After arranging the team and confirming again, Chen Pi Asi didn't procrastinate, and took the lead and took a step forward. Immediately, the sound of fluttering wings came out. Rubbing his ears, he turned down the volume of the loudspeaker very unwillingly. Zhang Qiling glanced at him inadvertently on the opposite side, but didn't speak.

In order to take care of the newly added three of them, Chen Pi Asi was a little more meticulous in his command than before. At this time, the human-faced bird was not coming straight, so he said, "'His family' is moving forward 10 characters. Guerrilla attacks nearby, the scope is controlled by yourself, don’t accidentally leave the battle area, other forces will follow me.”

Speaking of Chen Pi Asi, he sprinted to the vicinity of the 20th figure, Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling did not neglect, and followed closely behind.

And at this moment, Wu Xie finally saw the boss they were about to face, one by one flying towards him one after another from the terrifying blackness, with human face and bird body, under the pale flashlight, compared to what he saw in Snake Marsh. The statue I saw made my heart tremble even more, and I even had a reverie that was compared to Sadako, but this was not just a Sadako.

Wu Xie swallowed, because this number far exceeded his expectations, and the darkness was like a rising and falling wave. It is likely to affect the command, leading to the defeat of the copy.He had turned the microphone to zero a little earlier, and was gazing intently at the approaching flock of birds, and for the first time what he was waiting for was not his instructions for action.

"Medium and long-range attack! If you have shotguns, use shotguns!" Chen Pi'a said four times.

The medium and long range naturally refers to his family and the Chen family, but Wu Xie, who is a melee fighter, still took out the shotgun in his backpack quite neatly after hearing this sentence, and fired at the human-faced bird, and the flames exploded immediately. In mid-air, the surrounding area was suddenly brightened, and the sharp cry of the human-faced bird came, which made people feel confused and refreshed.

Wu Xie was a bit addicted to this bombing, and heard Chen Pi Ahsi coming again, "The Chen family is stiff!"

There are three members of the Chen family in this team, and it is obviously not the first time that they have played with Chen Pi'a four times. This meeting has no hesitation at all, almost using their power skills together with Chen Pi'a four - stiff bomb, radius 5 characters Internal AOE, using the hit player will cause the player to be silent for 3s, and cannot use any skills during this period; hitting a wild monster will cause the wild monster to freeze in place for 3s.

At this time, the three rounds of stiff bullets were distributed into the bird pile. Although they did not cover the whole area, most of them were fixed in place. When Wu Xie roared out this skill, he had a rough idea of ​​Chen Pi Asi's next plan. , the angle of view quickly moved to the other party, and sure enough, seeing that he had already started to sprint, he said while running, "Keep the distance!"

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Qiling to fall behind. The five of them had a tacit understanding, and immediately separated from the "his family" group by nearly 100 characters, and at this time, they all changed into rifles in unison from the old nine forces, and Fight and retreat, until the end of Human Face Bird's 3s stiffness, he still attacked the last wave forcefully before switching back to his own weapon.

Human-faced birds showed their countermeasures immediately after resuming their actions, almost adopting a 55-100 division of troops like them, and there were not many surprises so far.Wu Xie roughly estimated the time from the reaction to the flying of more than 4 human-faced birds, which would take about 4 seconds. Before he could figure out what role these [-] seconds would play in the future, those monsters had already pressed on top of him. .

"Pay attention to his moves. If he intends to extend his claws forward, he must avoid it, otherwise he will be caught in the air and fall freely."

Wu Xie hurriedly put away his murderous dagger when he heard the words, what the hell did he say until this time? !

However, he didn't just change his weapon. The dagger was much higher in terms of damage and proficiency for him, but it was not so unrestrained compared to him. Pay attention to its claws, and it's not just a melon seed that needs attention. The main perspective can be messed up for a while, but Wu Xie just feels that he can't find his focus gradually.

"Wu Xie, don't worry about your back." Zhang Qiling said suddenly in front of him.

Wu Xie was startled, but he didn't have the energy to raise his eyes to look at the expression of the person opposite him, but he felt a strong force standing beside him, and he seemed to have traveled through the game in a trance. And bursts of fever.

He clenched the mouse tightly, and Wu Xie thought more about it after he stabilized his mind. After a few seconds, he figured out the law of the human-faced bird poking out the melon seeds, and it became more and more handy to dodge sideways.

"Control the blood of each one well." Chen Pi Asi reminded.

After a few waves of attacks just now, the first blood of the human-faced bird is almost bloody, and the blood line of the human-faced bird is even lower in the old nine forces, so the offensive of several people began to become relatively concentrated, consciously targeting the blood The few ones with a relatively high volume, and gradually moved to the small group of "others", but the displacement distance was almost enough, Chen Pi Asi immediately called to stop, and then saw him throw a detonator up, Sparks exploded instantly.

The bird screamed, and the human-faced bird on the top of the "his house" group heard the cry and immediately jumped up and flapped its wings, as if it meant to gather.

"Return to arrest!" Chen Pi Asi roared.

The fat man waited for this opportunity for too long, and he even had to glance at Wu Xie from time to time, for fear that he would not be able to confirm Zhang Qiling's position, but looking again at this time, Zhang Qiling was standing in a very frontal position, completely No one else was interfering, and he was shooting with a pistol in an ordinary way, which was equivalent to standing on a stake, with almost no movement. The fat man quickly used return arrest at Zhang Qiling, but because he was a little nervous, his wrist accidentally hit him. Arriving at the computer corner, the mouse flicked slightly, and the release position of the click was slightly different from Zhang Qiling's position!

The moment the fat man was released, he howled dryly in his heart, if his mother would cause the little brother to die here, he would feel guilty no matter what!Either I feel sorry for Chen Pi Ah Si, or I feel sorry for my buddies, wasting their trust!

But Zhang Qiling didn't panic at all, he didn't even seem to change his gaze, he knew that the trajectory of the ejected capture net was different from his, he immediately used a side shift, and directly changed back to the black gold ancient knife with a "flat blade", strength Feng decisively cut down the human-faced bird who was still considering whether to assemble or not, and he was arrested and dragged into his team immediately after that.It was as if Zhang Qiling attacked blindly suddenly and Fatty predicted that he used his skills accurately to save his life. Seeing this, Chen Pi'asi had nothing to say, so he had to pretend that he didn't know anything and continued his operations. He was so moved that he secretly said to Zhang Qiling.

【Secret Chat Channel】

Fatty Wang: Brother, I really fucking love you!

[Zhang] Qiling: Yes, I love Wu Xie

Fatty Wang:  …

The author has something to say:

I have worked overtime for the past two days and got home at 10:30 in the evening. I will try to write as much as possible tomorrow. Let’s do it tonight

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