Li Feng's bold speech directly broke the silence rule of the delegation.

Everyone looked at Weng Chengxian, looking like he had something to say, and he was more disciplined than Lu Feng.

"Architectural exchange meeting is for communication."

Weng Chengxian took off his glasses and wiped them slowly, "Since Mr. Yomar from the Philippines and American experts don't know much about China's current infrastructure capabilities, it means that today's exchange is necessary and urgent."

He put on his glasses, looked at Yomar with a kind smile, and said to the colleagues in the delegation who were looking forward to him: "Just say what you want."

Otherwise, others will think that Chinese people's humility is easy to bully.

With Mr. Weng's permission, the boring exchange meeting became lively.

The participants are not only bridge experts, but also planners and builders of countless tunnels, railways and highways.

With the detailed information in hand, in order to complete the connection of the three major island groups in the Philippines, there are many requirements for railways and roads, among which there are many difficult tropical forests and coastal erosion landforms.

However, in the eyes of Chinese builders, there is no construction problem that they cannot solve, and there is no terrain that they have never seen.

A China-Philippines architectural exchange meeting, every topic revolves around infrastructure construction.

Those seemingly complicated bridges, tunnels, highways, and railways have become a series of topics worthy of study but not to be feared by the Chinese representative who spoke freely.

The reporters sitting in the venue were stunned, and immediately came back to their senses and began to write quickly.

This scene of demonstrating the possibility of multiple infrastructure constructions in the Philippines brought them a shock far beyond any politician's show or government meeting.

Because these builders from China described a future they never imagined with the vocabulary they understand.

The three major island groups are connected by bridges and tunnels, and you can travel around the Philippines by high-speed train.

The congested city center does not need to be completely closed, and a convenient subway covering the entire island can be built below the ground.

The highway can go directly to every urban area and every village, even if typhoons and earthquakes cannot stop driving vehicles.

In the disaster area submerged by seawater, with fast and strong passages, rescuers will brave the waves.

The sound of the keyboard was striking fiercely in the narration of the Chinese in the conference room.

Even if a builder who is not good at English speaks a paragraph of unfamiliar Chinese, soon there will be an interpreter fluently narrate the words that make the reporters full of emotion.

The silt in the Yuping area is not a problem, and the traffic congestion in Sanji Island is not an obstacle.

Even in the Badani area, where typhoons often visit and destroy countless road houses, according to the arguments of the participants, it is completely possible to build a stable concrete road stretching for dozens of kilometers.

The reporters were all surprised, and even the cameraman watching the live broadcast of the camera tried hard to restrain his violent heartbeat.

They are Filipinos first, and Yomar's employers second.

How could they remain calm in the face of these moves that could change the Philippines—

A bridge can be built in Mud Bay!Portal Hub Makeover!

Like China, the Philippines can also have smooth and clean roads and build a prosperous and strong city!

Yomar has never seen such an arrogant and immodest Chinese.

In my memory, the black-haired, black-eyed, low-browed and forbearing Chinese never kept throwing out the crux of the problems that have plagued the Philippines for nearly a hundred years, and then slowly smoothed them out one by one.

Yomar didn't feel any joy at all, only anger.

The Filipino architects present held a pen and frowned, fearing that they could not keep up with the rhythm of the Chinese, and wrote in a hurry.

Some people even raised their hands like elementary school students, and asked respectfully and humblely: Can you explain again what is called "end bearing pile"?

Without the pride of the Philippines at all, it will only expose ignorance in front of the Chinese!


The angry congressman interrupted China's unilateral lecture in anger when Gonzal raised his hand again.

He stood in the venue, forgetting that this was an exchange, and snapped: "You Chinese, you can only speak sweet words to cheat the trust of our kind compatriots. We have no way of verifying the existence of the technologies and special vocabulary you speak. It does not exist, and it is impossible to know whether these are technologies that can be completed by modern construction projects, or they are just one of your assumptions!"

"Mr. Fogg." Yomar showed a puzzled expression, "As the person in charge of the urban reconstruction project, you are also a first-class architect in the United States. Have you heard of China's chatty and unfamiliar construction technology?"

Fogg has long been defeated in the argument that China represents you and me. He doesn't need to go against his will, he just needs to express his emotions truthfully, and he can give the answer Yomar wants.

"Sorry, no." Fogg shook his head. "In fact, we won't believe any Chinese promises until all the projects are completed."

"After all...there are too many scams in China."

"Yes, a scam." Yomar put his hands behind his back and smiled proudly, "Gentlemen in China, the excellent architects of the United States have made a reasonable judgment. What the Philippines needs more is silence than technology that is boastful. Practical."

Yomar's words successfully shattered the warm atmosphere at the conference.

Even the actions of the reporters typing on the keyboard at the scene slowed down.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the members of the delegation.

There are indeed too many esoteric words and too many incomprehensible engineering technologies in front of them. They are eager for a better way from China to tell them: everything is not empty talk, everything can be realized.

China, which is obviously a party of hard work, is suddenly placed in the role that the United States often plays, and its legal style is not used to it.

He suddenly pushed the seat away and stood up.

The ear-piercing sound of the stool feet scraping the floor echoed in the conference room, causing everyone to stare at him in unison.

"I can attest that this is a demonstration of the doers, not a silent prayer room for the ignorant."

Li Feng has always been polite and restrained.

But what he hates the most is a brazen person like Yomar.

Maybe it's the anger washing over the mind, maybe the plan is gradually becoming clear in the argument.

Lu Feng was sufficiently careful, and after saying harsh words, he lowered his eyes and asked Weng Chengxian for instructions.

Weng Chengxian nodded with a smile, not at all trying to save face for Filipino congressmen and American experts.

So, Lu Feng raised his voice and said, "Mr. Santos, please give me a blackboard."

Gonza's heart was beating like a beating drum. He felt that what he brought today was not a laptop, but a simple piece of paper. It was very likely that he would not be able to fully record what Lufeng was about to do.


Yes, a blackboard.

Even if Santos calmly ordered the staff to take the blackboard, the room was full of confused discussions, but he couldn't suppress Gonza's excitement and strong desire to talk.

He knew about Lifeng's life.

After the bridge over the South China Sea was hit by Typhoon Lisu, he exhaustively searched for all the information about the designer Li Feng.

Complicated Chinese is no longer an obstacle to his learning, because the open international video network clearly preserves the video images from many years ago.

The handsome young designer with black hair and dark eyes stands on the bustling and elegant land of England.

Relying on a white blackboard, he sketched countless lines that made him daydream.

The ancient bridges all over China with a history of 5000 years have traces on that small blackboard.

Whether it is the icy cold wind of Wuque Mountain or the steep cliffs of Huashan Mountain, through the fingers of Lufeng's magical skills, Gangza, who has never left the Philippines since childhood, was shocked.

Filipinos who had never considered leaving their homeland specially went to apply for the first passport in their lives.

When he set foot on the Chinese territory and faced the unfamiliar and bustling crowd, what he thought of was the mountain peaks drawn by black lines and the bridges described by the gentle Chinese.

Then, those lines that remained in his memory appeared on the blackboard in the meeting room.

Lifeng didn't explain, let alone say much.

He raised his hand right in the middle of the blackboard and drew a few curved lines.

Gonza came back to his senses, and almost instinctively chose to stand up and walk a step away from Li Feng.

In the vigilant line of sight of Li Feng, he said seriously: "If you need anything else, you can call me."

Then, like a guard, he loomingly blocked the passage between Yomar and Lefeng, vowing to protect this sacred blackboard.

Li Feng blinked, not understanding what kind of strange Filipino etiquette this is, but politely replied: "Thank you."

It's just a blackboard, and it's not a projection device. Apart from the pen in hand and the eraser next to it, I don't need any help at all.

The drawing that was interrupted for a short time resumed on the blackboard.

With a few strokes, Lifeng outlined a strait, a cliff coast, and a deep muddy area.

The scene on the blackboard does not require any explanation from him, any Filipino can understand what it is——

"Yuping area?"

"Is that the mud of Yuping over there?"

"It's so similar, it's exactly the same as on the map!"

Not all the reporters present were familiar with the Yuping area.

However, each of them has seen the arc of the bay connecting the Yuping Strait and Sanji Island in elementary school geography class, as well as the silt mark sunken deep below the sea level. From the accompanying pictures in the data, it can be found that the black schematic diagram of Lu Feng's painting is the same as the color photo.

"The skills of lawyers have not regressed."

"That is, the sketches he usually draws are simple, easy to understand and beautiful. The South China Sea project team even handed them over to the National Academy of Sciences to participate in the painting competition."

"Nowadays there are more computer drawings, topographic maps can be drawn with just a few buttons, and Lugong can improvise the Yuping area, probably because he has an idea for this bridge."

Weng Chengxian was all smiles when he heard it, and he wanted to follow suit with a lot of compliments in his heart.

However, seeing that Li Feng slowed down and began to finish the hand-painted map, he reminded: "Look first, talk later, talk later."

As soon as Weng Chengxian finished speaking, Lu Feng turned around.

The picture that was blocked by him before unfolded a complete appearance.

It is the Yuping area full of silt, and it is also the strait where Rico Island and Sanji Island face each other across the sea.

However, on the shallow strait, there is a hard and clear line, stretching a natural arc, connecting the two islands!

Lufeng looked at Yomar and said, "Today, I will demonstrate on the spot what kind of bridge the Chinese can build here!"

Reporters have never seen or heard of the engineering scheme demonstration with its own drawings.

It's a pity that Lufeng didn't intend to give them time to be amazed and emotional. He raised his hand and pointed at the "approach bridge" standing in the Yuping area and said: "The Yuping area is full of silt and typhoons, so the bridges suitable for erection should minimize their own weight, wind and flood protection, and maximum rooting in the sea rock area below the silt layer.”

"So, I chose a continuous beam bridge structure."

"The bridge is 7 kilometers long and is expected to have 8 sections and 47 spans. It is made of steel girders as a whole, and under each pier, 6 steel piles about 200 meters long are driven into it to form a closed pile-end preloaded structure."

While talking, Li Feng drew an unbelievable figure in the blank space——

6 round tubes support the corners of the hexagon. Each round tube is inserted straight into the mud at a special angle of inclination, and together they support the thick base above.

Even reporters who don't understand architecture, when they see such a schematic diagram, they all make a sound of sudden enlightenment.

The steel pipes that Lufeng said were driven into the ground did not insert countless steel bars straightly, but had a special mechanical angle, relying on special interaction forces to prop up a bridge!

Not only that, but the story of Li Feng is far from over.

He casually circled the location of each pile foundation on the black and white map of the overlooking bridge, and gave corresponding explanations.

"Points A and D are selected as bridge approach bridges, and the angle of circular pipe support is vertical drilling."

"At point B and point C, the pile foundation is placed obliquely into the ground to assist the main truss to disperse the bridge's bearing weight."

The reporter was so overwhelmed that he could only raise his hand to take pictures of the pictures and data on the blackboard.

The architects in the Philippines, however, feel like they have found a treasure, copying the design ideas on the blackboard while suppressing the surprise in their hearts.

As the person closest to Law Feng, Gonza heard every word of Law Feng clearly in his ears.

However, he froze in place, staring at the blackboard intently, unable to feel as free and comfortable as he was listening to the class before.

He knows very well—

This is not a mere explanation!

This is the Yuping Bridge designed by Lufeng himself!

The drawing of Lifeng is still going on, and he has drawn a more clear pile foundation supported by six pillars.

Ganza stopped the general and reminded: "Mr. Law, you don't need to draw the picture so clearly and explain it in such detail. This, this is a Chinese patented technology!"

Li Feng didn't even look at him, and carefully finished drawing the bridge piles he had imagined.

The blackboard not only has a complete closed pile end preloading structure, but also marks the accurate bridge axis and guide frame.

It is no longer an ordinary schematic diagram, it can even be said to be a production diagram worth a try.

As long as the Philippines can make the same supporting pile foundation according to the drawings drawn by the law, it is not difficult to build bridges in the Yuping area.

It's a pity that Lifeng is well aware of the Philippines' construction capabilities.

Thanks also to Gonzal for the kind reminder.

"I should be gratified if you can learn to build a bridge in Yuping just by relying on this crude blueprint."

Lufeng smiled, and his voice was like a warm spring breeze, comforting the very nervous architect in front of him who was afraid of getting involved in the secrets of China's infrastructure.

"China aids you in infrastructure construction because it hopes to have more friends, not to grab 1% of patents and plunder 99% of wealth."

His voice was clear and echoed in the meeting room, becoming a resounding rhythm.

"I said that China can build a bridge in Yuping, and it can lead you to learn to do it."

Because this is the ultimate goal of communism.

The author has something to say: the person who taught you to sing fell in the winter of 1991.

And you followed the path he left behind, moving forward without hesitation.

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