The extremely surreal and magical night Wuque Mountain has become no less beautiful than the beauty released by NASA, the number one P-illustrator in the universe.

When this beautiful scenery appeared on the cover of "World" magazine, foreign friends who had always had a vague concept of "Wuqueshan Bridge" finally saw this bridge under construction.

"They can overcome the shackles of low temperature, earthquake and high altitude within three years, and build a 3-meter-long high-speed bridge."

"We still think arrogantly that when China has no art, they have already ignited a sleeping dragon in the depths of the mountains with day and night construction."

The picture captured by "The World" is like a golden river in the mountains.

Human imagination of beauty is concentrated in this light and darkness, hovering against the current, quiet and noisy.

There is no online speech more authoritative than this magazine founded in 1857.

The sense of art it exhibits is far more convincing than experts like Kerim clamoring a hundred times that "it doesn't have art".

After the magazine was released, ordinary people were amazed by the beauty of the report.

At the same time, it has a deeper feeling in the detailed content.

Beautiful or not, that is an art thing.

Fast or not, that's life related stuff.

The 3-meter Panshan Bridge was built in three years, which immediately aroused the desire of ordinary people.

Even ordinary people with a leisurely and slow-paced life would like to have such a rapid construction project!

"The United States should really hire these workers to repair the bridge, so that they won't fail to repair a bridge for five years!"

"It took 13 years to renovate the EU headquarters building. At the same time, China can build a 1-meter bridge."

"I'm really fed up with the road that has been built in front of my door for ten years. I bet the Chinese will fix it, and I won't have to drive home every day!"

Even if experts try their best to criticize China's tofu dregs project, it can't stop the general public's admiration for China's speed.

The debate over the artistic sense of the Wuqueshan Bridge has gradually turned into a pursuit of China's speed.

The Beijing Sanyuan Bridge that was repaired in 43 hours, the Longyan Railway Station that was renovated in 9 hours, and the Nanchang Overpass that was demolished within that time have all become hot topics of discussion on the Internet.

Those videos that have shocked the international community long ago have been dug up again.

China's infrastructure construction capabilities have quietly changed from fast to fast and beautiful.

Countless people sighed from the bottom of their hearts. The construction scene of Wuque Mountain is so beautiful. They didn't know that the bridge was really built, and it was so shocking.

"I'm really looking forward to the way it will look like when it's built!"

"I have never seen a bridge with such a high altitude. If it is built, I will definitely go to China and try to drive across such a bridge."

"What is art? I don't understand. But the moment I saw it, I was deeply attracted by it. No artwork can do that!"

Lufeng's WeChat is receiving messages one by one.

Those screenshots in English, German, and French, accompanied by simple translations, jumped before his eyes continuously.

Ding Hongda, who got the video and posted it on the Internet, was always keen to capture these discussions and send them to Lufeng.

Even if Li Feng is silent and indifferent, it can't stop Ding Hongda from trying to reach an agreement with him.

Ding Hongda said excitedly: "Look at the lawyers, these are the most authentic voices on the Internet! They come from all over the world!"

Japanese, French, German, and English are all accompanied by simple machine translation.

Compared with Kerim's arrogant and arrogant protests and some media's ulterior motives, the remarks of these ordinary people are more representative of the shock that the Wuqueshan Bridge has brought to the world.

He said: "The whole world envies us for having such a bridge. They know how to appreciate art better than Kerim!"

Li Feng smiled slightly, and didn't feel that the approval of these foreigners was anything to be proud of.

But Ding Hongda's attitude is obviously more in line with the anger of ordinary people.

They can't wait to jump on Kerim's face and tell about the artistic sense of the Wuqueshan Bridge, and ask this arrogant British to polish his broken eyes.

Too blunt and too bloody, so that Li Feng could no longer keep his distance.

"Thank you, Reporter Ding." Lufeng replied seriously to Ding Hongda's kindness, "You are welcome to watch the closing of the Wuqueshan Bridge tomorrow."

He swore that he would be more enthusiastic about Ding Hongda tomorrow.

At least, tell Ding Hongda more about the future of Wuqueshan Bridge, so that this reporter has something to write.

Even if Lifeng doesn't care about foreign judgments, his mood is undoubtedly happy.

In the UK, he is used to the laid-back efficiency of the UK. No one understands the difficulties and pain points of infrastructure construction better than him.

The truly acclaimed Chinese speed and Chinese art can never be separated from the construction team of Wuqueshan Bridge and the engineers who stick to their posts day and night.

Without them fighting all night in the cold base of Wuque Mountain, there would be no such envy and praise on the Internet.

Lu Feng was happily busy at the construction site, making final preparations for the upcoming closing of the bridge.

The steel structure of the bridge is built at both ends of Wuque Mountain. Tomorrow, with the order of Chief Engineer Gao, this long-awaited giant dragon will have the most complete body, drawing a perfect exclamation point for the Wuque Mountain Bridge.

The work that Lufeng has to do has already been successfully completed with the completion of the backbone of the bridge.

However, he still applied to the State Council for an extension, planning to witness the historic moment when the skilled construction workers and hoisting masters completed the closure of the bridge.

He set up a tripod at his usual location for taking photos of the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Cameras, video cameras, and drones are all ready to shoot every detail from tonight to tomorrow without stopping all night.

Li Feng sat on the slightly moist weeds, looking at the moonlight shining through the steel frame of Wuque Mountain.

It seems that there has been no such relief in many years.

This is the bridge he designed, and it is also the bridge built by countless people.

Tomorrow it will be successfully closed, and the expectations and dreams it carries will be realized, and the law will return to the desk of the National Design Institute, saying goodbye to this journey in the cold wilderness.

Suddenly, the phone rang with crisp ringtones, which made Li Feng's heart jump wildly in fright.

He frantically took out his phone, only to find that the long-absent WeChat had lit up a reminder of the video communication.


Li Feng frowned and clicked to connect.

Every "Hi" has a complaining tone.

"What's wrong?" Of course Yin Yiqiao could hear Lu Feng's mood.

Lu Feng said: "Just now I was thinking about closing things up tomorrow, when the phone suddenly rang, it scared me so much."

"Sorry." Yin Yiqiao's apology was obviously not sincere, "I just guessed that you might not be busy, so I dialed the video."

"It's okay..." Li Feng sat back on the grass, and put the phone beside the tripod, "I'm really not busy."

He was just looking at the bridge.

Their long-term communication relies on text and voice messages.

Li Feng also hasn't seen Yin Yiqiao for a long time.

The brother in the camera is wearing a casual and comfortable short coat, which is completely different from Lu Feng who is wrapped in winter clothes and bloated. He is still handsome and gentle, but his eyes are bright and bright.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Lu Feng asked.

Yin Yiqiao smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's nothing, I made this call, in fact, I want to see with my own eyes... the Wuqueshan Bridge at night."

Speaking of watching the bridge, Li Feng was much more excited.

Like a good boy showing off his achievements, he immediately reached out and turned the camera of his mobile phone, aiming at the Wuqueshan Bridge in the night.

"Look!" Lu Feng said, "Our bridge will always be lit with lights like this at night. Usually the masters are busy with construction, and it is finally close, so it will be so quiet until dawn."

Under the deep blue sky, the two ends of the Wuqueshan Bridge are lit with lights, like night pearls dotted on the bridge body, shining a different kind of brilliance.

Tomorrow morning, the empty center of the bridge will be perfectly connected to the whole bridge body, showing the most beautiful body of the Wuqueshan Bridge.

Lu Feng stared at the majestic and majestic bridge in front of him, and suddenly had a wonderful idea.

Both the teacher and the senior brother have never seen such a huge bridge closing. As the person closest to the Wuqueshan Bridge, he can completely——

Before he could make a proper plan, there was a clear sound of "Ding" from the mobile phone, as well as the voice of the plane check-in in English.

Li Feng turned back to the camera and asked in surprise, "Are you at the airport?"

"Yes." Yin Yiqiao replied concisely, "A business trip."

The short-lived ambition in Lu Feng's heart gradually extinguished.

"Oh, what a pity."

"What's the pity?" Even when boarding the plane immediately, Yin Yiqiao never forgot to care about his junior brother.

Looking at the brightly lit Wuqueshan Bridge, Lufeng said regretfully, "I want you to see the birth of our great bridge."

Yin Yiqiao immediately understood what he meant, "Don't tell me you want to broadcast live to me?"

"Yes." Lu Feng smiled, "I'll broadcast it live for you, and then, you show it to the teacher."

"—Our bridge is built in this way."

Representatives of Tenglong Construction Group and Boss Xiaolin of Quanxin Architectural Design Co., Ltd. waited at the international terminal early in the morning, ready to welcome the architects who came from the UK.

"I heard that architect Yin is cold-tempered and arrogant. He's not easy to get along with..."

"No!" Lin Yiqi was deeply impressed by Yin Yiqiao, and said seriously and responsibly, "He just doesn't talk much, but he is very polite! After all, he is the grandson of our Master Yin Zhili, and anyone who says he is arrogant and indifferent must play tricks again." The prejudice of the rich second generation and second generation ancestors."

As the second generation ancestor, Lin Yiqi especially hates people who generalize.

He had a meal with Yin Yiqiao, no matter how much he babbled, this great architect listened patiently, there is no architect with a better temper than Yin Yiqiao.

This time, Tenglong Group, which was rejected by CE Architects, did not know how lucky it was to get Yin Yiqiao's personal contact.

As the person in charge of Yuejiang Bridge, Lin Yiqi reluctantly came to pick up the plane with the representative of Tenglong Group.

When that tall figure appeared from the arrival gate, Lin Yiqi immediately shouted excitedly: "Mr. Yin! This way!"

However, Yin Yiqiao, who was holding the phone, glanced over slightly, raised his finger and pointed to his earphones, signaling him to be quiet.

In an instant, the representative of Tenglong Group and Lin Yiqi nodded frantically, thinking that Yin Yiqiao was having some important meeting, so he immediately shut up and signed the whole process.

"Huh? Is someone calling you?" Lufeng's voice came from Yin Yiqiao's earphones.

Yin Yiqiao replied calmly: "It's okay, it's the person who picked up the plane. I'm still watching."

On the other side of the phone is Wuque Mountain, which is shimmering in the morning light and shrouded in clouds and mist.

Li Feng vaguely heard the faint shouts in the mobile phone, but he couldn't determine whose voice it was in the cold wind howling on Wuque Mountain.

He made an appointment with his senior brother to prepare for the live broadcast before closing. The mobile phone was firmly set up at the viewing location closest to Wuque Mountain, and Li Feng could only communicate with his senior brother through voice.

At exactly nine o'clock, the two ends of the Wuqueshan Bridge, which have already been built, will be rotated 90° synchronously under the exclusive construction technology of the Construction Group, and will be closed within three to 10 minutes!

This is the unique closing technology in the world.

The technical team that dared to complete the 2700° rotation of the bridge body at an altitude of 90 meters is also the only one in the world.

Lufeng stared closely at the Wuqueshan Bridge covered with colorful flags, and said, "The bridge will start immediately, and then rotate under the command of Chief Engineer Gao."

"In order to reduce the impact of the earthquake zone, our main bridge is all cast with steel structure, but the weight of the bridge body that needs to be rotated still reaches 5.1 tons."

"Brother, have you ever seen a 5-ton bridge rotating at high altitude?"

The sound of the wind followed the noisy mountain peaks, and clearly entered Yin Yiqiao's ears.

Sitting in the business car specially received by Tenglong Group, he was so warm that he could not feel the cold breath, but now he seemed to be standing beside Lufeng, and accompanied him to stare at the main bridge weighing 5 tons at both ends.

It is simply unimaginable that 5 tons of heavy objects are rotating at high altitude.

Miscalculation of load-bearing, force, and wind speed will lead to irreparable consequences.

What's more, it is the Wuqueshan Bridge that is attracting worldwide attention...

"I'll see you soon." Yin Yiqiao's voice was calm, with a soothing and excited tone.

He didn't care about the expressions of the representatives of Tenglong Group and Lin Yiqi in the car, he just focused on the screen and said in a very firm voice: "It will close as we wish."

"Yes!" Lu Feng's voice concealed excitement, "We simulated hundreds of rotations for this closing, and ruled out all the effects, so it will definitely be as we wish!"

It is impossible for Lifeng to not be worried.

The wind speed of the Wuqueshan Bridge seemed to be even crazier than the test experiment. Obviously, the wind speed on the monitoring instrument was still mediocre at level [-]. He stared at the small colorful flags flying with the wind, and always felt that the wind speed had exceeded level [-].

It's a spin they've been testing for a long time, experienced engineers, and considering countless possibilities for what it is today.

Strong wind, dense fog, emergency plan.

As long as there is no rain, no earthquakes, and no landslides, they will surely succeed.

The closure of the Wuqueshan Bridge not only attracted the attention of journalists.

There are also the expectations of the workers and engineers who have been working day and night.

Finally, at 9 o'clock, the second and minute hands coincided, and Gao Weisheng's voice came clearly from the speaker——

"The rotation and closing of the main bridge of the Wuqueshan Bridge has officially started."

The sound of starting was transmitted to the control room column by column.

Lifeng couldn't see the button handle of the console, but he could see the steel body of the Wuqueshan Bridge.

"It's moving!" He couldn't help shouting, reminding Yin Yiqiao who was far away on the other end of the network.

And his own eyes were fixed on the bridge body, and he held his breath to watch the two sections of the quietly crawling bridge deck turning.

The 90° rotation caused a violent mountain wind to blow on Wuque Mountain.

The steel skeleton at both ends pierced through the fierce cold wind, made a hoo hoo sound, and unswervingly rotated towards the center of the bridge.

The 5 tons of steel and cement are lightly twisted under mechanical control, as if they have been carefully calculated.

Clouds and mist fiddled with the bridge body, and mountain wind pierced through the steel girders.

Everyone's eyes were hot and their breaths were low, lest their own existence would affect the rotation of this gigantic creature.

The closing of the bridge should have been a long and meticulous process.

The Wuqueshan Bridge has turned this long and meticulous journey into a thrilling experience.

It wasn't until the body of the Wuqueshan Bridge drew a beautiful trace on the cold cliff, and it was seamlessly butt-jointed and formed, that the surroundings were relieved from the heavy pressure, and cheers burst out!

Lifeng has been doing the bridge closing lab repeatedly, and has seen its closing process countless times.

However, there has never been a time like now, all ears are full of cheers and applause, excited for its successful closure!

"Brother, have you seen it!"

The voice of Lifeng couldn't help being high-pitched amidst the cheers of all the builders.

"The Wuqueshan Bridge is complete!"

Recording videos and taking photos is far less shocking than watching a live broadcast in person.

At that moment, he seemed to understand Lifeng's love for bridges.

Because there is no building that can send out such a thrilling signal at the moment of completion, and carry the cheers and applause of so many people.

As long as he thinks of the picture of the 2700-ton bridge body easily rotating and closing at an altitude of [-] meters, his heart can't help but overflow with the blood of human beings overcoming nature.

The bridge turned to face the wind, like a giant steel beast spinning gorgeously in the clouds, opened its hunting fangs, nimbly and fiercely biting its prey.

No, there is no prey.

Those flexible and silky clouds slipped away from the tip of the steel frame of the bridge, leaving only a complete and huge bridge standing proudly on the top of Wuque Mountain.

Even if the phone cut off the call, Yin Yiqiao could not be rescued from the suffocation of the high altitude on the cliff.

The carriage was silent.

Together with Lin Yi, Tenglong Group met Yin Yiqiao who had never been so gentle.

With a soft smile on his face, the legendary indifferent and proud architect took off his earphones and put down his cell phone.

The representative of Tenglong Group hurriedly spoke up and asked, "Mr. Yin, I don't know what CE Architects think about our Yuejiang Cultural Center..."

"I'm not here to represent CE Architects."

Yin Yiqiao suppressed his smile and returned to his usual calmness, "I have talked with Mr. Wang of your company, and I am in charge of designing the Yuejiang Plaza."

Even though his face was cold, he couldn't hide the tenderness in his eyes.

"Since the River Crossing Bridge is worthy of the heroes who cross the river, the River Crossing Square should also be worthy of the Crossing River Bridge."

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