The farmer in the last days [farming]

Chapter 4 The Eve of the Disaster

Busy time always flies, and more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

When he was going to pick up the pork he ordered, Lin Xi accidentally found a chicken farm nearby and bought a brood of chicks to raise first. Unexpectedly, he actually raised them.So I bought another brood of chickens and raised them on the roof. Now they are getting bigger and bigger, and they are chirping non-stop every day.

The few roosters I bought by the way saved the money on the alarm clock, and reminded him that it was time to work every day on time.

Lin Xi bought those roosters with some hope, it would be great if they could hatch chicks.

At six o'clock, the sky is already bright, and the industrious master Lin is about to start another day's work.

After washing up, Lin Xi used a sandwich machine to make a luxurious version of a sandwich for himself, taking advantage of the extra rewards to treat himself now, after all, it won't be long before what you eat depends on what you have.

Today's main task is to tidy up the room, and the cultivation work is going well. The previous bowl of beans has produced bean sprouts, and the taste is not bad.

Lin Xi dug some soil downstairs and put some seeds in the soil. The temperature of the incubator was suitable for growth, and those seeds had already sprouted.

The small tender green leaves soothed Lin Xi's busy and tense heart.Finally saw hope.

Planting, breeding, more and more things are placed in front of Lin Xi, which somewhat makes him feel powerless.He just wanted Xu Ze to come quickly to relieve his work pressure.

For more than a month, I just focused on collecting and didn't clean up anything, but the medicines piled up in the corner.

Lin Xi took out the storage boxes purchased online, sorted the medicines according to their functions, and took out another box to put gauze and other simple medical equipment in a mess.

Xu Ze also mailed some of his clothes over early, Lin Xi tidied them up and put them together in the closet, and bought the same style of slippers and toothbrush as his own. Finally, the home looked good.

It's strange to say that no residents have moved into this building for more than a month, but Lin Xi had to pay more attention to his family's belongings.

In his spare time, Lin Xi always likes to find a place on the rooftop to look into the distance, to see the lights of thousands of houses, to see the surging traffic, and to see the future that he doesn't know where.

Occasionally, Lin Xi would suddenly wonder whether he was too lonely, whether he should have a dog or a cat.But he still doesn't have the consciousness and ability to be responsible for a life.

Relying on the fact that there were not many people in the community, Lin Xi parked the car carelessly outside. Even after more than two months of working together, the pickup truck and the high-end community were still not in harmony.

Building materials can be found in a few days, but the technology may not be found. Lin Xi measured the size of his own door and the door of the community unit, and went to the hardware store to find a master who can weld iron to make a strong iron door.

Northerners always like to hoard some cabbage in winter. It is delicious and easy to store. Lin Xi went to the vegetable farmer to collect some cabbage.

I also bought some vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and beans, because he suddenly thought of a good way to store them other than freezing them.

It took about three days for the iron gate to be picked up, so Lin Xi went home with a cart full of vegetables.

Lin Xi washed and peeled these vegetables, and cut them into thin slices.Spread the remaining piece of tarpaulin on the open space on the roof. June is summer, and there are still some days before the rainy season. The weather is just dry and the sun is bright and strong. This is a good day for drying vegetables.

Spread the vegetables on the tarpaulin, and the sun can smell the original taste of the vegetables just for a while.Dried vegetables do not need to be stored in the refrigerator, which saves a lot of space in the refrigerator.

Lin Xi also froze tomatoes in a refrigerator, and the frozen tomatoes were delicious without losing their original taste.If it weren't for the long period of raising pigs and cattle and sheep, Lin Xi really planned to be a farmer for everyone's great cause.

The odds and ends of Lin Xi's money are almost spent. Except for the things that can be found in this city, many southern specialties can only be purchased online, and the necessary expenses cannot be saved at all.

Lin Xi was holding a brand new map, the previous one was a mess marked by him, almost all the medicines were purchased, the rice was also put in a sealed storage box, and he bought a lot of USB disks with large memory to download. Watch movies and TV shows for many years.

Hang up opaque curtains for the room, and take advantage of the last time to strengthen the doors of your home and unit.Everything is ready, just waiting for that day to come...

The most important thing is how to survive in the lost group. Zombies look for people based on smell and temperature. As long as you control your body temperature and pay attention to the smell, you will easily avoid the pursuit of zombies.

The smell is not bad, just need to spray some perfume and toilet water, or if it is not good, you can also spray some pepper water.

It was difficult to control the body temperature. In his previous life, Lin Xi also followed the search team to leave the base to search for supplies. He simply searched outside the city, and there was almost no danger.

He has also seen those elite troops who go deep into the city to find thermal weapons. Everyone wears a strange costume, similar to the protective clothing of the hospital. It is very effective. Those people can come back safely every time.

Formal protective clothing is difficult to buy, but you can buy some simple ones on shopping platforms, and process them yourself to improve safety.

A layer of fine sponge is sewn into the simple protective clothing, and then a layer of anti-radiation silver fiber is put on. Goggles and a mask are prepared, and the final preparations are over.

"January 7"

There are still three days left, just like the God who knows the destiny's compassion for human beings, the closer he gets to Linxi, the more uneasy he becomes, but he can't find the source of the uneasiness.

As if looking for comfort, he dialed Xu Ze's phone number, and the two chatted about something, and Lin Xi gradually calmed down.

"Happy Home, Building [-], Block E, remember?" Lin Xi repeated the address again.

"I remember." Xu Ze dragged his voice, afraid that Lin Xi would be anxious, so he said, "Wait for me, I will give you a surprise the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Okay, I'll wait for you until the moment before the disaster strikes, Lin Xi said silently.

In the early morning of the 6th, one after another screamed and screamed, occupying the starless night sky.

Lin Xi was awakened by the screams, and quickly got out of bed and ran to the roof. The chickens on the roof, which should have been sleeping peacefully, were shivering and huddled together, and the dark sky without a trace of starlight was also shimmering slightly red.

Lin Xi stared at the flickering red light in a daze. It turned out that the vision that no one had noticed turned out to be a doomed disaster.

Under the roof, the urban area not far away has already become a purgatory on earth.

The author has something to say:

fake fake fake

I made it all up (kimbo

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