Later, His Royal Highness Lucifer became a frequent visitor on the fourth day—as if the original moving day was close to the fourth day.

The black-haired young man who manages the tree of life returns from the choir to the tree of life. When he looks up, he often finds that the rest time on weekdays is always full of angel couples secretly dating. An adult archangel with holy light sits on a branch, and a small red-haired infant angel sits in his arms.

"Mammon said he missed his father."

In most cases, this is the first sentence Lucifer said to the black-haired young man.

At this time, the black-haired young man would spread his wings, fly to the branch, sit down next to this man, then take the soft bun from his arms into his hands, and give it to him with his sleeves. He wiped the drool that dripped from his mouth, and then when he "giggled" and climbed onto Luo Xiu's body dishonestly, he frowned again, and stuffed him back into Lucifer's arms.

Lucifer smiled and hugged Mammon firmly in his arms - and then, there will be no such thing as this bunny who can't speak clearly, the two adult angels will sit on the branches of the tree of life and say something There are some things that are not, mostly Luo Xiu is talking, he will tell Lucifer something about the open and secret struggle between the low-level angels to make the other party embarrassing in front of Lord Raphael, he doesn't know Lucifer Is Er really interested in these gossips? In short, when he said it, the other party listened carefully.

Sometimes he will make some other-worldly remarks that make people want to beat him, such as——

"I didn't know that you were so desperate to add a pair of wings. If you want, I can add wings to you right here."

"..." the man said, and he saw the black-haired young man beside him fall into silence. During the winging ceremony, the seven archangels agreed with me to add wings, but in the end, after you said, "The tree of life must have him, what should I do without him on the fourth day", my winging will be for naught?"

With a calm face, Lucifer said with a smile: "Lie, I won't do such a thing."

So the black-haired young man became even more silent. If it weren't for the red-haired young angel lying in the man's arms and moaning, he might consider pushing him off the tree—even if he couldn't be killed , but at least he could vent his anger.

The topic of revenge with wings is usually vaguely skipped during His Royal Highness Lucifer's shameless denial.

In addition to this, they usually also discuss some other topics. When two men get together, it does not mean that they can only have serious topics between them. They will also chat about other female angels and other topics... Sometimes they would discuss the reason why Gabriel couldn't get married. Luo Xiu thought that Gabriel was too beautiful so no one would dare to admire him, but His Royal Highness Lucifer insisted that the reason that woman couldn't get married was because she was too fierce. That's all -

"Last time at the banquet, she slapped Remiele, and it occupied the headlines of Yuandong Daily Daily for three consecutive days... In fact, Remiele was going to propose to her that day, but in the end he insisted on not taking the proposal ring Take it out... I don't think it's incomprehensible, after all, if one side of the face is swollen and the marriage proposal is rejected, wouldn't the other side also be swollen."


For some reason, Luo Xiu felt that when Lucifer said such picturesque words in a serious manner, he was really full of indescribable joy.

"His Highness Gabriel is very beautiful." Luo Xiu insisted, "I like to see blue hair."

"I like blonde better," Lucifer said casually, "I remember my first love seems to have blonde hair, but I've forgotten who it is...I hate red hair more, and when Mammon grows up a bit, I'll consider taking He went to change the color of his hair, what do you think about changing to your hair color? I think Mammon actually looks a lot like you."

Hearing this, Luo Xiu subconsciously lowered his head to look at the angel who was sleeping in the man's arms at this moment. The white and tender face of a steamed stuffed bun is cute, but... probably in the palace of the vice-lord of the kingdom of heaven. The food is so good, the child grows so fast that people worry whether his wings will not be enough to support his heavy body in the future—and, those eyes that can’t be found when they squint into a lump of flesh, what exactly? Where is he like him?

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly: "I don't want it anymore, black hair doesn't look good."

"I think it's okay," Lucifer said sincerely and firmly, "It's better than red anyway."

"Michael-sama will be unhappy if you say that."

"It's like when you always bring me with him, I will feel unhappy."

"Really?" Luo Xiu was slightly taken aback, "You actually know about these scandals?"

"The guards in my palace are actually very gossip, they will tell me everything. During my afternoon tea time, half of my energy is wasted listening to their gossip..." Lucifer said, "Sometimes I really want to I don’t understand what you people are thinking. I just appreciate Michael’s martial arts and courage, so I promoted him when he was young. Later, he became one of the seven archangels, and it was his own efforts. It doesn't matter, what you say is like I did something behind my back, Michael will not be happy when he hears such words, right?"


"what happened?"

"It's the first time I've heard you say such a long paragraph, is it just to complain to Lord Michael?"


Lucifer narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully found that he had changed from "you" to "you" in the mouths of the people around him at this moment, which was a bit strange - but this did not prevent him from curling up the corners of his lips to show a smile: "If you're not happy talking about him, let's change the subject."

At this time, Luo Xiu had completely lost the desire to continue the conversation.

Because right now he looks a little confused.

He knew that he was in Samael's memory—but this memory was really too long, like a dream that he couldn't wake up from. In the memory, he became Samael, saying what he wanted to say, doing what he wanted The things he did were different from the previous memories. This memory in the heaven was particularly real, so real that when he sat beside Lucifer, he could even clearly feel that his mood and Samael had reached an agreement. Unprecedented consistency.

Don't be awkward.

I can't say I hate the man in front of me, but of course I don't like it—at most, it's a habit.

When Lucifer left that day, he still asked him for some flowers of life as usual, and the black-haired young man also refused as usual——

"Every creature should stay where it should be, and it will wither if it leaves. Forcibly planting or raising it in a place that doesn't belong to it will only bring bad memories to both parties in the end."

In Luo Xiu's line of sight, he saw Lucifer froze, and then showed a puzzled expression: "Your statement is very interesting, for example, I never thought of where I should belong."

And Luo Xiu just smiled and said: "That's right, Your Highness, you belong to the heaven."

When he said this, he heard another voice sounding in Samael's heart at the same time: And I don't belong here.


It is recorded in many, many Christian books that before the fall of the angel of the Holy Light, Lucifer, there were other angels who fell into hell long ago, just because there were two or three kittens and they were not important figures, No one cares about this kind of thing at all, and when they are exhausted, they just use it as some talk after dinner. After a few months, no one will discuss it anymore-after all, the life of an angel is so long, who would care about such things that have nothing to do with themselves? unrelated things.

It turned out that Samuel was one of these angels.

After Lucifer left, Luo Xiu specially looked through the calendar and counted, only to find that there are still at least a hundred years before Lucifer's fall. Such an idea has already been born—and, in essence, his idea seems to have influenced Lucifer...

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu felt a little headache——

It seems that the cheating things that Samuel did are more than just one or two things.


Samuel's memory is intermittent, sometimes when Luo Xiu wakes up, he can find that a long time has passed. The most embarrassing time is that before he went to bed, Mamen was still a baby who only knew how to oops, and finally opened his eyes At that time, this guy was already flapping his wings and calling him "Papa"...

It's embarrassing.

Later, Luo Xiu experienced another memory, about 50 years after he picked up Mammon, one day he saw Lucifer again on the tree of life, the man did not look like usual He is so energetic—to be precise, he looks very tired, and his golden pupils are full of bloodshot eyes...

The first thing he said when he saw Luo Xiu was: "I had a conflict with God today."

Luo Xiu: "..."

This topic is a bit high energy.

After all, creatures that can quarrel with the Lord with their hips on their hips these days are really... very rare.

"God created a new species. He named this species 'Humanity'. Now he has the original finished product and put it in the Garden of Eden. I was the first person who saw the model of man-he is Made in our image, one male and one female, beautiful, but..."

Lucifer said, showing a strange expression: "But when I look at them, I always feel uncomfortable - I have a hunch that human beings are definitely not just pets created on a whim So simple, he may want to create another race, after creating Leviathan, Xiz and Titans and declaring failure, he started the strange desire to create again..."

Luo Xiu: "..."

"If you haven't seen that model, you may not know the feeling—she looks the same as us, but a human has no wings. She is fragile, without any power, and without wisdom. She is just an empty shell that can smile. It looks so strange." Lucifer said, "God even gave them a name, the female's name is 'Lilith', and the male's name is 'Adam'."

Luo Xiu: "Lilith..."

Night Witch Lilith.

She is the first human.

…………… So how miserable is God? In a sense, he can be regarded as being abandoned one after another by his favorite works?

"Yes, Lilith, God put Lilith and Adam in the Garden of Eden, and no one but I knew about it—a new species that looked very much like us was created and put into our No matter how I think about this matter, I feel uneasy.” Lucifer said, “Who knows that today they only occupy a corner of the Garden of Eden, but tomorrow they will replace us and stand by God’s side? ?”


"During the quarrel today, I don't know why I suddenly thought of what you said to me some time ago."


"I began to think about whether I really belonged to the heavens, whether God's side is the place I should really stay."

"...Don't do that." It's been said decades ago, why do you remember it so clearly——you still use adjectives like "a while ago" that seem to have been said just recently... Luo Xiu is simply Embarrassed, he touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment and said, "...After all, you have been in the heaven for such a long time. You are so smart. If there is anything wrong, you will be able to find it immediately. If you don't belong here, where else can you belong?"

"What if this was the only mistake I made?"


alright, you win.

Hell welcomes you.

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