Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 29: Buying Drunk

As soon as I stepped into the gate, I was surrounded by a group of private room princesses with heavy makeup on my back.To be honest, I personally don't like such a noisy atmosphere.I still remember that when I was in college, I was forcibly dragged by my roommate once.Because I was not used to playing in the end, I slipped away quietly halfway.This incident was still used by my roommates to laugh at me for being a sissy.

Although I am no longer the young and yellow-haired kid back then.But suddenly surrounded by such a group of women.I still feel a little uncomfortable.So, I hastily turned a little sideways and flashed out of the encirclement.

I opened a private room as quickly as possible, and then ordered some beer and red wine.He drank silently alone.Maybe it's because of a bad mood.When drinking these wines with different tastes, they all turned into full of bitterness.I clicked through all the songs on the popular playlist, and then turned the music volume up to a deafening level.He continued to express his frustration freely.

I'm pretty confident about my drinking capacity.Although it is not enough to achieve a thousand cups without getting drunk.But these are clearly not enough at present.So all the wine I ordered was swept away very quickly.I began to wonder whether I should go out and then order drinks.But I don't want to deal with those old-fashioned private room princesses anymore.But just as I was getting into trouble, the door of the private room was gently pushed open.I saw a private room princess in revealing clothes suddenly appear in front of my eyes.I was just about to say that no special service is needed.But after touching her dodging eyes, he stopped abruptly.After a little hesitation, I waved to her.

The girl pulled her skirt that was too low unnaturally, and then walked towards me slowly.When I saw her nervous look, I knew she must have just come to do this job.I can't help but sigh for her: This is not a good job!

"Sir! Is there only one person? Would you like to order some more wine?" The girl's voice was nice, and she was a little shy!Originally, I also wanted to continue to order wine.Now that she has come in, it saves me to call other waiters.Then he nodded lightly and said to her: "You can figure it out! Order whatever you want! I just want to get drunk!"

The girl opened her mouth in surprise, apparently surprised by my answer.It's probably because she hasn't met a customer who is as talkative as me.I don't care much about that either!Continue to ask: "Is it ordered?"

The girl nodded immediately after regaining her senses: "Sorry! Please wait a moment."

Then he rushed out quickly.After a while, he walked in again carrying a pack of beer.We did not communicate during this time.She sensibly opened the wine bottles one by one.Then add ice cubes.I still drink one cup after another mechanically.And when she finished all this, she didn't get up and leave immediately.Instead, he continued to sit quietly and did not speak.Because I don't dislike this girl, so I let her continue to sit!

Time passed quickly without knowing it, and it was eleven o'clock in the evening in the blink of an eye.At this time, I have also started to get a little drunk.The little girl was still playing with the empty wine bottle boredly.Seeing me looking at her suddenly, I thought it was me who wanted to continue calling for drinks, so I hurriedly stood up.Seeing this, I just shook my head lightly and asked, "Can you sing? If you can, sing two songs! Playing alone is quite boring."

After she said "oh", she obediently went to order songs.Anyway, I don't want to go home tonight.Simply slow down the speed of drinking.Then, while listening to her singing, I began to think wildly.If... If I hadn't met Boyouping back then, what would it be like now?At my current age, have I already found a girl I like to marry?Maybe there is a naughty child?Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

The playlist at this time happened to cycle to Zhang Xinzhe's "From the beginning to the present", listening to this familiar melody.I accidentally picked up another microphone and began to sing along with great enthusiasm.

"If this is the end, why can't I forget you? Time has changed and we said goodbye. Innocence. If we meet again, we can't continue to lose. It's eternal punishment. My seriousness is that I'm too naive. Am I going to live my life like this? My kiss is doomed. I can’t kiss the person I love the most Waiting for you from the beginning I’ve been looking forward to it, and now it’s also impossible Can it be that love can be transferred to someone else, but fate is destined not to keep the person I love I can’t How can I be willing to admit that you are what I shouldn’t Beloved person……"

This song touched the deepest pain in my heart in this special atmosphere. After singing the song, I realized that I had burst into tears.Later, I drank more and more, and my whole person became ecstatic.

I don't know when, the phone in my pocket has been vibrating non-stop.I didn't even look at the caller ID, so I threw it on the table angrily and continued drinking.The girl was no longer surprised when she saw my movements, probably she was already numb by my shock.

I half-closed my eyes and watched her singing one after another.I have to admit that she sings as well as she speaks. I don't know if all the private room princesses sing so well.So I couldn't help asking: "Are you so undefended to everyone? Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The girl froze for a moment, then stopped singing and looked back at me and said, "I was scared at the beginning, but later I found out that you are not a bad person, so I am not afraid anymore."

After listening to her explanation, I couldn't help but smile bitterly.The phone on the table was still vibrating non-stop.But I didn't mean to answer.The girl looked at me quietly for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Are you really not answering? What if there is something urgent? It has been ringing for a long time."

The phone finally stopped vibrating, and I hesitated a little.In the end, he chose to pick up the phone.He half-closed his eyes and checked.Only to find out that there have been more than a dozen missed calls in this short period of time.Some numbers I know and some I don't.Just when I was hesitant to call back the past.The phone vibrated again.When I saw that it was Xiaohua calling, I naturally pressed the answer button.

"Where are you?"

The girl tactfully turned off the music when I picked up the phone.So Xiaohua's angry voice came over clearly.

I cleared my throat and replied, "I don't know either!" This was the truth, because when I came in, I didn't even look at the signboard.Now that I was suddenly asked, it would be strange to be able to speak up.

"Wu Xie, where are you now? Do you know that little brother is looking for you?"

Will he find me?I can't believe it.If it was in the past, I think I would believe it, and I would be very happy.But now I'm really not sure.

The girl saw that I really didn't know.So he whispered a reminder from the side: "The stars are shining."

I was a little dizzy so I didn't hear what she had to say.So he naturally asked back: "What did you just say? Speak louder!"

The girl had no choice but to raise the volume and said it again: "I said the name here is Starlight!"

This time she spoke a little louder.Not only did I hear it clearly, even the little flower on the other end of the phone heard it too!Only Xiaohua asked with some uncertainty: "Are you in the night room? And there is a woman beside you?"

I thought to myself what happened to a woman?I didn't do anything shameful.So he let out a soft "hmm".

"I advise you to get rid of her as soon as possible. Otherwise, you don't know how you will die in a while!" Xiaohua cut off the phone decisively.No more gossiping with me.

At this time, I was already dazzled by alcohol, so I didn't take Xiaohua's words to heart at all.After putting down the phone, not only did he not leave, but he drank even more happily.And this incident made me regret it for a long time in the end!

When I finally emptied all the wine bottles on the table, I realized that I was already a little staggering and it was difficult to stand still.I also had to hand the card to the girl and go to checkout.Then he leaned on the sofa and dozed off.The girl's work efficiency was very fast, and she folded back with my card in a short time.

Although I don't want to go home, I obviously can't sleep here either.So, after I settled the bill, I was ready to get up and leave.However, the tragedy happened at this time.Somewhat drunk, I just got up, and I don't know if I stepped on something.Suddenly, I felt my feet slip, and then my whole body fell forward hard.

When I was about to fall on a pile of wine bottles, the girl suddenly and subconsciously gave me a hand.But because her strength was too weak, my whole center of gravity was shifted, and I threw myself on her steadily.

It all happened so fast, and with all the alcohol I've been drinking.So, when Poker Bottle suddenly appeared at the door of the private room.All I saw was me on top of a woman with revealing clothes.I raised my head and looked towards the door in a daze, when I came across the fire-breathing eyes of Poker Bottle.Inexplicably, my heart suddenly became cold.

I don't know if the girl was frightened and stupid, so she kept letting me suppress her obediently.Seeing this, I was at a loss and wanted to get up from her.But he didn't expect that when he was halfway up, his feet slipped again and he jumped back again.The girl finally came back to her senses, screaming "Ahhh".While frantically trying to push me away.And her series of reactions immediately made me feel even more embarrassed.

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