Due to the return of the Sunshine Army to the city, the flow of people on the street was halved, and it was open until [-]:[-] p.m. before the raw materials prepared in the morning were sold out.

After closing the business, Youxia first spent an hour training the staff, and spent another two hours learning new products and cleaning the equipment by herself.

After washing up, he lay down on the bed, without any entertainment conditions, You Xia passed the time by swiping the game interface.

He first settled today's sales volume. Although on the surface, today's business is not very good, but because of the blessing of the invisible force of scalpers, in fact, he still sold 800 cups, with a total turnover of 11630 copper .

Perhaps because the unit price of milk tea has generally gone up, today's turnover is higher than yesterday.

Then he opened his personal information and checked his current deposits. There were 2 gold, 42 silver and 50 copper in total.

It has only been open for three days, and the five gold coins spent before have earned two back, which can be said to be amazing.

You Xia figured it out, it's time to put the fried chicken restaurant on the agenda...


In the early morning, the morning sun poured into the glass windows like a stream of fire. Both Darren and Demi put on work clothes and aprons with the logo of "Summer Forest". One made tea and the other mixed pearls, and they were already busy.

Taking advantage of the lack of customers, You Xia sat in front of the counter with a book spread out to record today's expenses. This is a daily work that must be done to clarify the amount of each raw material.

After writing it down, he closed the ledger and put the pen in the drawer together, looking at the street through the open glass door.

At the door of the bakery across the street, the strong Mrs. Momel was twisting Uncle Jacob's ear and cursing and saying something. This kind of scene was performed every day, and it was so kind that Youxia couldn't help laughing.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the ninth day he came to Los Angeles, and the milk tea shop opened for a full week. The business has stabilized since the day when the Sun Yaojun returned to the city, and the daily turnover was basically maintained at just over one gold coin. There are fluctuations, and it will not exceed five silver coins, and basically remain around seventy silver coins.

As of last night, Youxia had 4 gold coins, 48 ​​silver coins and 49 copper coins in his pocket. I believe that after today, his savings will break through five gold coins. This is really something worth celebrating!

He decided to go to Diss tomorrow and ask him to pay attention to the shops on Nightingale Street whose annual rent does not exceed hardware coins, and the recruitment of fried chicken shops can also be prepared first.

It wasn't that he was in a hurry, but two days ago, his experience value had already exceeded [-], and the grocery store at the third level store had been unlocked, and he was afraid that it would break through [-] in two days, and the level [-] store would be unlocked.

Although it is more difficult to increase the experience points later on, but seeing the store icons light up one by one, in reality there is still only a small milk tea shop, and You Xia's heart is inevitably restless.

Besides, after eating bread and milk for so long, he really wanted to miss the happy taste of fried chicken, grilled wings, and iced Coke.

Thinking of the fried chicken legs with crispy skin and tender meat, Youxia licked his lower lip, and decided to ask Aunt Momeier to make him a roast chicken at noon today, for which he was willing to pay three silver coins...

"Excuse me……"

Suddenly an old voice interrupted his association, You Xia raised his head and saw an old man with gray hair and beard standing in front of the counter, holding a glass of their domineering red pomelo in his hand.

But at this time, the tea in this cup of fruit tea has been completely drunk, and there are only two slices of red pomelo rolled in the cup.

The old man asked: "Excuse me, is this a drink from this store?"

"Yes." Yuxia said, "Is there any problem?"

The old man broke his smile and looked at him softly, as if looking at his own junior.

"No, no problem, it's delicious."

He explained: "I actually got it from a man pushing a cart, and by the time I finished and wanted another drink, the man was gone, but I remember him saying it was from The milk tea from the wood elf shop, so I asked someone for directions all the way, and came here."

It turned out that they didn't come here to find fault, Youxia breathed a sigh of relief, put on a sincere smile and said, "It's right here."

The old man put the finished cup of fruit tea on the counter and said, "Can I order another cup?"

"Of course, but in fact, there are many other delicious drinks in our store. You can try them. They are all on the menu."

You Xia deliberately pointed to the light board above his head.

Just yesterday, he successfully unlocked all the new products in the milk tea shop, a total of 48 kinds of tea drinks, which can be divided into seven categories: milk tea, fruit tea, milk topping, cheese milk cap, freshly squeezed juice, scented tea, and smoothies.

It is impossible to write all 48 kinds of drinks on two blackboards, so he customized the menu light board and some picture light boards of some signature and special drinks on the game mall last night, and hung them directly above the bar area, so that customers You can see it as soon as you enter the store.

The old man raised his head and looked at the menu light board for a while, but instead of ordering, he said to himself: "Which alchemist made this shiny board, it doesn't have magic power, but it can shine by itself, showing Realistic pictures, really interesting!"

You Xia was choked by his words, and he didn't know how the old man could tell whether the light board had magic power or not.

He didn't know how to respond, he just pursed his lips and smiled with a "you're right" expression.

"That alchemist has an intermediate level at least." The old man sighed casually, and quickly shifted his attention to other places.

He looked around the picture light board, and finally he was attracted by the colorful fruit colors in the full cup of fresh fruit tea. He made up his mind and said, "Give me a cup of this, it looks very rich."

You Xia reminded: "Currently we only make iced drinks for a full cup of fresh fruit tea, can you accept it?"

"It's okay, I like to drink ice."

"Okay." Youxia wrote down his order in the notebook, and just about to ask him to collect the money, he saw that the old man had already gone to the rest area, sat down next to the sleeping cat, and then took out the bag from the patched cloth bag. Take out a yellowed old book and look through it.

Since the person was there, Youxia was not in a hurry to collect the money, and reported the old man's list to Darren later.

Speaking of the cat on the couch, that was two days ago.

Two days ago, his good neighbor, Mr. Burns, brought the cat over early in the morning, saying that he would be away for a while, and Locke asked him to take care of it for the past few days. For this reason, he also paid a dozen primary potions as a care fee.

The cat slave Yuxia naturally readily agreed, and the white cat Locke was also very satisfied with Bournis's decision.

Thus, You Xia has lived a life with cats for the past two days.

Locke is very smart. When he is busy, he sleeps obediently on the carpet at the door or on the armrest of the sofa. When he is free, he sticks to his feet and stretches out his paws for hugs. He is also very obedient when he sleeps at night , will not parkour in the middle of the night, and will not start the wake-up service at three o'clock in the morning, which can be said to be very worry-free.

Having said that, after Darren finished making a full cup of fresh fruit tea, he sent it to the old man.

Afterwards, the old man sat on that sofa reading and drinking tea, You Xia didn't care, thinking that the other party just wanted to find a cool place to rest for a while, who knew that he sat until the afternoon.

From ten o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon, for a full seven hours, the old man has been leaning on the sofa to read a book, and even Locke has moved from the sofa to the carpet at the door to bask in the sun, and he is still sitting there motionless. Drinking one cup after another, and there were still some iced drinks, You Xia was afraid that he would spoil his stomach.

Seeing that when the business closed in the evening, the old man was leaning crookedly on the sofa and reading a book. There was still a cup of strawberry smoothie on the coffee table in front of him, and he had no intention of getting up at all.

Under Youxia's gesture, Darren went over to communicate: "Sorry, sir, our store is closing. If you like this place, you can come back tomorrow."

The old man raised his head in confusion, looked at the wall clock on the wall, and suddenly said: "Oh, it's already this time, time flies so fast."

With emotion, he closed the book and put it in the cloth bag. When he got up, he didn't forget to take the strawberry smoothie. He grinned kindly at Darren and said, "Okay, then I'll leave first."

Darren quickly stopped him, his tone a little hasty: "Wait, you may have forgotten, you ordered six cups of milk tea while sitting here, a total of one silver and two copper coins, and you haven't paid yet!"

The old man slapped his head: "Oh, yes, I did forget, one silver coin and two copper coins, right? Wait for me to look for it..."

As he spoke, he rummaged through the cloth bag, but in the end he only found two copper coins.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment, and under Darren's gaze, the old man's face turned slightly red.

He coughed twice, put the two copper coins back into his bag, walked to the counter and said to You Xia, "I'm sorry I didn't bring enough money, can I pay in another way?"

Curious about how he would pay, You Xia nodded and said, "You tell me."

The old man stared at him for a moment, then suddenly said, "Are you still young?"

You Xia blinked suspiciously: "I'm an adult."

The old man shook his head: "The wood elf's adult age is one hundred and eight years old. You don't have magic power fluctuations in your body, so you probably haven't started learning magic yet. How did you sneak out of the Yingdeng Forest?"

As soon as he said this, not to mention Youxia was stunned, Darren and Demi also looked at him with surprised expressions on the left and right. The left side said "So you don't know how to use magic", and the right side looked at him with surprise expressions. It seems to say, "It turns out that you, the boss, sneaked out like me."

"No," Youxia argued, "I'm indeed an adult, but I haven't learned magic yet."

"Well, if you have to say that!" The old man smiled kindly, "In fact, I and your elf king are old friends. Since you haven't learned magic yet, I can give you my old magic book." notes."

After finishing speaking, he took out a thick parchment book from his patched cloth pocket and put it on the counter, saying: "It contains most of the low-level to high-level magic, and some of my own experience. can help you."

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