was quickly attracted by the blooming flowers in the hands of the black-haired young man: "This flower is really beautiful." Beautiful, I have never seen such a flower here, where did you get it? Who are you? Why can you enter and leave the Garden of Eden? I have never seen anyone here."

Luo Xiu didn't speak, and didn't answer Lilith's series of lovely questions. He just handed her the bouquet silently. Then, he knelt down on one knee in the way of a knight, and he took Lilith. That slender hand placed her kiss respectfully and gently on the back of that white and soft hand.

The black-haired young man raised his head and exchanged glances with the beautiful female human for a moment. Then, he was as quiet as when he came, and left the Garden of Eden without saying a word.

That night, the sound of quarreling was heard for the first time in the always quiet and peaceful Garden of Eden.

Lilith and Adam stood under an apple tree, and they had their first quarrel in love——Adam felt very strange, because that night, when he asked Lilith to come to his arms and let him hug him to sleep , but his wife rejected him and scolded him for not respecting herself enough——

Lilith said: "I can't condescend to you forever. When you need to hug me, I will let you hug me obediently; when you don't need me, I must quietly go aside and don't disturb you." ——You should learn to be a gentleman. When I need you, you come to me with flowers. When I don't need you, you quietly do your own thing."

Adam said: "I don't know where you got such a strange idea, Lilith. Since we were created, you should be my appendage. I will not do anything according to your mood, which just so happens It is your duty."

Lilith sneered and said, "You are simply unreasonable for your incomparable pride."

Adam also showed a rather annoying expression and said: "If you are not happy with the result of this discussion, we can find Father God to reason."

Lilith knew that Jehovah was partial to Adam, and when they came to God to ask for an explanation, she was destined to be the one who fell down, so Lilith cried, she cried very sadly, and she was alone with her skirt Leaving under the apple tree... In the past, when Adam saw his wife crying, he would step forward to comfort him, but this time he stood there without moving, and just watched his leaving back coldly.


A gust of cold wind came from nowhere, and the apple tree above his head was rustling. Adam shuddered and subconsciously raised his head, but only had time to hear a sound like the fluttering of bird feathers entering his ears. Among them, there seemed to be a slender figure passing over their heads.


When the flowers on the tree of life withered one after another, they produced attractive red apples, and the vines wrapped around the tree of life also produced heavy bunches of purple grapes like gems. Hanging on the vines, when the night falls, there will be a bright night light--at this time, the heaven finally ushered in the once-in-a-hundred-year harvest festival.

The chants of the Harvest Goddess resounded continuously throughout the heavens for three days and three nights, bathed in the melodious chanting blessings, as the planter of the tree of life on the fourth day, the black-haired young man also started his busiest once every hundred years During the working hours, he had to patiently step down the best luminous grapes and apples and put them into baskets before the harvest period passed, and these boxes would be sent to the highest heaven to be brewed into precious harvest wine.

360 five bunches of grapes.

And 360 five apples.

It symbolizes the 360 ​​and five days of the year in the chaotic space between hell and heaven—this chaotic space was created by Yahweh as the human world.

Every hundred years, the output of the tree of life is fixed, which is convenient for the angels responsible for recording the whereabouts of these fruits to register them one by one, preventing other angels from taking the opportunity to secretly eat precious fruits that do not match their identities ——This rule sounds more like a satire that only two pairs of winged growers appear, but it is obvious that the black-haired young man doesn't seem to care too much about it.

When the black-haired young man picked the last apple from the tree, he heard a frantic flapping of wings from the sky, he paused slightly, and before he had time to ask what happened, he Then I heard the other angels under the tree also fell into a panic and commotion——

The black-haired young man sat on the top of the tree, with his head bowed and expressionless, listening to the angels under his feet who were panicking and wanted to convey a message——

Lilith uttered the secret name of God, borrowed the power of God, and escaped from the Garden of Eden.

Yahweh was angry because of this.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the chants of the Harvest Goddess stopped abruptly at some point, and when the sky seemed to be in chaos, the black-haired young man sitting on the treetop smiled.


Lilith's escape seemed to be the initial fuse of the subsequent tragedies.

Jehovah was furious, and the four archangels among the seven archangels who originally opposed the existence of human beings were very happy to hear this. They pushed and pushed all kinds of evasions about the pursuit of Lilith, all of which were nothing to do with themselves. Hanging up, waiting to see the excitement, and at this critical moment, even Lucifer, who was always thought to be on the side of Jehovah, became more and more silent.

On the day of the Harvest Festival, Jehovah asked the archangel Michael, who was always on his side, to bring Adam, who stayed alone in the Garden of Eden, to the tenth day of the Supreme Heaven, and announced in front of all the high-ranking angels that he would seal Adam as " "Holy Son", renamed "Messiah", let him stand on the right side of his throne——

On God's left is Jesus.

The right side of God has always been the position of the Angel of Light, Lucifer.

This move of the Lord seemed to have slapped Lucifer's face invisibly, and what was surprising was that on the day of the Harvest Festival, another person suddenly squeezed into his position. Man, the most honorable man in the entire heaven except Jehovah himself, didn’t say anything, and his smile never changed from the beginning to the end.

Jehovah recreated a female and gave Adam to be his second wife. The female human was named "Eve". She was a gentler and more innocent girl than Lilith. The more grumpy temper just smiles and looks like an empty shell without any thoughts of its own.

Some people say that when Jehovah created Eve, he did not give Eve the "concept of distinction" and "wisdom" due to Lilith's escape from the heavens. Because at the harvest festival, God commanded Eve is not allowed to touch the wine brewed from luminous grapes that increase wisdom, not even a drop; nor is she allowed to touch the apple juice that can awaken the "primary heart of honor, disgrace, dignity and humility", even if it only touches the tip of her tongue.

God has preserved his favored human beings well.

Adam and Eve lived happily in the Garden of Eden for a long time - during which Michael, Gabriel and Metatron captured Lilith by the Red Sea, and Lilith already knew that Adam had the first The two wives directly refused to return to the heavenly world, and became witches who stayed on the edge of the demon world, which was still in ruins at that time.

Many years passed after that.

But for Luo Xiu, because this is only Samael's memory, he just woke up and looked at the calendar to find that the roar was a distance away from Lucifer leading a third of the angel legion to declare rebellion and fall into hell collectively. , with less than three years left.

On this day when he came under the tree of life, he finally saw Lucifer sitting on the top of the tree—but this day he did not take Mammon with him, when he lowered his golden pupils to look at the black man standing under the tree Among the young men, those golden pupils were full of confusion and exhaustion like never before.

"The Father asks us to bow the knee to the Son, and I refuse."


The day has finally come.

The black-haired young man flapped his wings and flew up to the branch, sat down next to the tall man, turned his head to look at him, and instantly felt that he saw a golden retriever who had been bullied enough, so he didn't even want to lift it up. Hand, rubbing the soft light flaxen hair of the man beside him: "Don't worry, everything will be over."


Everything will end.

Back then, Samael could turn Lilith and Adam against each other and make Lilith leave the heaven. Now he can also make Adam and Eve fall into such a predicament again.

No one knows, in fact, in the chaotic space between heaven and hell, there will be a special period every four years. This year will have 360 ​​six days, which is also called "leap year" by later humans; Correspondingly, in fact, every 400 years in the tree of life, the "fruit of wisdom" and the "fruit of honor and disgrace" will each increase one more.

The later story is the well-known version.

Samael turned into a snake, and sneaked into the Garden of Eden with the fruit that unlocked human wisdom and the original intention of honor and disgrace, and coaxed Eve to swallow it. Because Eve loved Adam so much, she gave half of the fruit to Adam, killing two birds with one stone. God's favorite works are both defiled.

Yahweh is angry.

The black-haired young man remembered that on the day when human beings were expelled from the Garden of Eden, it was the last time he saw a man who was still the vice prince of the kingdom of heaven in the heavenly realm. ——As an angel about to be deported, what will happen to him?

First of all, he must exchange the glory bestowed upon him by God the Father—that is, the wings.

Then, after breaking the wings, if the person is not dead, other angels will be responsible for throwing him from the gate of the first day like a dead dog - at this time, the broken wings cannot fly More angels will fall into hell, and the edge of hell is full of low-level monsters staring at free food.

In the end, the dying angel lost his wings and was besieged by a large group of low-level monsters. What would happen?

Probably died with unprecedented humiliation.

The black-haired young man faced all this very calmly from beginning to end—including when the man lowered his voice and asked him "why did you do this" in a hoarse voice, he also smiled calmly: "I'm tired of working!" chant."


The punishment of cutting off the wings should have been done by some angels who specialize in this aspect, but this time, the black-haired young man won the honor of "the deputy king of the kingdom of heaven did it himself" - he guessed it was probably because men are very sensitive to this. He is too inexperienced in such things, so he will procrastinate, making him in pain——

What's more, he found that when his wings were touched by men, they seemed to be more sensitive than when they were touched by others.

So when the other party touched the fold of his wings and broke it with a crisp sound of "crack", the instant pain occupied all the thoughts of the black-haired young man, and he felt like a dead dog almost immediately. Lie on the ground likewise—at this moment, the only thing he could think of was that it was a good thing his mother didn't have wings back then, otherwise it would hurt twice more now.

Wings are part of an angel's body. When someone wants to break them off, the pain is equivalent to being broken off by someone - or the pain is even better. To be precise, there is such a person After breaking the limbs by hand, he still needs to take a small hammer to break the bones of the limbs bit by bit.

When all the punishments were carried out, the dark-haired young man looked as if he had just been fished out of a pool of blood.

What amazed the other angels was that from the beginning to the end, after they fell to the ground and were grabbed by Lucifer and put them in his arms, they all maintained such a posture until the end - so much so that from the black-haired young man The blood on Lucifer's white robe was also in a mess everywhere.

The man moved, and put his lips close to the ear of the black-haired young man in his arms. From a distance, they even looked like a couple doing some intimate actions—the man's cold fingertips came from his sweaty cheeks. Sweeping around, and finally stopped at his chin, raised it slightly—letting the pair of black pupils that seemed a little muddy meet his own eyes.

"Are you ready, I'm going to throw you down?"


The black-haired young man reflected in his golden pupils nodded extremely slowly.



Then he was thrown out by the man in front of the gate on the first day in a very gentle gesture, like a dead dog.

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