The cold mountain wind of Wuque Mountain could not stop the excitement of the construction team.

Called by Mr. Gao's microphone, hundreds of construction workers stood at the head of the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Above their heads is the golden inscription "Wuqueshan Bridge", and behind them is the bridge with fluttering red flags.

There were three rows of figures wearing hard hats, framed in the reporter's camera, waiting for Ding Hongda to shout to be ready.

Li Feng stood on the far left side of the team, and was never used to taking such a crowded group photo.

But at this time, he couldn't restrain his smile, as if he was on stage to receive an award when he was a child.

As an adult, it is difficult to find the simple happiness once.

Now, he's part of the construction team, staring at the front camera and listening to the jubilant chatter around him.

"The bridge is finally completed, and we can have a good year this year."

"Wait a few more months to lay the bridge deck, complete the test, and deliver it to the Ministry of Communications. We have successfully completed the task."

"The bridge built by myself is at ease in my heart. When it opens to traffic after the Spring Festival, I will also drive there!"

Every word that came into Lu Feng's ears was like the voice in his own heart.

He stood beside him, smiling and nodding, obviously not talking to him, but he still had the same thought.

When the Spring Festival opens to traffic, he will also take the vehicle leading to the Wuqueshan Bridge, like a guest from afar, to see the bridge he designed himself.

"one two Three!"

Ding Hongda's preparatory voice suppressed all the noisy whispers.

After the predetermined tacit agreement, everyone's voice sounded again——

"We built this bridge!"

Proud, confident, full of pride.

Echoes in the valley, for a long time without end.

On the same day, the Ministry of Communications held a press conference to officially announce that the Wuqueshan Bridge was successfully closed and is expected to be put into use after the Spring Festival.

That night, the news TV station used pictures, videos, and interviews with reporters to talk about this earth-shattering bridge in a serious and calm manner.

From project approval to design, from overnight construction to bridge closure.

The construction period is expected to be three years, and the construction team completed the most difficult and dangerous construction of the bridge in only 657 days.

The saved engineering time, counted in detail, is another successful practice of China's bridge construction innovation project.

The construction team works 24 hours in three shifts, the steel structure engineering patent of the crane tower, and the rocket high-altitude throwing guide wire.

There is also a shocking three-10-minute high-altitude rotation of 90° to close the main bridge.

A Wuqueshan Bridge set a record for bridge construction in China, and also brought a breakthrough in bridge design and new engineering technology.

The news anchor's rhetoric in the face of infrastructure construction is concise and quick.

After she finished speaking, the screen cut to this unique Panshan Bridge.

The construction scene of the Wuqueshan Bridge day and night, the time-lapse photography of the heavy steel structure being picked up by the crane tower, and the shocking picture of the 90° rotation and closure at high altitude, are enough for the audience in front of the TV to feel the unique momentum of this bridge .

What's even more surprising is that the news station directly broadcast the whole picture of the new expressway from the sky overlooking the Wuqueshan Bridge!

The former high-speed line needs to pass through the rocky beach along the river.

The new Wuqueshan high-speed route has the same starting point and ending point, but has completely different driving methods.

It starts from the bustling inland city, enters the spiraling mountains, surrounds the moat-like Wuque Mountain, leaps over the canyon, and completes it in one go.

The whole process eliminates the trouble of detours, adds the experience of climbing mountains and crossing valleys, and directly shortens the tiring and long process of entering and exiting Tibet by four hours!

Today, with the rapid development of high-speed rail and gradually replacing roads, the new expressway, which can shorten the journey by four hours, has become the focus of attention.

It's just a news broadcast, and the whole country knows it——

A straight-line expressway has been built in China, and when you pass the Panshan Bridge halfway, you will arrive in Tibet!

The spontaneous shock, accompanied by the bridge circling the mountains on TV, prompted more viewers to learn about this expressway.

The pain points and difficulties of the new Wuqueshan Expressway are concentrated in the mountains that cannot be leaped and the bridge that is hesitant to move forward.

After 12 years of project planning, the plan was re-produced in half a year, and the rapid construction took more than a year.

Some international experts raged: "This bridge cannot be built at all. Even if it is built, it will become a ruin without people driving!"

as well as……

The calm and calm designer of the Wuqueshan Bridge said in the video: "When our Wuqueshan Bridge is completed, he will regret it himself."

Now that the bridge has been built, the country is boiling.

Netizens on international social networking sites who watch the excitement are not too big a deal, full of gloating and showing off, proudly announced the handsome closing dragon of the Wuqueshan Bridge, the shocking bird's-eye view, and the news broadcast.

But they definitely won't forget @moranis.kerim.

Ask him gently: Do you regret it later?

Kerim should be the person who hates and cares most about the Wuqueshan Bridge in the world.

Every day, he waits for China to die down, and the project of this icy and snowy mountain construction project will be silent and gloomy.

But every day can not do so.

Domestic news enthusiastically reported that the Wuqueshan Bridge would be open to traffic after the Spring Festival.

The endless bird's-eye view videos have new tricks and filters every time.

As well as the entire network and social channels, there are annoying reminders and private messages.

There are even foreign students from the British Independent Construction Institute who openly published an article in the school newspaper "On the completion of the Wuqueshan Bridge-Do you regret it?" ", while boasting about the construction of the Wuqueshan Bridge, while asking him by name, he didn't regret it.

The news media who wanted to interview him were all rejected by Kerim.

He couldn't understand why these stupid people would carnival for the closure of a Chinese bridge.

Before it was actually opened to traffic and there was no long-term pass test, who can say whether it is a superficial article of cutting corners and making a lot of noise? !

And who can say that it will not collapse suddenly in the future? !

The real experts are still waiting for the test of time, and the bridge engineers who are watching are eager to try.

They picked up the translator and carefully checked the news and videos released by the Wuqueshan Bridge, trying to find out the secret of the bridge's success from the official words.

And happy to express their views on the Internet.

"There is no doubt that China has once again proved its level of infrastructure construction with its strength."

"I believe that the opening of this bridge will welcome countless curious tourists who want to experience the charm of flying over the Panshan Bridge for themselves."

"Haha, I'm different from Kerim. I've been expecting that the Wuqueshan Bridge will bring new possibilities to bridges in the world."

Compared with Kerim's fierce refutation, these experts' gentle praise instantly won the favor of the public.

After all, the Wuqueshan Bridge is there.

Spanning high altitudes and circling seismic zones, it has created an undeniable miracle with its height and length.

In the face of such a miracle, no one would like an expert who stubbornly refuses to admit its success and insists that "this is not art".

Because of its excellent beauty and artistic sense, it has conquered people all over the world who can see it through the Internet, as well as news media all over the world.

Foreign news broadcasts will always be half a beat slower than domestic ones.

Their slowness, however, also precisely allows them to attach different videos.

"China has built the highest and longest bridge in the world. It shocked the world with its winding mountain structure, and it has overcome the huge risks brought about by low temperature and earthquakes."

"The conceptual bridge that was once considered impossible to build was successfully built in the mountains at an altitude of 2700 meters."

"657 days set another world record. The speed of China's infrastructure construction has far exceeded the imagination of the world."

Behind every piece of news, there is a Wuqueshan Bridge with different scenes.

Sometimes, it crawls in the emerald green valley shrouded in white clouds, like a rushing silver river, sleeping peacefully.

Sometimes, it lights up under the dark blue sky at night, like a faint reflection of the Milky Way in the universe, flowing slowly.

Sometimes, it stands on the empty and lonely peak of Wuque Mountain, and then circles down, exuding a soft and moving breath.

Netizens who were able to see these international news, before carrying them home, suddenly slapped the table angrily——

Grass!Where did this video come from?I haven't seen it yet!

There will always be differences in the feeds of domestic and foreign news.

A group of people rushed to the world with great enthusiasm, and ran back with great surprises, and got a large collection of videos for Wuqueshan Bridge.

A bird's-eye view broadcast of domestic news stations

Nighttime Overlook with World News Network.

There are also the Wuqueshan Bridge at night officially released by the National Design Institute and the Ministry of Communications, and the Wuqueshan Expressway under inspection.

Netizens who have seen countless highway overlooking videos across the country have never seen Wuqueshan Expressway in such an all-round way without dead ends.

That bridge seems to have opened up more than just a line, and by the way, it has opened up all the domestic news media, construction units, and the aesthetics of the transportation department.

So, under the countless beautiful videos, the debate is on the verge of breaking out.

Netizens who were shocked by the Wuqueshan Bridge and the high-speed construction immediately stood up and wanted to judge one, two, three.

"The night scene released by the National Design Institute must be TOP. The time-lapse photography method of this busy traffic is exactly the same as the construction of the night scene! I like it."

"I, who is in the cloud, said that the detection scene sent by the Ministry of Communications is the most beautiful. The feeling of driving this kind of car through the clouds and flying into the fairyland is like coming to Penglai Yingzhou!"

"Although the night scene of the construction is not a video of the Wuqueshan Bridge after it was completed, it is definitely the No. 1 in my heart. It can capture such a bustling and peaceful Wuqueshan Bridge, which is simply not comparable to these bird's-eye views!"

Everyone insisted on their own opinions, arguing endlessly for the manifestation of beauty.

When they were about to fight for the pinnacle of beauty, the official account of China News even released a video that had never appeared on the news.

It was the charcoal black traces smeared with pencil, outlining the peaks, valleys and mountain tops, hovering a giant dragon that was about to take off.

The black and white picture gradually burnt to emerald green.

A trace of silver gray began to trace the line of the pencil, building the same Wuqueshan Bridge.

It starts from the foot of the mountain, twists and turns, and erects countless bridges and thousands of tower cranes.

The rapidly expanding silver body in the picture, mixed with the silhouettes of builders working in a hurry, formed this silver-gray dragon bit by bit.

The strong visual effect brought by time-lapse photography stimulates everyone's perception.

It seems that they are standing on the top of the mountain in person, overlooking the beautiful mountains and rivers.

I saw with my own eyes the Panshan Bridge slowly built from the foot of the mountain.

It climbed to the top with difficulty while the audience held their breath, and then quickly rotated and snapped into shape while the audience was surprised.

It's still daytime, and it's still Cangshan.

But there is a Wuqueshan Bridge with mixed feelings.

It seems that it only took a few minutes to grow on the land of China, creating an unrivaled beauty.

The picture gradually changes to the camera as the sky darkens.

What appears in the video is not the epilogue, let alone a sketch of the formation of the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Instead, on the steel-cast bridge shrouded in clouds and mist, construction workers tightened the huge screws of the bridge and wiped off the water vapor contaminated on the railings.

A worker in a hard hat blinks tiredly and smiles brightly at the camera.

"How? We achieved the best design!"

All members of Jianshe Bridge stood at the head of the bridge, holding the golden "Wuqueshan Bridge" and cheered——

"We built this bridge!"

With a sonorous discourse, the pride cannot be restrained, and the pride is surging.

I don't know why, but the netizens who were arguing excitedly about which one is the most beautiful video of the Wuqueshan Bridge were so silent that tears filled their eyes.

There is no bridge that China cannot build.

Because it is the invincible Chinese who build the bridge.

The Internet was buzzing, and on the way back, Lu Fengneng saw netizens from all over the world commenting on the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Not long ago, the joyous "competition for the top of the Wuqueshan Bridge" has become a line of emotion and admiration from the heart.

With a quick swipe of the law, you can see the most authentic voice under the topic of #乌鹏山大桥#.

"The Wuqueshan Bridge has been completed, I just want to salute all the bridge builders on the spot!"

"It's so proud to be able to build such a bridge, and then look at the builders saying 'we built this bridge', it just makes people cry."

"We built this bridge! We built this bridge in China! The only bridge in the world was created by our infrastructure madman! China is amazing! The people are amazing!"

The journey back home during the Spring Festival is crowded and lively.

Li Feng brushed the excitement on the Internet, and couldn't restrain the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Even though his skin was rough by the mountain wind, it set off a pair of eyes that were full of energy.

The WeChat account is full of congratulatory messages from friends and colleagues.

Click on the reminder to see Ding Hongda's frenzied international trends, as well as the festive news forwarding in the working group of the State Council.

There are thousands of worlds in one place, all gathered in a small mobile phone.

Lufeng finished the international praise for the Wuqueshan Bridge in a happy mood, and immediately saw all kinds of praise for the Wuqueshan Bridge in the work group.

"After the festival, let's charter a car to Wuqueshan Bridge to study? Stand on the bridge and take a group photo, and when you get it back, hang it on the wall of honor!"

"Don't be after the festival. I took a public holiday to go home to accompany my parents for surgery. I beg Wuyuan to postpone the study time!"

"I'm going too, I'll sign up! Wuyuan, you must give priority to those who participated in the Wuqueshan Bridge project, such as me."

Lu Feng laughed and watched their plan, and casually typed "I'll go too."

Going to see the Wuqueshan Bridge with colleagues from the National Academy of Sciences will definitely have a completely different feeling from him staying alone at the bridge construction site.

However, colleagues found his shadow, and the topic immediately moved away from Wuque Mountain.

"Lawyer, when are you coming back?"

Li Feng replied in confusion: "On the way, what's the matter?"

"Spring Festival! You must have a good rest! Don't come to work overtime, we just want to be on duty, fish and play with mobile phones, and don't want to be compared to you [crying]."

[Big cry]'s expression was sincere, and soon countless colleagues copied and pasted it and lined up.

During the construction of the Wuqueshan Bridge, Lu Feng went back to the State Council more than a dozen times, and each time he lit the lights until dawn, busy searching for information, modifying the drawings, and then confirming the news of Chief Engineer Gao.

The title of overtime madman is immortal.

When they saw Li Feng saying "on the way", their minds were full of——

In three years, the Dragon King returns!

Oh no!It's not even three years!

Colleagues whispered that lawyers must take a good rest and not be exhausted.

Lu Feng was typing hard, planning to scare them into a sleepless 007 Spring Festival, when Lin Yiqi called.

"Brother Feng! I saw the news about the Wuqueshan Bridge! Congratulations!"

Lin Yiqi's voice was excited and from the bottom of his heart, "Brother Feng, when are you coming back?"

Lu Feng smiled and said: "There is still follow-up acceptance, but there should be no problem. I'm on my way now."

"Good on the way, just in time for the Spring Festival." Lin Yiqi laughed, as if telling a secret, "When are you free, I will invite you to visit the Yuejiang New Area."

Lu Feng had been staying in the wilderness of Wuque Mountain for a long time, when he suddenly heard about the Yuejiang New District, he reacted a bit.

"Ah..." He was at a loss for a moment, and then quickly raised new expectations, "The bridge across the river has been built?"


Lufeng's expectations for the Yuejiang Bridge are not as high as those for the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Because although it was the first bridge designed by myself, it could not follow to the end due to various reasons.

The construction of the bridge is the key point of a bridge.

I don’t know if Tenglong Group has the same strength as the National Construction Group, and can reproduce his design concept 100%, and whether there will be any jerry-building in construction materials...

When thoughts come up, Li Feng can't restrain himself.

He smiled and replied: "Wait until you spend the Spring Festival with your parents. I'll be home tonight, and you'll call me after you leave your relatives."

Lin Qi quickly said OK, and hung up the phone happily.

Lu Feng clicked on WeChat again, and found Wu Yuan's serious private chat.

"After the year, there will be a lot of awards and reports for the Wuqueshan Bridge. The Wuqueshan Bridge project team will also go to various units and schools to hold lectures and share design and construction experience. So this time you come back and have a good rest and have a good Spring Festival , so as not to grant leave when you want to take a rest.”

After reading it, Lifeng was about to answer "I don't need to rest".

I also remembered the cry of my colleagues who said "the overtime king is so terrifying".

So, he reluctantly replied: "Okay, Wu Yuan."

Start planning your own Spring Festival holiday.

He can watch the video of the Wuqueshan Bridge on the Internet, he can look for the papers issued by the construction group, and he can take the time to modify the modeling of "Shanshui Xiaoyao".

There are many things that can be done.

It's just that after leaving the life of Wuque Mountain, it seems that he suddenly became spiritually empty.

When Lifeng returned home, he obviously hadn't thought about anything, but he was even more exhausted than when his thoughts filled the bridge on Wuque Mountain.

He packed his luggage, took a shower and lay down comfortably on the bed.

On New Year's Eve, every family was reunited, but he was the only one in his house.

It is difficult for Li Feng to recall how the Spring Festival was spent when his parents were still alive.

It seems that what remains in my memory every year is the lively and festive Spring Festival Gala and fireworks.

as well as……

One year when he was far away in England and unable to return to China, Yin Yiqiao quietly took him home, rolled up his sleeves and made glutinous rice balls for him.

Thinking of his senior brother, Li Feng took out his phone.

Send it like a routine: "Brother, Happy Chinese New Year."

But within a few seconds after the message was sent, Yin Yiqiao's video call came over.

"Xiaofeng." Yin Yiqiao's voice was as gentle as ever, "Open the door."

Li Feng jumped up from the bed in a flash, and asked in surprise as if he couldn't find his accent: "Open, what door?"

"Your house." Yin Yiqiao said it as a matter of course, "I won't be able to knock on the door later."

The author has something to say: Overhead reading tips:

Closed is changed to closed dragon. "Helong" specifically refers to the construction of dams or bridges, etc., because the middle section of the bridge or dam under construction is called "Longkou", so this joint work is called "Helong".

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