Tomb Raiders: Ghosts

Chapter 18 Dream

When everyone was extremely nervous, the zongzi actually put aside everyone and roared at the colorful butterfly with its fangs and mouth open, as if no one in this tomb could compare to that one. There are no palm-sized butterflies.

The colorful phoenix-tailed butterfly flapped its wings and slammed into the rice dumpling like a small cannonball. With a muffled "boom", the rice dumpling flew up, flipped and hit the wall covered with light-absorbing paint. After everyone thought that the phoenix-tailed butterfly "killed the zongzi with one move" and was going to deal with them, they didn't expect that the phoenix-tailed butterfly flew over after the zongzi again, killing everyone Completely ignored.

Chu Yizhu's reaction was the quickest, he pulled Shan Xiao beside him, and then raised his hand, Fengzi picked up the single bell lying on the ground, Ah Jun carried the knife on his back, Si'er grabbed Chen Xiaogou by the back collar, and left quickly .

"This way, hurry up, let's go!!" The old ghost walked in the front, passed the coffin in the middle of the tomb, and the exit was opposite.

They were all wary of the missing corpse before, and they didn't notice that the walls were covered with light-absorbing paint.

A group of people ran out in a hurry, and as soon as they left the tomb, there was a loud "boom" behind them. I don't know what it was, but it hit the sarcophagus placed in the middle and overturned it, and fell heavily on the ground. On the ground, after that, the speed of people escaping became even faster.

I have been running wildly for nearly half an hour, and I don't know how many tomb passage turns. I almost ran out of energy, so the most important thing is to stop.

"Just stop here and take a rest, or you won't be able to go on." Chu Yi suddenly panted slightly, and let go of Shan Xiao who was holding him. His physical strength was very good, but he couldn't stand holding a person for half an hour. , but under the circumstances at that time, he was very afraid that Shan Xiao would get hurt.

"Are you okay?" Shan Xiao looked at his panting appearance, a little anxious, took the military kettle handed over by the old ghost and unscrewed it to let him drink water.

Chu Yiju looked at Shan Xiao anxiously, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he drank a few sips of water following his movements. However, before he was happy, Shan Xiao had already "abandoned him" and all his thoughts were on On Shan Ling who was put down by Fengzi.

My junior is not as important as my son, I feel sad when I think about it! !

"Xiao Ling, how are you?" Shan Xiao looked at Shan Ling's eyes, one black and one red, flustered.

If it wasn't for him, the son wouldn't have come to the tomb. He had bumped into something in the tomb before, and one eye was still red like a drop of blood, and now he couldn't even move.

Shan Ling only felt numb and weak, except for her eyeballs, she couldn't move her two fingers. Looking at Shan Xiao anxiously, she could only move her eyeballs.

"Mr. Shan, don't worry, Little Bell chopped off the butterfly wings of the zongzi earlier, and they are covered with scale powder. The scale powder should not be hallucinogenic, but paralyzing, so they can't move. After the paralysis is over, they will be able to move. "The old ghost checked Shan Ling, and it was the same condition as Xiaodao. Apart from not being able to move his body, there was no other problem.

Hearing this, Shan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to touch Shan Ling's messy hair, seeing the bruise on his forehead, his heart ached to the core, took the water bottle that Chu Yiju handed over, carefully Water was given to Shan Ling, because Shan Ling was paralyzed and could not move, and he was afraid that he would choke, so he did not dare to feed him compressed dry food.

"Little Lingdang, have you learned it before? The reaction before, the dodging movement, and the swinging knife are really cool. With a swoosh, the butterfly wings on the back of the rice dumpling were chopped off." Four Chewing the compressed dry food in his mouth, he leaned over, and then danced and danced for a while, his eyes shining.

If Shan Ling hadn't cut off the wings of Zongzi, many of them would have been caught and lay down. Even if that weird phoenix-tailed butterfly fought with Zongzi, they wouldn't be able to escape.

"That's right, it will take a few years of practice at least for those neat movements." Ah Jun nodded in agreement, then looked at Shan Ling who was lying on the ground with eyes full of innocence, and sighed softly.

This boy who looks like a white chicken can make such neat and handsome movements, it must be because of the explosion of the small universe at a critical moment.

"By the way, your knife." Fengzi on the side hung the red short knife back to the belt around Shanling's waist.

When he was running away with the single bell in a hurry, he also picked up the knife by the way. The red knife looked so plain and weird, and it didn't look good. The butterfly wings opened must not be so simple, and the artifact that the child touches for the first time in the tomb cannot be thrown away casually.

Shan Ling couldn't move or speak, she could only look at Fengzi with her eyes open, and then blinked.

Seeing this, Fengzi curled his lips slightly and smiled.

Shan Ling and Xiao Dao didn't know when the numbness would dissipate, and everyone was tired after running all the way for so long before, so they decided to take a rest in this tomb passage now.

Of course, they were also guarded by people, so as not to be chased by zongzi or butterflies. Asi, Dashun and his son volunteered to help, and they were in a group with Amu, two in front and two in back. calm down.

Shan Ling looked at Shan Xiao with her eyes closed, being hugged carefully by Chu Yizhu, she felt a strange feeling for some reason.

But he couldn't think too much, he couldn't move his body, and he was extremely tired, his eyelids were fighting, and finally he couldn't help but close his eyes.

When Shanling was about to fall asleep, he suddenly remembered what Si'er said earlier about whether he had practiced. In fact, he hadn't practiced. It was just that at that time, his body seemed to be controlled by something. His eyes flashed in his mind, and his heart trembled slightly.

Bewildered, Shan Ling slowly opened his eyes, this time what caught his eyes was still green, but in front of him was not a bush, but a lush forest.

Looking down, the camouflage uniform on his body disappeared again. This was a dream again, but this time the clothes were different from those worn by the person in the previous dream.

A purple one-shoulder red-edged shirt, embroidered with very delicate patterns, revealing one shoulder, loose, and half of the waist exposed, cool, black belt, and loose shorts of the same color, blue background silver pattern red On the side, the feet are still not wearing shoes, but are covered by a strange cloth, revealing the white and lovely toes, a little small, like a child.

Before Shan Ling had time to react, the child suddenly "slapped", sat on the ground directly, and began to "splash". The tender voice was very clear and pleasant, and it could be heard that it was a blue child.

"Don't go, don't go, my feet hurt from walking!!"

There was a slight sound behind him, the sound of stepping on dead branches and breaking. The man in black walked up to him and knelt down. Long, like a small fan, very beautiful, he couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it, and the child really reached out, white and delicate hands, slender fingers.

Suddenly, the man looked up at him, and the child giggled, touching his face with his little paws, kneading and pinching, as if he was "playing hooligans".

"Yu, you look so good-looking, I will definitely want to be like you when I grow up."

It turned out that his name was "You", Shan Ling murmured in her heart, as if something was quietly flowing into her heart.

"Will do."

There was obviously no expression on that handsome face, but Shan Ling could clearly feel the deep affirmation contained in it.

"Yu, this place is far away from the 'Holy Mountain', please hug me." Although the child said so, he was already stuck to You's body, with his little paws tightly hugging his shoulders, his eyes wide open. Looking at each other with watery eyes.

From Yu's dark and deep eyes, Shan Ling saw the child's appearance, exquisite appearance, beautiful almond eyes, and a bright smile, which was exactly the same as when he was a child.

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