Tomb Raiders: Ghosts

Chapter 19 Feathering into a Butterfly

It was the second time he had such a strange dream, and Shan Ling was already calm. When he saw the indifferent and handsome face of the man in black, he felt a little excited, but when he saw the deep black eyes, , When I saw the appearance of "myself" reflected, I was a little stunned again.

This face is actually exactly the same as when he was a child. When he dreamed for the first time, he knew that his consciousness was attached to someone else, so he could only watch quietly, and he could not manipulate his body at will. Wearing very strange clothes, but never thought about what the other person looked like, because he couldn't see it.

But now he saw his own face, this person looked exactly like him.

At this time, Yu had already picked up the child. The child put his arms around his broad and strong shoulders, swayed his short legs, let out a crisp laugh, and chattered endlessly with Yu. You seldom spoke. He listened quietly, occasionally answering "um" or "okay", with an indifferent expression, but no impatience at all.

The forest is very large. After walking for a day and a night, I came to the foot of a mountain at dusk the next day. The mountain is very long, rolling and endless, the mountain is very high, towering into the clouds, surrounded by white clouds, like a fairyland.

The child opened his eyes wide, looking at the endless mountains surrounded by colorful clouds, he was completely dumbfounded, and then screamed.

"The elder asked me to find a holy butterfly's egg in the holy mountain. Is it a joke!!"

Their clan respects butterflies, and the tribe uses butterflies as their totems. When each clansman reaches the age of ten, under the instructions of the patriarch or elders, he will go through the dense forest to the "Holy Mountain" thousands of miles away to find a butterfly egg. Then raise this butterfly egg into a butterfly. If it dies halfway through raising it, it will be punished by the clan rules.

"There is me."

Let alone carrying the little man in his arms to find a small butterfly egg on the mountain, even turning the whole mountain upside down is nothing to him.

Hearing Yu's words, the child was so touched, but he shook his head and said with a very serious expression: "No, no, this is my test, and foreigners are not allowed to enter the holy mountain, otherwise..."

In fact, he didn't know what would happen, but he was taught since he was a child that outsiders should not enter the holy mountain, otherwise bad things would happen, and he didn't want to encounter bad things.

"It's ok."

"No." The child shook his head persistently, then patted him on the shoulder, beckoning him to put himself down, and said, "There are also tribesmen in the holy mountain, and there are many holy butterflies guarding me. I will not be in danger. You are here." Wait for me, I will come back as soon as I find the butterfly eggs."

The elder told him that the holy butterflies in the holy mountain like to lay their eggs in high places in the mountain, so he only needs to go to the high places, and he will soon be able to find his own butterfly eggs.

Seeing him like this, Yu was still very worried, but when he saw the child's persistent and serious face, he nodded, then squatted down on one knee, stretched out his hand to hold his little feet and looked at them, and then unexpectedly She tore off the hem of her clothes, and hugged his tender little feet.

"That way, you won't get hurt."

The child looked at Yu's movements, his eyes turned red slightly, he sniffed vigorously, and said, "I... I will be back soon!!"

Then, he turned around and ran away, Yu looked at the little back who was going away, his deep black eyes were stained with a bit of softness, but he didn't see that the child's beautiful face was glowing red.

When the figure of the child disappeared into the distant forest, Youcai sat down under the nearby tree, with his face slightly sideways, with a focused expression, as if he was listening to something.

After waiting for half an hour, when the night was about to fall, a small figure ran from a distance in the forest, bouncing around and seemed to be very happy, with a bright smile on his face.

You, who was sitting under the tree, stood up, looked at the child who was rushing towards him, stretched out his hand to let him crash into his arms, to prevent him from falling, and supported his waist.

"Yu, I'm back!!"

"Didn't go up the mountain?" He was ready to wait here for a long time.

"I won't go up the mountain, I found butterfly eggs!!" The child said happily, and then took out something from the small cloth bag hanging on his waist.

It was a transparent round container, polished very smooth, hollowed out inside, like a bottle, with a small sprout in the middle, and there was actually a round egg with a small pink spot on the tip of the sprout.

You looked at the little pink spotted egg and seemed to find it quite interesting, so he said slowly, "Aren't the butterfly eggs all on the mountain?"

"Well, people in the family have said that the more beautiful the holy butterfly is, the more powerful the life will be to lay eggs at the height of the holy mountain, but I think that since I saw this butterfly egg at the foot of the mountain , that is a kind of fate, just like me and Yu, so I brought it back, as long as it is raised properly, it will definitely grow up." Then, he unscrewed the lid of the container, and pulled it up. You took a bite of his own and his finger respectively, and dripped the blood of the two on the butterfly egg, and said happily: "We dripped blood together, and when it comes out of the egg, there will be two You are a master, and Yu will not be affected."

"Shengdie recognizes the master, and wants to be with his partner..." Although You has never been in the clan, he has learned a lot from the children.

The clansmen in the tribe will raise the holy butterfly, and when they form a partner, they will take the blood of the partner to let the holy butterfly recognize the master again. The child has said this before.

"Then I'll be with You from now on." He said with a smile, watching the pink spotted butterfly eggs absorb the blood of the two with his beautiful almond eyes, and muttered: "Well... don't they all say The lower the butterfly egg is, the more messy the color is, and the weaker the vitality will be. You, look, our little butterfly egg is awesome. The two drops of blood are absorbed so quickly, and you must be a great kid in the future, haha! !"

Yu: "..."

Finally, it was Shan Ling who recovered from the shock that the child was exactly like him, and finally twitched, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Hey, hey, he's not a baby, he's a good kid, you can't talk nonsense.

Afterwards, the child left with Yu.

Shan Ling only felt that his eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already come to another place. He recognized this place, where Yu appeared in the first dream.

It is on a cliff surrounded by lush forests. On the cliff there is a very large tree with long leaves. It is a bit like a willow, but the leaves are longer. The wind blows gently and floats very beautifully. There is a big stone under the tree. Looking into the distance there.

The child was running, with purple bruises and bruises on his arms and body. Yu, who was sitting on the boulder, felt footsteps coming from behind him, turned his head, and frowned slightly.

"I'm hurt." When he spoke, he had already stood up and walked over.

"Hmph, they are all big villains, they said my butterfly eggs wouldn't hatch, so I beat them up." The child said viciously in his crisp voice, and raised his little fist.

Yu gently wiped off the smudges on the child's face with his fingers, then picked him up and put him on the big rock, reached out and picked a few leaves from the long-leaved tree, crushed them, and began to smear the child's body. On purple and fine lines.

The child squinted his eyes and groaned and squeaked a few times. It was obvious that he was in some pain, but he didn't struggle. He took out the container containing butterfly eggs from the small cloth bag with one hand, and touched it dearly.

"Woo, our eggs will hatch, right?"

"Yeah." Yu nodded.

The corner of Shan Ling's mouth twitched when she heard the child's words "our eggs", and then her eyes went dark again, and the picture changed, and it was the child holding the glass container and dancing around Yuzai.

"Hahaha, hatched, hatched, finally hatched!!"

Inside the transparent container, there was a pink worm on the tender tree bud, wriggling tremblingly, I don't know if it was shaken by a child.

Every day after that, the child and Yu would go to the forest together to pick shoots from various trees and put them in containers to feed the bugs. A few golden spots, for this reason, the child was teased by several children in the clan, he raised his sleeves and beat him up in anger, his body was covered with injuries, every time , he would go to You for comfort.

"Woo, our bugs will grow big, won't they?"

"En." Yu's answer was still so indifferent.

For some reason, Shan Ling could feel the deep firmness in that indifference, and he felt that children must also feel it.

In a blink of an eye, on the other side of the screen, this time the child was lying on the boulder, with a pair of almond eyes wide open, looking into the transparent container, trembling all over.

"Yu... you, you... look, the bug has become a chrysalis!!"

"Yeah." You sat aside, looking at the child's bright smiling face, and reached out to stroke his soft hair.

There is a small mung bean-sized pupa on the small tree bud in the container. It is still pink in color and has golden spots. It looks very suspicious.

Later, the child ignored the provocations of other children in the clan, and took the little chrysalis to find You every day, and the two of them waited for the little chrysalis to become a butterfly. This waited for more than a year. Made fun of, but he didn't mind at all.

"Woo, our little chrysalis will emerge, right?"

"Yes." This time, Yu's answer was no longer "hmm".

Then the child laughed, and at this moment, the little pupa with pink spots on the tree bud moved slightly, and began to split from the middle, and a small butterfly crawled out of it.

The little butterfly has a black body, pink tentacles, black wings, and golden markings. It is actually a beautiful Pteris butterfly. The little butterfly moved its wings slightly.

The child opened the lid of the container, and the little butterfly flapped its wings and flew up, dancing around the two of them.

Shan Ling looked at the scene, his eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the tomb passage.

"Xiaoling, you must not move." Shan Xiao's voice sounded from the side, looking very nervous.

Before Shan Ling had time to react, he saw a phoenix-tailed butterfly flapping its wings and whirling above him. The butterfly had a pair of light red antennae, a black body, black wings, and golden markings.

It's the little butterfly in my dream! ?

The phoenix-tailed butterfly turned around twice, and slowly landed on Shanling's nose. The tentacles on his head moved slightly, and Shanling's heart jumped wildly. He remembered that in that tomb, the butterfly was like a small cannonball. It was like knocking the mummy into the air.

But for some reason, he felt that the Phoenix-tailed butterfly wasn't scary at all, and it wouldn't hurt him either.

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