Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 91 Maintenance

Facts have proved that such a room is too fucking unsuitable in a business room, but after thinking about it, how can two big men come to the hotel to open such a big bed room, no matter how bad it is, it is a business standard room, the so-called big bed room It can be said that the relationship between them has been defined, whether they are family members or lovers.

Even couples can't be so bold!

Wu Xie howled in his heart, and even scolded Xie Yuchen thoroughly. He even suspected that the other party knew that the hotel had such a setting before he deliberately punished him. You talk too much!I want you to showdown with the opponent!

Seeing Wu Xie's annoyed face at the door of the conference room, Zhang Qiling also felt that his deliberate teasing was a bit redundant, so he obediently pulled down the roller blind again, sat back on the bed, and said seriously to Wu Xie: "Don't worry, I won't peep."

How should he respond to this?

Okay, always feel like you're too narcissistic?

Not good, do you still welcome the other party to take a peek?

Wu Xie grinned in embarrassment, and walked forward pretending to be relaxed. He squatted in front of the TV, and there was a small refrigerator under it. He found it when he entered the door. He opened it and took two bottles of mineral water, one Throwing it to Zhang Qiling, a cold feeling spread from his hands, and his meaning was obvious - I think we both need to calm down.

In addition to taking a bath, the curtain brought about unrest, and going to the toilet. He never wanted to be seen by the other party when he was peeing. It doesn't feel very elegant, but the matter has come to this point, and it is impossible for him to go to the front desk and ask to change the room.

Wu Xie was drinking water, his eyeballs were rolling, obviously thinking about what to do next.

Zhang Qiling thought that if the other party couldn't relax, neither of them would have a good time in the next few days, so he took the initiative to take out the computer, walked to the coffee table and put it down, set up the sofa and sat on it, as if he was about to start playing games , Wu Xie was taken aback for a while.

"Game?" Wu Xie asked.

Zhang Qiling responded with a nasal voice.

The two of them took the plane at 2:5 noon. Due to routine delays, they arrived in Beijing at almost 8:9 o'clock. In addition to the time on the way to Beijing and having dinner with the secretary, it would have been more than [-]:[-] in the evening.They didn't do their daily routine today, and of course they didn't play the number of dungeons. Originally, Wu Xie thought that he would have no time to surf the Internet after traveling all day, and he wanted to greet Fatty so that he could convey it to Black Glasses and Aning for him, but such a schedule I forgot about it when I came down.A few days ago, they started the dungeon at about [-]:[-] as usual. It will be early, and the other party also has plans to play the game, so it saves the trouble of greeting.

He also planned to take out his notebook, but he heard Zhang Qiling say, "Maintenance."


"The game is maintained."

Wu Xie frowned, "Why?"

Obviously Zhang Qiling couldn't give him an answer.

Wu Xie stopped his movements, and walked directly to Zhang Qiling, and the other party also moved the computer slightly naturally, so that he could see the whole picture of the inside of the notebook. Sure enough, in the interface of the district server, all four servers were grayed out. And put the word maintenance on the right side.

Wu Xie thought for a while, today is Friday, Tomb Raider OL naturally has a weekly routine maintenance time, that is from 6 am to 12 am on Monday, usually used to fix some bugs and add some patches, most of them are irrelevant Important things, and this maintenance is obviously not the case, but after thinking about it, I think it is reasonable.

Since the big update, although it has been supported by routine maintenance, it has not been greatly revised. This is actually quite abnormal for online games.

After all, some bugs were not discovered by the developer during the trial run, but the players gave feedback after discovering them. This is normal and acceptable to the players. Usually, the game will give some compensation after such things, but The prime time of Friday night was deliberately chosen for maintenance. It seems that this correction is very urgent.

Wu Xie shrugged, but exited Zhang Qiling's game interface, quickly logged into the game forum, and before he clicked on the update announcement on the top, he already knew what the game party planned to update this time, and he sighed leisurely.

Zhang Qiling was leaning on the sofa, seeing him like this, he leaned over to his side, and took a look at him, it was a pity.

The homepage of the game forum is full of complaints that the five-person dungeon of Snake Marsh Ghost City is too difficult, and it is deliberately monopolized by the big union, and the fixed team often cannot agree with the teammates, and the number of dungeons is wasted. The developer has no brains, It’s just a rubbish setting, it’s called an earth-shattering and majestic mountain and river, and I must have accumulated a certain amount of grievances before, because some recent posts have resonated strongly, resulting in collective scolding, similar to the effect of exploding, even if some of them defend the copy, It is also regarded as a "villain" who intends to cause a disparity in equipment after clearing the dungeon. In this way, it is difficult for the game side to ignore it.

It is not difficult for Wu Xie to imagine how simple the Snake Marsh Ghost Town will become after this update.

Of course, he is not the Holy Mother, and he will not consider whether other people can clear the dungeon. The disparity is natural. This is caused by the players themselves, not the game settings, so there is no so-called unfairness. He is very calm, and Zhang Qiling also Similarly, they only regret that the first kill at Yunding Tiangong, which was originally intended, is really gone now.

If it’s gone, it’s gone. Wu Xie looked at it quite openly, and then clicked on the update notice to confirm. It seems that this dungeon update plus other minor bug fixes will last until early in the morning. He returned the computer to Zhang Qiling and asked: " If we can’t play games, what are we doing now?”

Zhang Qiling gave him a meaningful look.

Wu Xie straightened up immediately, and turned her eyes away a little shyly, "Why don't you watch TV."

"……it is good."

Since Wu Xie didn't intend to do it, Zhang Qiling didn't force it. He felt that this kind of thing is something that depends on the atmosphere. He gave hints, but the other party didn't answer, so that's all. He waited for 6 years, and there was no answer. What can't afford to wait.

As Wu Xie spoke, he glanced into the clothes bag Xie Yuchen sent, took out a pair of brand new underwear, and stumbled, "I'm going to take a shower."


Zhang Qiling responded, but realized that Wu Xie didn't leave immediately. He raised his eyes suspiciously, and saw that the other party seemed to be hesitating to say something, but finally scratched his head and turned back into the bathroom.

Looking at the rolling curtain, Zhang Qiling couldn't help laughing in his heart, the other party probably wanted to tell him not to peek.

Of course, Zhang Qiling had no intention of peeking. He turned off his computer and put it in his computer bag, just as a text message broke into his phone.

He looked at the bright lock screen, and the name of the letter made him frown.

From: Zhang Qishan

[in Beijing?Let's meet up when you have time, bring the person you mentioned, and hurry back]

The last two words of the text message vividly reflected how busy the other party was, and how lazy Zhang Qiling was to reply to this guy.

He still knows that Zhang Qishan is in Beijing. Zhang Qi’s original headquarters was in Hangzhou, but after Zhang Qishan took over, it gradually moved to Beijing. Although the Hangzhou company is still recognized as the headquarters, it has been somewhat overhead. But no one recognized it at this level, even Zhang Qishan himself was no exception.

Zhang Qiling typed the message slowly, and it took a long time to reply, but he refused.


[Since you are going to talk to iren tomorrow, we will see you at the company at 14:[-] the day after tomorrow]

Seeing this, Zhang Qiling didn't reply any more, and Zhang Qishan also knew his habits, usually he didn't refuse or acquiesced, and he didn't bother him either.

Zhang Qiling scrubbed the phone screen, but his mind was on other things.

Could it be that Iren wants to sign a long-term contract with him, and Zhang Qishan is making trouble?

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