Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 100 Mutation

Fatty lost the slightest touch when he saw these words, and he didn't reply to the other party. Instead, he smiled slyly and took a screenshot directly, as if he was going to throw it to the innocent.

And when they were all assembled, without any hesitation, they threw all their skills to the human-faced birds above their heads in an instant without any rules, in an attempt to suppress their blood volume. The combat power of 10 people was a whole lot more than that of 5 people. Doubled, and did not deliberately evade, the first tube of blood that had not been conquered by the "his" group was suppressed in a flash, and the human-faced birds not far away also rushed here immediately.

"Big move! His house is facing away from our regiment just now!" Chen Pi Ah Si roared.

The 10 people's minds blasted out their big moves in an instant, and "his family" flew 30 squares backwards in the direction of Wu Xie and the others just now under the big moves of their own power skills, and then continued to attack without hesitation. His intelligence played a role again, and immediately decided to divide the troops, and this would mean that "his family" ran away, and Wu Xie and the others fought guerrillas on the spot, completely simulating the situation just now.

After a reincarnation, they quickly accepted this style of play, and the tacit understanding between the two sides increased quite quickly. Fatty was full of confidence in the little brother's ability to save the field, and his calm performance returned to his usual normal level. He was able to steadily pull the opponent back into the team every time, and even when Zhang Qiling consciously attacked with more output, the fat man could cooperate very well without any mistakes.

Wu Xie didn't have much confidence in Chen Pi Asi's people, so he only tried to minimize his movement, and because his blood volume was too low, Zhang Qiling would share some damage for him from time to time.Don't look at other people, just look at the perfect connection between the skills of these two people, it's like a deliberate gimmick, but in fact it's just a mutual understanding after the tacit understanding value reaches a certain level.

The blood bar of the human face bird will soon approach the last tube. Surprisingly, the 4 rotations of the human face bird are quite routine in the first stage, without changing other styles of play, although this should be considered a problem for them Good news, but it made them even more uneasy at this last moment.

Seeing such a tense atmosphere, Wu Xie also quickly realized that they had not reached this stage in their previous progress.

Chen Pi Asi, who had been silent during the battle, also said at this time, "Pay attention."

As soon as the words fell, before he could say the last sentence, the group of human-faced birds suddenly neighed, and the sharp cry poured into Wu Xie's mind, and even made him instinctively let go of the mouse to cover his ears , although the voice is not loud, but it makes people feel that the head is buzzing, and there is no other way to do anything other than cursing and fucking.

Without waiting for them to get used to it, they heard a few more pops, and the surrounding environment instantly dimmed.

"Damn it!" Monk Hua was the first to find out what the problem was, and scolded his mother loudly, "The flashlight that comes with the fucking system can still be destroyed?!"


"real or fake?!"

Wu Xie hurriedly adjusted the angle of view when he heard the words, and sure enough, he saw that the flashlights above the heads of several people had been extinguished. The only thing to be thankful for was that there were still a few weak lights left, otherwise they could only be slaughtered by human-faced birds in the darkness. But the situation is not much better now. The sudden mutation made everyone panic. This panic is an instinctive fear of the dark. If other mutations would not cause such psychological pressure.

"I was caught!!" a person said suddenly.

The sound was located a little further away, and it should be someone from "his family". Wu Xie looked there immediately, but couldn't see the situation clearly because of his vision, but no one's blood volume had decreased significantly on the panel. He froze for a moment, but suddenly felt a quick flash in front of his eyes, and then there was a bang, he froze in place, and it took him a while to understand what happened.

This kind of free fall directly took away the opponent's entire life, and the player named Ye Cheng only left a miserable afterimage of death in front of Wu Xie's eyes, and he was sent out of the dungeon.

"Oh shit!"

Monk Hua, who noticed that there was a casualty, immediately picked up his gun. At this time, the cooling of the shotgun was over, and he immediately fired aimlessly. Others followed suit, but the casualties did not stop. A total of 4 people were lost during the period, and Wu Xie was almost dragged up by the human-faced bird, but was saved by Zhang Qiling's "upper blade" in time.

The rest of the people began to gather under the command of Chen Pi Asi. They fired a signal flare upwards, hoping to use this bright light to quickly eliminate the remaining blood of the human-faced bird, but they did not expect that it would appear with the bright light. And countless bullets.

Wu Xie stared wide-eyed. He looked at the blood bar that was going down, and couldn't understand the direction of the matter at all. How could there be other people's bullets here? !

He didn't fight back, his blood volume was the least among the remaining people, and he hung up the outgoing copy in an instant, but he didn't hesitate at all, and ran directly to Zhang Qiling to look at his computer screen, and the latter also Quite clearly, he did not dodge deliberately, but moved his perspective to the cliff in the distance, a group of ten people, the leader is——

"Wu Sansheng!" Chen Pi Asi said angrily before dying.

How could it be third uncle?

No, rather than saying how could it be him, it would be better to say how could he appear here? !

Could it be said that a dungeon CD is not only accessible to a group of people? !

Wu Xie's mind exploded with questions one after another. He looked at Zhang Qiling and returned to the main perspective at the entrance of the dungeon. He didn't know what expression to use or what to say, while the rest of the team, Whether it was the one who died before or the one who was bombarded by Wu Sansheng, they were all quiet as if they hadn't recovered.

"..." Fatty came out slower than Zhang Qiling, because he consciously dodged, but in the end he gave up resisting when he saw that there were only a few people left who couldn't do anything big.It was rare for him to shut up at this time, and he didn't even ask Wu Xie, a person who had a certain relationship with the other party, what it was all about.

The first one to speak was Chen Pi Asi, "There is a problem with this book."

After speaking, he actually teleported away directly, and the group of people in the same place looked at each other, but soon they should go offline, it's the daily routine, Zhang Qiling turned his head and glanced at the people standing beside him, seeing that he was still in the same state. With a dazed expression on his face, he decided to say hello to the fat man and log off.

He stood up and looked directly at Wu Xie. The latter's dilated pupils finally came into focus. He blinked and said, "I..."

Zhang Qiling touched his forehead with him, "Now is not the time for you to want a copy."


"It's time for us to get ready to meet Zhang Qishan."


Beijing Zhangqi’s pseudo-headquarters is naturally quite luxurious, with a single-family building with a total of 13 floors. Compared with Wu Xie’s small single-story company that only has a little reputation in Hangzhou, it is simply beyond expectation. Right now.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes, Wu Xie stood in front of this shiny building reflecting the glare of the sun with a bottle of fine wine she just bought, feeling that she was humbled to the extreme. For someone like Xiao Hua whose parents have been comparing him since he was a child, he suddenly has the intention of running away.


Wu Xie turned his head to the side and saw Zhang Qiling looking down at the stone bricks not far away without any waves, feeling a little depressed. He used this to understand something, Zhang Qiling didn't really want to come here, and the reason why they are now Standing here is because he, whether it is to confess the relationship between them or to show his due status beside Zhang Qiling, hopes that he can feel at ease, so how could he not respond to the other party's expectations?

Wu Xie took a few deep breaths, and said to Zhang Qiling, "I will try my best to win your parents' favor!"

Zhang Qiling was slightly surprised, but watching Wu Xie gradually soften his expression, he responded softly: "Yes."

The front desk had obviously been instructed a long time ago. As soon as Zhang Qiling and Wu Xie entered the door, they immediately stomped out of the counter, bowed at 90 degrees to the two, and then called: "Young master."



Wu Xie twitched the corners of his mouth. For him, the title of young master combined with Zhang Qiling felt outrageous, but he couldn't do other indecent actions. It's hard to guarantee whether Zhang Qishan would be watching him from the monitoring end. When they stepped into this building, the other party had already started the so-called quasi-niece and daughter-in-law test.

Wu Xie had a big brain hole, but Zhang Qiling was unexpectedly more restless than him, frowning frequently, but at least he didn't make any more criticisms against this title, just said: "Don't call me young master."

"Good young master."


Wu Xie suppressed a smile.

"Master Zhang, Mr. Zhang is waiting for you on the 13th floor. The elevator is here." As she spoke, the receptionist stood at the front and led the two of them to the elevator, pressed the up button, and waited until the elevator opened and both of them walked in. Bow down until the elevator doors close.

Wu Xie breathed a sigh of relief in the elevator. If Zhang Qishan didn't let go of the elevator monitoring, then he would be a bit wicked.

He looked at Zhang Qiling who was still frowning tightly, and deliberately teased, "Young master."

Zhang Qiling looked back at him, remained silent for a while, and said: "...Young Madam."

Wu Xie choked, turned his head back with red ears, and cursed in a low voice: "...fuck."

And when they came to Zhang Qishan's office, they were unprepared to see the door open, and Wu Xie's calm heart jumped again. He subconsciously grabbed the wrapped wine box strap in his hand, But I heard a steady voice from inside, "Are you here? Come in."

The author has something to say:

God damn one hundred chapters! !Thank you Soichi Hani for the mine!mwah!Flattered!

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