The screams became louder and louder, passing through Lin Xi's mind one after another, making him unable to think. He felt chills all over his body, trembling and squatting down while leaning on the fence, shouting in his dull head: Xu Ze, Xu Ze, Xu Ze Ze...

Why hasn't he come? It's over, it's over...

Lin Xi squatted on the ground helplessly, losing his mind.The incessant screaming in his ears brought back his distracted thoughts, he had to find Xu Ze, he had to find him, he must be fine, he must...

He ran back to the room in a hurry, quickly changed his clothes, picked up the baseball bat that was put aside and rushed out.

Area E was originally at the end of the whole community, and there was only one exit connecting it to the outside world. Yesterday, Linxi closed the exit while it was dark. Considering that someone might escape here, they did not reinforce the door.

But at this time, Lin Xi stopped in front of the door, his eyes looked out through the fence door motionlessly, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his eyes filled with tears instantly, thinking: Isn't this here?


On the evening of the 5th, Xu Ze was driving on the highway. The project in hand had just been completed, and the handover was only done today, and the resignation application was only accepted for approval.I'm afraid I won't be able to arrive on time today, I just hope that Lin Xi won't be too angry when he arrives tomorrow.

It was early morning after passing the toll booth, Xu Ze mumbled the address while turning on the navigation.Navigate away from the familiar voice guiding the way.

Following the navigation through a traffic light, Xu Ze was startled by the scene before him as he walked through the turntable road and entered the side road.

It was already early in the morning, and the side road was crowded with cars, and the cars on the side outside the city couldn't even move. The driver was even more anxiously honking the horn, and the sound of the horn made Xu Ze frown.

After walking a few steps, the road was also blocked, Xu Ze lowered the window and asked the opposite car out of the city: "Brother, let me ask what's wrong?"

The driver was slapping the steering wheel anxiously with one hand, while pulling at his hair with the other.

Even in this state, the man still replied to Xu Ze's words, and murmured in a delirious state, "People are dead... a lot of people died in the city center..."

After speaking, he quickly denied: "No! It's not dead people, they all...all..." He couldn't continue speaking, and his whole body lay on the steering wheel, and kept honking the horn.

The traffic on this side loosened, Xu Ze looked at the man and didn't know what to say, so after a few words of comfort, he got up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Xu Ze was about to enter the city, the man quickly shouted: "Don't enter the city! It's no longer a place for people to stay inside! Run... run!"

Before Xu Ze asked what happened, the car on the other side was able to leave, and everyone stepped up the accelerator, scrambling to get out.

No matter what happened inside, Xu Ze had to go in, because Lin Xi was still inside, he had to find him and protect him.


In the early morning, the whole city is sleeping, and disasters are coming quietly.

Sleeping people unconsciously scratched their faces. The place where the willow leaves had scratched during the day may be itchy with new flesh. When scratching, it felt moist on the hands, as if they were soaked in water.

I wanted to open my eyes to see, but I couldn't see it again. The opened eyes were full of whites, and my body was twisted into a strange posture on the bed. My mind was blank but I clearly felt that I was still alive.

Such scenes are happening in every household. Parents look at their children, children look at their parents, husbands and wives look at each other, and no one can convince himself that the monster with bared mouth and fangs is his relative.

He moved slowly, kept making "ho...ho..." sounds, and opened his mouth wide to reveal the sharp fangs moving slowly towards him. No one could bear this kind of stimulation.

Screaming again and again, countless surviving humans rushed to the streets, wearing pajamas and slippers, and some people hurriedly put on their car keys.

People with premonitions realized that the city might fall like this.

The people who are happy in the midnight show are still happy even if they become zombies. Their wild dancing postures have turned into provocative attacks. Even if they don't bite, the impulse towards the person in front of them is indeed irresistible.

They waved their hands frantically, and their sharp nails scratched everyone who ran for their lives beside them.

Those who fled their homes were surrounded again like this. The phone line of the police station was always busy, and they didn't know who else to call except that number.

Countless people fled by car, the roads were littered with knocked down barricades, bicycles and people...

Blood seemed to motivate them to attack more, they surrounded the person who was lying in a pool of blood, their sharp nails kept sliding, and the person was bloody and bloody in a blink of an eye.

The originally clean and peaceful streets became purgatory in the blink of an eye. More and more people fell to the ground, and more and more people stood up again. Those who survived in just one hour clearly understood that this city is really Fallen.

Troops were mobilized urgently, and armored vehicles rushed to the streets with batches of soldiers, but the situation was already out of control, and no one could escape the disaster...


a confidential meeting

A few people sat around the conference table, and everyone looked at the projection screen in front of them with serious expressions.

"The city center has fallen, maybe we should evacuate to the development zone..." Before the man finished speaking, he watched the projection screen in front of him, and the location of the development zone quickly turned dangerously red.

The huge conference room fell silent for an instant, and someone swallowed hard looking at the tragic situation on the projection screen.

This will not work. The leader realizes that if he does not make a quick decision, the situation will be more critical than it is now. Looking at the location map in front of him, there is only a sporadic green.

The leader clicked on one of the green points, and said decisively: "The vanguard troops open the way, turn on the city's broadcasting to cover the residents to evacuate the city!"

"Protect the supply vehicle, and the rear team will cordon off." Looking at the flames in the distance, the leader said softly: "I'm afraid this will be a tough battle."


Xu Ze was driving the car, trying to dodge the messy cars parked on the road, his arm was scratched at some point, and he felt a dull pain and itching.

His mind was getting more and more confused. If it wasn't for the navigation that was still working, he wouldn't even know what he was doing. After a quick glance at the place where the car drove by, he saw red eyes. Xu Ze thought dully: This is a carnival. Is it a party?

The pain on the arm became more and more obvious, and it also became more and more itchy. Xu Ze couldn't help stretching out his hand to scratch it a few times, feeling a strange touch. Xu Ze raised his hand only to see blood stains on it.

Seeing the blood on his hands, Xu Ze felt dazed, and the driving car was twisted and twisted because of the driver's abnormality, until the navigation said, "Turn right into Huayuan Road, and you will reach your destination after 500 meters."

Xu Ze pulled out of the strange state abruptly, all he could think about was "Happy Home... Area E... Area E..."

After struggling to drive the car to the gate of the community, Xu Ze felt his head blur for a while, and honked the horn vigorously, but no one opened the railing of the gate for him.

Opened the car door with the remaining rationality, covered the wound on his arm, and staggered towards the community...

When Lin Xi went downstairs, what he saw was the man who staggered towards him. The man's eyes were mostly white, and he fell down countless times along the way, his clothes were all worn out, and his face was scratched.

Lin Xi looked up at the strangely colored night sky, the city sirens and evacuation broadcasts rang in his ears, and standing in front of him was his former lover.

The man had already staggered to the gate of the fence, and his unshakable hand passed through the gap of the fence in a daze, stretching towards Lin Xi who was standing on this side.

Lin Xi took a step forward slowly, his chest was only an inch away from the sharp nails, looking at the obedient 'monster' in front of him, Lin Xi's eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't speak a few times, the monster It seems that there is something to say, but it can only make a "ho...ho..." sound.

Seeing the person in front of him stretching out his hand to him with difficulty, Lin Xi burst out laughing, tears also falling down.

Lin Xi stretched out his hand around the sharp nails, and gently held Xu Ze's hand.What's amazing is that the supposedly crazy monster miraculously quieted down, its eyes fixed on the hands that were holding each other.

Lin Xi exerted a slight force on his hands, and Xu Ze's cloudy eyes fell on Lin Xi's face. They met each other's eyes. Lin Xi said softly, "Some people can live in their dreams and in their hearts." Looking at The people outside the fence showed a smile: "But you, you have to live by my side."

"If this is fate, let us sink together."

"Long time no see, my love."

The author has something to say:

"Long time no see, my love."

ah!This sentence made me cry, embarrassing!

I hope you enjoy watching~

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