Tomb Raiders OL

Chapter 90 Hotel

Wu Xie also moved quickly. He bought a plane ticket that day and asked Wang Meng to approve Zhang Qiling's leave note. The name was that he wanted to go to Beijing together to follow up the progress, which made Wang Meng roll his eyes. For this reason, he had to swear to the other party never again. It is unscientific not to play games, but the boss is the boss after all, he can do whatever he says, even if he skips work so boldly and capriciously, as an employee, he must uphold the principle of three nos, don't look at it, don't ask it, don't care about it.

So the next day, the two set foot on the land of the imperial capital.

Xie Yuchen couldn't come to the airport to greet him in person because of his busy work, but his secretary arranged for him. Wu Xie was very moved by the service. Yes, just a second after this idea came up, Wang Meng in Hangzhou suddenly expressed many emotions about his ill-fated fate.

This kind of idea continued from the airport to a five-star hotel. The secretary even prepared a three-day change of clothes for Wu Xie and the others, and even a set of neat suits. It was obviously prepared for Zhang Qiling to meet the person in charge of iren. Can't help but feel ashamed.

Arriving at the hotel, the secretary walked to the front desk with the only computer bag in his hand, and said kindly that he could check in after reporting the name of Mr. Xie, and then left leisurely. strong.

Zhang Qiling didn't say a word, but his eyes were particularly sharp. Although he didn't understand why Wu Xie gave the secretary a very hot look from the moment he got off the plane, no matter what the reason was, the result made him very uncomfortable. readily.

Feeling his gaze, Wu Xie turned her head and touched her nose guiltily.

In fact, he just thought about it casually, not really.

He turned around and looked at the smiling girl at the front desk, and said, "My name is Wu Xie, and the hotel registrant is Xie Yuchen."

It stands to reason that they should submit their ID cards according to hotel rules, but Wu Xie, who has a lot of experience, is quite used to the slightly shocked expression on the front desk's face when she hears this name, then she lowered her head and quickly checked the computer records, and hurriedly handed over the Put two black cards on it and said: "Okay, Mr. Xie's two guests, Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling, are in 1805 Business Queen Room. Here is your room card."

Wu Xie's smile froze on his face, "Huh?"

"Any more questions?" The front desk still smiled formulaically.

"Business double room?"


"..." Wu Xie's expression cracked slightly, and he confirmed unwillingly: "Can these two room cards open two rooms?"

"No sir, this is the room card of the same room."

"Hmm... so Xie Yuchen booked a business double room for the two of us?"

Even the girl at the front desk knew what the other party was declaring by constantly emphasizing, but even though she felt a little faintly wanting to laugh, her expression was still very calm: "Yes, the solution is always arranged like this in the records."

"Very good." Wu Xie smiled sympathetically, and took out his mobile phone casually. He wanted to broadcast Xie Yuchen's call to ask the teacher, but was pushed down by the person behind him, and he said slightly surprised, "Brother? "

"Big bed room, what's the problem?" Zhang Qiling asked.

"What's the problem... After all..."

Wu Xie felt his mouth choke before he finished speaking, yes, what's the problem, although they are bosses and subordinates, they are also lovers.

In fact, when Zhang Qiling heard the words from the front desk, he was in a good mood, and things were getting closer to his ideal state, and Xie Yuchen became more and more pleasing to the eye, but he didn't expect that Wu Xie seemed to have a deep hatred for this.

It's not the first time for them to sleep together in the same bed, let alone the last time Wu Xie took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, why did he change his mind within a few days?

However, under his questioning, Wu Xie finally realized the naked-naked relationship between them, he coughed, and changed the topic: "Xiao Hua arranged it very well, I just wanted to call to thank you. "

It is obvious that he no longer cares about the problem of the room, Zhang Qiling's eyes softened, and said: "Let's talk about it when we go up."


Wu Xie carried the computer bag and headed for the elevator, Zhang Qiling followed closely, and promised that the two of them would not turn back, and the girl at the front poked her head and burst out laughing.

1805 is naturally on the 18th floor.

Although this is Wu Xie's first visit to this hotel, you can probably understand the number of floors on the elevator. There are 20 floors in total. According to common sense, most of the top floors are presidential suites. In terms of their business rooms on the 18th floor, they are already quite large. Senior, it is estimated to be 800 yuan a night, Xie Yuchen's expenses in this area are really rude, Wu Xie muttered to himself, and Zhang Qiling asked.

"Is that man the president of this hotel?"

This so-called "that person" Wu Xie naturally knew who it was. He explained, "No, Xiaohua is a real estate developer, and probably has a cooperative relationship with this hotel. He has a wide network of contacts, so it's no surprise that he knows everyone."

Zhang Qiling nodded and did not continue to ask, the two of them suddenly fell into silence.

Wu Xie looked down at the computer bag she was carrying, and couldn't help but scratch the leather with her fingertips.

When he swiped for the fifth time, the elevator door finally opened with a ding sound, and Zhang Qiling walked out first, looking around the surrounding environment.The decoration of the hotel has always been dominated by warm yellow, and the ground is also covered with brown blankets with various patterns. On the left and right, there are two cute and cute stone sculptures of elephants, who are bathing themselves with their noses raised. There is a shallow pool at the foot, surrounded by uneven cobblestones, and there are some small red and white fish in it, at least it doesn't feel so solemn.

Zhang Qiling didn't stand in a daze for too long, but followed the sign to the door of the room. Looking at the accurate number 1805 above, he turned his head to Wu Xie, and the latter opened the door with his room card quite neatly.

I have to say that the treatment of the five-star business double room is different.

There is also the entrance, the two of them changed into slippers at the door and looked inside.

The bed is kingsize, the TV is a 50-inch LCD, and there is quite a lot of space beside the big bed. There is a coffee table and two sofas, and behind it is a balcony with a particularly romantic swing chair. I have to say Watching the night scene here is indeed quite interesting.And the direction of the coffee table goes straight to the right and leads to a small conference room with an area of ​​about 8 square meters. In addition, there is a desk with a computer. This scene makes Wu Xie feel a little bit transported to his own home.

He put his things away and strolled in the conference room, when he heard Zhang Qiling calling softly outside, "Wu Xie."

"What?" Wu Xie poked his head out, and was so overwhelmed by the scene in front of him that he couldn't speak.

One hand of Zhang Qiling was still on the chain of the roller curtain beside the bed, and the roller curtain that had been closed since entering the door was completely pulled up at this moment. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that there is no wall behind the curtain and it leads directly to the bathtub in the bathroom. Not to mention the bathtub, all the equipment in the bathroom are displayed naked in front of you. This is more criminal than the bathroom with its own frosted glass. Don't ask Wu Xie how he knows, he just knows.

This kind of design can even allow the people in the bathroom and the room to cross back and forth directly through this open space, which is so convenient that people wonder if this is another special exit. As for the purpose, Wu Xie does not want to say more. think.

And Zhang Qiling, just like a demonstration, directly stepped over the low horizontal rail, stood in the bathtub, then walked out of the bathtub, and walked back through the real bathroom door.


Wu Xie was speechless.

"It's very convenient." Zhang Qiling said.


Wu Xie remained silent.

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