You Xia glanced at the notebook, and the first reaction in his heart was that the other party was using this method to get close.

It's a pity he doesn't take this set.

He calmed down and said, "I didn't know Wang had you as a friend."

Seeing that he didn't believe him, the old man became a little excited: "What I said is true."

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, he also pulled out a staff with a six-pointed star-shaped power stone on the top from the cloth bag—I don’t know how such a broken bag can hold a staff that is so tall. The old man just took out this staff.

Immediately, he lightly tapped the staff, and the black energy stone immediately emitted a dazzling white light, and You Xia and the others were blinded by the light for a while.

"Perhaps you've heard of my name," the old man deliberately slowed down his tone with smug brows, "My name is...Ogst."

You Xia frowned. When he heard the name, he felt a little familiar at first, and then he suddenly remembered the identity represented by the name, and the hairs on his back stood on end in an instant!

He remembered that he had indeed seen this name many times, in the game.

As a business simulation game, "Western Fantasy Mall" has the main line of opening a store, doing tasks and making money, but in addition, there are actually some hidden branches.

For example, if you receive a big boss NPC by chance, and you are lucky enough to get his favor, you are likely to get a gift from him as well.

Probably because of his black face, Youxia played the eighth level in his previous life and never met any big boss NPCs, not from any race, but he firmly remembered the names of those big boss NPCs that appeared, in order to When you run into each other, you can gain enough favorability, and you won't miss the gift from the boss.

And among those hidden human bosses, the most powerful ones at the top of the Brindland continent are the three great magicians. Youxia still remembers their names, namely Blanche, Gwendolyn, and Ogg ster!

And at this very moment, the top powerhouse in the Brindland continent was standing in front of him.

And because he couldn't afford the milk tea fee of one silver coin and two copper coins, he was trying to get close to him, an ordinary elf, trying to use his magic notes to pay off the bill.

"Now you should trust me." After pretending to be aggressive, Ogst happily stuffed his six-pointed star staff back into the cloth bag with space function, and pushed the magic note in front of Youxia, saying, "Don't be burdened, it's worth less than a strawberry smoothie to me."

You Xia: "..."

You Xia looked at the old and yellowing notebook in front of him. In fact, he has always been very Buddhist when it comes to learning magic, but as a Muggle in the second grade, he was eagerly looking forward to receiving a letter from an owl one day Well, when such an opportunity really came before him, he couldn't help being a little moved.

Besides, he is not a Muggle now, but a wood elf who is naturally close to magic elements!

Thinking of this, You Xia couldn't help picking up the notebook and flipping through a few pages, then his expression became stiff.

This is indeed a magic notebook, and thanks to the system, he can understand most of the text on the paper, but only when it comes to casting spells, the string of characters is the same as Latin to him, completely I don't know it at all.

"What is this?" You Xia asked, pointing to the spell on the book.

August glanced at the part he was pointing at, the kind expression on his face suddenly retracted, and when he looked at Youxia again, there was a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

You Xia was wondering why he looked at him like that, when he heard the other party reply: "Ancient Elvish language."

After the words fell, the atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

This is very embarrassing. The light elves and dark elves may not understand the ancient elf language, but as the oldest wood elves that survived from the first era, it is impossible for them to understand the characters of their own group.

You Xia wanted to scold the game, obviously he could translate most of the languages, how could it not work in small languages, did he look down on small languages?

At this time, Augst suddenly asked: "Do you have any memories of your childhood, were you taken out of the Yingdeng Forest by someone, or did you run out by yourself?"

You Xia heard what he meant, and seemed to feel that he was a kidnapped elf, he sighed: "I don't remember what you said, but I really didn't grow up in the Yingdeng Forest."

August nodded, but didn't ask other questions, just muttered: "I'm just saying, when did those boring old-fashioned people in the Yingdeng Forest know how to pursue the enjoyment of taste!"

You Xia: "..." Fortunately, I'm not a real elf, otherwise I would have written your words down in a small notebook and brought it back to sue the elf king.

"But no matter what, you are still a wood elf after all." August said again, "Since we met, it is necessary to help a friend take care of his descendants, so I will give you this notebook."

"But I can't read Old Elvish."

"You can spend some money to hire a mid-level or high-level mage to teach you, it won't be much, just a few gold coins." Ogst smiled, "To learn magic, you must not only know the ancient elf language, but also learn magic. It is not uncommon to learn ancient giant language, or even dragon language."

To put it bluntly, don't talk about gold coins, you should take some silver coins out to see!

You Xia twitched the corner of her mouth, disapproving.

Then he looked at the strawberry smoothie in the old man's hand, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.

You Xia rolled his eyes, closed the notebook and put it aside, and asked with a gentle smile, "Do you like the milk tea in our store?"

August nodded without thinking: "Of course, I like anything delicious."

"Then do you want to enjoy free milk tea for life?"

Seeing the suspicious look in the other party's eyes, You Xia quickly added, "It's not just milk tea, I'm actually planning to open a fried chicken shop in a few days."

"Can chicken be fried?"

"Of course." You Xia skillfully recited a certain Internet buzzword: "Don't throw away chickens that can't sing, wash them, coat them with egg liquid, stick them with bread crumbs, fry them in a pan until they are golden and crispy, take them out of the oil, and serve them with exclusive chicken. The secret sweet and spicy sauce is loved by the elderly and children, and the children next door are crying!"

The kids next door, Demi and Darren, swallowed.

August was also greedy by his description, he hesitated and said: "I understand your intention, but you have also seen that now I am so poor that I only have two copper coins left, and I will stay in Los Angeles. There are no places."

Seeing that he was moved, You Xia immediately pursued the victory: "You don't have to worry about this, if you are willing to accept me as a student, I should pay your tuition."

"That's not necessary," Ogst stroked his messy white beard, "If Yolanda knew that I would charge money for teaching magic to the juniors in his clan, that unkind guy would definitely punish him severely. Taunt me, your elf king is not very easy to get along with."

"Then please let me provide you with accommodation. As a student, it is my job to provide teachers with comfortable accommodation and delicious food."

August was very comfortable listening, and finally couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, so he nodded reservedly: "Well, I'll stay in Los Angeles for a while, but I'm not taking you as a student, it's just in exchange for delicious food , I will teach you some basic magic."

In You Xia's view, the most important thing at the moment is to keep this great magician, and you can figure out how to solve the problem later, so he responded immediately: "No problem."

After reaching an agreement, Youxia rented a hotel for August.

Originally, he wanted to provide better housing for the elderly, and it doesn't matter if it is more expensive.

But Ogst himself doesn’t pay attention to these things. He bluntly said that he slept in a garbage dump when he was the poorest. Instead of spending money on a better hotel, it would be better to give him an extra glass of strawberry smoothie.

After a discussion, Youxia finally compromised and arranged him in the hotel next to the milk tea shop, which happened to be on the same floor as Demi's room.


At night, the wall clock struck eight o'clock. After the training, the two employees went back to their residences. A pair of newly-baked master and apprentice and a white cat that seemed to grow on the legs of an elf remained in the store.

"Since I am here, you don't need to read any magic notes."

Oghst pushed the magic notebook on the coffee table aside, and slowly said to Youxia who was sitting opposite: "Elves are a race that is born to love demons, and it is your innate ability to control magic elements, especially natural elements."

You Xia asked the question that has always been asked: "What are the natural elements?"

"Natural elements, it's easy to understand, it refers to things that can be seen everywhere.

"It's the wind that blows the leaves, it's the ground beneath your feet, it's the light that breaks the clouds every day, it's the water that runs by the river, it's anything that grows on the ground...

"Of course the most important thing is that because you were born from the sacred tree of life, every wood elf has a certain ability to control the elements of life."

You Xia's eyes lit up, and he boldly guessed: "Then I can bring people back to life?"

"No, no, bringing people back to life, even a god can't do it." August laughed: "However, it's still very simple to restore some small things that originally contained life elements."

As he spoke, his mouth moved, and he spit out a difficult-to-pronounce ancient elf language as if in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, You Xia saw a withered yellow sycamore leaf being swept in from the door by an invisible wind, and slowly falling on the old man's open palm

"The next thing is to look forward to."

No need to remind, Youxia and the cat on his lap are watching this great magician attentively.

I saw Augst chanted another spell that Youxia couldn't understand to the dead leaf in his hand, and the withered leaf began to recover from the stem, and the green spread to the leaf at a fast speed, and it took only a blink of an eye , Just like magic, the sycamore leaf in the old man's hand has returned to its most vital state before his death.

Ogst put the emerald green sycamore leaf on the table, and his aged voice was full of mystery: "This is the restoration technique that the wood elves are best at."

You Xia couldn't even close his mouth. It was the first time he felt the charm of magic up close and intuitively, and he realized that he couldn't resist it at all.

"I want to learn this!" He pointed to the plane tree leaves.

Locke also pressed his paw on the blade and yelled: "Meow-"

August smiled cheerfully: "Okay, then let's start by feeling the natural elements around us..."

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